Controlled character teleport and get stuck halfway in the floor - unity3d

im a beginner in unity and recently i started watching youtube tutorials to get preferences on how to do animation
to be more precisely, im watching this series of tutorial
i followed mostly every steps but some of them i can see was probably because of the different in version, and i wasn't able to follow through and have to try and work around
but when i start adding the jump input this problem start to show
Currently in play mode and got stuck after just a few steps
before the jump input, the character was working fine it can walk and run around perfectly, but after that the character start teleporting to the floor and froze. now even if i try to reverse the code it still doesnt work.
i have also read through the comments and there are some people having the same problem as my but none have a definite answer.
This gonna sound stupid but after i turn off unity and a night sleep it work fine again without doing anything. Still dont understand why it happend though

Sure looks like an animation offset problem to me. I've had this happen a bunch of times before. I'd try the following in this order, testing after each one:
On the jump animation, set Rig > Avatar Definition to "Create from this Model"
On the jump animation, in the Animation tab, tweak the jump animation clip's Root Transform Y Offset and apply until it looks right. I'd go +-.5f to start.
If neither of the previous steps work, download fresh animations from Mixamo. Unity has updated since the release of the tutorial, so it might import the original project files differently than how they were imported in the video.


How to make my cinemachine stop from shooting into outer space?

Im learning game developing and am now entering the camera follow subject, scrolled through a few tutorials and learned that I need a unity built-in utility called the Cinemachine, the concept seemed easy and I was pretty excited about implementing the cool camera following mechanism, but somehow, whenever I set my cinemachine follow target to the player(after adding the pixel perfect extension), it just keeps shifting my players coordinates, whether it being the x y or z ones, once it starts it cant even be stopped, as the only solution was to keep spamming CTRL+Z and reset it...(making a 2D game btw)
I tried changing some of the tags or changing the following target but all to no avail, even with other components, as long as I made it follow smth it would just disappear literally...
Expected some changes pr at least an improvement if I put other settings, but yea, sadly it didnt work

Unity - Models suddenly stuck in poses In-Editor and Animations messed up across project

Please Note: I'm having trouble placing pictures here, but I have a thread on the Unity Forums of this issue with images and additional video. Please refer:
This has been torturing my team for the past month and a half and we're all very lost.
My team and I are using Unity 2020.3.27f1 LTS. We had setup many characters across the game. Of course, when we designed them and place them in the world in the Unity Editor, they are in their default T-Pose and animating once the game plays. This has been how the project's been for the past year.
Then about a month and a half ago I did a bunch of edits related to character animation and performances in a scene and pushed it. From there, all characters across the project broke in some way. I have no idea why as I only edited a few animations for select characters and their triggers. I didn't touch any code.
When I say they all broke, it's in various ways. Some characters stopped working entirely or partially; an example being a character with a long coat but now the coat itself no longer animated at all with the rest of the body. Some had parts of their rig that started to bend, distort, and move oddly in ways they never did before on animation, most prominently their hands in most cases. Some contorted into random positions for no reason...
However, the biggest problem is that almost every character model now holds a pose in the Unity editor. We have no idea why. It's like Unity saved their last posed position and has made it their default pose forever. They hold that pose no matter what. You can remove all their animation components and it will still hold that pose instead of a T-Pose. It could be a sitting position. It could be an idle pose. Sometimes it's in a cringing position that models go into when their rigs are broken... But almost all of them will animate properly on Play Mode... With some animation errors as mentioned above. And this is on EVERY character. You can see some examples in the images below.
We've been scrambling to figure out why such a problem has occurred and it has been a huge setback. There's no logical reason why such a project-wide problem just suddenly happened. I went back into the commit history to find where it started and it began with my commit... But I did nothing that should have caused something like this. I was tweaking animation performances in one scene which doesn't even feature most of the characters or anything related to them. Now it suddenly damns the whole project and every character has been affected even if I hadn't touched them in a long time.
The weird thing is that the animation errors at least have an odd fix mostly. For some, but not all of the characters, if I delete their rig in the prefab and then put a rig back in the prefab fresh from the project files, their animation issues are mostly solved... But there's nothing actually different about the rig at all. It makes zero sense. This does not fix the posing issue though.
So far, I have no clue what is happening or why. Even putting in the fresh rig does not save the character from becoming affected by the posing issue eventually. The only clue I've been able to find is that in Prefab Mode, it T-Poses as it should, but if I click the Show Overrides checkbox it goes back into that pose. This leads me to believe that there is an Override issue, but I couldn't have triggered anything like that project-wide, I never even knew Overrides like this were a thing until I looked into this clue.
This leads me to believe this is an editor problem because nothing me or any of my team could have done should have caused all this mess to happen. Now we have to redo weeks of work to try and fix some of these issues and we still don't know how to fully stop these problem or why it's happening. At least one of these characters are still even more distorted than the images below on animation and we don't know why. It has forced a crash when I was looking more deeply into the animations at one point. The project/unity seems much more unstable since this began. One of my teammates sent a version to Unity via the Report a Bug function, but whenever I tried doing so myself as well, it never worked. We have yet to hear anything.
Anyone have any idea what is going on?!
It's a quite common issue for characters to lose T-pose in the Editor. I'm not sure exactly what causes that yet and I hope they fix it.
You may revert the character back into T-pose by selecting the object; → Going to the inspector, and at the top of the inspector you'll select "Overrides". There you'll be able to see any modifications done on Transforms or other components.
Select each transform of the rig's bones, then click on "revert selected".
Note that this is assuming your character is still linked to its original prefab and appears in blue on the hierarchy.
If your character was unpacked from its prefab then I'd recommend you just play a T-pose animation on play-mode, then copy the whole T-posed character on play mode and then stop the play-mode and paste it back into Edit-mode.
I hope that helps out.

