Rename Wildlfy temporary content folder(s) - deployment

As mentioned in the title, is there a way to rename Wildfly tmp/vfs/temp/temp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/content-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy folder(s)?
What I would like to obtain is something like this:
tmp/vfs/temp/temp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/WebApp.war, where WebApp.war is the name of a WAR package inside the deployment folder
I tried looking in the Wildfly documentation, but I could not find anything useful.
I am pretty sure it is feasible and it should not be related to a configuration file inside the WAR package.
Currently I am using two versions of Wildfly (on different hosts): 8.1.0 and 10.0.0-Final.
Thanks in advance for your time.


Make per-context JNDI variable available to Tomcat in Eclipse

I'm using Tomcat 8.5.6 inside Eclipse 4.6.1. I have my web-app project/context foo, which has a JAX-RS (using RESTEasy 3.1.0.CR3) endpoint of bar, so I can fire up Tomcat inside Eclipse and access:
I have a variable named foobar which I want to access inside my JAX-RS implementation using JNDI:
final String foobar = (String) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/foobar");
I plan on deploying the produced WAR in production using Tomcat autodeploy. I want to configure the foobar variable for Tomcat externally to the WAR. How can I do that so that I can test it in Eclipse?
After a lot of reading, I found what I thought to be the $CATALINA_HOME of Eclipse: …\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\. So I created a context file for foo at …\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\conf\Catalina\localhost\foo.xml to correspond to my project/context, and put the following inside it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Environment name="foobar" type="java.lang.String" value="123"/>
Yes, I know that Eclipse erases this directory whenever I rebuild. But after building, I saved to file at least want to see if it works. It doesn't. I get an error:
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name [foobar] is not bound in this Context. Unable to find [foobar].
I want to at least get it working so I can know how to do this in production, and worry later about the context file deletion thing in Eclipse. So what did I do wrong? Why can't Tomcat in Eclipse find this JNDI variable?
Note: I am not using a web.xml file and have no desire to do so; besides, this variable should be defined outside the WAR in the production deployment.
Update: The good news is that (on Windows 10 Professional Anniversary Edition 64-bit) using the same Tomcat but in standalone mode, I put the same foobar.xml file inside the standalone Tomcat's conf\Catalina\localhost\foo.xml, and my JAX-RS application picked it up just fine. So how can I define a JNDI variable in Tomcat inside Eclipse for testing?
It appears that in order to get Eclipse+Tomcat to recognize the per-module context files, you have to go into the server configuration (double-click on the server) and turn on the Publish module contexts to separate XML files. This way Tomcat will use the specific context XML file you created. Otherwise it apparently puts them in conf/server.xml and ignores the context-specific file you created.
There is still the problem that Eclipse regenerates this file each time you do a rebuild, destroying whatever JNDI variables you placed there. I'm trying to get the workaround in to work, but not yet succeeding. Anyone have any better ideas?
At least I'm able to reproduce a production environment now --- albeit temporarily, until the next rebuild.
Your link to Markus' answer on allowed me to get this working, or at least as described in his workaround. But the remaining problem to solve was ordering.
As he said, you can workaround this by having a local copy of the META-INF/context.xml somewhere else, and adding this folder to the Deployment Assembly in the project properties of the Eclipse project.
This didn't pick up for me initially though. It looks like that while the Deployment Assembly in the properties shows as sorted by name, in fact it has an order like any other path. When I then removed the src/main/webapp entry (so the one containing the normal META-INF/context.xml) and added it back in, this effectively moved it down the pecking order. The next Tomcat deploy and startup in Eclipse finally put my preferred copy of META-INF/context.xml in .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\myapp\META-INF
If in doubt about the true sequence of that Deployment Assembly path, have a look under your Eclipse project on the file system - at .settings\org.eclipse.wst.common.component.

Is there a quick way to convert Eclipse "libraries" to Maven POM entries?

I've got an eclipse project with several "libraries", each containing a significant number (35-40) of individual jar files. For instance, a JBoss "library" will generally have several hundred .jar file associated with a particular runtime.
Is there a way to find/use the "library" objects with Maven so that I can specify them in my POM.xml, or am I stuck with individual entries for each individual .jar file?
Sorry Josh, think you're stuck.
We had this issue once (a legacy app with loads of jars that had to be moved to Maven) and what we did was write a little script that returned the SHA hash of all of the jar files, and searched the maven repository (given khmarbaise's link above) using that. This way you know that you're getting the exact jar that you're already using.
The best solution i can recommend is to use:
For JBoss you need to use the search in JBoss repository.
But better check the documentation at JBoss if there is a more up-to-date source for JBoss.

