Sort entities in foreign key dependency order - entity-framework

I am working on a mechanism to seed a collection of tables via EF Core. How can I sort a DbContext's entities in order of foreign key dependencies? Since some tables have foreign keys, some tables need to be seeded before others. It seems like there would be a simple API for performing this sort, but all I have been able to find are a couple complex recursive T-SQL implementations.
I am sure there is a common solution for this type of problem that is prevalent, I just have been unable to locate it / know how to search for it.
Because EF Core doesn't seem to support Merge/Upsert/AddOrUpdate yet, I am going down the path of a database-specific (MySQL family in this case) raw SQL query. So, I have a method like below that I want to call for a collection of entities, but I need to call this method in order of the TEntityType's foreign key dependencies. Since it is a raw SQL query and not an EF API, per se, I don't think EF can auto-magically update tables in the correct dependency order (in response to #Gert's comment).
private static void InsertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate<TEntityType>(DbContext dbContext) where TEntityType : class
var entityType = dbContext.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(TEntityType));
var properties = GetPropertiesLessValueGeneratedTimestamps(entityType);
var columns = string.Join(", ", properties.Select(x => x.Name));
var values = CreateValues<TEntityType>(properties);
var updates = CreateUpdates(properties);
var rawSqlString = "INSERT INTO " + entityType.Relational().TableName + " (" + columns + ") VALUES " +
values + " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " + updates;

Entity Framework Core contains all information needed to sort entity types based on foreign key dependencies. The only issue I found when using EF Core as a source of table order is that same table references will need to be handled differently - whether it might be for example allowing inserting identifiers, disabling table triggers or some other way.
To grab a list of entity types from which you can get table names, DbSet etc, use the following function:
private IList<IEntityType> GetDependentTables(IModel model)
var copied = new List<IEntityType>();
var tables = model.GetEntityTypes().Where(x => x.GetKeys().Any()).ToList();
while (tables.Count > 0)
var copiedCount = copied.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++)
var table = tables[i];
if (table.GetForeignKeys().All(x => copied.Contains(x.PrincipalEntityType) || x.DeclaringEntityType == x.PrincipalEntityType))
if (copiedCount == copied.Count)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Circular foreign keys found in remaining tables: " + string.Join(",", tables.Select(x => x.Name)));
return copied.Where(x => x.BaseType == null).ToList();
var tableEntityTypes = GetDependentTables(myDbContext.Model);


Not able to use IN query in LINQ with Entity Framework

I am using EF Framework to retrieve the data from SQL DB.
Sub Request Table looks like below:
In this table "org_assigneddept" is foreign key to another Department Table.
I have list of Departments as Input and I want to retrieve only those rows from DB whose org_assigneddept is matching the list.
Please find my whole code:-
private List<EventRequestDetailsViewModel> GetSummaryAssignedDeptEventRequests(List<EmpRoleDeptViewModel> vmDept)
List<EventRequestDetailsViewModel> vmEventRequestDeptSummary = new List<EventRequestDetailsViewModel>();
RequestBLL getRequestBLL = new RequestBLL();
Guid subRequestStatusId = getRequestBLL.GetRequestStatusId("Open");
using (var ctxGetEventRequestSumm = new STREAM_EMPLOYEEDBEntities())
vmEventRequestDeptSummary = (from ers in ctxGetEventRequestSumm.SubRequests
where vmDept.Any(dep=>dep.DeptId == ers.org_assigneddept)
select new EventRequestDetailsViewModel
SubRequestId = ers.org_subreqid
It is giving the following error at the LINQ Query level:-
System.NotSupportedException: 'Unable to create a constant value of
type 'Application.Business.DLL.EmpRoleDeptViewModel'. Only primitive
types or enumeration types are supported in this context.'
Please let me know as how can I achieve the result
You cannot pass the department VMs to SQL, it doesn't know what those are.
// Extract the IDs from the view models.. Now a list of primitive types..
var departmentIds = vmDept.Select(x => x.DeptId).ToList();
then in your select statement...
where departmentIds.Contains(id=> id == ers.org_assigneddept)

Filtering related entities in entity framework 6

I want to fetch the candidate and the work exp where it is not deleted. I am using repository pattern in my c# app mvc.
Kind of having trouble filtering the record and its related child entities
I have list of candidates which have collection of workexp kind of throws error saying cannot build expression from the body.
I tried putting out anonymous object but error still persist, but if I use a VM or DTO for returning the data the query works.
It's like EF doesn't like newing up of the existing entity within its current context.
var candidate = dbcontext.candidate
.where(c=>c.candiate.ID == id).include(c=>c.WorkExperience)
.select(e=>new candidate
WorkExperience = e.WorkExperience.where(k=>k.isdeleted==false).tolist()
Is there any workaround for this?
You cannot call ToList in the expression that is traslated to SQL. Alternatively, you can start you query from selecting from WorkExperience table. I'm not aware of the structure of your database, but something like this might work:
var candidate = dbcontext.WorkExperience
.Include(exp => exp.Candidate)
.Where(exp => exp.isdeleted == false && exp.Candidate.ID == id)
.GroupBy(exp => exp.Candidate)
.ToArray() //query actually gets executed and return grouped data from the DB
.Select(groped => new {
Candidate = grouped.Key,
Experience = grouped.ToArray()
var candidate =
where(c=>c.candiate.ID == id)
select c).ToList().Select(cand => new candidate{WorkExperience = cand.WorkExperience.where(k=>k.isdeleted==false).tolist()});

