Adopting CustomNSError in DecodingError - swift

I'm writing an error logger using Crashlytics and I've come up against an issue that is making me question my understanding of protocols and dynamic dispatch.
When recording non fatal errors using Crashlytics the API expects an Error conforming object, and an optional user info dictionary. I'm looking at JSON decoding errors at the moment, and I wasn't too happy with what I was seeing in the Crashlytics dashboard when I just sent the DecodingError along in recordError. So my solution was to write an extension for DecodingError adopting CustomNSError to provide some more verbose info to help with debugging in the future:
extension DecodingError: CustomNSError {
public static var errorDomain: String {
return "com.domain.App.ErrorDomain.DecodingError"
public var errorCode: Int {
switch self {
case .dataCorrupted:
return 1
case .keyNotFound:
return 2
case .typeMismatch:
return 3
case .valueNotFound:
return 4
public var errorUserInfo: [String : Any] {
switch self {
case .dataCorrupted(let context):
var userInfo: [String: Any] = [
"debugDescription": context.debugDescription,
"codingPath": { $0.stringValue }.joined(separator: ".")
guard let underlyingError = context.underlyingError else { return userInfo }
userInfo["underlyingErrorLocalizedDescription"] = underlyingError.localizedDescription
userInfo["underlyingErrorDebugDescription"] = (underlyingError as NSError).debugDescription
userInfo["underlyingErrorUserInfo"] = (underlyingError as NSError) {
return "\($0.key): \(String(describing: $0.value))"
}.joined(separator: ", ")
return userInfo
case .keyNotFound(let codingKey, let context):
return [
"debugDescription": context.debugDescription,
"codingPath": { $0.stringValue }.joined(separator: "."),
"codingKey": codingKey.stringValue
case .typeMismatch(_, let context), .valueNotFound(_, let context):
return [
"debugDescription": context.debugDescription,
"codingPath": { $0.stringValue }.joined(separator: ".")
I've written a method in my logger which looks like this:
func log(_ error: CustomNSError) {
And I send the error along here:
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let test = try decoder.decode(SomeObject.self, from: someShitJSON)
} catch(let error as DecodingError) {
switch error {
case .dataCorrupted(let context):
But the object that gets passed to the log(_ error:) is not my implementation of CustomNSError, looks like a standard NSError with the NSCocoaErrorDomain.
I hope that's detailed enough to explain what I mean, not sure why the object being passed to log doesn't have the values I set up in the extension to DecodingError. I know I could easily just send across the additional user info separately in my call to Crashlytics, but I'd quite like to know where I'm going wrong with my understanding of this scenario.

NSError bridging is an interesting beast in the Swift compiler. On the one hand, NSError comes from the Foundation framework, which your application may or may not use; on the other, the actual bridging mechanics need to be performed in the compiler, and rightfully, the compiler should have as little knowledge of "high-level" libraries above the standard library as possible.
As such, the compiler has very little knowledge of what NSError actually is, and instead, Error exposes three properties which provide the entirety of the underlying representation of NSError:
public protocol Error {
var _domain: String { get }
var _code: Int { get }
// Note: _userInfo is always an NSDictionary, but we cannot use that type here
// because the standard library cannot depend on Foundation. However, the
// underscore implies that we control all implementations of this requirement.
var _userInfo: AnyObject? { get }
// ...
NSError, then, has a Swift extension which conforms to Error and implements those three properties:
extension NSError : Error {
public var _domain: String { return domain }
public var _code: Int { return code }
public var _userInfo: AnyObject? { return userInfo as NSDictionary }
// ...
With this, when you import Foundation, any Error can be cast to an NSError and vice versa, as both expose _domain, _code, and _userInfo (which is what the compiler actually uses to perform the bridging).
The CustomNSError protocol plays into this by allowing you to supply an errorDomain, errorCode, and errorUserInfo, which are then exposed by various extensions as their underscore versions:
public extension Error where Self : CustomNSError {
/// Default implementation for customized NSErrors.
var _domain: String { return Self.errorDomain }
/// Default implementation for customized NSErrors.
var _code: Int { return self.errorCode }
// ...
So, how are EncodingError and DecodingError different? Well, since they're both defined in the standard library (which is present regardless of whether or not you use Foundation, and cannot depend on Foundation), they hook into the system by providing implementations of _domain, _code, and _userInfo directly.
Since both types provide the direct underscore versions of those variables, they don't call in to the non-underscore versions to get the domain, code, and user info — the values are used directly (rather than rely on var _domain: String { return Self.errorDomain }).
So, in effect, you can't override the behavior because EncodingError and DecodingError already provide this info. Instead, if you want to provide different codes/domains/user info dictionaries, you're going to need to write a function which takes an EncodingError/DecodingError and returns your own NSError, or similar.


