How to render voxel in an efficient way - voxel

For now, I use a 3D array to represent my voxels in different chunks. I want to render voxels which can be visible by the player, but the way I do it is totally not efficient:
I iterate over the whole 10*10*10 chunk and check on every voxel if there is a neighbor equal to Air. Then I render separatly each faces which can be visible. So I mostly check every voxels 6 times. And I do this for all chunks.
Is there a better way to proceed or an algorithm to reduce iterating?
I basicly don't know if it is better to work with 3D Array or Octree...

I've been thinking through this problem recently, and since nobody has answered you I thought I'd mention some of the ideas I've come across.
Firstly, it's work noting that you only need to calculate which faces to render once, since that only changes if you remove or add a voxel, and then you only need to recalculate the voxels immediately around the place where you made the change. Just use a flag to mark for rendering and cache that until something changes. If you aren't already doing this, this will give you a big performance boost over calculating every frame.
I also recommend looking into this extremely fast raycasting algorythm:
You can use it for fast collision testing, and also for cull-testing. You can cast at grid nodes to see if any part of a face is visible.


Different ways to detect size of image on mesh versus size of mesh

I'm creating a puzzle game that generates random sized pieces with 2D meshes. The images contain transparent portions and sometimes a piece is completely transparent. I need to detect what percentage of a piece is transparent. One way I found to do this is to go pixel by pixel. I posted my solution to this HERE. However, this process adds a few seconds during loading which I'd like to avoid and I'm looking for other ideas
I've considered using the selection outline of a MeshCollider to somehow to get a surface area I can compare to the surface area of the mesh but everything I find is on the rendering of outline with specialized shaders. Does anyone have any ideas on to solve this?
1) I guess you could add a PolygonCollider2D to your sprite and use its Path for the outline and calculation of the surface area. Not sure however if this will be faster.
A path is a cyclic sequence of line segments between points that define the outline of the Collider
Checking PolygonCollider2D.GetTotalPointCount or path length may be good enough to determine if the sprite is 'empty'.
Sprite.vertices, Sprite.triangles may also be helpful.
2) You could also improve performance of your first approach:
instead of calling GetPixel as you do now use GetPixels or GetPixels32 and loop through the array in one for loop.
Using GetPixels can be faster than calling GetPixel repeatedly, especially for large textures. In addition, GetPixels can access individual mipmap levels. For most textures, even faster is to use GetPixels32 which returns low precision color data without costly integer-to-float conversions.
check only every 2nd or nth pixel as it should be good enough for approximation
limit number of type casts

How can I create larger worlds/levels in Unity without adding lag?

How can I scale up the size of my world/level to include more gameobjects without causing lag for the player?
I am creating an asset for the asset store. It is a random procedural world generator. There is only one major problem: world size.
I can't figure out how to scale up the worlds to have more objects/tiles.
I have generated worlds up to 2000x500 tiles, but it lags very badly.
The maximum sized world that will not affect the speed of the game is
around 500x200 tiles.
I have generated worlds of the same size with smaller blocks: 1/4th the size (it doesn't affect how many tiles you can spawn)
I would like to create a world at least the size of 4200x1200 blocks without lag spikes.
I have looked at object pooling (it doesn't seem like it can help me
that much)
I have looked at LoadLevelAsync (don't really know how to use this,
and rumor is that you need Unity Pro which I do not have)
I have tried setting chunks Active or Deactive based on player
position (This caused more lag than just leaving the blocks alone).
Additional Information:
The terrain is split up into chunks. It is 2d, and I have box colliders on all solid tiles/blocks. Players can dig/place blocks. I am not worried about the amount of time it takes for the level to load initially, but rather about the smoothness of the game while playing it -no lag spikes while playing.
question on Unity Forums
If you're storing each tile as an individual GameObject, don't. Use a texture atlas and 'tile data' to generate the look of each chunk whenever it is dug into or a tile placed on it.
Also make sure to disable, potentially even delete any chunks not within the visible range of the player. Object pooling will help significantly here if you can work out the maximum number of chunks that will ever be needed at once, and just recycle chunks as they go off the screen.
There is a lot to talk about for the optimal generation, so I'm going to post this link ( It shows you how to do it in a 3D space, but the principales are essentially the same if not a little easier for 2D space. The following is just a rough outline of what might be involved, and going down this path will result in huge benefits, but will require a lot of work to get there. I've included all the benefits at the bottom of the answer.
Each tile can be made to be a simple struct with fields like int id, vector2d texturePos, bool visible in it's simplest form. You can then store these tiles in a 2 dimensional array within each chunk, though to make them even more memory efficient you could store the texturePos once elsewhere in the program and write a method to get a texturePos by id.
When you make changes to this 2 dimensional array which represents either the addition or removal of a tile, you update the chunk, which is the actual GameObject used to represent the tiles. By iterating over the tile data stored in the chunk, it will be possible to generate a mesh of vertices based on the position of each tile in the 2 dimensional array. If visible is false, simply don't generate any vertices for it.
This mesh alone could be used as a collider, but won't look like anything. It will also be necessary to generate UV co-ords which happen to be the texturePos. When Unity then displays the mesh, it will display specific points of the texture atlas as defined by the UV co-ords of the mesh.
This has the benefit of resulting in significantly fewer GameObjects, better texture batching for Unity, less memory usage, faster random access for any tile as it's not got any MonoBehaviour overhead, and a genuine plethora of additional benefits.

