I've got a Python Django Backend running, and want to design a microservice. This microservices has a rest POST endpoint open. Now I want to transfer multiple binary files and some meta data (as json?) in a single POST request from Django to the microservice. What would be the besteht way to accomplish this.
I thought about transfering the data as multipart, but I think it's Mord for HTML forms. Also thought about protobuf. Would appreciate if you could help me, what's the most common way for such problems? What's the most efficient way?
It shouldn't be important, that I am using Django or Python for the answer.
The simplest solution is to use multipart/form-data. This is supported (as in builin) by all web application servers and almost web clients. It supports multiple arbitrary binary files and other data in the same request.
So my answer is KISS.
P.S. It is not only for forms.
I'm trying to figure out what the latest best practice is when it comes to REST APIs and finding an elegant way to "tell" the client what the response will look like. I'm no web expert. But I just recently joined a new team and I've noticed that in the client code, they have hardcoded URI to APIs... and anytime the schema of the return data changes, they have to patch their client code.
Trying to find a way to make things more dynamic by:
introducing patterns to "discover" API servers.
looking into HATEOAS.
More than anything else though, what I'm trying improve is having to change the client code each time the logic on the server changes as far as the body of a GET response.
I've been reading this:
And in particular, the following comments stood out to me: (under the WRML heading)
this media type communicates, directly to clients, distinct and
complementary bits of information regarding the content of a message.
The Web Resource Modeling Language (WRML, www.wrml.org) provides this
"pluggable" media type to give rich web applications direct access to
structural information and format serialization code. The media type's
self-descriptive and pluggable design reduces the need for information
to be communicated out-of-band and then hard-coded by client
is WRML still a thing? this book that i'm reading is from 2011... and I'm assuming a lot has changed since then.
Can I cheaply build my own inhouse solution where we use the Content-Type or some other header to provide the clients with schema information?
can you point me to an example / sample code where someone is using custom values in Content-Type or other Headers to accomplish something similar?
Or if you have any other suggestions I'm all ears.
Thank you.
I don't know much about WRML, but I would look into:
HATEOAS formats like HAL/HAL Forms and Siren, which are self-describing.
JSON-Schema to describe responses and requests (and yes they can be linked from HATEOAS responses).
If you don't want to go the hypermedia route, OpenAPI and RAML
I've been developing Ketting for the last 5 years and HATEOAS has been nothing short of magic lately as all the tools have been falling into place.
I am beginner at web development and faced some confusion in REST API, that is, I understood that REST API is perfectly suited to do CRUD operations in a faster way since server returns data instead of markup I hope I am correct. So, the question is Is REST API used purely to perform CRUD operations faster since data is exchanged faster? Please guys help or tell me what is wrong with my question
I am beginner at web development and faced some confusion in REST API
That is not your fault; the web has a lot more writing about REST than it has understanding about REST.
Is rest api used only for crud operations?
No - but the facade looks like we're just doing generic crud operations, and from that we get a lot of power and re-usability.
Jim Webber's 2011 summary is the best I know of. It looks like all we are doing is CRUD operations on documents, but interesting business activities can occur as a side effect of the changes to the documents.
A REST API is a disguise that our domain model wears so that it looks like a dumb document store with standardized semantics.
we simply take resource from a database which is in server with GET and can perform actions on the resource like DELETE and UPDATE in a FAST WAY since we deal with data instead of HTML markup. Am I right?
No, I wouldn't write it that way at all. The World Wide Web, HTML and all, is REST (to first order). Resources can have more than one representation; REST is designed so that HTML capable clients can ask for HTML, and JSON capable clients can ask for JSON, and clients that understand both can negotiate with the server to choose.
If you have it in mind that REST, or REST APIs, means JSON, then you are on the wrong track.
I am trying to create a RESTful web service that accepts JSON arguments and gives out a JSON response.
What I want is to accept HTTP requests made to my URL endpoint.
Something like,
POST /the/endpoint HTTP/1.1
Host: mywebsite.com
{"name":"yourname", "department":"your_department"}
Do a DB read at the backend and give relevant parameters like, say Manager name, salary etc as a JSON object, as the response.
What's the best way to go about it? I was thinking of using Java servlets for this? Is there a better way?
PS - I am just getting started so detailed answers or links to tutorials as to how to implement it would be much appreciated.
Yes you can easily do this with Servlets and some Json Libs for Marshalling /unmarshalling the Json Object to Java Object.
