Database level migrations in parse server - mongodb

Is there a possible way of writing database migrations for Parse Server?
My use case is: I want some tables with pre-populated data whenever I connect my application to a fresh mongodb server. Say for example, setup a staging environment, setup a local development environment etc etc.
I could not really find anything in the docs.
Am i going in the right direction or am I missing something?

Part of the -> Parse-Server migration is that you now have to manage your own database. Parse-Server gives you the necessary tools to connect to your database, but you have to do things like manage indexes (mlab gives you weekly tips on what indexes you could add for improvement!), uploading large amounts of data, etc.
So, if your question is "Does Parse-Server do this?" No, and they won't.
If your question is "Can this be done?" Well, yes! MongoDB has an upload feature that takes in JSON or CSV, if I recall correctly. I know you can upload a collection, I'm not sure if you can do multiple collections at a time. One caveat is that you need to set createdAt and updatedAt and objectId yourself for this, but yes you can do this.
If you aren't too familiar with working with raw data that mongo needs, you could always setup the tables you want if they aren't too big, export all the data, and then use that data export as the import for all the fresh databases thereafter. Only issue there is that updatedAt and createdAt will show old dates on new instances.


What is the best way to maintain a redacted replica of my MongoDB for analytical and investigation purposes?

I have a production dataset in my MongoDB which I use to run my application, I would like to give my devs access to the data in this database but the database contains sensitive data which I don't want exposed to devs poking around in the database. I would also prefer that the devs don't have access directly to the prod database, but rather have access to a replica of it stored somewhere else.
Ideally, I would prefer to use some tool to maintain a perfect replica of my MongoDB database in another MongoDB database, however, with the replica being redacted so no sensitive data is present.
As a plus, it would be nice if the data could also be transformed and aggregated in different ways before it lands in the second database.
What would be the best way to go about doing this?
Set up a change stream. In the change stream listener, redact the new/updated documents and write them to the analytics instance.

Insert MongoDB document with an objectId that existed in the past

I've a bunch of collections (12) and I need to rename many fields of them. I can't do it live in the database, all I can do is download and reupload a dump of it.
So I've downloaded the collection with mongodump manipulated the data and I'm planning to use mongorestore to push it back on the database.
I'm wondering what will happen then with ObjectIds.. I know that an objectId is unique throughout the database so I'm thinking about deleting all the old data right before using mongorestore, is it ok or will I still have problems with the ids?
You can specify any value for MongoID whatever you want. You even can use string instead of MongoID.
If you have production app you need to perform upgrade and migrate data by application itself step by step.
If you have one proccess singlethreaded application or if you can run your app in that way - it is most simple case. Else you need synchronization service.
Be carefull with async/await and promises and so on asyncronous processes. They receive and have in memory one the data in one time and continue process with that data in another time, and it need to have in mind that.
You need to do:
modify service to be ready to both data format
create modification code which will go through all the data and migrate it
modify service to be ready only to new data format once all the data migrate done

MongoDB merging db

Is there a way to merge two mongodb databases?
In a way all records and files from DB2 should be merged to DB1.
I have a Java based web application with several APIs to download file content from the MongoDB. So I'm thinking using bash curl download the file, read the records properties then re-upload (merge) to the destination DB1.
This however will have an issue since the same Mongo _id ObjectID("xxxx") from DB2 cannot be transfer to DB1. MongoDB will automatically generate and assign ObjectID("xxxx") value based on what I understand.
Yes, use Mongodump and Mongorestore.
the chance for a duplicate document id (assuming its not the same document) is extremely low.
and in that case mongo will let you know insertion has failed and you could choose to deal with it however you see fit.
You could also use the write concern flag with the restore to decide how to deal with it while uploading.

MongoDB to DynamoDB

I have a database currently in Mongo running on an EC2 instance and would like to migrate the data to DynamoDB. Is this possible and what is the most cost effective way to achieve this?
When you ask for a "cost effective way" to migrate data, I assume you are looking for existing technologies that can ease your life. If so, you could do the following:
Export your MongoDB data to a text file, say in tsv format, using mongoexport.
Upload that file somewhere in S3.
Import this data, in S3, to DynamoDB using AWS Data Pipeline.
Of course, you should design & finalize your DynamoDB table schema before doing all this.
Whenever you are changing databases, you have to be very careful about the way you migrate data. Certain data formats maintain type consistency, while others do not.
Then there are just data formats that cannot handle your schema. For example, CSV is great at handling data when it is one row per entry, but how do you render an embedded array in CSV? It really isn't possible, JSON is good at this, but JSON has its own problems.
The easiest example of this is JSON and DateTime. JSON does not have a specification for storing DateTime values, they can end up as ISO8601 dates, or perhaps UNIX Epoch Timestamps, or really anything a developer can dream up. What about Longs, Doubles, Ints? JSON doesn't discriminate, it makes them all strings, which can cause loss of precision if not deserialized correctly.
This makes it very important that you choose the appropriate translation medium. The generally means you have to roll your own solution. This means loading up the drivers for both databases, reading an entry from one, translating, and writing to this other. This is the best way to be absolutely sure errors are handled properly for your environment, that types are kept consistently, and that the code properly translates schema from source to destination (if necessary).
What does this all mean for you? It means a lot of leg work for you. It is possible somebody has already rolled something that is broad enough for your case, but I have found in the past that it is best for you to do it yourself.
I know this post is old, Amazon made it possible with AWS DMS, check this document :
Some relevant parts:
Using an Amazon DynamoDB Database as a Target for AWS Database
Migration Service
You can use AWS DMS to migrate data to an Amazon DynamoDB table.
Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that
provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability.
AWS DMS supports using a relational database or MongoDB as a source.

Transferring data from Lotus Notes to DB2 using Agent

before you say something, I searched a lot but didn't find how to do that.
So I got database in .NSF format for use in Lotus Notes. I need to write an Agent (I know how to) so data from that database will be automatically transferred to DB2 database.
So before I create DB2 tables, how do i know which structure I need to use? How do I check how exactly data in that .NSF file is stored?
Notes documents are unstructured, there's no guarantee that any two documents in a database have the same structure. You will need to decide what data you want to transfer to a relational table, then check each document to see if it contains the corresponding fields (items). You didn't mention what language you're planning to use for your agent; in Java you would use NotesDocument.getItems() to enumerate all items in a document.
As mustaccio also said, since Notes/Domino is a NoSQL database, you don't have a schema.
You should talk to the developer of the application and get an understanding of what data is lovated where.
You could of course use the Design Synopsis function in Domino Designer to export the actual design, but document can potentially contain data not showing up in the design.
If you want to export the documents as XML, I have a tool I wrote available here:
You can export all the documents and then look at the XML to see what data you have.