Set probability range for heading in Netlogo - range

My problem consists of 2 things:
how to code 4 different range for heading
a. 315 - 45
b. 46 - 135
c. 136 - 225
d. 226- 314 to code probability on choosing this range.
(I have attached image below to make it clear)
What I wish to do is:
a) for heading a; the probability of turtles choose any of this range should be 85%
b) for heading b,c, and b, there will be 5% of turtles choosing any side of this heading
Since I'm quite bad at explaining in words, I have attached image on what I plan to do
here is my code
to random-behave
let p random-float 100
if (p >= 85)
[set heading heading + 45
set heading heading - 45]
if (p >= 15)
[set heading other heading + 45
set heading other heading - 45]
if not can-move? 1 [ rt 180 ]
fd 1
I tried to implement rnd extension but I can't see where should I put it. And if possible, instead of if (p >=15), is there any way to code the heading according to its degree? Since other can't be use here.
Thank you in advance.

You don't need the rnd extension, your approach with random-float is fine. However, you need to use if-else rather than if because a returned random number 'p' that is >85 will also be >15. Instead, you need to break up the interval from 0 to 100 into pieces that are the appropriate length. This is not tested.
to random-behave
let p random-float 100
if-else p <= 85
[ print "got up to 85" ]
[ if-else p <= 90
[ print "got 85 to 90"]
[ if-else p <= 95
[ print "got 90 to 95" ]
[ print "got 95 to 100" ]
if not can-move? 1 [ rt 180 ]
fd 1
You also have errors in your heading calculation. I only answered the probability part since that's what you specifically asked. But you should ask a new question if you need help with your heading.


The in-radius works different in Netlogo 6.1.0 than in previous version

I have the following code which creates a grid of agents and place links between pairs if they are in a distance of interference.
breed [ readers reader ]
undirected-link-breed [ rris rri ]
globals [
to setup
ask patches [ set pcolor blue - 3 ]
to setup-globals
set interf-rri-radius 1005
set num-readers 40
set distance-var-x 12
set distance-var-y 22
set readers-per-row 8
set readers-per-column 5
set num-checkouts 0
to spawn-by-row-col
let half-step 0.5 * distance-var-x
let d-vals ( range ( min-pxcor + half-step ) ( min-pxcor + (readers-per-row * distance-var-x)) distance-var-x )
let dc-vals ( range ( min-pxcor + half-step ) ( min-pycor + (readers-per-column * distance-var-y)) distance-var-y )
show dc-vals
; Create an empty list to build into
let possible-coords []
; For each possible vertical value, map all horizontal values in order and
; combine these into an ordered list starting at the lowest px and py coords
foreach dc-vals [
d ->
set possible-coords ( sentence possible-coords map [ i -> (list i d) ] d-vals )
show (word "possible-coords = " possible-coords)
; Use the number of readers to sublist the possible coordinates, and
; create a turtle at each of the coordinate combinations left.
let max-positions length possible-coords
if max-positions > (num-readers + num-checkouts) [ set max-positions (num-readers + num-checkouts) ]
let use-coords sublist possible-coords num-checkouts max-positions
foreach use-coords [
coords ->
create-readers 1 [
setxy item 0 coords item 1 coords
set shape "square 2"
set size 2
set color 15
ask readers [ create-rris-with other readers in-radius (interf-rri-radius / 10) ]
The neighbors of reader 0 are
show [sort [who] of rri-neighbors] of reader 0
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39]
However, the distance between reader 0 and reader 39 is
show [distance reader 0] of reader 39
and the connection radius is 1005/10= 100.5 so they should not be connected with an rri link.
Notice, I use a origin-centered world of -50 to 50 in X and Y dimensions.
I have tested the code in previous Netlogo version 6.0.4 and the reader 39 is not a neighbour of the reader 0.
I do not know what can be the problem. I believe is the new version but I would like to be sure.
In case anyone else runs into this, there is a confirmed bug with in-radius in the NetLogo 6.1.0 release, and the details are in the bug report on GitHub.
The issue only affects in-radius when used in a non-wrapped world, and only when used on turtles, and only when used with a radius that's a significant % of the world width. If you're using a world with wrapping, or using in-radius with patches, or using a small radius relative to the world size, your data will be correct and you don't need the below workaround.
As a workaround if your model is affected, you can use a simple user-defined NetLogo procedure in your model until the fix is published. It's not going to be super-fast if your having turtles calculate in-radius many times per tick, but if you have few turtles or are just using it during setup, it should be okay:
to-report temp-in-radius [agentset r]
report agentset with [ distance myself <= r ]
Then, instead of create-rris-with other readers in-radius (interf-rri-radius / 10) you would do create-rris-with (temp-in-radius other readers (interf-rri-radius / 10)).
Or more generally, instead of something like count other turtles in-radius 5 would become count temp-in-radius (other turtles) 5.

