How to write a custom module for spring data - spring-data

I need to extend spring data in order to support my own custom backend. From the spring data website, it seems that it is possible to add community modules to the framework, which in turn enables you to support a custom backend. However, I can't seem to find some code examples/docs illustrating the module implementation mechanism.
Even a basic example using a file-based persistence would be very helpful.

You just have to extend it then you can override the methods and add your own. If you're using IntelliJ, just implement/extend (for example) CrudRepository, execute Generate Code and select Implement methods or Override methods.
public MyRepository extends CrudRepository<T, Long>{
//in Mac, you press command + N. Then select Override methods.
//in Windows, I don't think Generate Method is given a shortcut. You can find it in the menu bar


Customizing content proposal in Xtext for web editors

I have a DSL written in Xtext. In order to add custom content proposal, I have edited the MyDslProposalProvider class in the ui project. The new proposals are present when I debug the plugin in Eclipse, but not in the web editor, which is ultimately what I want. I want to set the custom proposals at a single place and all generated editors to use them. Is it possible to do that with Xtext?
As I had the same problem and struggled a little bit with the solution (as I would like to use both, Eclipse editor and Web editor) I would like to provide some more detailed feedback on a possible solution here, which worked well for me.
In my solution I did the following steps.
Implement a MyDslIdeContentProposalProvider in my.dsl.ide sub project extending from IdeContentProposalProvider, package my.dsl.ide.contentassistant (newly created); an example of such an implementation may be found here.
The implementation is not such convenient as at the well known UI proposal provider for Eclipse. I had to implement switch cases based on MyDslGrammarAccess elements instead of structural grammar elements like in the UI proposal provider. On the other hand, I have only one proposal implementation for all editor cases that way (DRY principle!).
Register the MyDslIdeContentProposalProvider at MyDslIdeModule in the same project (only with that it works already in the web editor).
def Class<? extends IdeContentProposalProvider> bindIdeContentProposalProvider() {
Register the new MyDslIdeContentProposalProvider and the forwarding class UiToIdeContentProposalProvider at the MyDslUiModule in the my.dsl.ui sub project. (That's what took the longest investigation as it cannot be logically derived.)
override Class<? extends IContentProposalProvider> bindIContentProposalProvider() {
return UiToIdeContentProposalProvider
def Class<? extends IdeContentProposalProvider> bindIdeContentProposalProvider() {
return JavaPOSConfigLanguageIdeContentProposalProvider
For an full example see here.
As I had implemented the MyDslIdeContentProposalProvider in the newly created package my.dsl.ide.contentassistant, this package has to be exported in the MANIFEST.MF file of the sub project my.dsl.ide (the subsequent 2 exports were already there). Otherwise i would get an an error Access restriction: The type is not accessible due to restriction on required project in the MyDslUiModule.
Export-Package: my.dsl.ide.contentassist,
That way it worked well for for both editors, Eclipse and web.
Thanks Christian again for the initial hint!
... If I could make a wish, I would like to have the same structural grammar element access in the MyDslIdeContentProposalProvider as we have it today in UI proposal provider.
you need to subclass org.eclipse.xtext.ide.editor.contentassist.IdeContentProposalProvider and bind it in YourDslIdeModule and YourDslUiModule. Then (in Xtext 2.13) you can use org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.contentassist.UiToIdeContentProposalProvider bound in YourDslUiModule to delegate to that in eclipse ui.

How to distinguish wizards in Eclipse RCP?

We have an Eclipse IDE application on 3.x that uses various newWizards to allow the user to create different files. Although these files differ slightly contentwise, the structure of the wizards is quite similar.
Thus, a sound object-oriented approach would be to instantiate different wizards from the same class and initialize them with different data.
To decide what wizard needs which data we need a way to distinguish the different already instantiated wizards (e.g during the call to the init method of the wizard).
Is there any way to do so? It would e.g. help if somebody knows a way to get the wizard's id defined in the extension point from within the instantiated wizard.
If your wizard implements IExecutableExtension, it will be passed the configuration element that represents the extension for which it is created.
You can also use extension factories in that you specify a type that implements IExecutableExtensionFactory.
The interface allows you to control how the instances provided to extension-points (wizards in your case) are created.
Extension example:
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.wizards">
Note that the extension factory may also implement IExecutableExtension to gain access to extension attributes before creating the extension's executable class.

Is it possible to use spring-data-rest-webmvc without an actual Repository?

