How to run a remote Powershell in VSTS release only if script exists? - powershell

In VSTS release management there is a nice remote Powershell task where we can run a script on the target machine. However I'd need a way to tell the release managment that only run this file if it exists, otherwise silently ignore that.
I know I can configure a task to not block the process in case of error, however in that case there still will be an exclamation mark in the log and the deployment will get the partial succeeded status. I'd like to avoid this and show success even if the file doesn't exist.
With this I need it to support kind of optional setup scripts for several deployed products.

There isn’t the setting or feature in VSTS to check whether the script file is existing or not.
The simple way is that, you can create another script to call target script.
Create another script (e.g. wapperScript.ps1) to call target script (can use parameter to accept the target script path) and add to source control
Add Windows Machine copy task to copy wapperScript.ps1 to target machine
Add Remote PowerShell task to run wapperScript.ps1

If you make your script more robust with a guard clause so that it can be called regardless of any given environmental condition. This keeps your pipeline less complicated. You can take action on the "file exists" leg and do a noop on the other. You can signal to the release process either way with log entries.


How can i send values to a Jenkins script?

I have a Jenkins job and in that job the first thing that runs is a powershell script that I want to capture user inputs values and set them as global variables that are used through out the Jenkins job.
Now i want the user to be able to put these values in from their machine and then run the job with these values ?
How can i do this ?
EDIT: In case anybody else finds this answer. Please see the comments below. This should not be used for credentials! As the communication can be secured by TLS, the credentials will still be visible in build logs etc.
You need to check the This project is parameterized checkbox in the settings of your job in Jenkins. Then define the name, type etc.
The given name is already accessible via standard syntax.
In shell script ${nameOfParam} or %nameOfParam (depending on your shell / os).
In pipelines they are also accessible via params.nameOfParam.
You can set these variables via GUI using Build with parameters or via API call http://<JENKINS_URL>/job/<JOB_NAME>/buildWithParameters/nameOfParam=foo
See also:
Only thing I quiet don't get from your question is, what you exactly want to do with the powershell script. A pipeline script in Jenkins is executed on a node, so if the job starts it should be running without any user interaction. To set values from the user input as global variables in a powershell script, you already need to have them available within the jenkins node, hence it's nonsense to set them in the powershell script because they are already available.

Is there an easy way to run Azure DevOps PowerShell scripts on my local machine?

I tried to find anything on this but I didn't succeed. Maybe I am using the wrong words for the search.
What I am trying to achieve is that I have a script that can run in an Azure DevOps environment as well as on my local machine for debug purposes. As far as I can see to execute locally I would need some kind of wrapper for the script that is behaving like the Azure DevOps Task is. Does anything like that exist out there?
If you want to have more control over building your code and be able to see intermediate results you need to install self-hosted agent on your machine. Here you have more info about this.
Most of the task are simply wrappers around console tools which adds sort of authorization or making them visually accessible. Maybe useful for you will be enable System.Debug flag on Microsoft agent to see more details what particular task does. You will see more details and thus be able to better understand what is happening behind.
For instance if you use variables in your script like $(someVariable) setting System.Debug you will see your final script in the log with replaced values.
Be aware also that Secret variables are masked. So you may find *** in logs instead of real value.
However, there is no easy way just to extract and wrap what task does to repeat it on your machine without involving Azure DevOps agent.

how to read the session variables with special chars, spaces ect in powershell on target machine task in tfs 2015

We are using Release Management(client/server) for our deployments today and we have both Agent based and vNext Release templates and we have powershell code which takes care of these deployments. Now, we are migrating to the web version of release management in tfs 2015 , we want to use "powershell on target Machine" task to invoke our base script(which then imports other PS modules) which takes care of the deployment.
The problem we are facing is with variables , we need to pass lot of variables to our code , these variables will then be transformed and replace in our config files. these variables have special characters and spaces etc and when we pass these variables in Session variables the deployment is failing because of the spl char or space etc
Is there a way where we can pass the variables to our code with out getting failure.
we have added a inline powershell task to our release which will add all the variables to an xml file and this file will be sitting on build server , then we are adding windows file copy task to move this file to target server one more task powershell on target machine which invokes our base script in which we have updated to read the variables from xml file.
but the problem with this is that we ended up adding 4 tasks in our release to take care of one component in Release Management and some of our releases are quite complicated where we have ~20 components and if we have to migrate this to web based release management we have to add ~80 steps which will add lot of confusion.
is there a better way of doing this?
Please let me know if i make any sense or if more details are required
Variables screeshot
attached a screenshot of the variables which i am trying to pass to session variables in powershell on target machine task.
these variables has '=' in them and when these are passed to the task i get the following error "2019-02-11T17:11:19.9812595Z ##[error]The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Found value 'Source' with no corresponding key"
we were going in the wrong direction of reading the variables through session variables
we have found out that there is an api which makes all the release variables available.
we have then updated our code to get the variables based on the environment

How to run a powershell script on Amazon EC2 instance at Startup?

