Is there a way to center text in PowerShell - powershell

How can we center text in PowerShell? WindowWidth doesn't exist apparently, so is there a way somehow to keep the text centered?
We want this output :
So I wrote
for ($i=1; $i -le 7; $i+=2)
write-host("*" * $i)
But we get

function Write-HostCenter { param($Message) Write-Host ("{0}{1}" -f (' ' * (([Math]::Max(0, $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width / 2) - [Math]::Floor($Message.Length / 2)))), $Message) }
Write-HostCenter '*'
Write-HostCenter '***'
Write-HostCenter '*****'

I had a bit of fun and wrote some code based on this, that makes a box and center the text inside.
Im sure someone can make a cleaner version, but this do the job just fine :)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function MakeTopAndButtom
$string = "# "
for($i = 0; $i -lt $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 4; $i++)
$string = $string + "-"
$string = $string + " #"
return $string
function MakeSpaces
$string = "# "
for($i = 0; $i -lt $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 4; $i++)
$string = $string + " "
$string = $string + " #"
return $string
function CenterText
$string = "# "
for($i = 0; $i -lt (([Math]::Max(0, $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width / 2) - [Math]::Max(0, $Message.Length / 2))) - 4; $i++)
$string = $string + " "
$string = $string + $Message
for($i = 0; $i -lt ($Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - ((([Math]::Max(0, $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width / 2) - [Math]::Max(0, $Message.Length / 2))) - 2 + $Message.Length)) - 2; $i++)
$string = $string + " "
$string = $string + " #"
return $string
function LinesOfCodeInCorrentFolder
return (gci -include *.ps1 -recurse | select-string .).Count
$MakeTopAndButtom = MakeTopAndButtom
$MakeSpaces = MakeSpaces
$lines = LinesOfCodeInCorrentFolder
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CenterText "Lines of .ps1 code in this folder: $($lines)"
CenterText "Press any key to exit"
This gives an output like this:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# Lines of .ps1 code in this folder: 6524 #
# Press any key to exit #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

You can calculate the spaces you need to add and then include them as follows:
$Width = 3
for ($i=1; $i -le 7; $i+=2)
Write-Host (' ' * ($width - [math]::floor($i / 2))) ('*' * $i)


Windows Powershell equivalent to this Linux command that calculates a number to 10000 decimal places?

I have seen this fun little command going around on social media, which outputs pi to 10000 decimal places. I'm wondering what is the Windows Powershell equivalent to this?
echo "scale=10000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l
I know I can use the Powershell Math library to do the basic math formula, but how to set the number of decimal places to 10000?
PS C:\Users\Me> [Math]::Atan(1)*4
The [Math] class only works with double so obviously you can't get more than 53 bits of precision. A few of its methods also support decimal so you'll get a little bit more digits but obviously no way near 10000 digits. There's no arbitrary precision floating point type in .NET so you're completely on your own to calculate the digits if you don't want to retrieve them from some storage space
There's BigInteger (PowerShell type accelerator name: [bigint]) though, which helps a lot since you won't need to do arbitrary precision math yourself. For example to calculate 10000 digits of π you can calculate 10000π and does the operations in integer or fixed point math
There are many algorithms to do that such as this one: How does this code calculate pi with high precision?
Fortunately Rosetta Code has a sample snippet to calculate π. After the below function has been declared just call Get-Pi 10000 to get the desired output
Function Get-Pi ( $Digits )
$Big = [bigint[]](0..10)
$ndigits = 0
$Output = ""
$q = $t = $k = $Big[1]
$r = $Big[0]
$l = $n = $Big[3]
# Calculate first digit
$nr = ( $Big[2] * $q + $r ) * $l
$nn = ( $q * ( $Big[7] * $k + $Big[2] ) + $r * $l ) / ( $t * $l )
$q *= $k
$t *= $l
$l += $Big[2]
$k = $k + $Big[1]
$n = $nn
$r = $nr
$Output += [string]$n + '.'
$nr = $Big[10] * ( $r - $n * $t )
$n = ( ( $Big[10] * ( 3 * $q + $r ) ) / $t ) - 10 * $n
$q *= $Big[10]
$r = $nr
While ( $ndigits -lt $Digits )
While ( $ndigits % 100 -ne 0 -or -not $Output )
If ( $Big[4] * $q + $r - $t -lt $n * $t )
$Output += [string]$n
$nr = $Big[10] * ( $r - $n * $t )
$n = ( ( $Big[10] * ( 3 * $q + $r ) ) / $t ) - 10 * $n
$q *= $Big[10]
$r = $nr
$nr = ( $Big[2] * $q + $r ) * $l
$nn = ( $q * ( $Big[7] * $k + $Big[2] ) + $r * $l ) / ( $t * $l )
$q *= $k
$t *= $l
$l += $Big[2]
$k = $k + $Big[1]
$n = $nn
$r = $nr
$Output = ""

