Kafka Producer is losing the message when Kafka Server is down for few minutes - apache-kafka

I have written Java Program which is making use of Kafka libraries, I heard Kafka Producer is having internal buffer to hold the message, so that it can retry it later. So i created Idempotent Kafka Producer with the retry properties.
props.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, System.getenv(KafkaConstants.KAFKA_URL));
props.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer");
props.put("linger.ms", 1000);
props.put("acks", "all");
Before Running the Program, I am keeping Kafka Server (only one broker) down. When i ran the program i am getting an exception "Failed to update metadata after 60000ms". But When i restart the Kafka Server then it should push the data to kafka topics as i have given retry properties.
Please help in this regard.
Priyam Saluja

One of the first requests a Kafka client sends is about getting metadata. Remember that the client tries to connect to the brokers in the bootstrap servers list but the topic to which it could want to send could be not one of them. For example, consider to have 3 brokers B01, B02, B03 and the bootstrap servers is just B01 but producer wants to send messages to a topic partition with B02 as leader : the first metadata requests is needed by the producer to get this information and then opening a connection to the B02 for sending messages. I guess that the retry mechanism come into play after this step because the batching inside the producer leverages on known partitions and where they are located. You should check if the retry work shutting down the server after the getting metadata step is done properly and the producer knows who the partition leader is.

I found out the problem,Every time when Kafka Producer tries to produce a message,first it goes to update the metadata(to check the leader and partitions in Kafka Cluster). If it is not able to get the information then it'll throw the error saying "Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms".
The Second part was retry, Kafka Producer will try if messages failed because of transient errors.


How client will automatically detect a new leader when the primary one goes down in Kafka?

Consider the below scenario:
I have a Kakfa broker cluster(localhost:9002,localhost:9003,localhost:9004,localhost:9005).
Let's say localhost:9002 is my primary(leader) for the cluster.
Now my producer is producing data and sending it to the broker(localhost:9002).
If my primary broker(localhost:9002) goes down, with the help of Zookeeper or some other consensus algorithm new leader will be elected(consider localhost:9003 is now the new leader).
So, in the above scenario can someone please explain to me how the Kafka client(producer) will get notified about the new broker configuration(localhost:9003) and how it will connect to the new leaders and start producing data again.
Kafka clients are receiving the necessary meta information from the cluster automatically on each request when reading from or writing to a topic in case of a leadership change.
In general, the client sends a (read/write) request to one of the bootstrap server, listed in the configuration bootstrap.servers. This initial request (hence called bootstrap) returns the details on which broker the topic partition leader is located so that the client can communicate directly with that broker. Each individual broker contains all meta information for the entire cluster, meaning also having the knowledge on the partition leader of other brokers.
Now, if one of your broker goes down and the leadership of a topic partition switches, your producer will get notified about it through that mechanism.
There is a KafkaProducer configuration called metadata.max.age.ms which you can modify to update metadata on your producer even if there is no leadership change happening:
"Controls how long the producer will cache metadata for a topic that's idle. If the elapsed time since a topic was last produced to exceeds the metadata idle duration, then the topic's metadata is forgotten and the next access to it will force a metadata fetch request."
Just a few notes on your question:
The term "Kafka broker cluster" does not really exists. You have a Kafka cluster containing one or multiple Kafka brokers.
You do not have a broker as a "primary(leader) for the cluster" but you have for each TopicPartition a leader. Maybe you mean the Controller which is located on one of the brokers within your cluster.

Does kafka broker always check if its the leader while responding to read/write request

I am seeing org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException on my producer which I understand happens when producer tries to produce messages to a broker which is not a leader for the partition.
Does that mean each time a leader fulfills a write request it first checks if its the leader or not?
If yes does that translates to a zookeeper request for every write request to know if the node is the leader?
How Producer Get MetaData About Brokers
The producer sends a meta request with a list of topics to one of the brokers you supplied when configuring the producer.
The response from the broker contains a list of partitions in those topics and the leader for each partition. The producer caches this information and therefore, it knows where to redirect the messages.
When Producer Will Refresh MetaData
I think this depends what kafka client you used.There are some small differents between ruby, java or other kafka client.for example, in java:
producer will fetch metadata when client initialize,then period update it depends on expiration time.
producer also will force update metadata when request error occured,such as InvalidMetadataException.
But in ruby-kafka client, it usually refresh metadata when error occured or initialize.

Kafka message not getting consumed

I have a single Kafka node (v 0.10.2) running.We have configured log.retention.hours=480 but messages are not available to the consumers before the expiry time of the messages.(Ex message is pushed on 1st July and I have started my consumer on 4th July. Before starting the consumer I have verified messages are there through yahoo Kafka monitoring service. But on starting the consumer it keeps on polling and waiting for the messages).
Below mentioned are broker configuration :
I have googled it but was not able to find the reason. Please let me know why this is happening and how to fix it.
There are some reasons why a message is not being consumed. Here are some ways you can debug:
One is as said, you might be consuming from the latest offset and hence you will be waiting. In this case, try producing the messages to the topic and check if they are consumed.
Next, ensure that your consumer subscribes to the partitions to which the messages are produced. If you are using Streams API then you need not worry about this since you will subscribe to all the partitions.
There could be some consumer configuration problem. Try consuming using the kafka-console-consumer with --from-beginning flag.
If there is no output means that the messages are probably not there or you have some difficulty connecting to it.
You can repeat this test both on the Kafka machine and from outside.
Check your connection from your consumer client to your broker which is the leader of the topic partitions you are consuming from. If there is a problem connecting to it, you must be getting an exception (like timeout for fetching the data).
For this, you can use telnet broker_ip:port
Sometimes, it may happen that your bootstrap-server may be accessible, but not the other brokers on which your topic partitions are lead.
Check your iptables rules to see if the brokers port is blocked or not. See
What happens if the leader is not dead but unable to receive messages in Kafka? SPoF?

