Filter toggle grays out workbook and only a manual refresh fixes - tableau-api

This is only happening with one workbook, all others function fine. I've tried live vs extract, restarting and reconnecting/refreshing my data source. Every time I toggle one of my filters, my visual is grayed out. Each time I toggle a filter, I have to right click the data source and refresh.

See Automatic Updates
In the menu bar, Worksheet -> Auto Updates, "Auto Update Worksheet" is likely unchecked which would cause the described behavior (or use the pause/play icon in the toolbar).


VSCode Setting (Does it exist)

When I perform a deploy or retrieve operation in VSCODE the result of the operation will make the panel that shows the output appear. I perform deploy and retrieve operations frequently since I use the "deploy on save" functionality. Is there a setting that will prevent that panel from showing up if the result of the operation is a success? Basically I only want the panel to show up if there is an actual problem that needs my attention/focus.
The below image shows the panel I am referring to circled in blue. The panel covers my code and requires that I manually click a button to rehide it.
I've tried turning the panel off in the "VIEW" settings but that doesn't work.
I've tried resizing it so that the height is very small but that is equally as annoying when I actually need to open the panel to use the terminal or review errors from the deploy/retrieve.
Is there a setting in VSCode that will prevent that panel from showing when the operation is successful?
NOTE: For every retrieve/deploy there is a dialog box that says if the operation was a success or failure. So not having this panel show will not prevent the user from knowing how the operation resulted

How can I set the default option in Visual Studio Code's Quick Open View?

Up until now I've been using Ctrl+Q to trigger View: Quick Open View. The first option was Explorer, so if I Ctrl+Shift+F to search something I return the Explorer back to the sidebar by Ctrl+Q only.
Today, the first option changed and I have no idea why. It's set to an extension's sidebar view.
If I disable it the first option becomes Bookmarks. How can I tell VS Code I want Explorer to be the first option, like it's always been?
It was a regression in v1.42 that is due to be fixed in the v1.42.1 recovery update.

VSCode: Turn auto scrolling permanently ON

In Visual Studio Code, is there any way to force the auto-scrolling option of the Output panel permanently enabled?
At the moment I have to click on the lock button every time I build my project to disable the scroll lock or better to say enable the auto-scrolling feature and this is so annoying.
I took a look at the settings but couldn't find any relevant parameter there.
Any ideas?
An option to turn off the smart scroll feature was included in one of the recent updates (probably in the March 2020 update, I didn't find it in the changelog), see more: issue #69480
Since then, I've been able to "save" the scroll state, try this:
Go to File > Preferences > Settings (or Ctrl + ,)
In Features > Output, disable Smart Scroll option (or search output.smartScroll.enabled)
Tested with VSCode version 1.45.1 and CodeRunner 0.10.0
Smart scrolling allows you to lock scrolling automatically when you
click in the output view and unlocks when you click in the last line
So clicking on the last line will auto scroll to the last line. I made a habit of doing that. Of course disabling Smart Scrolling is the permanent solution.

how do I get DBeaver to show a Save button?

I want a save button that I can click with the mouse, but when I focus on a SQL editor page and file and do >Window >Customise Perspective >Edit actions, it's greyed out and says "Save (Ctrl+S' command cannot be made visible in this dialog.
DBeaver Community v6.0.5.2019... Windows 10 Enterprise 2016
It's just a simple thing so I don't have to keep switching between keyboard and mouse.
This is some months old so it may not be relevant for you, but this may help others (I was brought here as the lone google search result and had to keep poking around until I found it)
anyway, in DBeaver menu select Window>Preferences>DBeaver>Editors there should be a checkbox for 'Show Edit toolbar'. Check that and apply and close. Exit and restart DBeaver and it should have buttons for save/undo/etc. If it still does not, go to Window>Customize Perspective and the 'Edit actions' toolbar items should no longer be unselectable so you should be able to add them to the toolbar from there.

Detecting a click on Grid while row editor is opened in buffered mode

I want to show the dialog box by clicking on a different row (with options to save changes or cancel).
When Editor is open, it will catch the click and is stoping the event propagation, thus underlying Grid does not get the click event and ItemClickEvent is not being fired.
Is it possible to detect a click on the grid row through extensions or another way?
Is it possible to detect a click on the grid row through extensions or another way?
Technically speaking yes. E.g. GridFastNavigation add-on does this trick in order to make possible single click editor opening.
But you could also listen to Editor opening, see ( ) when you are in unbuffered mode Editor already open, editor will re-open on the row you click. This catching this event could help you find a way.