$lookup and get count under certain conditions MongoDB - mongodb

Have 2 collections for handling chat
For chat rooms
For chat Messages
Sample data for chatRooms is as follows
"data": [
"_id": "5a606ab0116e2c164b25ef33",
"topic": "akhil Ben chat",
"topicDesc": "question 1",
"roomName": "benakhil777akhil",
"createdOn": "2018-01-18T09:36:48.231Z",
"participants": [
"__v": 0
"_id": "5a4dbdaab46b426863e7ead3",
"topic": "test",
"topicDesc": "test123",
"roomName": "benakhil777test",
"createdOn": "2018-01-04T05:37:46.088Z",
"participants": [
"__v": 0
Sample Data for chatMessages is as follows
{"data": [
"_id": "5a62281ea0652120a6668bae",
"topic": "akhil Ben chat",
"roomName": "benakhil777akhil",
"message": "test 1",
"__v": 0,
"readStatus": [
"recipient": "ben",
"_id": "5a62281ea0652120a6668bb0",
"status": true
"recipient": "akhil777",
"_id": "5a62281ea0652120a6668baf",
"status": true
"createdOn": "2018-01-19T17:17:18.456Z"
"_id": "5a622866a0652120a6668bb1",
"topic": "akhil Ben chat",
"roomName": "benakhil777akhil",
"message": "Test 2",
"__v": 0,
"readStatus": [
"recipient": "ben",
"_id": "5a622866a0652120a6668bb3",
"status": false
"recipient": "akhil777",
"_id": "5a622866a0652120a6668bb2",
"status": true
"createdOn": "2018-01-19T17:18:30.396Z"
"_id": "5a62287ca0652120a6668bb4",
"topic": "akhil Ben chat",
"roomName": "benakhil777akhil",
"message": "test 3",
"__v": 0,
"readStatus": [
"recipient": "ben",
"_id": "5a62287ca0652120a6668bb6",
"status": false
"recipient": "akhil777",
"_id": "5a62287ca0652120a6668bb5",
"status": true
"createdOn": "2018-01-19T17:18:52.018Z"
In the above JSON readStatus store the status, which the user read the message or not. so that i can count the unread messages by a user for each chat room.
The status inside the readStatus holds the read status of message, true for message is read.
There are two rooms benakhil777akhil and benakhil777test.
What i want to get is the number of unread messages for each room by a user say ben
Also there is userDetails collection
"_id": "59e6d6ba02e11e1814481022",
"username": "ben",
"name": "Ben S",
"email": "qwerty#123.com",
"_id": "59e6d6ba02e11e1814481022",
"username": "akhil777",
"name": "Akhil Clement",
"email": "qwerty#123.com",
this will be the user details collection
and output JSON i need is like.
"data": [
"_id": "5a606ab0116e2c164b25ef33",
"topic": "akhil Ben chat",
"topicDesc": "question 1",
"roomName": "benakhil777akhil",
"createdOn": "2018-01-18T09:36:48.231Z",
"participants": [
"_id": "59e6d6ba02e11e1814481022",
"username": "ben",
"name": "Ben S",
"email": "qwerty#123.com",
"_id": "59e6d6ba02e11e1814481022",
"username": "akhil777",
"name": "Akhil Clement",
"email": "qwerty#123.com",
"unreadCount": 2,
"__v": 0
"_id": "5a4dbdaab46b426863e7ead3",
"topic": "test",
"topicDesc": "test123",
"roomName": "benakhil777test",
"createdOn": "2018-01-04T05:37:46.088Z",
"participants": [
"_id": "59e6d6ba02e11e1814481022",
"username": "ben",
"name": "Ben S",
"email": "qwerty#123.com",
"_id": "59e6d6ba02e11e1814481022",
"username": "akhil777",
"name": "Akhil Clement",
"email": "qwerty#123.com",
"unreadCount": 0,
"__v": 0

