Pyspark actions on dataframe [duplicate] - pyspark

I have the following code:
val df_in = // the file resides in hdfs
//some operations in here to create df as df_in with two more columns "terms1" and "terms2"
val intersectUDF = udf( (seq1:Seq[String], seq2:Seq[String] ) => { seq1 intersect seq2 } ) //intersects two sequences
val symmDiffUDF = udf( (seq1:Seq[String], seq2:Seq[String] ) => { (seq1 diff seq2) ++ (seq2 diff seq1) } ) //compute the difference of two sequences
val df1 = (df.withColumn("termsInt", intersectUDF(df("terms1"), df1("terms2") ) )
.withColumn("termsDiff", symmDiffUDF(df("terms1"), df1("terms2") ) )
.where( size(col("termsInt")) >0 && size(col("termsDiff")) > 0 && size(col("termsDiff")) <= 2 )
) // add the intersection and difference columns and filter the resulting DF
The app is working properly and fast until the show() but in the count() step, it creates 40000 tasks.
My understanding is that should be triggering the full df1 creation and df1.count() should be very fast. What am I missing here? why is count() that slow?
Thank you very much in advance,

show is indeed an action, but it is smart enough to know when it doesn't have to run everything. If you had an orderBy it would take very long too, but in this case all your operations are map operations and so there's no need to calculate the whole final table. However, count needs to physically go through the whole table in order to count it and that's why it's taking so long. You could test what I'm saying by adding an orderBy to df1's definition - then it should take long.
EDIT: Also, the 40k tasks are likely due to the amount of partitions your DF is partitioned into. Try using df1.repartition(<a sensible number here, depending on cluster and DF size>) and trying out count again.

show() by default shows only 20 rows. If the 1st partition returned more than 20 rows, then the rest partitions will not be executed.
Note show has a lot of variations. If you run show(false) which means show all results, all partitions will be executed and may take more time. So, show() equals show(20) which is a partial action.


