PUT Object to AWS S3 via HTTP through VPC Endpoint with proper ACL? - rest

I am using an HTTPS client to PUT an object to Amazon S3 from an EC2 instance within a VPC that has an S3 VPC Endpoint configured. The target Bucket has a Bucket Policy that only allows access from specific VPCs, so authentication via IAM is impossible; I have to use HTTPS GET and PUT to read and write Objects.
This works fine as described, but I'm having trouble with the ACL that gets applied to the Object when I PUT it to the Bucket. I've played with setting a Canned ACL using HTTP headers like the following, but neither results in the correct behavior:
x-amz-acl: private
If I set this header, the Object is private but it can only be read by the root email account so this is no good. Others need to be able to access this Object via HTTPS.
x-amz-acl: bucket-owner-full-control
I totally thought this Canned ACL would do the trick, however, it resulted in unexpected behavior, namely that the Object became World Readable! I'm also not sure how the Owner of the Object was decided either since it was created via HTTPS, in the console the owner is listed as a seemingly random value. This is the documentation description:
Both the object owner and the bucket owner get FULL_CONTROL over the
object. If you specify this canned ACL when creating a bucket, Amazon
S3 ignores it.
This is totally baffling me, because according to the Bucket Policy, only network resources of approved VPCs should even be able to list the Object, let alone read it! Perhaps it has to do with the union of the ACL and the Bucket Policy and I just don't see something.
Either way, maybe I'm going about this all wrong anyway. How can I PUT an object to S3 via HTTPS and set the permissions on that object to match the Bucket Policy, or otherwise make the Bucket Policy authoritative over the ACL?
Here is the Bucket Policy for good measure:
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:SourceVpc": "vpc-12345678"

The way that S3 ACLs and Bucket Policies work is the concept of "Least Privilege".
Your bucket policy only specifies ALLOW for the specified VPC. No one else is granted ALLOW access. This is NOT the same as denying access.
This means that your Bucket or object ACL is granting access.
In the S3 console double check who the file owner is after the PUT.
Double check the ACL for the bucket. What rights have your granted at the bucket level?
Double check the rights that you are using for the PUT operation. Unless you have granted public write access or the PUT is being ALLOWED by the bucket policy, the PUT must be using a signature. This signature will determine the permissions for the PUT operation and who owns the file after the PUT. This is determined by the ACCESS KEY used for the signature.
Your x-amz-acl should contain bucket-owner-full-control.
[EDIT after numerous comments below]
The problem that I see is that you are approaching security wrong in your example. I would not use the bucket policy. Instead I would create an IAM role and assign that role to the EC2 instances that are writing to the bucket. This means that the PUTs are then signed with the IAM Role Access Keys. This preserves the ownership of the objects. You can then have the ACL being bucket-owner-full-control and public-read (or any supported ACL permissions that you want).


Not able to associate elastic ip address to my AWS ECS instance

I have created an AWS ECS instance in ca-central region. It works with the dynamic public ip which changes every time when I update the service. Everything is good so far.
As I need a public static IP, I have created an elastic ip in the same region and try to associate the ip with the ECS instance.
Resource Type: Network Interface
Reassociation: Allow this Elastic IP address to be reassociated (checked)
When I try this, it throws the error like this:
Elastic IP address could not be associated.
Elastic IP address nn.nn.nn.nn: You do not have permission to access the specified resource.
It seems the EIP you are trying to associate to the ECS container instance is already associated with another resource (e.g. Nat Gateway?). Please make sure the EIP is not currently associated with any other resource then try again.
Also confirm the user performing these actions has the following permissions:
To apply the various EC2 Elastic IP permissions in the AWS console, you can basically follow the instructions in this link below.
I wanted to make sure that my IAM user had all the permissions necessary to view, allocate, associate, release Elastic IPs, so I added permissions through IAM to the specific IAM group by:
Opening the Permissions tab, selecting Add permissions -> Create Inline Policy
After naming the policy, added the following into the JSON tab
Here's the JSON text below
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

"Access Denied. Provided scope(s) are not authorized" error when trying to make objects public using the REST API