Problem with loading next level in Unity 3D

I have a 3D game, and I added a trigger that loads the next level with a small animation when the player goes through it. It all works fine in Unity editor, but when I build the game it does not load the next level, neither it shows the animation. Any ideas what could be wrong? Thank you!
Hard to say without more detail, but in general it boils down to one of two things. Either the trigger is not firing, or there's a problem with the script.
Try attaching something else to the trigger, maybe something that will enable a disabled GameObject in a position that would be visible when you're hitting this trigger. If that doesn't show up, that tells you the problem is with the trigger.
Otherwise, you have a script issue. The most likely cause is that you're trying to load a scene that isn't listed in the project's Build Settings. Double-check that the scene for the level you're loading is in there, or it won't get built into the project. If the call to LoadScene/LoadSceneAsync is in your script before the call that is running the animation, then if it errors out due to the scene not being available, it would never reach the point where it plays the animation, which would explain what you're seeing.

Unity Animator Checking Too Slow

I'm currently just trying to learn to use the animator within Unity, I'm very in-exp at animation and don't understand it even in the editor as I focus on programming/scripting.
I have an animation and the states for the animations as-well as the conditions all working perfectly however the animation check for the next state is way to slow. I've tried changing the speed of the actual state but it speeds the animation up and makes it look like my character is walking insanely fast.
I've tried messing around with the frames, making them over a longer time period and making the speed of the state faster however it seems to counter act each other, when I make it longer frames the pace of the animation is slow and then when I make the speed of the state go quicker it just makes the frames tick faster making the animation faster.
What I believe is happening is that the check for the next state of animation is happening once the full animation has been played. However what I need is the check to be happening constantly (as if frame by frame of the unity game not the animation).
Any advice would be great, I've tried using youtube to solve this before coming here however most people are creating a platformer game where as I'm trying to aim for a top down 2d, all directional character movement instead of the linear x axis character movement., and outside libraries.
I deeply apologise for my inability to find a suitable source. I have literally just came across an article online that came across a simple solution.
basically if you can't be bothered to click the link and you are having the same problem,
find exit-time by clicking the transition and then in the inspector and untick it.

Unity 3D Undoes changes that I've made

I'm a newcomer to Unity3D development, and, while following a tutorial to make my first game, I noticed that a few steps I kept repeating as I flipped between the Unity application and my browser (chrome), which were both in full screen, certain steps that I had made would occasionally be reversed when I returned.
The two times I noticed it happening, GUISkins and Scripts that I'd added to game objects had been removed.
Has anyone had a similar problem? To prevent this, do I save the scene or the project? Does Unity offer some sort of Autosave function?
Thanks in advance :)
The changes made to the scene while the game is in play mode will not persist. Once you get out of the play mode, the changes made will be reverted.