Which Kafka broker configuration gets precedence when there's a conflict? - apache-kafka

In Apache Kafka, each broker has its own configuration file. Some of the config entries, such as broker ID, are evidently unique to each node.
However, others such as topic retention time or maximum message size should be global to the entire cluster.
In case two brokers have conflicting configurations, which value gets precedence? Or am I wrong to assume that some config entries should be global?

Kafka does not check that each broker has exactly the same configuration.
That said, as you've pointed, some settings could conflict and if it's the case my guess is that at best a crash or worse undefined behaviour !
There is KIP-226 in progress that addresses some of these issues but if you're to deploy many brokers it's recommended you use some automation (K8s, Mesos) to ensure configuration is consistent across all of them.


Can two independent bootstrap servers subscribe to the same Kafka topic?

I'm getting messages from an unknown origin in a Kafka topic in my dev environment and it's screwing things up. I'm guessing that our configuration is to blame but I'm not sure.
At work we've share the same topic name and consumer group IDs across different environments, so that in prod we have bootstrap server aws.our-prod.com, and in dev we have aws.our-dev.com. So basically two unconnected domains.
I didn't set this up, but the duplicate topic/group naming across environments seems awfully suspicious to me.
I think this is the problem. Is my hunch correct?
Check zookeeper nodes of both environment Kafka nodes. Make sure they different.
Check you DNS mapping/host mapping, Both domain names can be mapped to same IP address. (If you run locally, check etc/hosts file)
Those scenarios can be happen and there can be more. But same topic is not shared with different environment clusters for sure.
Different consumers may be listen to Group id that is used by your project. Or other projects may be send message to your topic.
Donot use same kafka cluster for PROD & DEV environment
if still want to use same kafka cluster, then at-least use different groupid or topic name on PROD & DEV respectively
PROD Environment
Consumers: change topic from 't1' to 't2', groupid can be same.
Producers: change topic from 't1' to 't2'.
Result: unknown producer will keep sending to old topic 't1'
If still not resolved, then there is problem with current set of producers.
No, duplicate properties are not an issue, in itself
For example, in a Spring app, you'd define defaults at the top level
And override profile/environment properties
And this is very common, and nothing wrong with it.
It's possible you've got a producer somewhere in your environment that has misconfigured (or altogether missing) the production config file, and has decided to fallback into the dev properties or defined their dev bootstrap servers in the non-environment specific config, but as a consumer or the Kafka administrator, there's no way you'd know that.
Assuming you are able to consume the messages, and the producer has code in source control, you can look for trails there, but otherwise, you're effectively left looking for active network connections to the broker at the TCP level and doing packet analysis

Kafka Connect: Connectors Disappear when Worker shutsdown [duplicate]

I am facing the below issue on changing some properties related to kafka and re-starting the cluster.
In kafka Consumer, there were 5 consumer jobs are running .
If we make some important property change , and on restarting cluster some/all the existing consumer jobs are not able to start.
Ideally all the consumer jobs should start ,
since it will take the meta-data info from the below System-topics .
First, a bit of background. Kafka stores all of its data in topics, but those topics (or rather the partitions that make up a topic) are append-only logs that would grow forever unless something is done. To prevent this, Kafka has the ability to clean up topics in two ways: retention and compaction. Topics configured to use retention will retain data for a configurable length of time: the broker is free to remove any log messages that are older than this. Topics configured to use compaction require every message have a key, and the broker will always retain the last known message for every distinct key. Compaction is extremely handy when each message (i.e., key/value pair) represents the last known state for the key; since consumers are reading the topic to get the last known state for each key, they will eventually get to that last state a bit faster if older states are removed.
Which cleanup policy a broker will use for a topic depends on several things. Every topic created implicitly or explicitly will use retention by default, though you can change a couple of ways:
change the globally log.cleanup.policy broker setting, affecting only topics created after that point; or
specify the cleanup.policy topic-specific setting when you create or modify a topic
Now, Kafka Connect uses several internal topics to store connector configurations, offsets, and status information. These internal topics must be compacted topics so that (at least) the last configuration, offset, and status for each connector are always available. Since Kafka Connect never uses older configurations, offsets, and status, it's actually a good thing for the broker to remove them from the internal topics.
Before Kafka, the recommended process is to manually create these internal topics using the correct topic-specific settings. You could rely upon the broker to auto-create them, but that is problematic for several reasons, not the least of which is that the three internal topics should have different numbers of partitions.
If these internal topics are not compacted, the configurations, offsets, and status info will be cleaned up and removed after the retention period has elapsed. By default this retention period is 24 hours! That means that if you restart Kafka Connect more than 24 hours after deploying / updating a connector configuration, that connector's configuration may have been purged and it will appear as if the connector configuration never existed.
So, if you didn't create these internal topics correctly, simply use the topic admin tool to update the topic's settings as described in the documentation.
BTW, not properly creating these internal topics is a very common problem, so much so that Kafka Connect will be able to automatically create these internal topics using the correct settings without relying upon broker auto-creation of topics.
In 0.11.0 you will still have to rely upon manual creation or broker auto-creation for topics that source connectors write to. This is not ideal, and so there's a proposal to change Kafka Connect to automatically create the topics for the source connectors while giving the source connectors control over the settings. Hopefully that improvement makes it into so that Kafka Connect is even easier to use.

