Problems with append using a for loop involving lists in Python 2 - append

I'm a beginner with python 2 and I've got two problems with 'append' command using a for loop.
I'trying to make run this piece of code, but it doesn't work properly:
def pole():
fish_pole = []
fish_elements = ['stick', 'liana', 'worm', 'bended needle']
pick_choice = raw_input()
if pick_choice == "pick up":
print "Good boy. You start picking up your 'tools'"
for element in fish_elements:
print "You've found a %s and then" % element
if not element in fish_elements:
print "Ok you have the tools you need."
print "Now you can go to the river."
print "Come on. The sun is dying."
Ok, my problems are these:
I can't figure out why it prints the "You've found a %s and then" string only for the element 'stick' and the element 'worm';
if I write simply "if not fish_elements:" I have the first problem I've just mentioned above plus this one: as soon as the script finishes printing the two strings for 'stick' and 'worm', it goes straight for the 'else' option and it restarts the entire pole() definition from the beginning.
Please help me. Thanks guys!

Since you're iterating through all the elements of fish_elements you can consider removing fish_elements.remove(element) as it may be the main problem.
for element in fish_elements:
print "You've found a %s and then" % element


MIRC, Ignoring " | " when reading a text file?

in my MIRC script, it is set up to read a text file, in these text files there is the symbol " | " followed by a space on both ends, it seems to read everything before " | " just fine, but cuts it off right at the first space. Any help is appreciated.
I am using
msg $nick $read(test.txt, n, 1)
to read the text file.
EDIT:: I have tried all switches which result in the same thing.
EDIT:: It also tells me in the server window "Unknown Command"
EDIT:: After making a new pastebin uploading script, it still seems to get that issue? It will completely just cut off the rest of the text after a "&" or " | "
The symptoms is matching to a scenario which $read was evaluated to a command and the result will take the separators as set of commands to be executed.
This can be due to aliases or events.
Try the first /play command, which will play the file from the 3rd line to see if it behaving as the line we expect it to be or instead each line as a set of commands, separated by /
Then perform the 2nd /play command to view how it should been send to the server.
This is design to see where the problem lie.
/play -axl3 echo test.txt
/play -exl3 test.txt
The output should be the same and as we expect it with the line being displayed including |.
This will make sure the problem is to blame upon other corrupt aliases or events.
We will perform the following and after each step you will test you code to see if it was solved.
Test to see if it an alias named msg hurt you, by converting your script command to /!msg $nick$read(test.txt, n, 1).
Check for dangerous events such as the infamous INPUT or the rising bandit PARSELINE by disabling them.If the problem solved then return the events one by one the find the problematic event and fix it.
Due to the lack of a responses/answers, I was unable to solve it, I have made a makeshift fix for this issue by using
play -xl# $nick test.txt
rather than
msg $nick $read(test.txt, n, 1)
I had almost the same problem and was able to solve it, using the same solution, try this:
Your previous script was: msg $nick $read(test.txt, n, 1)
Now remove the 'msg $nick' and add that to the beginning of every line in the text.txt file with a space between 'msg $nick' and the rest of the line, i.e : msg $nick Hey I see you are back | msg $nick Missed You!
Then your script becomes: $read(test.txt, p)
^^ Hope that makes sense, but I found the original issues was Double Evaluation hence why sometimes you would see the error: Unknown Command or something along those lines.

If Line Number Exists

Im trying to get a code that will do something if a certain line number is in a text file for example "Test.txt"
if line "x" exists in test.txt msg $chan working
thanks #denny for being the one to help me out.
if ($read(test.txt, n, x)) {
msg $chan working
You have couple of options.
Searching to see if the number is lower or equal to the total lines. e.g: $lines(filename)
You can extract the line and use a condition if it's full. e.g: $read(filename, LINE-NUMBER)
Notes for each method:
Will only tell you if there is a line number, NOT if there is something inside this line.
Will only give you the line if exists, if the line is empty or there is no such line then it will appears like it's empty.

