Bulk PDF Rename - Removing Suffix - powershell

I have 1000 PDFs in a folder C:\Users\1003911\Desktop\pdf.
File names are something like 38852ad-Layout1, 38852s-Layout-1, and so on.
I need to remove "-Layout1" from all the PDFs.
I tried few options from this site, but I cannot get it right. Anyone can give me exact code what I should write?
My code is:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\1003911\Desktop\pdf' |
Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name.Substring(0, $_.Name.Length-12) }
I used this to rename and it worked, but the .pdf extension is removed. How do I retain it?

You got the right idea. I personally think it's easier to use $_.basename and put it in a sub-expression and tack on the .pdf at the end.
Get-ChildItem C:\Users\1003911\Desktop\pdf | rename-item -newname {"$($_.basename.Replace('-layout1','')).pdf"}
also note, I used [string] replace method instead to remove the "-layout1"
Hope this helps :)

Other version of Ricc solution:
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\1003911\Desktop\pdf" -file -filter "*.pdf" | rename-item -NewName {$_.Name.Replace('-layout1','')}
This version :
Take only file, not directory
Filter on pdf only
Rename Name and not BaseName + concatenation


Trim File Name of Trailing White Spaces for Child Items - Powershell

Hopefully someone can help me out.
I currently run a script that cleans up file names by using:
get-childitem -recurse | dir -Filter *.mp4 | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.BaseName.replace('Oldname','NewName') + $_.Extension }
It has a ton of extra words and stuff piped in and works very well. I'm making a new script using this method, but I'm left with a trailing white space at the end of each file.
From what I can see Trim should do what I need:
As I understand it should remove any leading and trailing white spaces.
I was thinking of just removing all white spaces, but the problem with that is some filenames will have multiple words separated by white spaces.
So I thought that a loop may do the trick, but as I'm still new to Powershell I can't quite work it out.
Long story short, I'm looking to run a recursive scan on all files in a directory, specifically MP4 and MKV, then for each file in the directory, apply trim to it so it will remove any trailing white spaces.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
Perfect answer from Doug Maurer. I just needed to add the trim at the end of my commands, I think I was just placing it wrong, then thinking I needed to loop it. The answer is far more simple.
Before anyone says something, I know this isn't the most elegant script, but I does what I need it to. It's used to find specific words in file names, and remove them and replace them with nothing. However, once done, sometimes I'm left with a trailing white space.
By adding trim to the end, before adding the extension back on, it removes the space perfectly for my use case.
get-childitem -recurse | dir -Filter *.mp4 | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.BaseName.replace('Name1','').replace('Name2','').replace('Name3','').replace('Name4','').replace('Name5','').replace('Name6','').replace('Name7','').replace('Name8','').Trim() + $_.Extension }
With Doug's suggested edit of removing DIR as it's unnecessary:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.mp4 | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.BaseName.replace('Name1','').replace('Name2','').replace('Name3','').replace('Name4','').replace('Name5','').replace('Name6','').replace('Name7','').replace('Name8','').Trim() + $_.Extension }
You don't have trim in there so I can't say why your attempts have not worked. What I can say is that you don't need two DIR commands, (dir is alias for Get-ChildItem). It seems your command is missing the part where you add the extension back to the name and the final curly brace. The following will trim the basename like you describe.
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.mp4 |
Rename-Item -NewName {$_.BaseName.replace('Oldname','NewName').Trim() + $_.Extension}

Renaming Specific Files in various folders with Import-Csv

I’m attempting to rename a bunch of files that are located in multiple folders. The filenames are not unique because they live in multiple directories. Hence, I'd like to fetch all specific files based on their path and then use the Rename-Item cmdlet to make them unique.
I'm using the Import-Csv cmdlet because I have the Paths and New File Names in a text file (headers are oldPath and NewFileName respectively).
I've got this so far:
$documentList = #(Import-Csv -Path 'C:\Users\Desktop\testFolder\fileWithPathAndNewFileName.txt')
$Paths = (ForEach-Object {
(Gci -Path $documentList.oldPath)
$Paths | ForEach-Object {Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName "$($documentlist.newFileName)"}
Unfortunately, this isn't really working, but feels like it's almost there. I think where I'm screwing up is the -NewName parameter. I'm just not sure how to populate the NewFileName object from my text file correctly. Any help would be much appreciated. I apologize in advance if this seems somewhat trivial, I unfortunately haven't been consistent with my Powershell.
Your code is a little confused. ;-) ... if you have CSV file you should name it *.csv.
If I got you right this should be enough actually:
$documentList = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\Users\Desktop\testFolder\fileWithPathAndNewFileName.txt'
foreach ($document in $documentList) {
Rename-Item -Path $document.oldPath -NewName $document.NewFileName
You iterate over each row in your CSV file and use the value in the cells as input for the Rename-Item cmdlet. You need to have the complete path including filename to the file in the column "oldPath" and the NewName in the column "NewName"

How would I specify a directory to run a PowerShell script that would edit file extensions?