Kafka producer is not able to update metadata after some time

I have an kafka environment which has 3 brokers and 1 zookeeper. I had pushed around >20K message in my topic. Apache Storm is computing the data in topic which is added by producer.
After few hours passed, While I am trying to produce messages to kafka, its showing the following exception
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms.
After restarting the kafka servers its working fine.
but on production i can't restart my server everytime.
so can any one help me out to figure out my issue.
my kafka configuration are as follows :
prodProperties.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG,"list of broker");
prodProperties.put(ProducerConfig.ACKS_CONFIG, "1");
prodProperties.put(ProducerConfig.RETRIES_CONFIG, "3");
prodProperties.put(ProducerConfig.LINGER_MS_CONFIG, 5);
Although Kafka producer tuning is a quite hard topic, I can imagine that your producer is trying to generate records faster than it can transfer to your Kafka cluster.
There is a producer setting buffer.memory which defines how much memory producer can use before blocking. Default value is 33554432 (33 MB).
If you increase the producer memory, you will avoid blocking. Try different values, like 100MB.

kafka new producer is not able to update metadata after one of the broker is down

I have an kafka environment which has 2 brokers and 1 zookeeper.
While I am trying to produce messages to kafka, if i stop broker 1(which is the leader one) the client stops producing messaging and give me the below error although the broker 2 is elected as a new leader for the topic and partions.
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms.
After 10 minutes passed, since broker 2 is new leader i expected producer to send data to broker 2 but it continued failing by giving above exception. lastRefreshMs and lastSuccessfullRefreshMs is still same although the metadataExpireMs is 300000 for producer.
I am using kafka new Producer implementation on producer side.
It seems that when producer is initiated, it binds to one broker and if that broker goes down it is not even trying to connect to another brokers in cluster.
But my expectation is if a broker goes down, it should directly check metadata for another brokers that are available and send data to them.
Btw my topic is 4 partition and has replication factor of 2. Giving this info in case it makes sense.
Configuration params.
{request.timeout.ms=30000, retry.backoff.ms=100, buffer.memory=33554432, ssl.truststore.password=null, batch.size=16384, ssl.keymanager.algorithm=SunX509, receive.buffer.bytes=32768, ssl.cipher.suites=null, ssl.key.password=null, sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.jitter=0.05, ssl.provider=null, sasl.kerberos.service.name=null, max.in.flight.requests.per.connection=5, sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factor=0.8, bootstrap.servers=[,], client.id=rest-interface, max.request.size=1048576, acks=1, linger.ms=0, sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd=/usr/bin/kinit, ssl.enabled.protocols=[TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1], metadata.fetch.timeout.ms=60000, ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm=null, ssl.keystore.location=null, value.serializer=class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer, ssl.truststore.location=null, ssl.keystore.password=null, key.serializer=class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer, block.on.buffer.full=false, metrics.sample.window.ms=30000, metadata.max.age.ms=300000, security.protocol=PLAINTEXT, ssl.protocol=TLS, sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin=60000, timeout.ms=30000, connections.max.idle.ms=540000, ssl.trustmanager.algorithm=PKIX, metric.reporters=[], compression.type=none, ssl.truststore.type=JKS, max.block.ms=60000, retries=0, send.buffer.bytes=131072, partitioner.class=class org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.DefaultPartitioner, reconnect.backoff.ms=50, metrics.num.samples=2, ssl.keystore.type=JKS}
Use Case:
1- Start BR1 and BR2 Produce data (Leader is BR1)
2- Stop BR2 produce data(fine)
3- Stop BR1(which means there is no active working broker in cluster at this time) and then Start BR2 and produce data (failed although leader is BR2)
4- Start BR1 produce data(leader is still BR2 but data is produced finely)
5- Stop BR2(now BR1 is leader)
6- Stop BR1(BR1 is still leader)
7- Start BR1 produce data(message is produced fine again)
If producer send the latest successful data to BR1 and then all brokers goes down, the producer expects BR1 to get up again although BR2 is up and new leader. Is this an expected behaviour?
After spending hours I figured out the behaviour of kafka in my situation. May be this is a bug or may be this needs to be done this way for the reasons lie under the hood but actually if i would do such implementation i wouldn't do this way :)
When all brokers goes down, if you are able to get up only one broker this must be the broker which went down last in order to produce messages successfully.
Let's say you have 5 brokers; BR1, BR2, BR3, BR4 and BR5. If all goes down and if the lastly dead broker is BR3(which was the last leader), although you start all brokers BR1, BR2, BR4 and BR5, it will not make any sense unless you start BR3.
You need to increase the number of retries.
In your case you need to set it to >=5.
That is the only way for your producer to know that your cluster has a new leader.
Besides that, make sure that all your brokers have a copy of your partition(s). Else you aren't going to get a new leader.
in the latest kafka version, when a broker down and that's have a leader partition which used by a producer. The producer will retry until catch retriable exception, then producer need to update metadata. The new metadata can be fetch from leastLoadNode. So new leader will be updated and producer can write there.