wkhtmltopdf not working in Eclipse and/or Spyder - eclipse

Trying to export a webpage as pdf in Eclipse or Spyder, I can successfully run the following script in the Mac terminal:
import pdfkit
import wkhtmltopdf
pdfkit.from_url('http://google.com', 'out.pdf')
But, this script does not work in either Eclipse PyDev or Anaconda Spyder giving the following error:
IOError: No wkhtmltopdf executable found: ""
If this file exists please check that this process can read it. Otherwise please install wkhtmltopdf - https://github.com/JazzCore/python-pdfkit/wiki/Installing-wkhtmltopdf
ERROR: Module: xxxx could not be imported (file: /Users/MyMac/Documents/myproject/mwe.py).
Note that I am using Python 2.7 and it seems wkhtmltopdf does not work properly in Python 3.*
Also, I have added wkhtmltopdf's folder to PYTHONPATH.

You need to add the ..\wkhtmltopdf\bin to your PYTHONPATH.
In Eclipse go to project -> properties -> PyDev-PYTHONPATH and at the register External Libraries add your source folder (full path to ..\wkhtmltopdf\bin).


Python Cannot Find Module Located in Sub-Directory when Importing QAxContainer from PyQt5

Python appears to be unable to locate the module QAxContainer in PyQt5. The package was installed using Conda and is present in a sub-directory of PyQt5 but cannot be located. Additional testing with pip resulted in the same error.
Ubuntu 20.04
Python 3.8.5
conda list
pyqt5 5.15.2 pypi_0 pypi
from PyQt5 import QAxContainer
ImportError: cannot import name 'QAxContainer' from 'PyQt5' (/home/brian/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PyQt5/init.py)
However, qaxcontainer.py is present in /home/brian/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PyQt5/uic/widget-plugins
There should be QAxContainer.pyd and QAxContainer.pyi at /home/brian/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PyQt5/. If you dont have them maybe there's a problem with the package, try reinstalling PyQt5.
According to antonio2924, QAxContainer.pyd and QAxContainer.pyi should be located at /home/brian/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PyQt5/. The .pyd file extension is specific to Windows. Furthermore:
The QAxContainer module is a Windows-only extension for accessing
ActiveX controls and COM objects. See, https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qaxcontainer-module.html
I am running Ubuntu 20.04, which explains why QAxContainer is not being installed.

Python venv is giving errno 2 in visual studio code

I tried to make a virtual environment as stated in the documentation of the visual studio code. I have already installed python 3.7.3 and anaconda on the system.
I did the following and I'm using vs code version 1.34 and windows 10:
I made an empty folder and used this line of code as stated in official documentation:
py -3 -m venv .venv
I expected a folder named .venv that has scripts folder with 'activate' file in it. As i have tested this method which worked on other systems with the same configuration, But instead i get the below error message:
Error: [Errno 2]: no such file or directory : 'C:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\venv\\scripts\\nt\\python.exe'
It look like installer is broken, or so...
Copy from Python 3 installation folder:
Files: python.exe, python.pdb, python_d.exe, python_d.pdb, pythonw.exe & pythonw.pdb to folder: C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\venv\scripts\nt\
That's because, in the python version you are trying create virtual environment venv [ in other cases -> vitualenv] has not been installed.
environment building process fails after python global version hand over to the specific version.
you can get idea how to install vitualenv on a specific version from the link below.
Dealing with multiple python versions and pip

Python Cryptography Error ImportError: cannot import name certificate_transparency

In cryptography which was included using pip install PyCrpto giving an error after including it in a flask application where we are running it using virtual environment have named it venv and have this dependency correctly installed in venv > lib > python2.7 > site-packages.
Below is the exact error which I am getting here.
from cryptography.x509 import certificate_transparency
ImportError: cannot import name certificate_transparency
But as can be seen in screenshot file cryptography.x509.certificate_transparency.py is there in file structure and even on trying python -c "from cryptography.x509 import certificate_transparency" doesn't show any warnings but here it shows error which is also marked in red.
What can be possibly wrong here ?
I came across this problem when I was building an updated Python Crypto module for shipping with Solaris (see https://www.jmcpdotcom.com/blog/2018-02-21-im-embarrassed-to-admit-it/).
The root cause in your case appears to be that you haven't installed it in the right place. While you claim above that it's "correctly installed" in venv > lib > python2.7 > site-packages the screenshot shows that it is in fact in venv/lib/cryptography. If you move the cryptography dir down a level I would expect that your import would work.

Issue with dependencies running python file on another PC

I have a python file running perfectly in the IDE.
I want to run it on a different PC without any IDE.
I run the program from the command line: python program.py
Error message: File "program.py", line 8, in
from mpl_finance import candlestick_ohlc
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mpl_finance'
When trying: pip install mpl_finance (or pip install mpl_toolkits)
I get the message: No matching distribution found for mpl_finance (or mpl_toolkits)
There also seems to be a problem with matplotlib backend.
Looking for a solution please.
After many failed paths, here's what worked:
matplotlib.finance is deprecated and it is now mpl_finance.
Create 2 files named mpl_finance.py and setup.py and get their contents from here.
Then from the command-line: python setup.py install
Fixing the backend (this can save you a few days):
If the backend of matplotlib was set in a file original PC (and not in the code). Then you need to do the same on the second PC.
Windows Path: C:\Program Files\Python36\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\mpl-data\matplotlibrc
Change (probably line 38) to this: backend : Qt5Agg

ImportError: No module named zope.interface

I am trying to run server for iphone using http://www.raywenderlich.com/3932/how-to-create-a-socket-based-iphone-app-and-server
My machine is mac 10.6.8
Python version : 2.7.3
I dont have any knowledge regarding python.
i have installed Twisted-12.1.0 additionally but still i am getting this error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chatserver.py", line 1, in
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/protocol.py", line 15, in
from zope.interface import implements
ImportError: No module named zope.interface
later i have downloaded zope.app.wsgi-3.15.0 4 but i dont know how to use it.
The problem is that an __init__.py file is not present under zope directory so this directory is not scanned for imports.
Creating a blank __init__.py file under zope directory will do the trick.
I solved this error in UNIX by browsing to the zope directory by executing:
$touch __init__.py
I can confirm that this works also with virtualenv pip installation of zope interface
Here's a solution
It says that installing a zope module through pip breaks your zope installation because pip installs it in another directory other than the original zope module directory.
From the link
After install a zope module using pip, for example z3c.password your
zope installation gets broken.
This is because pip have installed the module in
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/zope and the original module
zope.interface is in /usr/share/pyshared/zope/interface/ and has minor
relevance when importing.
What worked for me is (also given in the link):
cd /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zope
sudo ln -s /usr/share/pyshared/zope/interface/
Off the top of my head you can use easy_install for this.
You will need the python-setuptools then you should be able to use
easy_install zope.interface
If I remember correctly however twisted should be installed as part of OS X python install. Do a quick Google for installing zope.interface for Mac OS X. As twisted is such a widely used library there is plenty of information out there.