I am new to PowerShell and new to IT. I've been asked by my boss to write a PowerShell script that will identify filenames that have no file extension and then change them to .PDF files. After doing some research online I've found a script that had a similar purpose and tried to tailor it to my needs:
$proj_files = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq "."}
ForEach ($file in $proj_files) {
$filenew = $file.Name + ".pdf"
Rename-Item $file $filenew
My first question is does the logic in this script make sense? Is "Extension -eq "." the correct syntax to specify a filename with no extension? My other thought was to use Extension -eq "null" or something similar. If I do need to use a null value, what would that look like? My other question is how would I specify a given directory for this script to search through, or would I even need to? My thought here would be to specify the path under Get-ChildItem, like so: $proj_files = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\mthomas\Documents | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq ".'} Does that seem correct? I am hesitant to test this out before getting a second opinion because I don't want to change every file extension on my computer or something stupid like that. Anyhow, thanks everyone for the help.
You can do something like the following to find files in a directory without an extension, and rename them to have a PDF extension:
$directory = "C:\Path\To\Directory"
Get-ChildItem -File $directory | Where-Object { -Not $_.Extension } | Foreach-Object {
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName "$($_.Name).pdf"
Let's break this down
$directory = "C:\Path\To\Directory"
This is where we set the directory we want to locate files without extensions in. It doesn't have to be set as a static variable but since you are just getting your feet wet with Powershell this keeps it simple.
Get-ChildItem -File $directory
Get-ChildItem is the cmdlet which is used to list directory contents (also aliased to gci, ls, and dir). -File tells it to only list files, and $directory references the directory we want to search from, which we set above. Note that Get-ChildItem might behave differently depending on the provider (for example, you can also use Get-ChildItem on a registry key), but if you are working with a filesystem path you do not need to worry about additional providers for this case.
Passes the previous output down the pipeline. This is a common operator in Powershell, but basically you can string commands together using it. You can read more about the pipeline at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/getting-started/fundamental/understanding-the-windows-powershell-pipeline?view=powershell-6
Where-Object { -Not $_.Extension }
Where-Object evaluates a condition on one or more items, and filters out items that do not meet the condition. Since Get-ChildItem can return one or more files, we use the -Not operator in the ScriptBlock (denoted by {} and make sure that there is no extension on the file. $_, or $PSItem, is a special variable used by the pipeline, in this case $_ equals each item returned by Get-ChildItem. The Extension property exists on files returned by Get-ChildItem, and will be blank, or evaluated as $False. So filtering on -Not $_.Extension is the same as saying to only match objects that are missing a file extension. Where-Object can be read about in more detail here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/where-object?view=powershell-6
Foreach-Object { SCRIPTBLOCK }
Similar to Where-Object, but runs code for each object in the pipeline rather than evaluating and filtering out objects which don't match a condition. In this case, we pipe the each file without an extension to Rename-Item, which I'll break down further below. More information on Foreach-Object can be read about here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/foreach-object?view=powershell-6
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName "$($_.Name).pdf"
Rename the current file in the Foreach-Object block to the new name with .pdf appended. The "$( ... )" is called a sub-expression, which is a string interpolation technique that lets you run a command within a string, and make its output part of the string. You could achieve the same effect by doing $_ | Rename-Item -NewName ( $_.Name + ".pdf" ) which just adds a .pdf to the end of the current name.
The pipeline is a very powerful tool in Powershell, and is key to writing efficient and less bloated scripts. It might seem complex at first, but the more you use it the less daunting it will seem. I highly suggest reading the additional documentation I linked to above as it should help fill in any gaps I may have missed in my explanations above.
To simplify the breakdown above, the command does this, in this order: Gets all files in the specified directory, selects only the files that do not have an extension, then renames each file found without an extension to have a .pdf at the end.
The logic in the script - the overall shape - makes understandable sense, but is not right for it to work as you intend.
Testing on my computer here:
new-item -ItemType File -Name 'test'
get-item test | format-list *
get-item test | foreach { $_.extension; $_.Extension.length; $_.extension.GetType().name }
a file with no extension shows up with an empty string (blank content, length 0, type String, so your where-object { $_.Extension -eq "." } needs to be looking for "" instead of ".".
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq '' }
shows me some folders as well, because they also have no extension in their name, so you might want Get-ChildItem -File to restrict it to just files.
how would I specify a given directory for this script to search through, or would I even need to?
It would run in the current directory, whichever shows up in your prompt PS C:\wherever> so if you need it to run somewhere else, yes you'd need to change to that folder or specify in get-childitem -LiteralPath 'c:\path\to\wherever'. You haven't mentioned subfolders, if you need those included, get-childitem -Recurse switch as well.
Speaking of subfolders, your $filenew = $file.Name + ".pdf" only makes sense in the current directory, I think it would work better if you used the full filename including path, so they definitely get renamed in the same place they were found $filenew = $file.FullName + ".pdf"
Is "Extension -eq "." the correct syntax to specify a filename with no extension?
Being careful here, what you wrote in your question was correct syntax but incorrect string content. What you've written here with quotes on the left of Extension is incorrect syntax.
My other thought was to use Extension -eq "null" or something similar. If I do need to use a null value, what would that look like?
And being careful here, "null" is not a null value, it's a string containing the four letter word 'null'.
You don't need to use a null value here, normally if you do it looks like $null, but in this case you could use where-object { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Extension) } but there's no benefit to it, I think.
And, as a stylistic choice, both "" and '' are strings, but "" can contain variables and sub-expressions, so if you have plain text it's a neat habit to use '' for it because it makes it clear to the reader that you intend there to be nothing special happening in this string.
Then your code, with parameter names given, looks more like:
$proj_files = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath 'C:\Users\mthomas\Documents' |
Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq '.'}
foreach ($file in $proj_files)
$filenew = $file.FullName + '.pdf'
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $file.FullName -NewName $filenew
If you want to see what it will do, use -WhatIf on the end of Rename-Item:
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $file.FullName -NewName $filenew -WhatIf
Then it won't make the changes, just tell you what it would do.
I am hesitant to test this out before getting a second opinion because I don't want to change every file extension on my computer or something stupid like that
Sensible. But internet people are going to tell you to test their code before running it, because ultimately it's your responsibility to safeguard your files, rather than trust random code from the internet, so having test folders, having a spare machine, having a good backup, playing with PowerShell in pieces until you are happy with what they do, they're all good habits to get into as well.