The question may sound funny but I think this should be possible.
What I want is to use a repository that is purely custom but is exposed just like a Repository. This service would have methods to get, save, delete and list objects where the data could be from any arbitrary source.
Looking through the code, I think it should be possible since methods are accessed using CrudMethods and RepositoryInvoker. I belief this requires an implementation of RepositoryFactoryInformation that will be discovered by Repositories. I started experimenting a bit and it looks like a full-blown spring-data-noop module.
Am I on the right track or is there an easier way to accomplish this?
I've ended up writing spring-data-custom to create fully customized spring-data repositories, allowing custom code to be used with spring-data-rest etc.
Enable custom repositories (#EnableCustomRepositories)
Annotate eligible entities (#Custom)
Create a repository (extend CustomRepository<T, ID>)
Add custom behavior:
Let repository extend a new interface with the Custom suffix
Create an implementation of the new interface with the Impl prefix
Add one or more CRUD methods named findOne, save, findAll, delete (see DefaultCrudMethods)
Add query methods annotated with #Query
Export repository using spring-data-rest
(copied from README)
As #wwadge correctly mentioned, spring-data-keyvalue is an alternative. Repositories have to implement KeyValueAdapter, e.g. MapKeyValueAdapter.
The easier way is to use spring-data-keyvalue project which does what you are trying to do.

IoC, MVC4 Web API & HttpParameterBinding/ParameterBindingAttribute

I'm using ASP.Net MVC 4 RTM Web API. I have a controller action with a parameter that I'd like to populate via custom model binding. To achieve this, I created a class that derives from System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpParameterBinding that sets the value of this parameter. I then created an attribute class that derives from System.Web.Http.ParameterBindingAttribute which I use to decorate the parameter on my controller action.
This is all working great, my HttpParameterBinding class is populating the action parameter correctly. The problem I have is that my custom parameter binding class has a dependency that I'd like resolved via my IoC container (Unity). Is there a way to override how Web API creates HttpParameterBinding instances so that I can build up my custom binding class dependency from Unity? I was able to do something similar for a filter attribute by creating a custom filter provider that uses Unity's BuildUp method to populate dependencies, however I'm not seeing anything similar for Web API's HttpParameterBindings.
In general: to use IoC / Unity in the Web API you need to set it up seperately.
Try downloading the nuget package Unity.WebApi and see if that helps!
Take a look at this article: Parameter Binding in WebAPI
It walks through a couple different options from Converters to Binders to BinderProviders. It sounds like you may be able to write a custom ModelBinderProvider which knows how to provide your dependency. If that isn't high enough in the chain you can look at replacing the default IActionValueBinder service. It's a DefaultActionValueBinder instance, which you can extend or simply re-implement.
I also highly recommend downloading the WebAPI source code, as it's been an incredible help for these issues as I've run into them. Here's the WebAPI source code. I recommend downloading it so you can open it in VS for easy navigation.
Feel free to check out FlitBit too (It's very modular, don't let the number of packages scare you off)! I'm working on a WebAPI package for supporting FlitBit, specifically FlitBit.IoC and FlitBit.Dto. I'll add an update if I work out my IoC issue, since it's very similar to yours.

Is there a tool to convert my GWT RemoteServiceServlet into the correct Service and ServiceAsync interfaces?

I'm working on a GWT project and I find it very tedious to have to add a function to my servlet, then copy and paste the function signature into my Service interface, then copy and paste it into my ServiceAsync interface and change the return parameter to be a callback. Is there a tool or a setting where I can just add public methods to my class and they can get copied into the other interfaces? Even if its not automatic it would be nice to be able to select specific methods and have them copied automatically.
I'm using eclipse and ideally it would update my interface each time I save implementation since thats when it checks my code and complains that my changes break the interface.
If you add the method to your *Service interface, then Eclipse can auto-generate the method ("Add unimplemented methods...") in your *ServiceImpl servlet, which you can then just fill in. Also, if you've got the Google Eclipse plugin installed, it will underline the new method in your *Service interface and complain that it's not in the *ServiceAsync. It might have a CTRL + 1 option to generate it in that interface as well.
You don't really need a tool. Just factor out the many RPC methods by just one method that takes a Request/Response. all you need to do is create subclasses of Request/Response and you don't need to think about adding new methods in the 2 interfaces.
You can use Google Guice on the server side to map the incomming request to a class handling the call... or you could use a visitor approach to forward the incoming request to the code handling the request (without resorting on a big instanceof construct).
Instantiations WindowBuilder GWT Designer does exactly what you are looking for.
The RemoteService Wizard will create all three files at the same time as well as keep them in sync as you make changes.
FWIW - I am only a user/purchaser of this product. I am not employed or in any other way related to Instantiations.