Please try this aggregation pipeline
{$match : {participants : 'ben'}},
{$lookup : {
from : "chats",
localField : "roomName",
as :"out"
{$unwind : {
path: "$out",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
{$unwind : {
path: "$out.readStatus",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
{$addFields : {
isMatch : { $and : [
{ $eq : ["$out.readStatus.recipient" , "ben" ] } , { $eq : [ "$out.readStatus.status" , false ] } ]
{$group : {
_id : {
_id : "$_id" ,
topic : "$topic",
topicDesc : "$topicDesc",
createdOn : "$createdOn",
participants : "$participants",
roomName : "$roomName"
unreadCount : { $sum : { $cond : [ "$isMatch" , 1, 0 ] } }
{$sort : {unreadCount : -1}}
"_id" : {
"_id" : "5a606ab0116e2c164b25ef33",
"topic" : "akhil Ben chat",
"topicDesc" : "question 1",
"createdOn" : "2018-01-18T09:36:48.231Z",
"participants" : [
"roomName" : "benakhil777akhil"
"unreadCount" : 2
"_id" : {
"_id" : "5a4dbdaab46b426863e7ead3",
"topic" : "test",
"topicDesc" : "test123",
"createdOn" : "2018-01-04T05:37:46.088Z",
"participants" : [
"roomName" : "benakhil777test"
"unreadCount" : 0
EDIT since addFields is not available in 3.2.17
{$group : {
_id : {
_id : "$_id" ,
topic : "$topic",
topicDesc : "$topicDesc",
createdOn : "$createdOn",
participants : "$participants",
roomName : "$roomName"
unreadCount : { $sum : { $cond : [ { $and : [
{ $eq : ["$out.readStatus.recipient" , "ben" ] } , { $eq : [ "$out.readStatus.status" , false ] } ]
} , 1, 0 ] } }
EDIT-2 added $project
{$project :
"_id" : "$_id._id",
"topic" : "$_id.topic",
"topicDesc" : "$_id.topicDesc",
"createdOn" : "$_id.createdOn",
"participants" : "$_id.participants",
"roomName" : "$_id.roomName",
"unreadCount" : "$unreadCount"

You can simplify your code to use below aggregation.
$cond with input criteria to check for read status flag, output 1 when false 0 when true.
inner $sum to count unread values in each chat message with outer $sum to sum the unread values across all matching chat messages.

result JSON with user details.
{$match : {participants : 'ben'}},
{ $unwind : {
path: "$participants",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
{ $lookup: {
{ $lookup: {
{ $unwind : {
path: "$out",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
{ $unwind : {
path: "$out.readStatus",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
{ $group : {
_id : {
_id : "$_id" ,
topic : "$topic",
topicDesc : "$topicDesc",
createdOn : "$createdOn",
roomName : "$roomName"
participants : {$addToSet : "$participants" } ,
participantDetails : {$addToSet : {$arrayElemAt : ["$userData", 0]}},
unreadCount : {
$sum : {
$cond : [ {
$and : [
{ $eq : ["$out.readStatus.recipient" , "ben" ] } ,
{ $eq : [ "$out.readStatus.status" , false ] }
} , 1, 0
{ $project :
_id : "$_id._id",
topic : "$_id.topic",
topicDesc : "$_id.topicDesc",
createdOn : "$_id.createdOn",
participants : "$_id.participants",
roomName : "$_id.roomName",
unreadCount : "$unreadCount",
participants : 1 ,
participantDetails : 1