Fetch only key value from EF association

I've set up a many-to-many association between two tables based on a third table that just holds a pair of key values. Now I'd like to do a query that groups the right tables key values by the lefts without needing other data.
LeftTable { LeftID, LeftField1, LeftField2 }
JoinTable { LeftID, RightID}
RightTable { RightID, RightField1, RightField2 }
Is there any way to essentially just query the JoinTable and get all the 'RightIDs' grouped by the 'LeftIDs' without the SQL trying to fetch the fields from either side?
The JoinTable is not an entity in its own right in the model, but is mapped to the association.
I've experimented a bit with both using ObjectQuery and EntityCommand (ESQL) and both seem to still load in the other fields by joining to RightTable which I don't need.
My ESQL looks something like:
SELECT lt.LeftID, (SELECT rt.RightID
FROM NAVIGATE(lt, MyModel.LeftToRightAssoc, RightTable) as rt)
FROM MyEntities.LeftTable as lt;
but the generated SQL is still fetching in RightField1 and RightField2.
Surely there must be a simpler way to do this?
Assuming that your class Left has a navigation property Rights (a collection of Right entities) you could try this:
var list = context.Lefts.Select(l => new
LeftId = l.LeftId,
RightIds = l.Rights.Select(r => r.RightId)
foreach (var item in list)
Console.WriteLine("LeftId = {0}", item.LeftId);
foreach (var rightId in item.RightIds)
Console.WriteLine("RightId = {0}", rightId);
You would get a collection of anonymous type objects where each element has the LeftId and a collection of corresponding RightIds. This query should not touch the other fields like RightField1, etc. Instead of an anonymous type you could also create your own custom type and then project into this type in the query above.

Join 2 different entities from 2 different models into a single Linq to Entities query

I have a default Entity Framework model that holds all of my default tables for my product, and that all customers share in common. However, on some customers, I have some custom tables that exist for only that customer, but they relate to the default product's tables. I have a second Entity Framework model to hold these custom tables.
My question is how can I make a Linq to Entities query using Join so I can relate the entities from my default model to the tables on my custom model? I don't mind not having the Navigation properties from the custom entity to the entities on the default model; I just need a way to query both models in a single query.
Below is the code:
using (ProductEntities oProductDB = new ProductEntities())
using (ProductEntitiesCustom oProductCustomDB = new ProductEntitiesCustom())
var oConsulta = oProductCustomDB.CTBLCustoms
.Where(CTBLCustoms => CTBLCustoms.IDWOHD >= 12)
CTBLCustoms => new
TBLResources => new
(CTBLCustoms, TBLResources) => new
IDCustom = CTBLCustoms.IDCustom,
Descricao = CTBLCustoms.Descricao,
IDResource = CTBLCustoms.IDResource,
ResourceCode = TBLResources.Code
gvwDados.DataSource = oConsulta;
I get a The specified LINQ expression contains references to queries that are associated with different contexts error.
Could I merge the 2 ObjectContext into a third, and then run the Linq query?
Below is the code that worked, using the AsEnumerable() proposed solution:
using (ProductEntities oProductDB = new ProductEntities())
using (ProductEntitiesCustom oProductCustomDB = new ProductEntitiesCustom())
var oConsulta = (oProductCustomDB.CTBLCustoms.AsEnumerable()
.Where(CTBLCustoms => CTBLCustoms.IDWOHD >= 12)
CTBLCustoms => new
TBLResources => new
(CTBLCustoms, TBLResources) => new
IDCustom = CTBLCustoms.IDCustom,
Descricao = CTBLCustoms.Descricao,
IDResource = CTBLCustoms.IDResource,
ResourceCode = TBLResources.Code
gvwDados.DataSource = oConsulta;
I added the AsEnumerable() as suggested, but I had to add the ToList() at the end so I could databind it to the DataGridView.
You can't do this in L2E. You could bring this into object space with AsEnumerable(), and it would work, but possibly be inefficient.
Merging the ObjectContexts is possible, and would work, but would need to be done manually.

Entity Frmwk pb: search for 'added' entities in current context

I'm using guids as PK for my entities.
As EF doesn't support the newid() SQL statement, I force a Guid.NewGuid() in my creation methods.
Here is my problem :
I've a table with a clustered unique constraint (2 strings, not PK).
I'm running some code in the same EF context which perfoms operations and adds/links entities, etc.
Is it possible to search for an entity in 'Added' state in my context ? ; that is to say which is in my context, but not yet inserted in my DB.
To avoid the raising of the SQL unique constraint, I have to know if the entity is already 'queued' in the context, and to re-use it instead of creating a new Guid (... and a different entity! :( )
this post saved me :) :
var stateEntries = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Added | EtityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged);
var roleEntityEntries = stateEntries.Select(s => s.Entity).OfType<Role>();
roleEntity = roleEntityEntries.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RoleName.Trim().ToLower() == roleName.Trim().ToLower());
if (roleEntity == null)
return new Role { RoleName = roleName };