PowerShell Copy and Rename Files in the same Folder

I have a bunch of file which I like to copy or duplicate in the same folder but renaming part of the filename during the copying...
Copying these files
But must be renamed to these
Also I want an input of what to copy and what it will be renamed to...
I only need to input 30_ for the files to copy then input 31_ or 41_ for the copied files..
If it's not possible for input.. I can do with hard coded value...
I found a code that copies and renames the files..
Get-ChildItem '*30_*.pal' -recurs | % {
$copyto = $_.FullName -replace "30_","41_"
Copy-Item $_.FullName $copyto
The input is what's missing now.. and I don't know how to do it...
This should replace the each file if your get-childitem is working properly
Get-ChildItem '*30_*.pal' -Recurse |% {$_.Replace('30','31')}
Ranadip Dutta's answer is good, but the replace might give issues if the second set of numbers ever contains a 30...for example, if there are more files in the group and you have one:
It would get renamed to:
In order to avoid this, use more identifying characters in the Replace to be sure that you are replacing the number in the correct location in the file, like this:
Get-ChildItem '*30_*.pal' -Recurse |% {$_.Replace('®30','®31')}

Why won't it rename the file? Powershell

Can someone tell me why this script won't work?
Get-ChildItem "\\fhnsrv01\home\aborgetti\Documentation\Stage" -Filter *.EDIPROD | `
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName
#filter and save content to a new file
$content | Where-Object {$_ -match 'T042456'} | Rename-Item `
I found this syntax from another question on here and changed the environment variables.
For some reason it won't change the name of the file. The filename is
Help much appreciated.
Thanks to TheMadTechnician I was able to get some working stuff. Great stuff actually. Figure I should share with the world!
#Call Bluezone to do file transfer
#start-process "\\fhnsrv01\home\aborgetti\Documentation\Projects\Automation\OpenBZ.bat"
#Variable Declarations
$a = Get-Date
$b = $a.ToString('MMddyy')
$source = "\\fhnsrv01\home\aborgetti\Documentation\Stage\"
$dest = "\\fhnsrv01\home\aborgetti\Documentation\Stage\orig"
#Find all the files that have EDIPROD extension and proceed to process them
#First copy the original file to the orig folder before any manipulation takes place
Copy-item $source\*.EDIPROD $dest
# Now we must rename the items that are in the table
Switch(GCI \\fhnsrv01\home\aborgetti\Documentation\Stage\*.EDIPROD){
{(GC $_|Select -first 1) -match "834*"}{$_ | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.BaseName+'_834.txt'}}
{(GC $_|Select -first 1) -match "820*"}{$_ | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.BaseName+'_820.txt'}}
Get-ChildItem's -Filter has issues, I really hesitate to use it in general. If it were up to me I'd do something like this:
Get-ChildItem "\\fhnsrv01\home\aborgetti\Documentation\Stage" |
?{$_.Extension -match ".EDIPROD" -and $_.name -match "T042456"}|
Well, I would put it all on one line, but you can line break after the pipe and it does make it a little easier to read, so there you have it. I'm rambling, sorry.
Edit: Wow, I didn't even address what was wrong with your script. Sorry, kind of distracted at the end of my work day here. So, why doesn't your script work? Here's why:
You pull a file and folder listing for the chosen path. That's great, it should work, more or less, I have almost no faith in the -Filter capabilities of the file system provider, but anyway, moving on!
You take that list and run it through a ForEach loop processing each file that matches your filter as such:
You read the contents of the file, and store them in the variable $content
You run the contents of the file, line by line, there a Where filter looking for the text "T042456"