Is it possible for a Swift type to be inferred by "pulling out" a Type value from a generic function's parameter?

(Apologies if the title is confusing, but I explain the question better here!)
I'm building a networking library that can perform JSON decoding on its responses.
Host apps adopting this library will create enums conforming to NetLibRoute. All that currently does is enforce the presence of asURL:
public protocol NetLibRoute {
var asURL: URL { get throws }
In a host app, I have a routing system that enforces API structure at the compiler-level (via enums and associated values) for each endpoint, like this:
enum Routes: NetLibRoute {
case people(Int?)
// Other routes go here, e.g.:
// case user(Int)
// case search(query: String, limit: Int?)
var asURL: URL {
let host = ""
let urlString: String
switch self {
case let .people(personID):
if let personID {
urlString = host + "api/people/\(personID)"
} else {
urlString = host + "api/people/"
// Build other URLs from associated values
return URL(string: urlString)!
I also want each enum to be associated with a certain Codable type. I can do that, of course, by modifying the Route protocol declaration to also require a type conforming to Decodable:
protocol NetLibRoute {
var asURL: URL { get throws }
var decodedType: Decodable.Type { get } // This
And a matching computed property in my Routes enum:
var decodedType: Decodable.Type {
switch self {
case .people(_):
return Person.self
// And so on
The Problem
Currently, my networking code has a declaration something like this:
public static func get<T>(route: NetLibRoute,
type: T.Type) async throws -> T where T: Decodable {
// performing request on route.asURL
// decoding from JSON as T or throwing error
// returning decoded T
Which lets me call it like this:
let person = try await NetLib.get(route: Routes.people(1), type: Person.self)
However, this redundancy (and potential human error from mismatching route and type) really irks me. I really want to be able to only pass in a route, and have the resulting type be inferred from there.
Is there some way to get the compiler to somehow check the NetLibRoute enum and check its decodedType property, in order to know what type to use?
Ultimately, I want this networking function to take one parameter (a route) and infer the return type of that route (at compile-time, not with fragile runtime hacks or !s), and return an instance of the type.
Is this possible?
Potential Alternatives?
I'm also open to alternative solutions that may involve moving where the get function is called from.
For example, calling this get function on a route itself to return the type:
let person = try await Routes.people(1).get(type: Person.self) // Works, but not optimal
let person = try await Routes.people(1).get() // What I want
Or even on the type itself, by creating a new protocol in the library, and then extending Decodable to conform to it:
public protocol NetLibFetchable {
static var route: NetLibRoute { get }
extension Decodable where Self: NetLibFetchable {
public static func get<T>() async throws -> T where Self == T, T: Decodable {
// Call normal get function using inferred properties
return try await NetLib.get(route: route,
type: T.self)
Which indeed lets me call like this:
let person = try await Person.get() // I can't figure out a clean way to pass in properties that the API may want, at least not without once again passing in Routes.people(1), defeating the goal of having Person and Routes.people inherently linked.
While this eliminates the issue of type inference, the route can no longer be customized at call-time, and instead is stuck like this:
extension Person: NetLibFetchable {
public static var route: NetLibRoute {
Routes.people(1) // Can't customize to different ID Ints anymore!
Which makes this particular example a no-go, and leaves me at a loss.
Anyway, thank you so much for reading, for your time, and for your help.
I really want this library to be as clean as possible for host apps interacting with it, and your help will make that possible.
Are you wedded to the idea of using an enum? If not, you can do pretty much what you want by giving each enum value its own type and using an associated type to do what you want.
public protocol NetLibRoute
var asURL: URL { get throws }
associatedtype Decoded: Decodable
struct Person: Decodable
var name: String
struct Login: Decodable
var id: String
struct People: NetLibRoute
typealias Decoded = Person
var id: Int
var asURL: URL { return URL(filePath: "/") }
struct User: NetLibRoute
typealias Decoded = Login
var id: String
var asURL: URL { return URL(filePath: "/") }
func get<N: NetLibRoute>(item: N) throws -> N.Decoded
let data = try Data(contentsOf: item.asURL)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(N.Decoded.self, from: data)
let thing1 = try get(item: People(id: 1))
let thing2 = try get(item: User(id: "foo"))
Where you might have had a switch before to do different things with different Routes you would now use a function with overloaded arguments.
func doSomething(thing: Person)
// do something for a Person
func doSomething(thing: Login)
// do something else for a Login
doSomething(thing: thing1)
doSomething(thing: thing2)
I think the problem lays in this function.
public static func get<T>(route: Route,
type: T.Type) async throws -> T where T: Decodable {
// performing request on route.asURL
// decoding from JSON as T or throwing error
// returning decoded T
On the first hand, it uses concretions instead of abstractions. You shouldn't pass a Route here, it should use your protocol NetLibRoute instead.
On the other hand, I think that the type param is not needed. Afaik you can get the Type to Decode with the var:
Am I missing something on this matter?
Apart from that, I'd rather go with struct instead of enum when trying to implement the Routes (concretions). Enums cannot be extended. So you won't be allowing the creation of new requests in client side, only in the library.
I hope I've helped.
PS: Some time ago I made this repo. Maybe that could help you (specially this class). I used Combine instead of async/await, but it's not relevant to what you need.