Read entire line $nick found on

Below I have wrote my basic goal and the code I already have, any help is much appreciated as I am learning myself how IRC Scripting works, thanks guys!
on $*:text:*test*:#: {
if ($date isin $read(test1.txt, 1)) {
if ($nick isin $read(test1.txt, 1)) { write test.txt "entire line $nick was found on in test1.txt" $1- }
In the future, you should make your question clearer.
Your question looks like this one mIRC Search for multiple words in text file, you can read my answer there for more information, it's mostly the same so I'm copying and pasting it here with edits for your case.
To read a .txt file line by line you need a loop. To use this loop type: /findNick <NICK>
alias findNick {
var %nick = $1
while ($read(test1.txt, nw, $+(*,$date,*), $calc($readn + 1))) {
var %line = $v1
if (%nick isin %line) {
echo -a %nick found on the line: %line
; do your stuff here
$readn is an identifier that returns the line that $read() matched. It is used to start searching for the pattern on the next line. Which is in this case $date. The asteriks means a wildcard, so anything that contains that date.
In the code above, $readn starts at 0. We use $calc() to start at line 1. Every match $read() will start searching on the next line. When no more matches are after the line specified $read will return $null - terminating the loop.
The w switch is used to use a wildcard in your search
The n switch prevents evaluating the text it reads as if it was mSL code. In almost EVERY case you must use the n switch. Except if you really need it. Improper use of the $read() identifier without the 'n' switch could leave your script highly vulnerable.
The result is stored in a variable named %line to use it again to check wheter $nick is in the found line. If the $nick was found, it will echo the result in your active window.
And again, if there's anything unclear, I will try to explain it better.

To find the matched and unmatched values in perl

I am a newbie to programming and I hope someone can explain this to me:
So I have two text files i.e. Scan1.txt and Scan2.txt that are stored in my computer. Scan1.txt contains:
Scan2.txt contains:
I have to extract the matched values of these two files and the unmatched values and print them separately. I somehow found the solution for this which works fine. But can someone please explain how exactly the match happens here. Looks like somehow just this line:
$hash{$matchline}++ in the code does the matching and increments the value of hash when the match is found. I understand the logic but I do not understand how this match actually happens. Can someone help me understand this?
Thank you in advance!
Here is the code:
open (F1, "Scan1.txt");
open (F2, "Scan2.txt");
while ($matchline= <F1> ){
close F1;
while( $matchline= <F2> ){
close F2;
foreach $matchline (keys %hash){
if ($hash{$matchline} == 1){
push(#unmatched, $matchline);
push (#matched, $matchline);
print "Matched Entries are >>\n";
print "```````````````````````\n";
print join ("\n", #matched) . "\n";
print "```````````````````````\n";
print "Unmatched Entries are >>\n";
print "```````````````````````\n";
print join ("\n", #unmatched) . "\n";
print "```````````````````````\n";
The code you mention above will give you a false result if a given word exists more than one time in the second file and not exists in the first.
this line:
increments a different counter for each different word.
in the first loop it sets to 1 for the words in the first file.
so if a word exists in each file the counter will be at least 2.
the $hash itself is a set of counters.
A more generalized version of your problem is that of computing the set union or intersection between two sets. This link gives a very good treatment of the problem in general.
In your case, the set is nothing but the list of values from each file. The logic is, if a certain value was present in both files then $hash{matchline} == 2, because the value will be incremented in both the while loops. However, if the line was present in only one of the files, the value of $hash{matchline} == 1, since only one while loop will increment the value and not the other.
Also, Lajos Veres raises a very important point: if a certain word, say "Tom" is present twice in the same file, then the algorithm will fail. It is a subtle detail, which can be resolved in many ways- removing duplicates beforehand, using two hashes, etc.
Hope this helps.

Unwanted line breaks when using print when expression

I'm currently using the Print When Expression function on my fields and whenever a field is getting excluded because of the print when condition it is leaving a blank space instead of just skipping it and moving on to the next one. Here is a picture showing what is happening:
So I'm trying to find a way to ignore that line break and keep the entire list uniform.
Here is my Print When Expression condition (which may or may not help you in answering my question): $F{clicks} < 1
Apply the Print When expression to the whole band, not to the fields.