Microsoft Query TO_CHAR date - tsql

I'm trying to write sql select in Excel using Microsoft Query.
the problem is it produces error when trying to execute to_char(date, 'mm-dd-yyyy') ; I tried all the possible variations: to_char(date, mm-dd-yyyy) , to_char(date, "mm-dd-yyyy") , to_char(date, 'mm-dd-yyyy') .
Does anyone know symbols do I have to use to put the date format in??

to_char is not a part of T-SQL, it's a part of PL/SQL.
The closest T-SQL equivalent is format, available from SQL-Server version 2012, and according to my current search it's also available in MS query.
So instead of to_char(date, 'mm-dd-yyyy') use format(date, 'MM-dd-yyyy')


how to convert "MMM-YY" from varchar to date?

Does anyone have any idea how to convert a date formatted "mmm-yy" (varchar) to "dd-mm-yyyy" or only from varchar data type to date data type.
It actually depends on what language or tool you are using, but there is almost certainly a builtin function that will help you do this.
Or if you are doing this using a programing language i.e., Python, JavaScript etc. Just use the built in string replace methods to change the date into your desired format.

Oracle - Get date from date time using to_date()

I getting an XML date/time from an XML file and need to load it in a datatype of just Date, so I have to truncate the time.
I would like to try something like this in order to let Oracle do the truncation:
TO_DATE('2015-11-04 13:45:19.387-05:00','YYYY-MM-DD')
I verify this failed by running this:
SELECT TO_DATE('2015-11-04 13:45:19.387-05:00','YYYY-MM-DD') FROM DUAL
It throws error: ORA-01830: data format picture ends before converting entire string.
I'm trying to minimize change to my C# program that is building the SQL statements. If I need to, I can change my C# code to generate this:
Can Oracle handle the truncation or must I do it in my program?
If you're storing your information in a DATE column in Oracle (which accepts date-and-time), then the following should help you see what you need to do:
select to_timestamp_tz('2015-11-04 13:45:19.387-05:00','YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss.ff3tzh:tzm') tz,
to_date(to_char(to_timestamp_tz('2015-11-04 13:45:19.387-05:00','YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss.ff3tzh:tzm'), 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') tz_char_date,
cast(to_timestamp_tz('2015-11-04 13:45:19.387-05:00','YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss.ff3tzh:tzm') as date) tz_cast_date
from dual;
---------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------
04/11/2015 13:45:19.387000000 -05:00 04/11/2015 13:45:19 2015-11-04 13:45:19
An alternative is to use substr to shorten the string to get the portion you're interested in:
select to_date(substr('2015-11-04 13:45:19.387-05:00', 1, 19), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') substr_date
from dual;
2015-11-04 13:45:19
You can use the to_timestamp_tz() function to convert the string from XML into a timestamp with timezone value:
SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2015-11-04 13:45:19.387-05:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFTZH:TZM')
04-NOV-15 -05:00
You can then use the trunc() function to truncate the time portion to midnight; this also converts it implicitly from a timestamp to a date:
SELECT TRUNC(TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2015-11-04 13:45:19.387-05:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFTZH:TZM'))
This ignores the actual time zone - essentially assuming the values are in your system timezone (i.e. you are in the same -05:00 region).
You could also use a substring to strip the time and timezone part from the raw string before converting:
SELECT TO_DATE(SUBSTR('2015-11-04 13:45:19.387-05:00', 1, 10), 'YYYY-MM-DD')
... or performing the substring in C# if you prefer, assuming that is parsing the XML document.
(These are intentionally displaying in a format that is different from the ISO standard so they don't look like the original string value from your XML; they are actual date/timestamp with time zone types, my client is just using my NLS settings.)
You also have the option of using Oracle's built-in XML handling to extract relational data from your document, but that's rather off-topic and might not be appropriate.

SQL Server - Exporting table from SQL Server 2008 without CAST

I am on SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio and I was trying to export a table to SQL file as INSERT INTO... but in that table I have also a smalldatetime field which is gonna exported as CAST(0x9E7501E0 AS SmallDateTime) for example... is there a way to export that smalldatetime to .sql where smalldatetime would be represented as '2014-02-05 11:10:34' ?
thanks in advance to everyone!!
You can use Convert, which has lots of data format options:
See: or How to convert DateTime to VarChar for examples.
Use CONVERT function like
select CONVERT(smalldatetime, your_date_time_field, 120) as new_date_time
If you want to convert it to varchar
select CONVERT(varchar, your_date_time_field, 120) as new_date_time
Here 120 is the format style which will represent the output as yy-mm-dd h:m:s

How to get datetime in 24hour format from oracle database?

Is there any other way to get datetime field from oracle database in 24hour format???like
-> "select getxsddate(col_name) from tab_name" will get you datetime format as "2012-04-04T12:31:00"...I wanted to know if there are any other ways as i`m not satisfied with this format.
select to_char(col_name, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from tab_name
You can read more about to_char function here
Another very simple way is to set, in the database nls parameters, the parameter date_format='DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'

Perl DBD::ODBC Issues with Oracle Date Formats

I am using Perl's DBD::ODBC to connect to an Oracle database. However, an issue arises when I try to execute a select query using a date in the where clause. It seems this issue occurs because of the database's date format being DD-MON-RR (see DBD::ODBC::FAQ). Since I cannot change the database's settings, can anyone suggest a workaround?
The database's default date format only matters if you depend on it, which you should not in general. You can:
1) Specify the format of the date in your query:
select *
from news
where news_date = to_date ('01-DEC-2009','DD-MON-RRRR');
2) Use the ANSI standard for date literals:
select *
from news
where news_date = DATE '2009-12-01';
One option is to use the TO_DATE() function (or the ANSI 'DATE' keyword) to convert the format in every query:
WHERE date_field > TO_DATE('2009-11-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
-- or
WHERE date_field > DATE '2009-11-01'
If you have to do this a lot, a better option would be to set the format for the session:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<EOT);
SELECT date_field
FROM some_table
WHERE date_field > '2009-11-01'
Don't rely on implicit datatype conversion. You can always specify the date format in the where clause:
WHERE your_column = to_date(:your_parameter, 'yyyy/mm/dd')