Why can any Error be unconditionally converted to NSError?

A lot of times, I'll receive a Swift Error object from a framework, which is really an NSError.
In order to access its information (e.g. code), I need to cast it to an NSError:
(error as NSError).code == ....
Why is this just an unconditional as? If I design my own error class that conforms to Error, it won't necessarily be an NSError, so how can this be the correct way to perform this cast?
Is there some kind of special case in the type system? This is a downcast that behaves like an upcast.
I believe the capability for Error to be convertible to NSError is hardcoded into the compiler, and the actual bridging is implemented in the Swift runtime.
In runtime/, I found this comment:
// This implements the object representation of the standard Error
// type, which represents recoverable errors in the language. This
// implementation is designed to interoperate efficiently with Cocoa libraries
// by:
// - ...
// - allowing a native Swift error to lazily "become" an NSError when
// passed into Cocoa, allowing for cheap Swift to Cocoa interop
And this function:
/// Take an Error box and turn it into a valid NSError instance.
swift::_swift_stdlib_bridgeErrorToNSError(SwiftError *errorObject) {
// Otherwise, calculate the domain, code, and user info, and
// initialize the NSError.
auto value = SwiftError::getIndirectValue(&errorObject);
auto type = errorObject->getType();
auto witness = errorObject->getErrorConformance();
NSString *domain = getErrorDomainNSString(value, type, witness);
NSInteger code = getErrorCode(value, type, witness);
NSDictionary *userInfo = getErrorUserInfoNSDictionary(value, type, witness);
The ErrorHandling.rst document says this about the rationale:
It should be possible to turn an arbitrary Swift enum that conforms to Error into an NSError by using the qualified type name as the domain key, the enumerator as the error code, and turning the payload into user data.
(Parts of the document may be outdated.)
And this is (I think) at least one part in the type checker were the information that Error is convertible to NSError is encoded (there are probably more):
// Check whether the type is an existential that contains
// Error. If so, it's bridged to NSError.
if (type->isExistentialWithError()) {
if (auto nsErrorDecl = getNSErrorDecl()) {
// The corresponding value type is Error.
if (bridgedValueType)
*bridgedValueType = getErrorDecl()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
return nsErrorDecl->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
This is a great question.
I thought I saw "An Error type can be bridged to an NSError" somewhere, but that must have been Xcode or some tutorial online.
Luckily I found this from swift/NSError.swift.
// NSError and CFError conform to the standard Error protocol. Compiler
// magic allows this to be done as a "toll-free" conversion when an NSError
// or CFError is used as an Error existential.
extension NSError : Error {
public var _domain: String { return domain }
public var _code: Int { return code }
public var _userInfo: AnyObject? { return userInfo as NSDictionary }
/// The "embedded" NSError is itself.
public func _getEmbeddedNSError() -> AnyObject? {
return self
extension CFError : Error {
public var _domain: String {
return CFErrorGetDomain(self) as String
public var _code: Int {
return CFErrorGetCode(self)
public var _userInfo: AnyObject? {
return CFErrorCopyUserInfo(self) as AnyObject
/// The "embedded" NSError is itself.
public func _getEmbeddedNSError() -> AnyObject? {
return self
switch error {
case _ where (error as NSError).domain == self.domain:
print("error from particular domain")
print("default error")

Is it possible to store pattern of enum with associated value in array?