I am attempting to set permissions on individual objects in a Google Cloud Storage bucket to make them publicly viewable, following the steps indicated in Google's documentation. When I try to make these requests using our application service account, it fails with HTTP status 403 and the following message:
Access denied. Provided scope(s) are not authorized.
Other requests work fine. When I try to do the same thing but by providing a token for my personal account, the PUT request to the object's ACL works... about 50% of the time (the rest of the time it is a 503 error, which may or may not be related).
Changing the IAM policy for the service account to match mine - it normally has Storage Admin and some other incidental roles - doesn't help, even if I give it the overall Owner IAM role, which is what I have.
Using neither the XML API nor the JSON version makes a difference. That the request sometimes works with my personal credentials indicates to me that the request is not incorrectly formed, but there must be something else I've thus far overlooked. Any ideas?
Check for the scope of the service account incase you are using the default compute engine service account. By default the scope is restricted and for GCS it is read only. Use rm -r ~/.gsutil to clear cache in case of clearing cache
When trying to access GCS from a GCE instance and getting this error message ...
the default scope is devstorage.read_only, which prevents all write operations.
Not sure if scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform is required, when scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only is given by default (eg. to read startup scripts). The scope should rather be: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write.
And one can use gcloud beta compute instances set-scopes to edit the scopes of an instance:
gcloud beta compute instances set-scopes $INSTANCE_NAME \
--project=$PROJECT_ID \
--zone=$COMPUTE_ZONE \
--scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write \
One can also pass all known alias names for scopes, eg: --scopes=cloud-platform. The command must be run outside of the instance, because of permissions - and the instance must be shutdown, in order to change the service account.
Follow the documentation you provided, taking into account these points:
Access Control system for the bucket has to be Fine-grained (not uniform).
In order to make objects publicly available, make sure the bucket does not have the public access prevention enabled. Check this link for further information.
Grant the service account with the appropriate permissions in the bucket. The Storage Legacy Object Owner role (roles/storage.legacyObjectOwner) is needed to edit objects ACLs as indicated here. This role can be granted for individual buckets, not for projects.
Create the json file as indicated in the documentation.
Use gcloud auth application-default print-access-token to get authorization access token and use it in the API call. The API call should look like:
curl -X POST --data-binary #JSON_FILE_NAME.json \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
You need to add OAuth scope: cloud-platform when you create the instance. Look: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/compute/instances/create#--scopes
Either select "Allow full access to all Cloud APIs" or select the fine-grained approach
So, years later, it turns out the problem is that "scope" is being used by the Google Cloud API to refer to two subtly different things. One is the available permission scopes available to the service account, which is what I (and most of the other people who answered the question) kept focusing on, but the problem turned out to be something else. The Python class google.auth.credentials.Credentials, used by various Google Cloud client classes to authenticate, also has permission scopes used for OAuth. You see where this is going - the client I was using was being created with a default OAuth scope of 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write', but to make something public requires the scope 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control'. Adding this scope to the OAuth credential request means the setting public permissions on objects works.

Restrict gcloud service account to specific bucket

I have 2 buckets, prod and staging, and I have a service account. I want to restrict this account to only have access to the staging bucket. Now I saw on https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/conditions-overview that this should be possible. I created a policy.json like this
"bindings": [
"role": "roles/storage.objectCreator",
"members": "serviceAccount:staging-service-account#lalala-co.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
"condition": {
"title": "staging bucket only",
"expression": "resource.name.startsWith(\"projects/_/buckets/uploads-staging\")"
But when i fire gcloud projects set-iam-policy lalala policy.json i get:
The specified policy does not contain an "etag" field identifying a
specific version to replace. Changing a policy without an "etag" can
overwrite concurrent policy changes.
Replace existing policy (Y/n)?
ERROR: (gcloud.projects.set-iam-policy) INVALID_ARGUMENT: Can't set conditional policy on policy type: resourcemanager_projects and id: /lalala
I feel like I misunderstood how roles, policies and service-accounts are related. But in any case: is it possible to restrict a service account in that way?
Following comments, i was able to solve my problem. Apparently bucket-permissions are somehow special, but i was able to set a policy on the bucket that allows access for my user, using gsutil:
gsutils iam ch serviceAccount:staging-service-account#lalala.iam.gserviceaccount.com:objectCreator gs://lalala-uploads-staging
After firing this, the access is as-expected. I found it a little bit confusing that this is not reflected on the service-account policy:
% gcloud iam service-accounts get-iam-policy staging-service-account#lalala.iam.gserviceaccount.com
etag: ACAB
Thanks everyone