Blank result for String concatenation in foreach

There might not be the best way but what is wrong with this code. Why do i get blank result from $str in the foreach loop, whereas if it try to concatenate individual cells i get the right result.
$csv = import-csv -Path "C:\Users\abc\csv4script\TEST.csv" -Header 'IPs'
$str = ''
$x = 1
foreach ($cell in $csv.){
if ($x -le 4000){
$str = $str + ", " + $cell.IPs
if ($x -eq 4000){
$x = 1}
$str = ''
$x = $x + 1
# $str = $str + $csv[1].IPs + ", " + $csv[2].IPs
It doesn't have a value because you misplaced a '}' character.
$x = 1}
Move it to after $str = ''
$x = 1
$str = ''}
Also as Thomas pointed out, remove the period after $csv variable in your foreach statement, it should be like: foreach($cell in $csv)
Also if you want to increment a value,
$x++ is quicker and easier to read than $x = $x + 1
Lastly, as you have it, if your list has more than 4000 IPs the $str variable will empty out.

powershell Fibonacci sequence stops early

when i enter 55 i want the function to print the fibonacci sequence 55 times but the sequence stops at 55
function Get-Fibonacci ($n) {
$current = 0 ;
$previous = 1;
while ($current -lt $n) {
$current,$previous = ($current+$previous),$current
function Get-Fibonacci ($n) {
$current = 0 ;
$previous = 1;
for ($i=0; $i -lt $n; $i++) {
$current,$previous = ($current+$previous),$current
Here's an answer which doesn't rewrite using a for loop:
function Get-Fibonacci ($n) {
$current = 0 ;
$previous = 1;
while ($position -lt $n) {
'{0} : {1}' -f $position,$current
$current,$previous = ($current+$previous),$current

Powershell: HSL to RGB

I need to convert HSL color values to RGB, or to be more precise HSL-values to a System.Drawing.Color object with Powershell.
There are a few solutions in other prog.-languages out there (like LINK). But while it looks simple, I dont get it converted it into Powershell.
Function HSLtoRGB ($H,$S,$L) {
$H = [double]($H / 360)
$S = [double]($S / 100)
$L = [double]($L / 100)
if ($s -eq 0) {
$r = $g = $b = $l
else {
if ($l -lt 0.5){
$q = $l * (1 + $s)
else {
$q = $l + $s - $l * $s
$p = (2 * $L) - $q
$r = (Hue2rgb $p $q ($h + 1/3))
$g = (Hue2rgb $p $q $h )
$b = (Hue2rgb $p $q ($h - 1/3))
$r = [Math]::Round($r * 255)
$g = [Math]::Round($g * 255)
$b = [Math]::Round($b * 255)
return ($r,$g,$b)
function Hue2rgb ($p, $q, $t) {
if ($t -lt 0) { $t++ }
if ($t -gt 0) { $t-- }
if ($t -lt 1/6) { return ( $p + ($q + $p) * 6 * $t ) }
if ($t -lt 1/2) { return $q }
if ($t -lt 2/3) { return ($p + ($q - $p) * (2/3 - $t) * 6 ) }
return $p
HSLtoRGB 63 45 40 # result should be R 145 G 148 B 56
Let's start with the line you're having trouble with translating:
$q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; #could not translate this line
This construct:
statement ? someValue : anotherValue;
is known as a ternary operation. It basically means:
} else {
So in PowerShell that becomes:
$q = if($l -lt 0.5){
$l * (1 + $s)
} else {
$l + $s - $l * $s
Your translation of the inline Hue2Rgb function has two typos that greatly change the calculation:
function Hue2rgb ($p, $q, $t) {
if ($t -lt 0) { $t++ }
if ($t -gt 0) { $t-- } # This condition should be ($t -gt 1)
if ($t -lt 1/6) { return ( $p + ($q + $p) * 6 * $t ) } # The innermost calculation should be ($q - $p) not ($q + $p)
if ($t -lt 1/2) { return $q }
if ($t -lt 2/3) { return ($p + ($q - $p) * (2/3 - $t) * 6 ) }
return $p
Regarding the input values, if you take a look at the comments in the original script:
* Assumes h, s, and l are contained in the set [0, 1] and
* returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].
So if you want to pass your input values as degrees (hue) and percentages (saturation + luminance), you'll have to handle a conversion to a relative value between 0 and 1:
Function HSLtoRGB ($H,$S,$L) {
$H = [double]($H / 360)
$S = [double]($S / 100)
$L = [double]($L / 100)
# rest of script
Lastly, you can use Color.FromArgb() to return an actual Color object:
$r = [Math]::Round($r * 255)
$g = [Math]::Round($g * 255)
$b = [Math]::Round($b * 255)
return [System.Drawing.Color]:FromArgb($r,$g,$b)