Let's say we have simple enum with message types:
enum MessageType {
case audio
case photo
case text
There is Handler class which handles messages with specific types only:
class Handler {
let allowed: [MessageType]
init(_ allowed: [MessageType]) { self.allowed = allowed }
func canHandle(_ messageType: MessageType) -> Bool {
return allowed.contains(messageType)
Basic usage example:
let handler = Handler([.audio, .photo])
print(handler.canHandle(.text)) // Prints false
I want to upgrade my MessageType and add associated value for some of message types.
class Audio {}
enum MessageType {
case audio(Audio)
case photo
case text
Problem is that I can't store enum's pattern in allowed array for the future check in canHandle:
// error: '_' can only appear in a pattern or on the left side of an assignment
let handler = Handler([.audio(_), .photo])
Is it possible to resolve such case in a "clean" way?
It's not possible to modify MessageType because it's in third-party library (e.g. making arguments optional and passing nil)
It's not possible to init with fake Audio because it could have private initializer
I hope to avoid switch, case let or other hard-coded checks in canHandle
Any suggestions? Thanks
If instantiating the enum with a default (or garbage) value isn't a big deal
enum MessageType {
case audio(String)
case photo
case text
protocol SneakyEquatableMessage {
func equals(message: MessageType) -> Bool
extension MessageType: SneakyEquatableMessage {
func equals(message: MessageType) -> Bool {
switch (self, message) {
case (.audio(_), .audio(_)),
(.photo, .photo),
(.text, .text):
return true
return false
class Handler {
let allowed: [MessageType]
init(_ allowed: [MessageType]) { self.allowed = allowed }
func canHandle(_ messageType: MessageType) -> Bool {
return allowed.contains { $0.equals(message: messageType) }
Basic Usage
let handler = Handler([.audio(""), .photo])
print(handler.canHandle(.text)) // Prints false
print(handler.canHandle(.audio("abc")) //Prints true
Default (or garbage) values are unrealistic
This particular section is more specific in this context, but ultimately you're going to have breakdown your enum somehow as of Swift 4. So this is my suggestion: Dependency Injection of the Factory Pattern inside Handler. This solves all of your problems pretty cleanly without having to touch switch within Handler or optionals.
enum DisassembledMessage {
case audio
case photo
case text
protocol MessageTypeFactory {
func disassemble(message: MessageType) -> DisassembledMessage
func disassemble(messages: [MessageType]) -> [DisassembledMessage]
class Handler {
let allowed: [MessageType]
let factory: MessageTypeFactory
init(allowed: [MessageType], with factory: MessageTypeFactory) {
self.allowed = allowed
self.factory = factory
func canHandle(_ messageType: DisassembledMessage) -> Bool {
return factory
.disassemble(messages: allowed)
.contains { $0 == messageType }
Basic Usage
let audioValue: Audio = //...
let audioMessage =
let factory: MessageTypeFactory = //...
let handler = Handler(allowed: [audioMessage, .photo], with: factory)
print(handler.canHandle(.text)) // Prints false
print(handler.canHandle(factory.disassemble(message: audioMessage))) //Prints true
You may be asking: wait... you just created another enum (also this is just an example, you could convert it to whatever you want in that protocol). Well I say: the enum you're using is from a library... see my notes section. Also, you can now use that factory anywhere you need to break down the library type to something, including inside Handler. You could easily expand the protocol MessageTypeFactory to convert your enum to other types (hopefully behaviors) you've created, and basically just distance yourself from the library type when you need to. I hope this helps clarify what I was getting at! I don't even think you should store MessageType in your class. You should store your own type which is some kind of mapped version of MessageType, like DisassembledType.
I hope this helps!
A few things:
I'm sorry your soul is owned by a library, really.
Use the Adapter Pattern. Clean C++ is one of many places you
can learn about it. Don't pollute your entire code base with one of
their types! That's just a tip.
I know you said you didn't want to use a switch... but you're working with enums... At least it's within the enum!
Use your own types! (Did I say that?)
Use the Adapter Pattern! (Stop it.)