Set different heading according to rules

What I want to do is to create agents that move randomly in NetLogo world so that it will be quite similar as in real world (since these agents are based on animals, so there shouldn't be any specific codes saying they need to do this or that, most living things move randomly.)
Here is what I plan, I will give a percentage on which direction they will choose, but mostly they will walk straight, here is how I plan it:
if percentage <= 85, heading should be in range 315 - 45
if percentage <= 90, heading should be in range 45 - 315
if percentage <= 95, heading should be in range 315 - 225
if percentage <= 100, heading should be in range 225 - 315
Here is image of what I plan to do, p = percentage,
(I am bad at explaining in words)
here is my code
to random-behave
let p random-float 100
if-else p <= 85
[ set heading heading + 45
set heading heading - 45]
[ if-else p <= 90
[ set heading heading + 45
set heading heading + 135]
[ if-else p <= 95
[ set heading heading + 135
set heading heading + 225]
[set heading heading + 225
set heading heading + 315]
if not can-move? 1 [ rt 180 ]
fd 1
I have some serious error while coding for heading since I don't know how to implement the range that I need.
And is there overlapping heading range happen if I used the one I mention above? Since 315 - 45, 45 - 135
Thank you in advance.
It might be helpful to explain in words what your code is doing- there are definitely some problems with your approach to headings here. For a breakdown of what the ifelse statements are being evaluated, have a look at the comments I've inserted into your version. You'll notice that you're adding or subtracting to a turtle heading multiple times in a single code chunk:
to random-behave-old
let p random-float 100
if-else p <= 85 [
; if p is less than or equal to 85,
; add 45 to heading, then subtract 45 from heading
set heading heading + 45
set heading heading - 45
] [
if-else p <= 90 [
; if p is greater than 85, but less than
; or equal to 90, add 45 to heading, then
; add another 135 to heading
set heading heading + 45
set heading heading + 135
] [
if-else p <= 95 [
; if p is greater than 90, but less than
; or equal to 95, add 135 to heading,
; then add 225 to heading
set heading heading + 135
set heading heading + 225
] [
; if p is greater than 95, add 225 to heading
; then add 315 to the heading.
set heading heading + 225
set heading heading + 315
if not can-move? 1 [ rt 180 ]
fd 1
Now, if I understand you correctly, you want your turtles to mostly move forward the direction they are facing, is that true? Or do you want them to mostly move towards heading 0 (more or less north in the NetLogo world). Assuming the former, have a look at this version of your code. Here, rather than adding to a heading, the turtles just use right-turn (rt) to change their heading.
to random-behave
let p random-float 100
if-else p <= 85 [
; if p is less than or equal to 85,
; right-turn a random value from -45 to 45
rt random 91 - 45
] [
if-else p <= 90 [
; if p is greater than 85, but less than
; or equal to 90, right-turn 90, then
; right-turn a further -45 to 45
rt 90 + random 91 - 45
print "Turning right!"
] [
if-else p <= 95 [
; if p is greater than 90, but less than
; or equal to 95, right-turn 180, then
; right-turn a further -45 to 45
rt 180 + random 91 - 45
print "Turning around!"
] [
; if p is greater than 95, right-turn 270, then
; right-turn a further -45 to 45
rt 270 + random 91 - 45
print "Turning left!"
if not can-move? 1 [ rt 180 ]
fd 1
If in fact you want them to move mostly a specific direction, you can modify the above. For example, to move mostly north, use something like set heading 0 + random 91 - 45; to move mostly east, something like set heading 90 + random 91 - 45.

how to lineup the agents in the ascending or descending order of their who number in netlogo?

I am creating an patient-surgeon-operation bed model, wherein I need to show surgeons lined up on the left side of patch awaiting to enter operation room in the center and the patients awaiting in the queue from the right side.
I want the surgeons and patients to be located on the patch as per their who number
S1 S2 S3 --> Operation room < -- P1 P2 P3
I use the below query, I am not sure where to incorporate the who number
to lineup-patients
LET gapp 10
LET directions
[45 90 230 180 45 90 230 180 45 90 45 90 230 180 45 90 230 180 45 90 45 90 ]
LET jj 0 ; counter / index
REPEAT initial-number-patients
[ create-PATIENTS 1
[ SETXY (0 + jj * gapp) 20
set shape "person"
SET size 1.2
SET label who
SET label-color black
SET heading item jj directions
SET jj jj + 1
ASK patients [
] ]
You have a move-to after you line them up. And it always moves all existing patients. To keep things cleaner, write a separate lineup proc.
to lineup [#patients #patch #gap]
let _x ([pxcor] of #patch)
let _y ([pycor] of #patch)
let _xqs n-values (count #patients) [[n] -> _x + n * #gap]
(foreach sort #patients _xqs [
[p x] -> ask p [setxy x _y]
You can test this with a new instance of NetLogo as follows:
to test
crt 20
lineup turtles one-of patches 0.5