MongoDB - How to update a document with multi-level nesting

This is my document:
"_id": NumberLong(861),
"Name": "李四",
"Number": "030404",
"Answers": {
"ModuleItems": [
"ModuleType": NumberInt(1),
"AnswerListItems": [
"ModuleItemId": "111",
"SRUrl": "https://file-public-ashermed.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/XXX.mp3",
"ModuleItemState": NumberInt(0),
"TestType": NumberInt(2),
"AnswerItems": [
"_id": "222",
"Answer": "some questions1",
"AnswerState": NumberInt(0)
"ModuleItemId": "444",
"SRUrl": "https://file-public-ashermed.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/XXXX.mp3",
"ModuleItemState": NumberInt(0),
"TestType": NumberInt(2),
"AnswerItems": [
"_id": "666",
"Answer": "",
"AnswerState": NumberInt(1)
"LastModuleItemId": "666"
"ModuleType": NumberInt(2),
"AnswerListItems": [],
"LastModuleItemId": "2555"
"TotalScore": "79分"
"VisitRecordState": NumberInt(2),
My filters:
"_id" : NumberLong(861),Answers.ModuleItems.ModuleType = NumberInt(1), ModuleItemId= 444
I want to modify the SRUrl field of this document's elements which ModuleItemId equals 444.
You need positional operator $[] and arrayFilters to update element in nested arrays.
_id: NumberLong(861)
$set: {
"Answers.ModuleItems.$[mi].AnswerListItems.$[ali].SRUrl": /* New SRUrl */
arrayFilters: [
"mi.ModuleType": 1
"ali.ModuleItemId": "444"
Sample Mongo Playground

Is there a Mongo function for filtering all nested/subdocuments based on a field?

I have some documents in MongoDB that have other nested documents all with an "active" field.
For instance :
"id": "PRODUCT1",
"name": "Product 1",
"active": true,
"categories": [
"id": "CAT-1",
"active": true,
"subcategories": [
"id": "SUBCAT-1",
"active": false
"id": "SUBCAT-2",
"active": true
"id": "CAT-2",
"active": false,
"subcategories": [
"id": "SUBCAT-3",
"active": true
Is there a way to find all documents but only keep the "active" nested documents.
This is the result I'd like :
"id": "PRODUCT1",
"name": "Product 1",
"active": true,
"categories": [
"id": "CAT-1",
"active": true,
"subcategories": [
"id": "SUBCAT-2",
"active": true
Knowing that I do NOT know the document schema beforehand. That's why I need a sort of conditioned wildcard projection... (ie *.active=true). Is this possible or this HAS to be done serverside ?
Use $redact.
{ $redact: {
$cond: {
if: { $eq:["$active", true] },
then: "$$DESCEND",
else: "$$PRUNE"
//actual code out from mongo shell 4.2 on windows
//sample document as shared in problem statement, query to find the document from //collection
> db.products.find().pretty();
"_id" : ObjectId("5f748ee5377e73757bb7ceac"),
"id" : "PRODUCT1",
"name" : "Product 1",
"active" : true,
"categories" : [
"id" : "CAT-1",
"active" : true,
"subcategories" : [
"id" : "SUBCAT-1",
"active" : false
"id" : "SUBCAT-2",
"active" : true
"id" : "CAT-2",
"active" : false,
"subcategories" : [
"id" : "SUBCAT-3",
"active" : true
//verify mongo shell version no. for reference
> db.version();
//using aggregate and $unwind you can query the inner array elements as shown below
> db.products.aggregate([
... {$unwind: "$categories"},
... {$unwind: "$categories.subcategories"},
... {$match:{"active":true,
... "categories.active":true,
... "categories.subcategories.active":true}}
... ]).pretty();
"_id" : ObjectId("5f748ee5377e73757bb7ceac"),
"id" : "PRODUCT1",
"name" : "Product 1",
"active" : true,
"categories" : {
"id" : "CAT-1",
"active" : true,
"subcategories" : {
"id" : "SUBCAT-2",
"active" : true
You'll be able to achieve this with a few $map, $reduce and $filter stages.
"$addFields": {
"categories": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$categories",
"cond": {
$eq: [
"$addFields": {
"categories": {
"$map": {
"input": "$categories",
"in": {
"$mergeObjects": [
"subcategories": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$$this.subcategories",
"cond": {
$eq: [
Executing the above will give you the following result based on your input
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"active": true,
"categories": [
"active": true,
"id": "CAT-1",
"subcategories": [
"active": true,
"id": "SUBCAT-2"
"id": "PRODUCT1",
"name": "Product 1"