Reference Types/Subclassing, and Changes to Swift 4 Codable & encoder/decoders

I'm struggling to understand class/reference type behavior and how this relates to changes as I try to upgrade and reduce code using Codable in Swift 4.
I have two classes – a SuperClass with all of the data that will be persistent and that I save to UserDefaults (a place name & string with coordinates), and a SubClass that contains additional, temporary info that I don't need (weather data for the SuperClass coordinates).
In Swift 3 I used to save data like this:
func saveUserDefaults() {
var superClassArray = [SuperClass]()
// subClassArray is of type [SubClass] and contains more data per element.
superClassArray = subClassArray
let superClassData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: superClassArray)
UserDefaults.standard.set(superClassData, forKey: " superClassData")
SuperClass conformed to NSObject & NSCoding
It also included the required init decoder & the encode function.
It all worked fine.
In trying to switch to Swift 4 & codable I've modified SuperClass to conform to Codable.
SuperClass now only has one basic initializer and none of the encoder/decoder stuff from Swift 3. There is no KeyedArchiving happening with this new approach (below). SubClass remains unchanged. Unfortunately I crash on the line where I try? encoder.encode [giving a Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x10)]. My assumption is that the encoder is getting confused with identical reference types where one is SuperClass and one SubClass (subClassArray[0] === superClassArray[0] is true).
I thought this might work:
func saveUserDefaults() {
var superClassArray = [SuperClass]()
superClassArray = subClassArray
// assumption was that the subclass would only contain parts of the superclass & wouldn't produce an error when being encoded
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
if let encoded = try? encoder.encode(superClassArray){
UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: " superClassArray ")
} else {
print("Save didn't work!")
Then, instead of creating an empty superClassArray, then using:
superClassArray = subClassArray, as shown above, I replace this with the single line:
let superClassArray: [SuperClass] ={SuperClass(name: $, coordinates: $0.coordinates)}
This works. Again, assumption is because I'm passing in the values inside of the class reference type & haven't made the superClassArray = subClassArray. Also, as expected, subClassArray[0] === superClassArray[0] is false
So why did the "old stuff" in Swift 3 work, even though I used the line superClassArray = subClassArray before the let superClassData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: superClassArray)
? Am I essentially achieving the same result by creating the array in Swift 4 that was happening with the old Swift 3 encoder/decoder? Is the looping / recreation
Polymorphic persistence appears to be broken by design.
The bug report SR-5331 quotes the response they got on their Radar.
Unlike the existing NSCoding API (NSKeyedArchiver), the new Swift 4 Codable implementations do not write out type information about encoded types into generated archives, for both flexibility and security. As such, at decode time, the API can only use the concrete type your provide in order to decode the values (in your case, the superclass type).
This is by design — if you need the dynamism required to do this, we recommend that you adopt NSSecureCoding and use NSKeyedArchiver/NSKeyedUnarchiver
I am unimpressed, having thought from all the glowing articles that Codable was the answer to some of my prayers. A parallel set of Codable structs that act as object factories is one workaround I'm considering, to preserve type information.
Update I have written a sample using a single struct that manages recreating polymorphic classes. Available on GitHub.
I was not able to get it to work easily with subclassing. However, classes that conform to a base protocol can apply Codable for default encoding. The repo contains both keyed and unkeyed approaches. The simpler is unkeyed, copied below
// Demo of a polymorphic hierarchy of different classes implementing a protocol
// and still being Codable
// This variant uses unkeyed containers so less data is pushed into the encoded form.
import Foundation
protocol BaseBeast {
func move() -> String
func type() -> Int
var name: String { get }
class DumbBeast : BaseBeast, Codable {
static let polyType = 0
func type() -> Int { return DumbBeast.polyType }
var name:String
init(name:String) { = name }
func move() -> String { return "\(name) Sits there looking stupid" }
class Flyer : BaseBeast, Codable {
static let polyType = 1
func type() -> Int { return Flyer.polyType }
var name:String
let maxAltitude:Int
init(name:String, maxAltitude:Int) {
self.maxAltitude = maxAltitude = name
func move() -> String { return "\(name) Flies up to \(maxAltitude)"}
class Walker : BaseBeast, Codable {
static let polyType = 2
func type() -> Int { return Walker.polyType }
var name:String
let numLegs: Int
let hasTail: Bool
init(name:String, legs:Int=4, hasTail:Bool=true) {
self.numLegs = legs
self.hasTail = hasTail = name
func move() -> String {
if numLegs == 0 {
return "\(name) Wriggles on its belly"
let maybeWaggle = hasTail ? "wagging its tail" : ""
return "\(name) Runs on \(numLegs) legs \(maybeWaggle)"
// Uses an explicit index we decode first, to select factory function used to decode polymorphic type
// This is in contrast to the current "traditional" method where decoding is attempted and fails for each type
// This pattern of "leading type code" can be used in more general encoding situations, not just with Codable
//: **WARNING** there is one vulnerable practice here - we rely on the BaseBeast types having a typeCode which
//: is a valid index into the arrays `encoders` and `factories`
struct CodableRef : Codable {
let refTo:BaseBeast //In C++ would use an operator to transparently cast CodableRef to BaseBeast
typealias EncContainer = UnkeyedEncodingContainer
typealias DecContainer = UnkeyedDecodingContainer
typealias BeastEnc = (inout EncContainer, BaseBeast) throws -> ()
typealias BeastDec = (inout DecContainer) throws -> BaseBeast
static var encoders:[BeastEnc] = [
{(e, b) in try e.encode(b as! DumbBeast)},
{(e, b) in try e.encode(b as! Flyer)},
{(e, b) in try e.encode(b as! Walker)}
static var factories:[BeastDec] = [
{(d) in try d.decode(DumbBeast.self)},
{(d) in try d.decode(Flyer.self)},
{(d) in try d.decode(Walker.self)}
init(refTo:BaseBeast) {
self.refTo = refTo
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
let typeCode = try container.decode(Int.self)
self.refTo = try CodableRef.factories[typeCode](&container)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.unkeyedContainer()
let typeCode = self.refTo.type()
try container.encode(typeCode)
try CodableRef.encoders[typeCode](&container, refTo)
struct Zoo : Codable {
var creatures = [CodableRef]()
init(creatures:[BaseBeast]) {
self.creatures = {CodableRef(refTo:$0)}
func dump() {
creatures.forEach { print($0.refTo.move()) }
//: ---- Demo of encoding and decoding working ----
let startZoo = Zoo(creatures: [
Flyer(name:"Kookaburra", maxAltitude:5000),
Walker(name:"Snake", legs:0),
Walker(name:"Doggie", legs:4),
Walker(name:"Geek", legs:2, hasTail:false)
print("---------\ntesting JSON\n")
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
let encData = try encoder.encode(startZoo)
print(String(data:encData, encoding:.utf8)!)
let decodedZoo = try JSONDecoder().decode(Zoo.self, from: encData)
print ("\n------------\nAfter decoding")
Update 2020-04 experience
This approach continues to be more flexible and superior to using Codable, at the cost of a bit more programmer time. It is used very heavily in the Touchgram app which provides rich, interactive documents inside iMessage.
There, I need to encode multiple polymorphic hierarchies, including different Sensors and Actions. By storing signatures of decoders, it not only provides with subclassing but also allows me to keep older decoders in the code base so old messages are still compatible.

