xpath for named LabeledStatement or BreakStatement - pmd

I want to create a PMD rule to forbid usage of labeled statements
Sadly I could not find a common XPath for such statements.
I need a XPath query which finds
//LabeledStatement for the labels itself
and for the
ContinueStatement and BreakStatement i would need a possiblity to check if a label is defined there.
From the PMD Rule builder (XPath builder) the labels are defined as:
BreakStatement:loop (loop is the defined label name and could be anything)
ContinueStatement:loop (loop is the defined label name and could be anything)
can someone give me a hint what XPath I should define?

You are on a very good track. Using the rule designer is a great way to figure this one out, specially since PMD 6.0.0 which revamped the GUI.
As you figured, //LabeledStatement will match all labels (which you don't want), and //BreakStatement and //ContinueStatement will flag all break / continues, which you only want to flag if they are followed by a tag.
Therefore, you simply need to check if those have a tag set or not. Using the designer to inspect properties of those AST nodes makes it easy to figure it out, the attribute where the label is stored is the Image, which is null when none is defined. As XPath stringifies all attributes, a null value is an empty string.
//LabeledStatement | //BreakStatement[#Image != ""] | //ContinueStatement[#Image != ""]
Will match:
All labels
All breaks with a label
All continues with a label


iText DITO - How can I use a fields Data name as a reference in a calculation?

In iText's DITO template designer product, I have one field which has a fairly complex calculation. In another field, I want to use the result of that calculation.
The tooltip says "Identifier used for referencing fields in calculation expressions". So I assumed if I named it blah I can use it in a calculation in another field like this: sum({{blah}},42) (e.g. add 42 to the value of blah). But if I do that I get the error
Unable to resolve reference: "{{blah}}" in node with tag: <span> and text:
The iText DITO documentation does not elaborate on this feature at all. I'm evaluating iText DITO and there does not seem to be any way to get support while evaluating the product.
Suppose I have a field with a very complex calculation. In order to reuse the calculation result, I can do the following:
Give a name to this field (in the image below I've chosen name "total")
Insert a calculation to another field (where I want to reuse "total")
Add "total" as the calculation's body:
That's it, now the total value is reused:
I think the documentation you are looking for is at https://kb.itextpdf.com/home/ditokb/latest/manuals/itext-dito-editor/calculations
You have to give the rich text element a name in the properties to be able to reference it on other rich text element and/or calculations.
See image example at https://kb.itextpdf.com/home/ditokb/files/latest/68620314/68620309/1/1660291029000/image2020-5-27_17-56-41.png

TCA configuration: Value of field should be copied to translated record

I am adding a field to the pages table (is a relation to a file) and would like the value of the field in the pages record to be copied to the translated record by default.
Currently, the copied field is empty (default value), which is probably a good idea in most cases.
I am thinking of something that behaves like l10n_mode = prefixLangTitle without the prefix.
Depending on the TYPO3 version this should be possible with one of the following behaviours for the inline field:
Sine the localizeChildrenWithParentLocalization feature is broken with pages and pages_language_overlay though, I guess the only working versions would be CMS 8 or 9 with properly configured language synchronization.
['behaviour']['allowLanguageSynchronization'] => true
if the translated record will use the value from the default field by
default (will effectively be copied), but it should be possible to change
this later.
See pages.author as example.
When "Custom value" is selected, the value can be overridden.
Alternativively, use
l10n_mode = exclude
if the field should always have the value of the default language and you
should not be able to change it in the translated record.

Prometheus & Grafana: templating and "bool" modifier

I am building Grafana (4.1.1) graphs with a Prometheus (1.1.2) backend, and am trying to use Templates to select/deselect certain sub-sets of metrics on a dashboard. I have a template variable called "$POP" which describes my city locations, and a template variable called "$Resolver" which describes the type of resolver I am using ("unbound" or "pdns" are the possible string results.)
I have these two metrics like this that work quite well currently selecting on the various values in $POP:
irate(dnsdist_recursor_main_servers_unbound_drops{env="prod",loc=~"$POP"}[1m]) > 0
irate(dnsdist_recursor_main_servers_pdns_drops{env="prod",loc=~"$POP"}[1m]) > 0
Putting aside for the moment that instead of labels the selection criteria are embedded in the metric name (I know it's not ideal but this is just an example of larger problem sets so please do not suggest how I can use labels) I would like the following results:
When (~"$Resolver" == "unbound") I would like to show the first metric (dnsdist_recursor_main_servers_unbound_drops) and when (~"$Resolver" == "pdns") I would like to show the second one (dnsdist_recursor_main_servers_pdns_drops) and when both are selected I'd like to show both metric set data. Basically, I hope to have an on/off visibility trigger for a metric that is keyed to my $Resolver template value.
How do I create a boolean such that the metric is shown or not shown based on the setting of the string value in the templated setting of $Resolver? The trick here is that the selection criteria is in the metric name, not a label, which is really stumping me. I tried "bool" modifiers but was never able to get anything to work on string equality tests. I'm sure it's just a syntax issue but examples are thin on the ground.
What you can take advantage of here is that there's no uniqueness restriction on label selectors, so you can do {resolver="$resolver",resolver="unbound"}

