Downloading Confluence Page Content - confluence

I am downloading a confluence page content (consist table data).But from few days ,It is returning dynamic page content(html,internal javascript) without tabular appears that Atlassian has CHANGED the way they render tables in the Confluence wiki (there was a major UI upgrade recently). When last I did this, the page contents were formatted into a table already so there was parsable HTML available to me.
I hope there must be other people facing/faced same issue.
curl.exe -u "${user}:${pass}" -L "$page" | Set-Content -Encoding UTF8 $raw

I am able to download page content using confluence API, followed below steps
Have identified page id
build api uri and hit using curl
curl -u "robot":"xxxxxxx" -L
> ember.html
The result html content would save in ember.html


How to download a file from box using wget?

I've created a direct link to a file in box:
The previous link is to the browser web interface, so I've then shared with a direct link:
However, if I download the file with a wget I receive garbage.
How can I download the file with wget?
I was able to download the file by making the link public, then replacing /s/ in the url with /shared/static
So my final command was:
curl -L --output
This can probably be modified for wget.
I might be a bit late to the party, but FWIW:
I tried to do the same things in order to download a folder.
I went to the box UI and opened the browser's network tab on the developer tools.
Then I clicked on download and copied as cURL the first link generated, it was something like (removed many headers and options for readability)
curl ''
The response of this request is a json object containing a link for downloading the folder:
"use_zpdl": "true",
"result": "success",
"download_url": <somg long url>,
"progress_reporting_url": <some other url>
I then executed wget -L <download_url> and was able to download the file using wget
The solution was to add the -L option to follow the HTTP redirect:
wget -v -O myfile.tgz -L
What you can do in 2022 is something like this:
wget ""
You can find this link in the POST method in an incognito under Google Chrome's network tab. Note that the double quotes escape characters.

Creating a static copy of a MoinMoin site

I have a MoinMoin site which I've inherited from a previous system
administrator. I'd like to shut it down but keep a static copy of the
content as an archive, ideally with the same URLs. At the moment I'm
trying to accomplish this using wget with the following parameters:
-w 1
-e robots=off
This seems to work for getting the HTML and CSS, but it fails to
download any of the attachments. Is there an argument I can add to wget
which will get round this problem?
Alternatively, is there a way I can tell MoinMoin to link directly to
files in the HTML it produces? If I could do that then I think wget
would "just work" and download all the attachments. I'm not bothered
about the attachment URLs changing as they won't have been linked to
directly in other places (e.g. email archives).
The site is running MoinMoin 1.9.x.
My version of wget:
$ wget --version
GNU Wget 1.16.1 built on linux-gnu.
+digest +https +ipv6 +iri +large-file +nls +ntlm +opie -psl +ssl/openssl
The solution in the end was to use MoinMoin's export dump functionality:
It doesn't preserve the file paths in the way that wget does, but has the major advantage of including all the files and the attachments.

Download and save image from a website using wget

How do I download and save the particular image from the following web page using wget.
I tried this
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget" -r -P "C:\temp\" -A jpeg,jpg,bmp,gif,png ""
But the image did not download and save. I am using Windows 7. I guess I am not getting the image since the web page is not a proper html page (no html or asp etc extension). Am I correct?
Not exactly. A file extension is not required for URLs containing HTML (e.g.
By inspecting the HTML source (ignoring that the page has invalid HTML (<script> tag in between <head> and <body>)), we can see it's using JavaScript to alter the image's src attribute on page load (why, who knows...) to /GetBinary.aspx?Scene&ImageID=509617654&CaseID=&Version= (relative to the HTML page).
As wget can't execute JS, this will never work (like this).
However the actual image URL does return a JPEG image, but you'll have to rename it, as, also, the web server (IIS) is misconfigured, as for that URL it returns a header:
Content-Type: E:\Sites\NASS\CDS\/img/jpg
which is invalid, and causes file association problems when downloading in most browsers / clients.
To prove it's there, you can try downloading it directly with wget:
wget "" -O image.jpg

wget appends query string to resulting file

I'm trying to retrieve working webpages with wget and this goes well for most sites with the following command:
wget -p -k
In these cases I will end up with index.html and the needed CSS/JS etc.
HOWEVER, in certain situations the url will have a query string and in those cases I get an index.html with the query string appended.
Combined with the above wget command will result in:
I have tried using the --restrict-file-names=windows option, but that only gets me to
Can anyone explain why this is needed and how I can end up with a regular index.html file?
UPDATE: I'm sort of on the fence on taking a different approach. I found out I can take the first filename that wget saves by parsing the output. So the name that appears after Saving to: is the one I need.
However, this is wrapped by this strange character รข - rather than just removing that hardcoded - where does this come from?
If you try with parameter "--adjust-extension"
wget -p -k --adjust-extension
you come closer. In folder there will be file with corrected extension: index.html#p=566.html or index.html?p=566.html on *NiX systems. It is simple now to change that file to index.html even with script.
If you are on Microsoft OS make sure you have latter version of wget - it is also available here:
To answer your question about why this is needed, remember that the web server is likely to return different results based on the parameters in the query string. If a query for index.html?page=52 returns different results from index.html?page=53, you probably wouldn't want both pages to be saved in the same file.
Each HTTP request that uses a different set of query parameters is quite literally a request for a distinct resource. wget can't predict which of these changes is and isn't going to be significant, so it's doing the conservative thing and preserving the query parameter URLs in the filename of the local document.
My solution is to do recursive crawling outside wget:
get directory structure with wget (no file)
loop to get main entry file (index.html) from each dir
This works well with wordpress sites. Could miss some pages tho.
# get directory structure
wget --spider -r --no-parent http://<site>/
# loop through each dir
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 10 -type d | cut -c 3- > ./dir_list.txt
while read line;do
wget --wait=5 --tries=20 --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --execute=robots=off --domain=<domain> --strict-comments http://${line}/
done < ./dir_list.txt
The query string is required because of the website design what the site is doing is using the same standard index.html for all content and then using the querystring to pull in the content from another page like with script on the server side. (it may be client side if you look in the JavaScript).
Have you tried using --no-cookies it could be storing this information via cookie and pulling it when you hit the page. also this could be caused by URL rewrite logic which you will have little control over from the client side.
use -O or --output-document options. see

How do I get the raw version of a gist from github?

I need to load a shell script from a raw gist but I can't find a way to get raw URL.
curl -L | bash
And yet there is, look for the raw button (on the top-right of the source code).
The raw URL should look like this:{user}/{gist_hash}/raw/{commit_hash}/{file}
Note: it is possible to get the latest version by omitting the {commit_hash} part, as shown below:{user}/{gist_hash}/raw/{file}
February 2014: the raw url just changed.
See "Gist raw file URI change":
The raw host for all Gist files is changing immediately.
This change was made to further isolate user content from trusted GitHub applications.
The new host is
Existing URIs will redirect to the new host.
Before it was<username>/<gist-id>/raw/...
Now it is<username>/<gist-id>/raw/...
For instance:
KrisWebDev adds in the comments:
If you want the last version of a Gist document, just remove the <commit>/ from URL
One can simply use the github api.$GIST_ID
Gitlab snippets provide short concise urls, are easy to create and goes well with the command line.
Sample example: Enable bash completion by patching /etc/bash.bashrc
sudo su -
(curl -s && echo) | patch -s /etc/bash.bashrc