PySpark Serialized Results too Large OOM for loop in Spark

I have serious difficulties in understanding why I cannot run a transform which, after waiting so many minutes (sometimes hours), returns the error "Serialized Results too large".
In the transform I have a list of dates that I am iterating in a for loop to proceed with delta calculations within specific time intervals.
The expected dataset is the union of the iterated datasets and should contain 450k rows, not too many, but i have a lot of computing stages, tasks and attempts!!
The profile is already set a Medium profile and i can't scale on other profile and i can't set maxResultSize = 0.
Example of code:
Date_list = [All weeks from: '2021-01-01', to: '2022-01-01'] --> ~50 elements
df_total = spark.createDataframe([], schema)
df_date = []
for date in Date_list:
tmp = df.filter(between [date, date-7days]).withColumn('example', F.lit(date))
df2 = df.join(tmp, 'column', 'inner').......
df_date += [df2]
df_total = df_total.unionByName(union_many(*df_date))
return df_total
Don't pay attention to the syntax. This is just an example to show that there are a series of operations inside the loop. My desidered output is an dataframe which contains the dataframe of each iteration!
Thank you!!
Initial Theory
You are hitting a known limitation of Spark, similar to the findings discussed over here.
However, there are ways to work around this by re-thinking your implementation to instead be a series of dispatched instructions describing the batches of data you wish to operate on, similar to how you create your tmp DataFrame.
This may unfortunately require quite a bit more work to re-think your logic in this way since you'll want to imagine your manipulations purely as a series of column manipulation commands given to PySpark instead of row-by-row manipulations. There are some operations you cannot do purely using PySpark calls, so this isn't always possible. In general it's worth thinking through very carefully.
As an example, your data range calculations are possible to perform purely in PySpark and will be substantially faster if you do this operations over many years or other increased scale. Instead of using Python list comprehension or other logic, we instead use column manipulations on a small set of initial data to build up our ranges.
I've written up some example code here on how you can create your date batches, this should let you perform a join to create your tmp DataFrame, after which you can describe the types of operations you wish to do to it.
Code to create date ranges (start and end dates of each week of the year):
from pyspark.sql import types as T, functions as F, SparkSession, Window
from datetime import date
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
year_marker_schema = T.StructType([
T.StructField("max_year", T.IntegerType(), False),
year_marker_data = [
{"max_year": 2022}
year_marker_df = spark.createDataFrame(year_marker_data, year_marker_schema)
| 2022|
previous_week_window = Window.partitionBy(F.col("start_year")).orderBy("start_week_index")
year_marker_df =
(F.col("max_year") - 1).alias("start_year"),
F.to_date(F.col("max_year").cast(T.StringType()), "yyyy").alias("max_year_date"),
F.to_date(F.col("start_year").cast(T.StringType()), "yyyy").alias("start_year_date"),
F.datediff(F.col("max_year_date"), F.col("start_year_date")).alias("days_between"),
F.floor(F.col("days_between") / 7).alias("weeks_between"),
F.sequence(F.lit(0), F.col("weeks_between")).alias("week_indices"),
F.lead(F.col("start_week_index"), 1).over(previous_week_window).alias("end_week_index"),
((F.col("start_week_index") * 7) + 1).alias("start_day"),
((F.col("end_week_index") * 7) + 1).alias("end_day"),
|start_date| end_date|
only showing top 20 rows
Potential Optimizations
Once you have this code and if you are unable to express your work through joins / column derivations alone and are forced to perform the operation with the union_many, you may consider using Spark's localCheckpoint feature on your df2 result. This will allow Spark to simply calculate the resultant DataFrame and not add its query plan onto the result you will push to your df_total. This could be paired with the cache to also keep the resultant DataFrame in memory, but this will depend on your data scale.
localCheckpoint and cache are useful to avoid re-computing the same DataFrames many times over and truncating the amount of query planning done on top of your intermediate DataFrames.
You'll likely find localCheckpoint and cache can be useful on your df DataFrame as well since it will be used many times over in your loop (assuming you are unable to re-work your logic to use SQL-based operations and instead are still forced to use the loop).
As a quick and dirty summary of when to use each:
Use localCheckpoint on a DataFrame that was complex to compute and is going to be used in operations later. Oftentimes these are the nodes feeding into unions
Use cache on a DataFrame that is going to be used many times later. This often is a DataFrame sitting outside of a for/while loop that will be called in the loop
All Together
Your initial code
Date_list = [All weeks from: '2021-01-01', to: '2022-01-01'] --> ~50 elements
df_total = spark.createDataframe([], schema)
df_date = []
for date in Date_list:
tmp = df.filter(between [date, date-7days]).withColumn('example', F.lit(date))
df2 = df.join(tmp, 'column', 'inner').......
df_date += [df2]
df_total = df_total.unionByName(union_many(*df_date))
return df_total
Should now look like:
# year_marker_df as derived in my code above
year_marker_df = year_marker_df.cache()
df = df.join(year_marker_df, df.my_date_column between year_marker_df.start_date, year_marker_df.end_date)
# Other work previously in your for_loop, resulting in df_total
return df_total
Or, if you are unable to re-work your inner loop operations, you can do some optimizations like:
Date_list = [All weeks from: '2021-01-01', to: '2022-01-01'] --> ~50 elements
df_total = spark.createDataframe([], schema)
df_date = []
df = df.cache()
for date in Date_list:
tmp = df.filter(between [date, date-7days]).withColumn('example', F.lit(date))
df2 = df.join(tmp, 'column', 'inner').......
df2 = df2.localCheckpoint()
df_date += [df2]
df_total = df_total.unionByName(union_many(*df_date))
return df_total