Is there a string concatenation shortcut in PowerShell?

Like with numerics?
For example,
$string = "Hello"
$string =+ " there"
In Perl you can do
my $string = "hello"
$string .= " there"
It seems a bit verbose to have to do
$string = $string + " there"
$string = "$string there"
You actually have the operator backwards. It should be +=, not =+:
$string = "Hello"
$string += " there"
Below is a demonstration:
PS > $string = "Hello"
PS > $string
PS > $string += " there"
PS > $string
Hello there
PS >
However, that is about the quickest/shortest solution you can get to do what you want.
Avoid += for building strings
As for using the increase assignment operator (+=) to create a collection, strings are also mutual, therefore using the increase assignment operator (+=) to build a string might become pretty expensive as it will concatenate the strings and assign (copy!) it back into the variable. Instead I recommend to use the PowerShell pipeline with the -Join operator to build your string.
Apart from the fact it is faster it is actually more DRY as well:
$String = 'Hello', 'there' -Join ' ' # Assigns: 'Hello there'
Or just
-Join #('One', 'Two', 'Three') # Yields: 'OneTwoThree'
For just a few items it might not make much sense but let me give you a a more common example by creating a formatted list of numbers, something like:
You could do this:
$x = 3
$String = '[Begin]' + [Environment]::NewLine
for ($i = 1; $i -le $x; $i++) { $String += '{0:000000}' -f $i + [Environment]::NewLine }
$String += '[End]' + [Environment]::NewLine
But instead, you might actually do it the PowerShell way:
$x = 3
$String = #(
for ($i = 1; $i -le $x; $i++) { '{0:000000}' -f $i }
) -Join [Environment]::NewLine
Performance Testing
To show the performance decrease of using the increase assignment operator (+=), let's increase $x with a factor 1000 up till 20.000:
1..20 | ForEach-Object {
$x = 1000 * $_
$Performance = #{x = $x}
$Performance.Pipeline = (Measure-Command {
$String1 = #(
for ($i = 1; $i -le $x; $i++) { '{0:000000}' -f $i }
) -Join [Environment]::NewLine
$Performance.Increase = (Measure-Command {
$String2 = '[Begin]' + [Environment]::NewLine
for ($i = 1; $i -le $x; $i++) { $String2 += '{0:000000}' -f $i + [Environment]::NewLine }
$String2 += '[End]' + [Environment]::NewLine
} | Format-Table x, Increase, Pipeline, #{n='Factor'; e={$_.Increase / $_.Pipeline}; f='0.00'} -AutoSize
x Increase Pipeline Factor
- -------- -------- ------
1000 261337 252704 1,03
2000 163596 63225 2,59
3000 432524 127788 3,38
4000 365581 137370 2,66
5000 586370 171085 3,43
6000 1219523 248489 4,91
7000 2174218 295355 7,36
8000 3148111 323416 9,73
9000 4490204 373671 12,02
10000 6181179 414298 14,92
11000 7562741 447367 16,91
12000 9721252 486606 19,98
13000 12137321 551236 22,02
14000 14042550 598368 23,47
15000 16390805 603128 27,18
16000 18884729 636184 29,68
17000 21508541 708300 30,37
18000 24157521 893584 27,03
19000 27209069 766923 35,48
20000 29405984 814260 36,11
See also: PowerShell scripting performance considerations - String addition