I have to think this is a solved issue but I am just not getting it to work. So I have come to you StackOverflow with this issue:
I have a windows server 2016 machine running in amazon ec2. I have a machine.ps1 script in a config directory.
I create an image of the box. (I have tried with checking noreboot and unchecking it)
When I create a new instance of the image I want it to run machine.ps1 at launch to set the computer name and then set routes and some config settings for the box. The goal is to do this without logging into the box.
I have read and tried:
Running Powershell scripts at Start up
and used this to ensure user data was getting passed in:
EC2 Powershell Launch Tools
I have tried setting up a scheduled task that runs the machine.ps1 on start up (It just hangs)
I see the initializeInstance.ps1 on start up task and have tried to even coop that replacing the line to run userdata with the line to run my script. Nothing.
If I log into the box and run machine.ps1, it will restart the computer and set the computer name and then I need to run it once more to set routes. This works manually. I just need to find a way to do it automagically.
I want to launch these instances from powershell not with launch configurations and auto scale.
You can use User data
Whenever you deploy a new server, workstation or virtual machine there is nearly always a requirement to make final changes to the system before it’s ready for use. Typically this is normally done with a post-deployment script that might be triggered manually on start-up or it might be a final step in a Configuration Manager task sequence or if you using Azure you may use the Custom Script Extension. So how do you achieve similar functionality using EC2 instances in Amazon Web Services (AWS)? If you’ve created your own Amazon Machine Image (AMI) you can set the script to run from the Runonce registry key, but then can be a cumbersome approach particularly if you want to make changes to the script and it’s been embedded into the image. AWS offers a much more dynamic method of injecting a script to run upon start-up through a feature called user data.
Please refer following link for ther same:
Poershell User data
Windows typically won't let a powershell script call another powershell script unless it is being run as Administrator. It is a weird 'safety' feature. But it is perfectly okay to load the ps1 files and use any functions inside them.
The UserData script is typically run as "system". You would THINK that would pass muster. But it fails...
The SOLUTION: Make ALL of your scripts into powershell functions instead.
In your machine.ps1 - wrap the contents with function syntax
function MyDescriptiveName { <original script contents> }
Then in UserData - use the functions like this
# To use a relative path
Set-Location -Path <my location>
# Load script file into process memory
. <full-or-relpath>/machine.ps1
# Call function
MyDescriptiveName <params-if-applicable>
If the function needs to call other functions (aka scripts), you'll need to make those scripts into functions and load the script file into process memory in UserData also.

How to run powershell script remotely using chef?

I have powershell script which is present on chef server to run on remote windows server, how can i run this powershell script from chef server on remote windows server.
Chef doesn't do anything like this. First, Chef Server can never remotely access servers directly, all it does is stores data. Second, Chef doesn't really do "run a thing in a place right now". We offer workstation tools like knife ssh and knife winrm as simplistic wrappers but they aren't made for anything complex. The Chef-y way to do this would be to make a recipe and run your script using the the powershell_script resource.
Does it mean chef is also running on Windows server ?
If yes, why not to use psexec from Windows Ps tools ?
Here is my understanding of what you are trying to achieve. If I'm wrong then please correct me in a comment and I will update my answer.
You have a powershell script that you need to run on a specific server or set of servers.
It would be convenient to have a central management solution for running this script instead of logging into each server and running it manually.
Ergo you either need to run this script in many places when a condition isn't filled, such as a file is missing, or you need to run this script often, or you need this script to be run with a certain timing in regards to other processes you have going on.
Without knowing precisely what you're trying to achieve with your script the best solution I know of is to write a cookbook and do one of the following
If your script is complex place it in your cookbook/files folder (assuming the script will be identical on all computers it runs on) or in your cookbook/templates folder (if you will need to inject information into it at write time). You can then write the .ps file to the local computer during a Chef converge with the following code snippet. After you write it to disk you will also have to call it with one of the commands in the next bullet.
Monomorphic file:
cookbook_file '<destination>' do
source '<>'
<other options>
Options can be found at
Polymorphic file:
template '<destination>' do
source '<>'
variables {<hash of variables and values>}
<other options>
Options can be found at
If your script is a simple one-liner you can instead use powershell_script, powershell_out! or execute. powershell_out! has all the same options and features as the shell_out! command and the added advantage that your converge will pause until it receives an exit status for the command, if that is desirable. The documentation on using it is a bit more spotty though so spend time experimenting with it and googling.
Which ever option you end up going with you will probably want to guard your resource with conditions on when it should not run, such as when a file already exists, a registry key is set or what ever else your script changes that you can use. If you truly want the script to execute every single converge then you can skip this step, but that is a code smell and I urge you to reconsider your plans.
It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list of how to run a powershell script on your nodes, just a collection of common patterns I've seen.
Hope this helped.