Best way to update a dataframe in Spark scala

Consider two Dataframe data_df and update_df. These two dataframes have the same schema (key, update_time, bunch of columns).
I know two (main) way to "update" data_df with update_df
full outer join
I join the two dataframes (on key) and then pick the appropriate columns (according to the value of update_timestamp)
max over partition
Union both dataframes, compute the max update_timestamp by key and then filter only rows that equal this maximum.
Here are the questions :
Is there any other way ?
Which one is the best way and why ?
I've already done the comparison with some Open Data
Here is the join code
var join_df = data_df.alias("data").join(maj_df.alias("maj"), Seq("key"), "outer")
var res_df = join_df.where( $"data.update_time" > $"maj.update_time" || $"maj.update_time".isNull)
join_df.where( $"data.update_time" < $"maj.update_time" || $"data.update_time".isNull)
And here is window code
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
val byKey = Window.partitionBy($"key") // orderBy is implicit here
res_df = data_df.union(maj_df)
.withColumn("max_version", max("update_time").over(byKey))
.where($"update_time" === $"max_version")
I can paste you DAGs and Plans here if needed, but they are pretty large
My first guess is that the join solution might be the best way but it only works if the update dataframe got only one version per key.
PS : I'm aware of Apache Delta solution but sadly i'm not able too use it.
Below is one way of doing it to only join on the keys, in an effort to minimize the amount of memory to be used on filters and on join commands.
///Two records, one with a change, one no change
val originalDF = spark.sql("select 'aa' as Key, 'Joe' as Name").unionAll(spark.sql("select 'cc' as Key, 'Doe' as Name"))
///Two records, one change, one new
val updateDF = = spark.sql("select 'aa' as Key, 'Aoe' as Name").unionAll(spark.sql("select 'bb' as Key, 'Moe' as Name"))
///Make new DFs of each just for Key
val originalKeyDF = originalDF.selectExpr("Key")
val updateKeyDF = updateDF.selectExpr("Key")
///Find the keys that are similar between both
val joinKeyDF = updateKeyDF.join(originalKeyDF, updateKeyDF("Key") === originalKeyDF("Key"), "inner")
///Turn the known keys into an Array
val joinKeyArray ="Key"))>x.mkString).collect
///Filter the rows from original that are not found in the new file
val originalNoChangeDF = originalDF.where(!($"Key".isin(joinKeyArray:_*)))
///Update the output with unchanged records, update records, and new records
val finalDF = originalNoChangeDF.unionAll(updateDF)

How to Compare columns of two tables using Spark?

I am trying to compare two tables() by reading as DataFrames. And for each common column in those tables using concatenation of a primary key say order_id with other columns like order_date, order_name, order_event.
The Scala Code I am using
val primary_key=order_id
for (i <- commonColumnsList){
val column_name = i
val tempDataFrameForNew = newDataFrame.selectExpr(s"concat($primaryKey,$i) as concatenated")
val tempDataFrameOld = oldDataFrame.selectExpr(s"concat($primaryKey,$i) as concatenated")
//Get those records which aren common in both old/new tables
matchCountCalculated = tempDataFrameForNew.intersect(tempDataFrameOld)
//Get those records which aren't common in both old/new tables
nonMatchCountCalculated = tempDataFrameOld.unionAll(tempDataFrameForNew).except(matchCountCalculated)
//Total Null/Non-Null Counts in both old and new tables.
nullsCountInNewDataFrame ="$i").filter(x => x.isNullAt(0)).count().toInt
nullsCountInOldDataFrame ="$i").filter(x => x.isNullAt(0)).count().toInt
nonNullsCountInNewDataFrame = newDFCount - nullsCountInNewDataFrame
nonNullsCountInOldDataFrame = oldDFCount - nullsCountInOldDataFrame
//Put the result for a given column in a Seq variable, later convert it to Dataframe.
tempSeq = tempSeq :+ Row(column_name, matchCountCalculated.toString, nonMatchCountCalculated.toString, (nullsCountInNewDataFrame - nullsCountInOldDataFrame).toString,
(nonNullsCountInNewDataFrame - nonNullsCountInOldDataFrame).toString)
// Final Step: Create DataFrame using Seq and some Schema.
spark.createDataFrame(spark.sparkContext.parallelize(tempSeq), schema)
The above code is working fine for a medium set of Data, but as the number of Columns and Records increases in my New & Old Table, the execution time is increasing. Any sort of advice is appreciated.
Thank you in Advance.
You can do the following:
1. Outer join the old and new dataframe on priamary key
joined_df = df_old.join(df_new, primary_key, "outer")
2. Cache it if you possibly can. This will save you a lot of time
3. Now you can iterate over columns and compare columns using spark functions (.isNull for not matched, == for matched etc)
for (col <- df_new.columns){
val matchCount = df_joined.filter(df_new[col].isNotNull && df_old[col].isNotNull).count()
val nonMatchCount = ...
This should be considerably faster, especially when you can cache your dataframe. If you can't it might be a good idea so save the joined df to disk in order to avoid a shuffle each time

finding the count, pass and fail percentage of the multiple values from single column while aggregating another column using pyspark

