Why can't I call the Scala Seq.empty[Int]() method? - scala

I'm trying to create a class with an attribute named _1d_matrix, which is a 1D matrix. I would want to fill it with 0.
Thus, I tried to call the method empty of the Seq object (of course not the trait), as mentionned in the documentation : http://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.12.3/scala/collection/Seq$.html#empty[A]:CC[A]
For the moment my code is :
class Calc(val width : Int) {
private val _1d_matrix : Seq.empty[Int]()
But there are three errors :
empty is undefined
() can't be written (2 errors : "; or newline is expected" + "definition or declaration is expected")
I think it's because it's not allowed to directly make use of Seq instead of List (e.g.). But : why ? After all, Seq is an object (and a trait but not in my code).

Right way to initialize field looks like this:
private val _1d_matrix = Seq.empty[Int]
private val _1d_matrix: Seq[Int] = Seq()

There are two ways to define a 0-arity (no arguments) method in scala - with a pair of parenthesis after the name def exit(), and without one: def empty.
When it is defined in the former way, you can call it with or without parenthesis: exit() or exit - both work. But when parenthesis are not included into the method definition, you can not have them at the call site either: Seq.empty[Int] works, but Seq.empty[Int]() does not.
The convention is to use parenthesis for functions that have side effects, and not use them for purely functional calls.
The other problem with your code is that you have a : where it needs to be an assignment.
So, something like this should work:
val _1d_matrix = Seq.empty[Int]

Your thinking is correct but you have a couple syntax errors.
private val _1d_matrix : Seq.empty[Int]()
: here is used to define a type annotation, so it's trying to find the type Seq.empty rather than the method. That fails because there is no such type.
Use = instead to assign a value. Adding the type here is optional since Scala is able to infer the correct type.
The other is that the empty method is defined without parens, so you must use Seq.empty[Int] instead of Seq.empty[Int]()


Is it possible to create a secondary constructor without a macro annotation in Scala?

I would like to create a macro that generates a secondary constructor{'s body). Is it possible to do this without resorting to macro annotations? (i.e. macro-paradise plugin)
For example:
Something like this:
class A(a : String, b : String) {
def this(s : List[Any]) = macro fromlist
Should be equivalent to something like this:
class A(a : String, b : String) {
def this(s : List[Any]) = this(s.head.toString, s.tail.head.toString)
Simply using the "macro" keyword does not seem to help. Is this completely disallowed in plain Scala? Thanks.
The problem is, that a constructor is not a method returning a new instance, but a method initializing an already created one. (So the = in your constructor definition does not make sense, the parent constructor does not return anything).
The next problem is, that an alternative constructor in Scala has to call an other constructor as the first step, you cannot call something else, not even a macro.
You could however call a macro to generate the parameters to this, like
this(fromList(s): _*)
But why would you even want to do that? It is very uncommon in Scala to have multiple constructors. The common way is to have an overloaded apply method in the companion object. You don't have any restrictions there.

What does the : mean after a value in Scala?

I just started learning Scala, and I've noticed that : is used in many places. Most of the time, the : usage makes sense, e.g. after parameter names or method declarations. The following usage confuses me, however:
val a = Seq[String]("a", "b")
a :+ "c"
def myMethod(varargs: String*) {
// ...
val a = Seq[String]("a", "b", "c")
What exactly is the : doing in these cases? Why can't I call a._* directly?
The two usages that you are asking about are two completely different cases.
a :+ "c"
The : doesn't mean anything by itself here; it's part of a method named :+, which appends an element to a Seq.
Here, you have a method myMethod which takes a variable number of arguments. You want to use the Seq to fill the arguments; the : _* indicates that you want to do that (rather than pass the Seq itself as the first argument of the method).
Note that : has a special meaning if a method name ends with : (not if it begins with : as in your first example). In that case, the method will be right-associative; it means that the method will be called on the thing on the right, with the thing on the left as the argument, rather than the reverse.
It is telling the compiler that you want your sequence to be taken apart and supplied as separate parameters.
def myMethod(varargs: String*) = {
// varargs is a Seq
val x:Seq[String] = varargs
// Calling it is different
myMethod("a", "b")
// To call using a seq, you need to signal the compiler
myMethod(mySeqOfString: _*)
// They choose the `:` because this would be valid too:
myMethod(myString: String)
Int the other example you gave a :+ "c" the : has a different meaning. It's simply part of the method name. They could have named it append, but they chose :+. The reason is that the : in +: has a special meaning: bind to the right. This allows for "c" +: a. So for sake of consistency they probably chose :+ for append and +: for prepend.
:+ is a method on Seq[A] which appends the given item to the sequence.
In the second example, myMethod(a : _*) the a : _* is used to pass a sequence as the variable argument list to the myMethod function.
The significance of the colon in Scala varies according to context.
As you note, it separates an identifier in a declaration from its type.
It can also appear as part of an operator involving a sequence.
Since an operator in Scala is really just a method, its use here is arbitrary, but you can rely on the convention that the colon is on the side of a binary operator that points to the sequence.
So your example
a :+ "c"
Appends the string "c" to a sequence of strings, while
"c" +: a
Prepends the string to the sequence. (Or, more precisely in the case of an immutable sequence, returns a new sequence resulting from the prepend/append operation. See documentation)
Your final example
myMethod(a: _*)
(Which I had to look up thanks for teaching! see documentation) tells the compiler to expand the sequence as varargs (rather than as a single argument).

