OneSignal REST API get segment count - rest

Having read the REST API documentation, I couldn't find any information related to getting the segment count for a notification. Is it possible to get it using the REST API? Getting the segment count is possible in OneSignal developer panel as you can change the filters and see the estimated number of clients who receive your notification. But I want to get that estimated number using the REST API.

It is not possible to get the estimated receiving users before creating the notification using the REST API. A workaround to this would be creating templates and using the template_id in the API call.


Google Data Fusion: How to hit Multiple APIs based on column value

I am an API which gives back multiple API endpoints and then I need to hit those API endpoints to get the results.
I am trying to implement this solution in Google Data Fusion but HTTP source and sink takes only one endpoint at a time.
How I can hit multiple APIs one by one ?

How to get sample data from sales force developer account through rest api

I need to get sample data from sales force developer account but i am unable to find any API to get any data from sales force.
Is there any API exposed by sales force to accomplish the task.
Salesforce exposes a large number of thoroughly documented APIs.
Access to record data is most commonly achieved through the standard REST API.
You may be most interested in the endpoints named under Working with Records, which provide access to record data, or Working with Searches and Queries.

How to get around salesforce API limit

I am building a chrome extension/third-party app that needs to read data from salesforce.
One way is to make a API call directly to salesforce whenever a user needs to query something, but this will create a large number of API calls.
What I attempted to do is to pull a ton of data from salesforce into a Google Sheet using the reports API, on an hourly basis, then query the data through Google App Script. But Salesforce's 2000 row limits for Reports and SOQL API, as well as the runtime limits posed by Google App Script, make my life difficult :(
What are the best ways to get data from salesforce for third party extensions?
Appreciate your help!
The bulk API can fulfill your needs as it hasn't a limitation on the number of returned rows.

Google Chart API Request Limits

Just want to know if there are any request limits for Google Chart API .
From one of the forum (!searchin/google-chart-api/request$20limit/google-chart-api/OcgFN6vdFrc/kLILyz3xDuwJ) i found that there is no request limit for Google Visualization API (JS) , exception is GeoMap and GeoChart. So i believe if we just want to draw a chart , there is no limit on API request but it will be applied only when we integrate Visualization API with GeoMap and GeoChart.
I could also find that in (!msg/google-chart-api/4tSecsyQEHk/yKb9caU5PLUJ) saying Limit of '50,000' queries per user per day . Since its an old entry not sure whether this limit is still valid.
Thanks in advance.
Jijomon Thottungalthara.
Google chart has no request limit, but keep in mind that google may apply limit if it sees some inappropriate activity or if multiple request are coming from single ip/user. This is written in terms of google API use.

PayPal Rest API - historical data

I'm just wondering if the new PayPal rest API can be used to receive historical data. For example getting a list of sales made before the rest API existed.
I thought there would be some way to hook it up but it seems you can only get sales that were made though the rest API itself.
Am I wrong?
That's correct - only transactions created (via the REST API's) are returned in a GET /payment call today.
You would need to use the classic TransactionSearch API call for any transaction created prior to that.