I want to apply groupby for column1 and want to calculate the percentage of passed and failed percentage for each 1 and as well count
Example ouput I am looking for
Using pyspark I am doing the below code but I am only getting the percentage
levels = ["passed", "failed","blocked"]
exprs = [avg((col("Column2") == level).cast("double")*100).alias(level)
for level in levels]
df =
result1 ='Column1','Column2').groupBy("Column1").agg(*exprs)
You would need to explicitly calculate the counts, and then do some string formatting to combine the percentages in the counts into a single column.
from pyspark.sql.functions import avg, col, count, concat, lit
levels = ["passed", "failed","blocked"]
# percentage aggregations
pct_exprs = [avg((col("Column2") == level).cast("double")*100).alias('{}_pct'.format(level))
for level in levels]
# count aggregations
count_exprs = [sum((col("Column2") == level).cast("int")).alias('{}_count'.format(level))
for level in levels]
# combine all aggregations
exprs = pct_exprs + count_exprs
# string formatting select expressions
select_exprs = [
for level in levels
df =
result1 = (
.select('Column1', *select_exprs)
NB: it seems like you are trying to use Spark to make a nice visualization of the results of your calculations, but I don't think Spark is well-suited for this task. If you have few enough records that you can see all of them at once, you might as well work locally in Pandas or something similar. And if you have enough records that using Spark makes sense, then you can't see all of them at once anyway so it doesn't matter too much whether they look nice.

How to get the row top 1 in Spark Structured Streaming?

I have an issue with Spark Streaming (Spark 2.2.1). I am developing a real time pipeline where first I get data from Kafka, second join the result with another table, then send the Dataframe to a ALS model (Spark ML) and it return a streaming Dataframe with one additional column predit. The problem is when I tried to get the row with the highest score, I couldn't find a way to resolve it.
I tried:
Apply SQL functions like Limit, Take, sort
dense_rank() function
search in StackOverflow
I read Unsupported Operations but doesn't seem to be much there.
Additional with the highest score I would send to a Kafka queue
My code is as follows:
val result = lines.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
.select(from_json($"value", mySchema).as("data"))
.selectExpr("cast(data.largo as int) as largo","cast(data.stock as int) as stock","data.verificavalormax","data.codbc","data.ide","data.timestamp_cli","data.tef_cli","data.nombre","data.descripcion","data.porcentaje","data.fechainicio","data.fechafin","data.descripcioncompleta","data.direccion","data.coordenadax","data.coordenaday","data.razon_social","data.segmento_app","data.categoria","data.subcategoria")
val model = ALSModel.load("ALSParaTiDos")
val fullPredictions = model.transform(result)
//fullPredictions is a streaming dataframe with a extra column "prediction", here i need the code to get the first row
val query = fullPredictions.writeStream.format("console").outputMode(OutputMode.Append()).option("truncate", "false").start()
Maybe I was not clear, so I'm attaching an image with my problem. Also I wrote a more simple code to complement it:
detailing what i need. Please I will appreciate any help :)
TL;DR Use stream-stream inner joins (Spark 2.3.0) or use memory sink (or a Hive table) for a temporary storage.
I think that the following sentence describes your case very well:
The problem is when I tried to get the row with the highest score, I couldn't find a way to resolve it.
Machine learning aside as it gives you a streaming Dataset with predictions so focusing on finding a maximum value in a column in a streaming Dataset is the real case here.
The first step is to calculate the max value as follows (copied directly from your code):
streaming.groupBy("idCustomer").agg(max("score") as "maxscore")
With that, you have two streaming Datasets that you can join as of Spark 2.3.0 (that has been released few days ago):
In Spark 2.3, we have added support for stream-stream joins, that is, you can join two streaming Datasets/DataFrames.
Inner joins on any kind of columns along with any kind of join conditions are supported.
Inner join the streaming Datasets and you're done.
Try this:
Implement a function that extract the max value of the column and then filter your dataframe with the max
def getDataFrameMaxRow(df:DataFrame , col:String):DataFrame = {
// get the maximum value
val list_prediction =
.map { x => gson.fromJson[JsonObject](x, classOf[JsonObject])}
.map { x => x.get(col).getAsString.toInt}
val max = getMaxFromList(list_prediction)
// filter dataframe by the maximum value
val df_filtered = df.filter(df(col) === max.toString())
return df_filtered
def getMaxFromList(xs: List[Int]): Int = xs match {
case List(x: Int) => x
case x :: y :: rest => getMaxFromList( (if (x > y) x else y) :: rest )
And in the body of your code add:
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
val fullPredictions = model.transform(result)
val df_with_row_max = getDataFrameMaxRow(fullPredictions, "prediction")
Good Luck !!