How should Scala default arguments to refer to a previous positional argument?

Scala-lang reference 5.5.1 and 6.6.1 gave me the impression that a default parameter would be able to refer to a previously evaluated one:
class Test(val first: String, val second: String = first)
but from experimenting it seems the only way to do this is to use the form:
class Test(val first: String)(val second: String = first)
and then define an auxiliary constructor or a creational companion class to avoid specifying the second set of brackets when creating. I don't really understand how this second constructor works, it looks like a curried function so I might guess that it is necessary to evaluate first independently of second, is this correct? Is this form necessary or is there some syntatic sugar I can use to tweak the first constructor into doing what I want?
As Travis Brown points out, you can indeed only refer to a previous argument in a default expression when it is from a previous argument list (so you do need to currify).
Now, regarding your particular use case, default arguments and method overloading are sometimes two ways of achieving the same thing.
I think the simplest solution to your scenario is simply to define Test as follows:
class Test(val first : String, val second : String) {
def this(f : String) = this(f, f)
If you want to make it more complicated, an alternative way, using a companion object:
class Test(val first : String)(val second : String = first)
object Test {
def apply(f : String) = new Test(f)
def apply(f : String, s : String) = new Test(f)(s)
(A small difference is that now you create objects without new.)
What you cannot do, is define it as:
class Test(val first : String)(val second : String = first) {
def this(f : String, s : String) = this(f)(s)
...because the curried version gets translated into (among other things) a method with the same signature as the overloaded contructor.
From 5.3 of the spec:
The scope of a formal value parameter includes all subsequent
parameter sections and the template t.
Regular methods are the same, by the way (from 4.6):
The scope of a formal value parameter name x comprises all
subsequent parameter clauses, as well as the method return type and
the function body, if they are given.
I.e., whether you've got a constructor or an ordinary method, a value parameter name isn't in scope in its own parameter clause. In your second version the constructor has two parameter clauses, and first is only in scope in the second. See 5.3 for more detail about multiple parameter clauses.

Omitting dots when chaining calls

I don't understand why the following code doesn't compile:
class Abc
def b (x : String) = x + "abc"
def a (y : String) =
val ls : List[String] = y.lines toList
b (ls.head)
Main.scala:8: error: type mismatch;
found : java.lang.String
required: Int
b (ls.head)
When I change "y.lines toList" to
or even to
y.lines toList;
it does compile.
Perhaps the compiler understands it like
(y.lines).toList(b (ls.head))
or something like that, but I still don't understand the rules.
It's not obvious, and it's a combination of Scala's shortcut syntax and list indexing. If you want a hint, try redefining b to:
def b(x : String) = 0
You'll get some other compiler garbage back, but the error will change. In short, the Scala compiler will let you omit parens and dots for zero- or one-parameter methods, and we know b looks like it's somehow getting chained.. The rub is that Scala also uses parens for list indexing, so toList, which returns an iterator, may take one parameter as the list index. I'm not sure of this part exactly, but it looks like once you start omitting dots, the lexer will become greedy, and when it comes across a method that may take one parameter, will attempt to pass the next statement to it. In this case, that's a string, so it throws a syntax error.
You got it spot on with this:
(y.lines).toList(b (ls.head))
With the only possible correction being:
I'm not sure that Scala would decide in this particular case.
The rule, roughly speaking, is object (method parameters)* [method]. The compiler will continue as long as it finds tokens for a valid expression. A ; finishes the expression, and so would a ) or }. If the next line is blank, the expression also ends. If the next line begins with a reserved keyword (val, def, if, etc), the expression would end too.

When is a scala partial function not a partial function?

While creating a map of String to partial functions I ran into unexpected behavior. When I create a partial function as a map element it works fine. When I allocate to a val it invokes instead. Trying to invoke the check generates an error. Is this expected? Am I doing something dumb? Comment out the check() to see the invocation. I am using scala 2.7.7
def PartialFunctionProblem() = {
def dream()() = {
new Exception().printStackTrace()
val map = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,()=>Unit]()
map("dream") = dream() // partial function
map("dream")() // invokes as expected
val check = dream() // unexpected invocation
check() // error: check of type Unit does not take parameters
For convenience, Scala lets you omit empty parens when calling a method, but it's clever enough to see that the expected type in the first case is ()=>Unit, so it doesn't remove all the parens for you; instead, it converts the method into a function for you.
In the val check case, however, it looks just like a function call result getting assigned to a variable. In fact, all three of these do the exact same thing:
val check = dream
val check = dream()
val check = dream()()
If you want to turn the method into a function, you place _ after the method in place of the argument list(s). Thus,
val check = dream() _
will do what you want.
Well, the problem is that you got it all wrong. :-)
Here are some conceptual mistakes:
def dream()() = {
new Exception().printStackTrace()
This is not a partial function. This is a curried method with two empty parameter lists which returns Unit.
val map = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,()=>Unit]()
The type of the values in this map is not partial function, but function. Specifically, Function0[Unit]. A partial function would have type PartialFunction[T, R].
map("dream") = dream() // partial function
What happens here is that Scala converts the partially applied method into a function. This is not a simple assignment. Scala does the conversion because the type inferencer can guess the correct type.
val check = dream() // unexpected invocation
Here there's no expected type to help the type inferencer. However, empty parameter lists can be ommitted, so this is just a method call.