Separating Google child labels from parent labels

I want to retrieve all labels a user has at Google and display them in a neat way, like Google themselves do:
When I fetch this hierarchy of labels with the Gmail API I get the following data:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/labels?key={YOUR_API_KEY}
I use "/" as a delimiter in order to figure out the parent label of a certain child label. This worked great until I realized I could create labels with "/" in the name. Bummer.
Is there another way to do this, or should I stop my users from being able to create labels with "/" in them, and just live with the potential "bad" labels they might have created elsewhere? Thanks.
It's possible to handle this case correctly, though it requires a little extra work than just splitting on the '/'.
Suppose you have the labels:
When you fetch all the labels, you'll get back 3 entries:
Note that while "foo" and "foo/bar" exist, there is no "foo/bar/baz". That label doesn't exist because 'baz/qux' is the literal label name.
Rather than simply split, try prefix matching instead. The parent label is going to be the longest label (+ trailing /) that is a prefix of the one your checking. Anything remaining after the prefix is the label name itself.

jQuery: Select all 'select' elements with certain val()

Does anyone know of an easy way, using jQuery, to select all <select> elements whose val() attribute yields a certain value?
I'm trying to do some validation logic and would like to just select all those elements with a single selector, then apply a warning class to each of their parents. This I know how to do once I select all the elements, but I didn't see a selector that handles this case.
Am I going to have to select all of the <select> elements into a selector, then iterate through them and check each of their values? I was hoping there would be a simpler way.
Why doesn't select[value=x] work? Well firstly because <select> doesn't actually have a value attribute. There is not a single value of a select box: there may be no selected options (there shouldn't normally be, but there can be in at least IE), and, in a <select multiple>, there can be any number of selected options.
Even input[value=x] doesn't work, even though <input> does have a value attribute. Well, it does work, it just doesn't do what you think. It fetches the value of the value="..." attribute in the HTML, not the current value you have entered into the form. The value="..." attribute actually corresponds to the defaultValue property and not value.
Similarly, option[value=x][selected] doesn't work because it is checking the <option selected> attribute from the HTML source (selected attribute -> defaultSelected property) and not the current selectedness of the option (selected property not attribute) - which might have changed since the page was loaded.
Except in IE, which gets the value, selected etc form attributes wrong.
Except (again): Tesserex's example may seem to work, and the reason for that is that that it's using a non-standard jQuery-specific selector, :has. This causes the native querySelectorAll methods of modern browsers to fail, and consequently jQuery falls back to its own (native JavaScript, slow) selector engine instead. This selector engine has a bug where it confuses properties for attributes, allowing [value=x] to do what you expected, and not fail like it should! (Update: this is probably no longer the case in newer jQuery versions.)
Summary: form field state checking and selectors don't mix. Apart from these issues, you also have to worry about escaping issues - for example, what if the value you want to test against contains quotes or square brackets?
So instead, yes, you should check it manually. For example using a filter:
$('select').filter(function() {
return $(this).val()==='the target value';
(There is a value property in HTML5 and supported by modern browsers, that when you read it gives you the value of the first selected <option>. jQuery's val() is safe to use here because it provides the same method of getting the first selected option even on browsers that don't support this.)
The existing answers don't work on select tags, but I found something that does. Ask for a select that has a selected option.
You can use :
where X is the value against which you want to check the select's value.
Attribute selectors Is what you're looking for I believe.
Something like $+('element[attribute="value"]')
See also:
*= anywhere
^= starts with
$= ends with
~= contains word
You can create a change event that puts the value in a custom attribute on the select element whenever the value changes. You can then use a simple selector to find all of the select elements that have that value. For example:
$("select").on("change", function (e) {
var $select = $(e.currentTarget);
$select.attr("select-value", $select.val());
And then you can do this:
var $matches = $("select[select-value='" + searchVal + "']");
$matches will have all of your matching selects.
This is a lot easier than having to iterate through elements. Remember to set select-value to the initial value when rendering the page so you don't need to trigger a change event for each select so the select-value is set.