For each line that matches that text you attempt to rename something to that line's basename plus _834.txt (the line of text is a string, it doesn't have a basename property, and it's not an object that can be renamed, so this is going to fail)
So, that's where the issue is. You're pulling the contents of the file, and parsing that line by line trying to match the text instead of matching against the file name. If you removed Everything after the first pipe up to the Where statement, and then for your rename-item put -newname before your desired name, and change the ( ) to { } that goes around the new name, and you would be set. Your code would work. So, your code, modified as I said, would look like:
Get-ChildItem "\\fhnsrv01\home\aborgetti\Documentation\Stage" -Filter *.EDIPROD |
Where-Object {$_ -match 'T042456'} | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.BaseName+'_834.txt'}
Though I have a feeling you want $.Name and not $.BaseName. Using $_.BaseName will leave you with (to use your example file name):
Edit2: Really that's a whole different question, how to match multiple criteria, but the question is here, I'm here, why not just get it done?
So, you have multiple criteria for matching the file names. That really doesn't affect your loop to be honest, what it does affect is the Where statement. If you have multiple options what you probably want is a RegEx match. Totally doable! I'm only going to address the Where statement (?{ }) here, this won't change anything else in the script.
We leave the extension part, but we're going to need to modify the file name part. With RegEx you can match against alternative text by putting it in parenthesis and splitting up the various options with a pipe character. So it would look something like this:
Now we can incorporate that into the rest of the Where statement and it looks like this:
?{$_.Extension -match ".EDIPROD" -and $_.name -match "(T042456|T195917|T048585)"}
or in your script:
Where-Object {$_ -match "(T042456|T195917|T048585)"}
Edit3: Hm, need the first line for the qualifier. That complicates things a bit. Ok, so what I'm thinking is to get our directory listing, get the first line of each file with the desired extension, make an object that has two properties, the first property is the fileinfo object for the file, and the other property will be the first line of the file. Wait, I think we can do better. Switch (GCI *.EDIPROD){(get-content|select -first 1) -match 820}{Rename 820};{blah blah -match 834}{rename 834}}. Yeah, that should work. Ok, actual script, not theoretical gibberish script time. This way if you have other things to look for you can just add lines for them.
Switch(GCI \\fhnsrv01\home\aborgetti\Documentation\Stage\*.EDIPROD){
{(GC $_|Select -first 1).substring(177) -match "^834"}{$_ | Rename-Item -NewName {"834Dailyin$b"};Continue}
{(GC $_|Select -first 1).substring(177) -match "^820"}{$_ | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.BaseName+'_820.txt'};Continue}
Again, if you want the EDIPROD part to remain in the file name change $_.BaseName to $_.Name. Switch is pretty awesome if you're trying to match against different things and perform different actions depending on what the results are. If you aren't familiar with it you may want to go flex your google muscles and check it out.
Hm, alternatively we could have gotten the first line inside the Where filter, run a regex match against that, and renamed the file based on the regex match.
GCI \\fhnsrv01\home\aborgetti\Documentation\Stage\*.EDIPROD | ?{(GC $_ | Select -First 1) -match "(820|834)"}|Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name+"_"+$Matches[1]+".txt"}
Then you just have to update the Where statement to include anything you're trying to match against. That's kind of sexy, though not as versatile as the switch. But for just simple search and rename it works fine.
Try it like this way
Get-ChildItem -Filter "*T042456*" -Recurse | % {Rename-Item $_ "$_ _834.txt"}