Expand WAR or EAR files in jBoss AS 7

I'm deploying a WebService project into a jBoss AS7, and everything goes OK except that jBoss doesn't expand my WAR or EAR file.
Already tried copying the file to the "jboss-as-7.1.0.Final\standalone\deployments" folder and using the WebConsole, but in both cases the result was the same.
If I deploy from within Eclipse everything runs OK.
I need it to expand my file because in the application initialization I scan the class
directories looking for the correct class to instantiate using reflection.
EDIT : Don't know if this a particular situation with jBoss AS 7 or with the jBoss AS family, because I already used WebSphere and jBoss Web and both of them expanded the files.
EDIT2 : Added a System.out with the execution path
and it returns the following path
witch doesn't exist. So I did a search for the class name and fount it at
Isn't it possible to force JBoss to extract the files to the deployment folder? Or how can I get the previous path at run time.
Had forgotten about this question, so this is the way that I solved it:
public String getRealFilePath(String aFilePath) throws Exception
org.jboss.vfs.VirtualFile vFile = org.jboss.vfs.VFS.getChild(aFilePath);
URI fileNameDecodedTmp = org.jboss.vfs.VFSUtils.getPhysicalURI(vFile);
path = fileNameDecodedTmp.getPath();
return path;
So at runtime I just need to call getRealFilePath() with the original question values, and problem solved ;)
I believe that you cannot force Jboss7 to auto expand the war file when deploying.
You can, however, copy the already expanded war and you shouldn't have any problems.
Actually, if you look closely at the Eclipse deployment, you will notice that it copies the whole directory to the deployment directory, not the war file itself.
Why do you need to deploy exploded, by the way? If you need to access and read some files as resources, you can have a look at classpath resources
Please check you classpath setting. I faced the same problem recently, and solved it by added system environment variables:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\lib;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\lib\tools.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\lib\dt.jar; `

how can i use a shared lib in glassfish to avoid deployment of the huge libs?

I have to upload about 30M for my app since it uses a lot of libraries, log, web engine and so on.
I think there should be a way to share these libs on glassfish, but I failed to figure it out. I tried to put them in domain/lib/ext but does not work.
So where should I store these libs and how should I refer to them? thank you.
Why domaindir/lib/ext does not work?
from glassfish manual:
Optional packages are packages of Java classes and associated native code that application
developers can use to extend the functionality of the core platform.
To use the Java optional package mechanism, copy the JAR files into the domain-dir/lib/ext
directory, then restart the server.
Why domaindir/lib work?
To use the Common class loader, copy the JAR files into the domain-dir/lib or as-install/lib
directory or copy the .class files (and other needed files, such as .properties files) into the
domain-dir/lib/classes directory, then restart the server.
Using the Common class loader makes an application or module accessible to all applications
or modules deployed on servers that share the same configuration.However, this accessibility
does not extend to application clients.
If I remember well, you can also specify additional libraries in the classpath via the admin console (in Application Server > JVM settings or something like this). Then you can put them wherever you want.
(I had a quick look at Pascal's link, but I don't know if that's what they describe, if yes, my apologies for the duplicate answer.)
One option would be to put them in domains/domain1/lib. But actually, I suggest to read GlassFish equivalent to WebSphere's "shared libraries", including the comments.

Deploy war file with modifiable properties files

I am building a web service and am packaging it into a war file for deployment. Right now all of my config files (.properties and .xml) are being packaged into my .war file. This isn't going to work as some of these files will need to be modified for each individual installation. I know that some servlet containers will leave the .war files intact which would mean the config files would never be easily modified. My question is this: what is the best practice for deploying a .war file with these external config files? I'm thinking that the config files will need to be shipped separate from the .war file and placed into a directory that is in the classpath. Is there a default directory setup like this in Tomcat that these files can just be dropped into and my web service will be able to find without much trouble?
Maybe I shouldn't be using a war file for this setup? Maybe I should just be providing a zip file (with the same contents as the war file) and the deployment will simply be to extract the zip into the webapps directory?
I do not know any default directory in Tomcat to store configuration, my
attempts to solve the same issue have been :
1 - Move configuration to the DB and provide scripts or webpages to modify values.
2 - Have a script to deploy the war. The script would merge configuration from a user directory into web.xml or other deployed config files.
3 - Have webapps look first in a user directory for configuration and
if not found then look for configuration files deployed by the war.
Least favorite is 3 - it require all webapps to check two places for configuration and
you end up with two different xml files on the server with different values and it is not always clear which one is used.
Next favorite is 2 - the webapps can be written without knowledge of multiple config files, but you run into issue when someone does a deploy from Tomcat manager instead of using your script.
Favorite is 1. This just works in most cases. Problem is when you don't have a DB or
want to configure how you connect to the DB.
If having the file visible from all webapps is not an issue, you could put it $CATALINA_HOME/lib.
One solution is to modify property file after deployment of war file is to use ServletContext.getRealpath() method to get the real path means path of file in the server where it is deployed and then modify that file it will modify file in container only not the original file. So you need to backup it if it is important modification for you. So by this you do not need to redeploy war file as it is already modifying file from deployed container.
This solution can edit a file that is in webpages folder also from the java class.
If you want more description or how to do it then let me know i have did it.