a non-matching fingerprint, an exception occurs in AuthenticateAsync() - plugins

I have implemented finger touch authentication in my app.
in andorid it works fine in both case
but in IOS when I give non matching input it throws error and stays on same page closing fingertouch pop up.
anyone have idea about this?
please help


Actions on Google - configure Simulator to display my test app

My test app is displayed only on the 'display' tab and not on the conversation menu on the left.
How can it be fixed?
A short term fix, until the bug in the simulator is resolved, is to change your surface. You can switch to speaker if you want to hear the response. Note that you can only swap surfaces when you are not in an active conversation, if you are in one, just click cancel, and then switch surfaces. If you do switch to speaker you will not see the display anymore, but it will say the question you are seeking. Please don't be discouraged, this was not a bug in your code, it is in the simulator.
it is only the first TTS (i.e Welcome! ... ) that you may not hear back the audio file. It is a bug and they are working to fix it. But as long as you see "Welcome!..." in the display card now, your action is working

Has the iOS9 update caused C# codes not work properly?

I have a piece of code which is not working after the iOS9 update on devices, specifically Safari browser (Both iphone and ipad). It works fine in Chrome on the device using iOS9 but Safari is having sme kind of issue which I'm unable to debug. There was no issues in both the browsers on the device till iOS8.
Basically the functionality is a person needs to select 2 images from a set of images and click the GO button. If the images match with the ones saved at backend(DB) then he gets navigated to the next screen, else it shows a Cross symbol and refreshed the page asking the User to select the images again.
Please help and thanks.
Below is the piece of code which I feel is having the issue :
string cbref = Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this,
"arg", "fnGetOutputFromServer", "context");
string cbScr = string.Format("function fnCallServerMethod(arg," +
" context) {{ {0}; }} ", cbref);
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "fnCallServerMethod", cbScr, true);
I put an alert within fnGetOutputFromServer but that never showed up in the device Safari browser. Please help me as I feel totally confused as to why it is not working. Also, I'm okay if I have to change the whole line to put a work around to this or by directly calling the function or something.
Note : This works fine in Chrome on an iOS9 device but does not work in Safari and the same works fine while emulating as iphone/ipad on the PC
Thanks again in advance.
This fixed it !!! :)
I had to get the latest AppleWebkit version for iOS9 and got it updated in the configuration file which resolved the issue

SA_OAuthTwitterEngine login keyboard doesn't show after first launch

I'm using the SA_OAuthTwitterEngine to integrate Twitter into on of my iPhone apps. Loggin in and sending tweets are working fine. But, when I completely terminate my app so it will start up from the beginning, I can't login again using the SA_OAuthTwitterController because the keyboard will not show up. The input field also doesn't respond to the Mac keyboard when using the simulator.
I've searched for similar problems, but they don't help me out. I've found a lot of similar problems, where calling makeKeyAndVisible for the app delegate window solved it. This doesn't work for me. If I set the modalview's alpha to .2, I also don't see the keyboard behind the view controller.
Weirdest thing is that everything works after a fresh reinstall for as many times as I want, but after I've terminated the app, the keyboard doesn't show op anymore.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance!

Not able to enter a string in the TextField of UI-(iphone)

I brought a new MAC-MINI before this i was using MAC BOOk Pro..
i am facing some problem with xcode, the problem is when i run the Application where ever there is a TextField in the UI when i click to enter its not taking input,it takes hardly 1 or 2 strings and throws thread....
when i try to enter its throwing Thread in main() function telling EXC_BAD_ACCESS...
NOTE:The apps which were working before in Mac book Pro's xcode i mean apps which contains TEXTFIELD in the UI is also not taking input in the present xcode of MAC MINI.
if i tried without writing any code just placing a TextField in the UI and running it ,even then i am not able to enter anything in the UI its just throw Thread in main() function EXC_BAD_ACCESS..
I am not able to solve this issue may i know why its happening like this?
Is the problem with Xcode?
Plz Suggest me to solve this issue..
Thank u
Are you setting an object as the textField's delegate?
When you type in the text field, it tries to call its delegate (if it's not nil) to notify about a change in the text. If for whatever reason the delegate is dealloc'ed, you get this type of error, as the textField is trying to reference a deallocated object.

iPhone MKTileCache error - map

In console I get the following error:
[MKTileCache synchronize](MKTileCache*, objc_selector*) called while in background!
Scenario: from a view controller I load the map activity, go back and exit the app using home button.
Does anyone know how to get rid of this error, I think that might be a memory leak.
Thanks in advance.