MongoDB Aggregation function

I have the following JSON Documents in Mongo collection named "Movies"
"_id": "5ed0c9700b9e8b0e2c542054",
"movie_name": "Jake 123",
"score": 20,
"director": "Jake"
"_id": "5ed0a9840b9e8b0e2c542053",
"movie_name": "Avatar",
"director": "James Cameroon",
"score": 50,
"boxoffice": [
"territory": "US",
"gross": 2000
"territory": "UK",
"gross": 1000
"_id": "5ed0a9630b9e8b0e2c542052",
"movie_name": "Titanic",
"score": 100,
"director": "James Cameroon",
"boxoffice": [
"territory": "US",
"gross": 1000
"territory": "UK",
"gross": 500
"actors": [
"Kate Winselet",
"Leonardo De Caprio",
I run the below query which finds the maximum collection of a country of various movies. My intention is to find the maximum collection and the corresponding territory.
{$match: {"boxoffice" : { $exists: true, $ne : []}}},
{$project: {
"title":"$movie_name", "max_boxoffice": {$max : "$boxoffice.gross"},
"territory" : "$boxoffice.territory" } }
I get the result as follows. How do I get the correct territory that corresponds to the collection?
"_id" : ObjectId("5ed0a9630b9e8b0e2c542052"),
"title" : "Titanic",
"max_boxoffice" : 1000,
"territory" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5ed0a9840b9e8b0e2c542053"),
"title" : "Avatar",
"max_boxoffice" : 2000,
"territory" : [
Expected output:
Avatar and Titanic has collected more money in US. I wanted territories to display the values of them
"_id" : ObjectId("5ed0a9630b9e8b0e2c542052"),
"title" : "Titanic",
"max_boxoffice" : 1000,
"territory" : "US"
"_id" : ObjectId("5ed0a9840b9e8b0e2c542053"),
"title" : "Avatar",
"max_boxoffice" : 2000,
"territory" : "US"
For this specific requirement, you can use $set (aggregation). $set appends new fields to existing documents. and we can include one or more $set stages in an aggregation operation to achieve this like:
$match: { "boxoffice": { $exists: true, $ne: [] } }
$set: {
boxoffice: {
$filter: {
input: "$boxoffice",
cond: { $eq: ["$$this.gross", { $max: "$boxoffice.gross" }]}
$set: {
boxoffice: { $arrayElemAt: ["$boxoffice", 0] }
$project: {
"title": "$movie_name",
"max_boxoffice": "$boxoffice.gross",
"territory": "$boxoffice.territory"
Mongo Playground

Join Same Collection in Mongo

Below is the sample collection document record that i want to join the same collection with different child array elements.
Sample Collection Record :
"_id": "052dc2aa-043b-4cd7-a3f2-f3fe6540ae52",
"Details": [
"Id": "104b0bb1-d4a5-469b-b1fd-b4822e96dcb0",
"Number": "12345",
"Percentages": [
"Code": "55555",
"Percentage": "45"
"Code": "55333",
"Percentage": "50"
"Id": "104b0bb1-d4a5-469b-b1fd-b4822e96dcb0",
"Number": "55555",
"Percentages": [
"Code": "55555",
"Percentage": "45"
"Payments": [
"Id": "61ee1a6f-3334-4f33-ab6c-51c646b75c41",
"Number": "12345"
The mongo Pipeline query which i would like to fetch the Percentages Array with matched conditions whose Details.Number and Payment.Number should be same
"Percentages": [
"Code": "55555",
"Percentage": "45"
"Code": "55333",
"Percentage": "50"
How to bring the result by joining the same collections child elements using aggregate ?
Following query does what you want:
{$unwind : "$Details"},
{$unwind : "$Details.Percentages"},
{$unwind : "$Payments"}, // $unwind all your arrays
$addFields : { //This include new `isMatch` field, which is gonna be true, only if Details.Number = Payment.Number
"isMatch" : {$cond: { if: { $eq: [ "$Details.Number", "$Payments.Number" ] }, then: true, else: false }}
$match : { // This ignores all others, for which Details.Number != Payment.Number
"isMatch" : true
$group : { // This will return only the Percentage objects
_id : null,
"Percentages" : {$push : "$Details.Percentages"}
$project : { // To ignore "_id" field
_id : 0,
"Percentages" : 1
"Percentages" : [
"Code" : "55555",
"Percentage" : "45"
"Code" : "55333",
"Percentage" : "50"
Hope this helps!