Netlogo: how to round heading into 90 180 270 360 only

I am currently building a model for people walking on a certain path (road patches, color = white). The agents' movement will only be limited on the white patch and when they encounter black patch they will rotate 180 deg.
The problem I found was when I tried to set the heading of the agents. I want the heading to walk to the nearest red patch (destination), but when I use:
set heading towards min-one-of patches with [pcolor = red ] [ distance myself ] <
the agents wont move from their patch. It turned out that the "heading" generated by the above code has the value of -360 to 360 with decimals in it. The walking procedure that I have built only allows heading with multiplies of 90 (-360, -180 ... 90, 180, 270, 360). This is the full code for my walking procedure:
globals [ flagl flagr ]
ask agents [
;reset flag
set flagr 0
set flagl 0
; check and note if there is a path on the left or the right
ask patch-left-and-ahead 90 1 [if (pcolor = white ) [set flagl 1]]
ask patch-right-and-ahead 90 1 [if (pcolor = white ) [set flagr 1]
;in T-junction, decide to turn left or right (random)
if((flagl = 1) and (flagr = 1))
ifelse random 100 > 50
[set heading heading - 90]
[set heading heading + 90]
;if it's only applicable to turn right, then turn right
if((flagl = 0) and (flagr = 1)) [set heading heading + 90]
;if it's only applicable to turn left, then turn right
if((flagl = 1) and (flagr = 0)) [set heading heading - 90]
;return if there's no mor path
if [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance heading 1 = black [rt 180]
;agent movement
**;face min-one-of patches with [pcolor = red ] [ distance myself ]**
fd 1
;stopping procedure
if [pcolor] of patch-here = red [fd 0]
I tried to round the heading generated by #1 like this:
let direction heading towards min-one-of patches with [pcolor = red ] [ distance myself ]
if direction != mod 90
set direction 90 * round(arah/ 90)
However it gives error notice since "let" command cannot take that kind of input.
This is the screenshot of the map I have built:
Any help to solve this problem is hugely appreciated. Thank you!
This might get you started- with minimal checking it seems to do the trick, but you will probably want to check for exceptions.
The cardinal-4 reporter takes whatever input is given and checks if the modulo is equal to 0. If not, it will check if modulo is less than/equal to 45- if so, subtracts that value from the direction (dir). If modulo is greater than 45, the subtract the modulo from the direction and add 90.
The check procedure just prints the reporter output for the values listed.
to setup
to-report cardinal-4 [ heading-input ]
let dir heading-input
let remain dir mod 90
if remain != 0 [
ifelse remain <= 45 [
set dir dir - remain
set dir dir - remain + 90
report dir
Edit: improved check procedure:
to check
let testVals [ -361 -359 -271 -269 -181 -179 -91 -89 -1 0 1 89 91 179 181 269 271 359 360 361 ]
print map [ i -> ( word i " becomes " cardinal-4 i "\n" ) ] testVals

To create fixed number turtles each with separate headings on fixed ycor and equidistant xcor

I want to create 4 turtles on fixed pycor (like pycor = 10) and even spacing xcor over that pycor; and also I want to make the headings of each turtles separate from other. The display is like
............. O ............. O .............. O ........... O ............
(heading 45) (heading 90) (heading 230) (heading 180)
O is the turtle here. My code is as below.
ask n-of 4 patches with [ pcolor = 18 and pycor = 10 ] [
sprout-turtles 1 [
set shape "default"
set color blue
set size 2
set heading one-of [90 270]
With this code turtles are created but many time with same heading, sometimes on same patch, sometimes neighboring patch as shown below
..........OOO...................O or .........OO..........O.........O...
but this i don't want. Should i have to use Create turtles four times separately specifying xcor, ycor and heading? Actually i don't want to use it four times. Please any suggestion and help? Thanks a lot.
Since the only thing you are taking from the patch to the turtle, you may as well just use create-turtles instead of sprout-turtles and then put them where you want. Typically, sprout is used when the particular patch meets relevant conditions - such as having lots of resources. Also, since you want specific values, using one-of or n-of will not work because they randomly select.
Instead you want something more like this (not tested):
let gap 15 ; spacing between turtles
let directions [45 90 230 180] ; heading values
let ii 0 ; counter / index
repeat 4
[ create-turtles 1
[ setxy (0 + ii * gap) 10
set shape "default"
set color blue
set size 2
set heading item ii directions
set ii ii + 1