Connect consumers jobs are getting deleted when restarting the cluster

I am facing the below issue on changing some properties related to kafka and re-starting the cluster.
In kafka Consumer, there were 5 consumer jobs are running .
If we make some important property change , and on restarting cluster some/all the existing consumer jobs are not able to start.
Ideally all the consumer jobs should start ,
since it will take the meta-data info from the below System-topics .
First, a bit of background. Kafka stores all of its data in topics, but those topics (or rather the partitions that make up a topic) are append-only logs that would grow forever unless something is done. To prevent this, Kafka has the ability to clean up topics in two ways: retention and compaction. Topics configured to use retention will retain data for a configurable length of time: the broker is free to remove any log messages that are older than this. Topics configured to use compaction require every message have a key, and the broker will always retain the last known message for every distinct key. Compaction is extremely handy when each message (i.e., key/value pair) represents the last known state for the key; since consumers are reading the topic to get the last known state for each key, they will eventually get to that last state a bit faster if older states are removed.
Which cleanup policy a broker will use for a topic depends on several things. Every topic created implicitly or explicitly will use retention by default, though you can change a couple of ways:
change the globally log.cleanup.policy broker setting, affecting only topics created after that point; or
specify the cleanup.policy topic-specific setting when you create or modify a topic
Now, Kafka Connect uses several internal topics to store connector configurations, offsets, and status information. These internal topics must be compacted topics so that (at least) the last configuration, offset, and status for each connector are always available. Since Kafka Connect never uses older configurations, offsets, and status, it's actually a good thing for the broker to remove them from the internal topics.
Before Kafka, the recommended process is to manually create these internal topics using the correct topic-specific settings. You could rely upon the broker to auto-create them, but that is problematic for several reasons, not the least of which is that the three internal topics should have different numbers of partitions.
If these internal topics are not compacted, the configurations, offsets, and status info will be cleaned up and removed after the retention period has elapsed. By default this retention period is 24 hours! That means that if you restart Kafka Connect more than 24 hours after deploying / updating a connector configuration, that connector's configuration may have been purged and it will appear as if the connector configuration never existed.
So, if you didn't create these internal topics correctly, simply use the topic admin tool to update the topic's settings as described in the documentation.
BTW, not properly creating these internal topics is a very common problem, so much so that Kafka Connect will be able to automatically create these internal topics using the correct settings without relying upon broker auto-creation of topics.
In 0.11.0 you will still have to rely upon manual creation or broker auto-creation for topics that source connectors write to. This is not ideal, and so there's a proposal to change Kafka Connect to automatically create the topics for the source connectors while giving the source connectors control over the settings. Hopefully that improvement makes it into so that Kafka Connect is even easier to use.

Distributed Kafka Connect topic configuration

I had the problem that my Kafka Connect worker configuration was lost after a node restart. (http://broker:port/connectors/ -> empty array)
Now I think it can have something to do with the "retention.ms" config. Because the connect config is also stored in the "config.storage.topic" and will be deleted after "retention.ms"? So I must set a very high "retention.ms". Is this correct or is this automatically managed by Kafka? (in case you create the topic yourself)
How about the other two topics:
status.storage.topic - only current state info, not that important?
Yes, this could be.
The "config.storage.topic", "status.storage.topic" and "offset.storage.topic" should all be configured with 'cleanup.policy=compact' (it will be 'delete' by default). With this policy, the retention time will have no effect - we will always keep the latest configuration for each connector.

Kafka partition reassignment after broker failure

I'm testing kafka's partition reassignment as a precursor to launching a production system. I have several topics with 9 partitions each and a replication factor of 3. I've killed one of the brokers to simulate a failure condition and verified that some topics became under replicated (verification done via a fork of yahoo's kafka manager modified to allow adding a version cluster).
I then started a new broker with a different id. I would now like to distribute partitions to this new broker. I attempted to use kafka manager's reassign partitions functionality however that did not work (possibly due to an improperly modified fork).
I saw that kafka comes with a bin/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh script but the docs say that I have to manually write out the partition reassignments for each topic in json format. Is there a way to handle this without manually deciding on which brokers partitions must go?
Hmm what a coincidence that I was doing exactly the same thing today. I don't have an answer you're probably going to like but I achieved what I wanted in the end.
Ultimately, what I did was executed the kafka-reassign-partitions command with what the same tool proposed for a reassignment. But whatever it generated I just replaced the new broker id with the old failed broker id. For some reason the generated json moved everything around.
This will fail (or rather never complete) because the old broker has passed on. I then had to delete the reassignment operation in zookeeper (znode: admin/reassign_partitions or something).
Then I restarted kafka on the new broker and it magically picked up as leader of the partition that was looking for a new replacement leader.
I'll let you know if everything is still working tomorrow and if I still have a job ;-)