Swift protocol extensions for Value(Structures) types

public struct KZErrorInfo: Unboxable {
var statusCode = -1
var status: String?
var errorMessage: String?
public init() {
public init(unboxer: Unboxer) {
self.statusCode = unboxer.unbox("StatusCode")
self.status = unboxer.unbox("Status")
self.errorMessage = unboxer.unbox("Message")
protocol KZClientResponse: ETClientResponse {
var errorInfo: KZErrorInfo? { get set }
var errorInfo: KZErrorInfo? {
get {
if let value = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &xoAssociationKeyErrorInfo) as? KZErrorInfo {
return value
return nil
set(newValue) {
if let error = newValue {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &xoAssociationKeyErrorInfo, error, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
My objective is to have a default implantation for the protocol KZClientResponse and Xcode is giving me a compile error as below. In the case of value types, how to overcome this issue? Appreciate you suggestions.
As the error message is indicating, objc_getAssociatedObject(_:_:) and objc_setAssociatedObject(_:_:_:_:) require AnyClass as the first argument. You cannot use Swift structs as AnyClass.
Think another way to store errorInfo which works with structs.
Why don't you have it as the struct's property?
... giving me a compile error as below. In the case of value types, how to overcome this issue?
You can't overcome the compiler error. You're trying to mix apples with oranges. objc_getAssociatedObject is, by definition, Objective-C. But Objective-C knows nothing of Swift structs; it cannot possibly see them. The only thing it knows about are what it calls objects — that is, classes and their instances. To work with a Swift struct, you cannot use the Objective-C runtime at all: you must operate entirely within Swift itself.