mongodb get count group by

I have problem with get count by group.
"BOOK_TITLE": "the lord of the ring",
"INDEX": 1,
"READ": {
"SN": "12222ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "booked"
"bNORMAL": {
"SN": "4444454b51ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "yet"
I want to get output like below.
[{BOOL_TITLE:"the lord of the ring", NORMAL.booked_count : 2, bNORMAL.booked_count :1},
{BOOL_TITLE:"Mr.porter", NORMAL.booked_count : 21, bNORMAL.booked_count :1}, ...]
I have a problem with using $group. How can I do this?
You can use this script.
db.verification_job.aggregate( [
{ $unwind: "$BOOL_LIST" },
{ $group : {_id : {BOOK_TITLE: "$BOOL_LIST.BOOK_TITLE"}
, NORMAL_booked_count : { $sum : { $cond:[ { $eq: ["$BOOL_LIST.READ.NORMAL.RESULT", "booked" ] } , 1, 0 ] } }
, bNORMAL_booked_count : { $sum : { $cond:[ { $eq: ["$BOOL_LIST.READ.bNORMAL.RESULT", "booked" ] } , 1 , 0 ] } }
] )
For more accurate testing, I assumed we have this sample data.
"BOOK_TITLE": "the lord of the ring",
"INDEX": 1,
"READ": {
"SN": "12222ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "booked"
"bNORMAL": {
"SN": "4444454b51ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "yet"
"BOOK_TITLE": "the lord of the ring",
"INDEX": 2,
"READ": {
"SN": "12222ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "yet"
"bNORMAL": {
"SN": "4444454b51ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "booked"
"BOOK_TITLE": "Mr.porter",
"INDEX": 3,
"READ": {
"SN": "12222ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "booked"
"bNORMAL": {
"SN": "4444454b51ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "yet"
And I get this output as result.
{ "_id" : { "BOOK_TITLE" : "Mr.porter" }, "NORMAL_booked_count" : 1, "bNORMAL_booked_count" : 0 }
{ "_id" : { "BOOK_TITLE" : "the lord of the ring" }, "NORMAL_booked_count" : 1, "bNORMAL_booked_count" : 1 }
Modified collection Schema, READ is modified into array of sub documents rather than nested sub documents, but if you cannot do this modification in the schema please use $objectToArray to modify the document into array and then you can proceed with $unwind. Please note that $objectToArray is available only from mongodb version 3.4.4
"result_normal":"$BOOL_LIST.READ.NORMAL.RESULT" },
sample document after the modification
"BOOK_TITLE": "the lord of the ring",
"INDEX": 1,
"READ": [{
"SN": "12222ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "booked"
{"bNORMAL": {
"SN": "4444454b51ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "yet"
"BOOK_TITLE": "The coblet of fire",
"INDEX": 2,
"READ": [
{"NORMAL": {
"SN": "23232ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483e3",
"RESULT": "booked"
{"bNORMAL": {
"SN": "5555554b51ea8e679518021f01a19cc4d95b9483c3",
"RESULT": "yet"
After executing our query in the modified collection the result is
"_id" : {
"book_title" : "the lord of the ring",
"result_normal" : "booked"
"count" : 1
"_id" : {
"book_title" : "the lord of the ring",
"result_bnormal" : "yet"
"count" : 1
"_id" : {
"book_title" : "The coblet of fire",
"result_bnormal" : "yet"
"count" : 1
"_id" : {
"book_title" : "The coblet of fire",
"result_normal" : "booked"
"count" : 1