Can't remove OWNER access to a Google Cloud Storage object

I have a server that writes some data files to a Cloud Storage bucket, using a service account to which I have granted "Storage Object Creator" permissions for the bucket. I want that service account's permissions to be write-only.
The Storage Object Creator permission also allows read access, as far as I can tell, so I wanted to just remove the permission for the objects after they have been written. I thought I could use an ACL to do this, but it doesn't seem to work. If I use
gsutil acl get gs://bucket/object > acl.json
then edit acl.json to remove the OWNER permission for the service account, then use
gsutil acel set acl.json gs://bucket/object
to update the ACL, I find that nothing has changed; the OWNER permission is still there if I check the ACL again. The same thing happens if I try to remove the OWNER permission in the Cloud Console web interface.
Is there a way to remove that permission? Or another way to accomplish this?
You cannot remove the OWNER permissions for the service account that uploaded the object, from:
The bucket or object owner always has OWNER permission of the bucket or object.
The owner of a bucket is the project owners group, and the owner of an object is either the user who uploaded the object, or the project owners group if the object was uploaded by an anonymous user.
When you apply a new ACL to a bucket or object, Cloud Storage respectively adds OWNER permission to the bucket or object owner if you omit the grants.
I have not tried this, but you could upload the objects using once service account (call it SA1), then rewrite the objects using a separate service account (call it SA2), and then delete the objects. SA1 will no longer be the owner, and therefore won't have read permissions. SA2 will continue to have both read and write permissions though, there is no way to prevent the owner of an object from reading it.
Renaming the object does the trick.
gsutil mv -p gs://bucket/object gs://bucket/object-renamed
gsutil mv -p gs://bucket/object-renamed gs://bucket/object
The renamer service account will become the object OWNER.

Objects do not inherit bucket permissions

In GCS storage, when adding permissions to a bucket (NOT the whole project; just a single bucket inside that project), you used to be able to set up the permissions of a bucket so that any NEW objects put in the bucket inherit the bucket's permissions.
In the newest version of the GCS however, we have not been able to figure out how to do this. We can set permissions to a root bucket:
"email": "someuser#someaccount.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
"entity": "someuser#someaccount.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
"role": "READER"
But then when a new object is placed in that bucket, it does not inherit this role.
Is there a way to either (a) inherit the role, or (b) set an IAM role to the bucket (we have only been able to set an IAM role to the project, not a specific bucket)?
There are five different ways to configure Access Control options for Cloud Storage buckets. I suggest you the Access Control Lists (ACLs) to inherit the role in a single bucket since ACLs are used when “you need fine-grained control over individual objects”.
To change the permissions on a single bucket inside a project using the Console,
Go to Storage, browser. Once there you will see a bucket list.
Select the bucket in which you want to change the permissions.
Click on the three vertical dots at the right side and select "Edit bucket permissions".
Type the account that you want to configure and select the desired role.
The described procedure is detailed here, as well as other ways to set the ACLs, as for example using the Cloud Shell. The next command specify individual grants:
gsutil acl ch -u [USER_EMAIL]:[PERMISSION] gs://[BUCKET_NAME]
Find a list of predefined roles here.
Update 2
Considering the next error:
is not a valid ACL change Allowed permissions are OWNER, WRITER,
And the fact that there are two types of roles involved:
Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles: members project oriented roles. “Defines who (identity) has what access (role) for which resource”. Example: gsutil iam ch user:[USER_EMAIL]:objectCreator,objectViewer gs://[BUCKET_NAME]
Access Control Lists (ACLs): grant read or write access to users for individual buckets or objects. Example: gsutil acl ch -u [USER_EMAIL]:READER gs://[BUCKET_NAME]
The command is not working because both commands are mixed. For gsutil acl, the only possible permissions are READER, WRITER, OWNER, Default, as you can see here.