You can make use of Json libs like
Jackson ,
Gson etc
But you must know that REST application doesnt end with just handling the request and response , but it needs to take care of other non-functional requirements like
Security etc
Building this from a scratch from a Servlet is overkill and waste of time when there are ready made frameworks that these things for you
My favorite is Spring MVC 3.0
Check their project site for more details
Just to show you how easy to set up one in Spring MVC , check this below tutorial
Spring 3 REST Tutorial
Pls rate the post if it helps , Cheers.
If you want to go with Java, I suggest that you take a look at JAX-RS... And since REST is a complex topic, here is a url with tons of informations on it. http://code.google.com/p/implementing-rest/
As a complete beginner, I believe the best way to implement a (nearly) RESTful API without having to read a lot is simply to implement the API just using HTML pages and HTML forms with the back-end processing to handle them.
The rules are:
Use <a> tags to provide links to related resources. (navigation)
Use <form> tags to initiate any kind of processing operation on the server. (actions)
You can then make it properly RESTful by using progressive enhancement to add Javascript AJAX requests that perform PUT, PATCH, and DELETE instead of using POST for those three (of course, keeping POST for creating resources where the client doesn't know the resultant URI).
You can then click around and test the API in a web browser! Tools like Selenium can automate this.
If you need to provide JSON, this can be added after the API has been designed and tested, although libraries exist to process HTML or XHTML responses too, so JSON isn't necessarily required for machine readability.
if you are using php with symfony try:https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSRestBundle this lets you create a real REST full servicer very quick.
Vogella made my day very easy when i started Web services with an super example here with eclipse screen shots ..Have a look here.
I have a requirement where I have large amount of data(in form of pdf,images,doc files) on server which will be distributed to many users. I want to pull these file using web services along with their meta-data. I will be getting the files in bytes. I am confused in which type of web service will be more secure, easy to parse? Which one is easy to implement on iPhone client?
I know REST is simpler but I read somewhere that it is not suitable for distributed environment. At the same time SOAP is too heavy for mobile platform.
I have searched many sites describing how REST is easier and how SOAP is secure. I got confused about which one to use?
Also about the kind of response, which will be better JSON or XML for my requirement?
For your requirements JSON will be the best kind of response because it is way smaller than XML (More than 50% smaller in many tests). You can use SBJSON (https://github.com/stig/json-framework/) to parse it easily on iOS.
Concerning REST or SOAP, the last one is indeed really heavy for mobile platform and not so easy to implement. SOAP requires XML too and cannot be used with JSON. Whereas with REST you can use JSON or XML and easily implement it on iOS with RESTKit (http://restkit.org/), for security you can use an SSL connection with HTTPS and a signed certificate.
The only advantage of SOAP is the WSDL (Webservice specification) which made your webservices really strong.
Unless you have a specific requirement to pull the file data and the metadata in the same response, you might consider just pulling down the file with a regular HTTP GET. You can get decent security with HTTPS and Basic Auth or client certificates. I would then include a Link header pointing to the metadata for your file, as in:
Link: </path/to/metadata>;rel=meta
In particular, this lets you have separate caching semantics for the file itself and for its metadata, which is useful in the common case where the files are much larger than their metadata and where metadata can change without file contents changing.
Could anybody clarify the process of consuming aspx webservices in iOS? I have already tried JSON framework but now, need to create an app that consumes .net webservices in XML format. I need both to post some data to, and get data from the server. I already read about existing XML parsers for iOS that I found (here)
The question is do I need to do additional setup, like wrapping my query strings in SOAP or smth, in order to communicate with webserver? Would it be sufficient to use only one of mentioned libraries in the link or do I need additional stuff?
UPDATE: I found one tutorial on web (here) that demonstrates how to consume web services using Json-framework. Also, I found another one that demonstrates it using NSXMLParser (here). I'm not not very familiar with WSDL and SOAP, so any detailed explanation on how to implement would be desirable :). In both of these examples you just have to construct a request string in xml format and execute it, and that's it. Both examples actually bypasses the heavyness of SOAP and WSDL, so I was wondering do I have to know and do more that just construct a request string, execute it and get response?
While wsdl2objc is out there (as noted by #Girish Kolari), the truth is that there's no easy answer. I've never successfully gotten wsdl2objc working well for something that I couldn't have done more easily by hand. You will need to learn SOAP and WSDL. That's just a fact of life if you can't get access to a REST interface. In my experience, your best bet for simple SOAP access is to do it by hand, and your best bet for somewhat complicated SOAP access is gSOAP. Your best bet for very complicated access is to redesign something so it's not so complicated, ideally in REST. SOAP is a giant pain that some languages (C#) shield you from. ObjC does not shield you from it, so it continues to be a giant pain.
Yes, SOAP leaves a bad taste in my mouth.