Laravel 5.5 redirect 301 from old to new url - redirect

Reason: My website is indexed with old urls so I want to redirect until google re-crawls it. Once new urls are indexed I want to remove old url completely.
Old url structure:
I have changed a url and replaced underscores with dashes from
to new
New url structure
I want: to remove old url from my website completely and show only new url. How can I achieve that ?
Right now, I'am using redirect() on my old url;
Route::get('{var1}_{var2}_details', function($var1, $var2){
return redirect()->route('details',[$var1, $var2]); });
When I hit php artisan route:list it show both routes. How can I remove old url ?
My website is indexed with old urls so I want to redirect until google re-crawls it. Once new urls are indexed I want to remove old url completely


How to use the keyword "location" in the URL parameter in AWS Amplify

I am currently working on a 1 page HTML app that uses URL parameters to do an API call. the URL parameters are set and used in QR codes so its necessary that they are able to change dynamically. A example URL would be something like
I currently have this app deployed in AWS Amplify, but I cant get other keywords to chain together. I have the following redirects in place:
These redirects make sure that every URL parameter I pass in the link works EXCEPT some keywords like the "location" keyword, next to some others. Using this keyword as a URL param gives a 502 server error, or if the redirects are not used an access denied error.
does anyone know how to get the location keyword to work? Thanks in advance!
You should be able to use a single rule that will forward everything to index.html EXCEPT urls with a "file extension" from the list below. That lets all your links work, but assets like images, fonts, code will pass through.
Doc for: Using Redirects - Single Page Apps

How to retrieve the Query string value from web word instance

I'm creating a web add-in for Word targeting Word Online. When a document is opened using Word Online, the URL will contain a file name. I am trying to retrieve that file name.
To retrieve this URL I tried using window.location href, but it is fetching my hosted addin web application URL. Is it possible to get the Word Online URL?
Sample Code :
function getParameterByName(name, url) {
if (!url) url =;
name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&');
var regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)'),
results = regex.exec(url);
if (!results) return null;
if (!results[2]) return '';
return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
What you should use instead?
You should use Office.js API that's defined here
Office.context.document.url this should return you something that you can use.
Why didn't your solution work?
Unfortunately this is not possible the way you're trying to implement it due to security requirements around iFrames. Word Online is using an iFrame to host your add-in and accessing the parent window from an iFrame is generally very restricted unless you're specifically allowed.
You can however get the base host url of the parent window by looking into the referrer header, but that's pretty much it. I understand that this is not sufficient for you, which is why I'm recommending to use the Word API.
You can see a bit more documentation below about iFrames:
iFrame spec documentation:
On getting the url that's loading the frame (the parent URL):
Some more information on how to communicate between parent and the iFrame using postMessage API if you were whitelisted (which you aren't):

SharePoint Online: Redirect URIs for multi-site environment

We have a multi-site environment where each site has its own redirect URL. We want to use a single Client ID and Secret for our application but register multiple redirect URIs to it. Is it possible to add multiple URLs in below registration form:
I don't think there is possible solution to add on multiple URLs on the SharePoint online app registration form.
But from what i understand there is another way to achieve use a single Client ID and Secret for application and perform multiple redirects.
You can control the redirect url using the appredirect.aspx by specifying the redirect_uri parameter if you need to redirect from the default one check here for reference.
Basiclly it call the subsite page containing the below JS to install the app.
var url = String.format(
"{0}/_layouts/15/appredirect.aspx?client_id={1}&redirect_uri=https://***<<controller>>/<<view method containing the code to install the app>>?{{StandardTokens}}",
<<subsite url>>, "<<client id>>");
window.location.href = url;
The above javascript calls the appredirect.aspx page which then calls the app site as below,
Note: The above can be extended to check for the successful installation of the app and display an error message accordingly.
SPWeb.LoadAndInstallWeb equivalent REST / Javascript CSOM is also available here.
Here are some relevant links:
Use the redirect URL in an add-in that asks for permissions on the fly
Redirect URIs and a sample redirect page

PhalconPHP - redirection to home page always adds /index in the URI

I'm working on my first app in PhalconPHP so I'm deep in the documentation while working, but this doesn't seem to be covered.
Let's say that my app is running on www.myapp.tld. In some situations I need to redirect the user back to the home page and for that I'm using the following code:
if ($haveToRedirect) {
Instead if redirecting to www.myapp.tld, the user is redirected to www.myapp.tld/index. I've tried different redirect calls, but all give the same result:
$this->response->redirect('/', TRUE);
In the app's bootstrap I've set the BaseUri to be '/':
$di->set('url', function() {
$url = new Phalcon\Mvc\Url();
return $url;
Is there a way to avoid "index" being added and just have it redirect to "www.myapp.tld"?
If a file is not specified, you will be directed to the index page in that directory by default. You need to specify a file location. Also try URI, not URL
The cause of redirection to "/index" was actually in the Permission class I made several weeks ago. It had:
for every controller that guest could not access to. Since I added new controllers I was continuously redirected to index, and noticed that redirect comes from somewhere else when I removed the conditional redirects I've put in the controller.
Anyway, this is it. Lesson learned - next time grep for 'index' before asking for help. :)

Redirect to same named page in directory structure before path changes

Well, say I have a number of html pages in my web. The case is that I´m doing changes sometimes in the directory structure, so when anybody try to access to a determinated URL, it's possible that such URL does not exit. The files names don't change but so do the paths.
As far as I now, the server takes the user to a "404" page that can be customized. Is possible to customize the page in this way?:
The user tries; which does not exist.
A 404 customized page is launched
404 page runs an script IS THIS POSSIBLE?
The script is given the name of the file WHERE IS STORED SUCH NAME?
The script search the entire directory structure to find page.html HOW TO ACCESS TO THE STRUCTURE
The file is found and the new URL is stored:
a link appears showing the new URL
Maybe this process is relatively common and I can find some related code or tutorial?
Are you using Apache? Linux?
Add a 404 handler
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
Then use 404.php to parse the url. This simple example just grabs everything after the last / in the URI so would put page.html in $url:
$url = end(explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
Then use one of the comment example functions in to search your directory and find the file.
Then do a header 301 redirect
header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header ('Location:' . $file_path);