Acumatica / Myob Advanced: add an email field - email

On Myob Advanced (Acumatica), we would like to add a salespersons email address to the Salespersons page (AR205000). This is so that we can then add this field to the Sales Order email template, allowing us to CC the salesperson in every time their customer places an order.
Ive tried to implement this extra field, "Salespersons Email Address"; but I am having some issues.
It will only allow me to save 25 characters within the text box? How come I'm unable to add more than 25 characters?
Email fields that come with the software all have the code of px:PXMailEdit. However, i cant seem to be able to create a MailEdit field, only a px:PXTextEdit field? Why is this?
Thanks for your help. If this doesnt make sense or you need further info LMK.

Currently, Layout Editor does not support PXMailEdit control. Please find below the steps to add a custom email field on the Salespersons screen:
For the SalesPerson DAC, ceate a new field of the string type with length set to 255 (this is the length defined in the PXDBEmailAttribute used on all email fields in Acumatica/MYOB Advanced):
Replace generated attributes with the attributes below, save your changes and publish customization:
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Email Address")]
Open the Salespersons screen in Layout Editor and add TextEdit control for the custom field declared on step 1, then save your changes:
Select Edit Project Items from the File menu and change control type from PX.Web.UI.PXTextEdit to PX.Web.UI.PXMailEdit in the XML changeset generated for the Salespersons screen, save your changes and publish customization one more time:
This is how custom email field should look like on the Salespersons screen after you complete the steps above:
Using Salesperson's email in Automation Notifications:
If you set up custom Email Address field from the Salespersons screen as CC address in Sales Order notification:
the system will automatically include Email Address from the Default Salesperson in notification message:
Using Salesperson's email in Notification Templates:
This might seem a litle confusing, but the Sales Person node available for selection on the Notification Templates screen represents an Employee linked with a Salesperson (see screenshot below for details):
With SalesOrderNotification's CC field set to ((SalesPerson.SalesPersonID.UsrEmailAddress)), the system should automatically include Email Address from the Default Salesperson in the generated email:


Validation rule for Google Form input to avoid duplicate values in different input fields?

I'm using a Google Form to let parents register their students in our after-school club. As we're 100% virtual (thanks, COVID-19!), parents must first sign up on a 3rd-part activity site, then create sub-accounts for their kids.
My Google form asks them to enter their parent username first, then later enter their kid's username on a second section of the form.
Despite the form instructions using a BOLD CAPS directive to enter their parent ID first, then their child's ID later, I have numerous respondents entering the same ID in both places.
Is there any way to use a validation rule to prevent them from doing this, i.e. (INPUT B) must not equal (INPUT A)?

How to send the "chosen drop down option" to reciepnt and not the respective email id assiciated with it in contactform7?

I am creating a form using contactform7. I have to dynamically change the recipient depending on the "country" selected from the drop-down list. I have successfully done that by:
[select* Recipient placeholder "Country" "China|" "Belgium|" "Canada|"]
Now, I want to send the country selected from the drop-down list to the email recipient. I have added [recipient] field in the message body under the mail tab of contactform7.
However, in the email, I get the respective email id of the chosen country from the drop-down as visible in the attached image. Though in drop-down I only added country names, not the email ids.
Can someone help me to send the only country names to the receiver and not the email id?
To get the value after pipe character, put the usual mail tag corresponding to the form tag ([your-recipient] in the case of the above example) in the Mail templates. To get value before pipe, you can use [raw{field name}] ([_raw_your-recipient]
This is completely explained in the Contact Form 7 Documentation
In your case, it's [_raw_Recipient]

Limit user to input email to just first part (can enter just name up to # sign)

I have form inside popup windows in which i enter user details for specific company (first/last name, password/confirm pass... etc.) I want to limit email input field to just enter first part of email format. In other words, i want user to input his name or anything else, and other part after # will be generated according to selected company from dropdown list.
Lets say that user can enter in x spaces
If anyone have sugestion for best way to do that, i will be very thankful. For information, i'm working with angular2
If talking about UI design, I think the best solution is to let the user to select the company name first and use an input control similar to Bootstrap Input Groups.
You'll need to change the domain according to your selection.

require at least one field in a group on Form Assembly for Salesforce integration

1-3 email addresses
types for those email addresses (corresponding with Salesforce's Personal, Work, and Alternate)
one of those email addresses to be the preferred/primary
Non-ideal solutions:
Create one field asking for type for each email field. Problems: difficult to validate that the same type isn't being selected for multiple addresses. Vague email fields require formula mapping in Salesforce connector instead of simple field to field mapping.
Create one field per email type + checkbox field next to each asking if it's their preferred email. Problems: difficult to validate that more than one checkbox isn't being checked. Don't want to make any of them required fields but want at least one to be populated.
I'm building this form for users without html coding experience and need a solution that will be easy to replicate. I figured out one solution and will post it in the answers.
Make five new fields in the form:
Radio or Picklist: "Preferred Email Address Type". Options: Personal, Work,
Alternate. Required field.
Text: "Personal Email"
Validation: Expected Input Format: Email.
Calculations: This is a variable. Name: "personalemail"
Text: "Work Email"
Validation: Expected Input Format: Email.
Calculations: This is a variable. Name: "workemail"
Text: "Alternate Email"
Validation: Expected Input Format: Email.
Calculations: This is a variable. Name: "alternateemail"
Text: "Email Check"
Validation: Expected Input Format: Custom... Validate with a Regular Expression: /[^0]+/
Calculations: This is a calculated field. Formula: personalemail+workemail+alternateemail
How this works:
When all three email fields are blank, the Email Check field displays 0. The regular expression returns an error if the field exactly = 0. None of the 3 email fields should be required on the form itself, allowing some to be left blank but not allowing all of them to be left blank.
Bonus: If you want to hide the Email Check field, you can't make it a hidden field and keep the validation. Create a new section, put the field in the section, and hide the section and the field won't be visible on the form but will still validate appropriately.

Customer name incomplete on order confirmation

Came across the following during a project:
Customer fills out his/her name during checkout: Firstname Middlename Lastname
The confirmation email sent contains incomplete name in the form of "Firstname Lastname" on the first sentence of the confirmation
I looked at the mail templates and the function order.getCustomerName() does not seem to retrieve all the information.
You can set this in the customer address settings of admin.
Admin → System → configuration → Customer Configuration → Name and Address Options → Show Middle Name (initial).
Showing more than the initial in the templates is something you will have to investigate further. In the UK we keep the form simple and don't ask middle names.