Alternatives to diamond-square for incremental procedural terrain generation?

I'm currently in the process of coding a procedural terrain generator for a game. For that purpose, I divide my world into chunks of equal size and generate them one by one as the player strolls along. So far, nothing special.
Now, I specifically don't want the world to be persistent, i.e. if a chunk gets unloaded (maybe because the player moved too far away) and later loaded again, it should not be the same as before.
From my understanding, implicit approaches like treating 3D Simplex Noise as a density function input for Marching Cubes don't suit my problem. That is because I would need to reseed the generator to obtain different return values for the same point in space, leading to discontinuities along chunk borders.
I also looked into Midpoint Displacement / Diamond-Square. By seeding each chunk's heightmap with values from the borders of adjacent chunks and randomizing the chunk corners that don't have any other chunks nearby, I was able to generate a tileable terrain that exhibits the desired behavior. Still, the results look rather dull. Specifically, since this method relies on heightmaps, it lacks overhangs and the like. Moreover, even with the corner randomization, terrain features tend to be confined to small areas, i.e. there are no multiple-chunk hills or similar landmarks.
Now I was wondering if there are other approaches to this that I haven't heard of/thought about yet. Any help is highly appreciated! :)
Post process!
After you do the heightmaps, run back through adding features.
This is how Minecraft does it to get the various caverns and cliff overhangs.

Matlab: Track point on object in video

I would like to track (if that is the right word for this) the movement of a point on an object and return the co-ordinates for the point in each frame to arrays for plotting. How would you go about doing this?
The point on the video is a certain color and so my first effort was to eliminate all other colors and change the part I wish to follow to black and everything else to white. Doing this left me with some areas in the background which are the same color but I wish to ignore them and just focus on the moving point. I do not know where to even begin with this or if I've even been trying to do the right thing so far?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
Try searching for terms like 'tracking', 'morphological', 'computer vision', 'matlab'
Here's a project that I found that will probably get you started.
if your object of interests is of a certain specific color. You can always apply a color-filter. To give you a bit of a background, i was trying to track not a point on an object, but a moving object in one of the videos i have. (it was a ping-pong video and my goal was to track the ping-pong ball). My algorithm was simple and fast (as i did not want any of my filters to induce heavy computations at one single frame). The basic idea was to apply a color filter. Similar to other shape filters, if your target is of high similarity to the filter, the response will be distinctive enough for you to notice. In other words, if you minus two objects that are extremely similar, you will get 0, otherwise, it will be far greater than 0.

Minimising glDrawArray calls in OpenGl es

I'd like to hear what people think the optimal draw calls are for Open GL ES (on the iphone).
Specifically I've read in many places that it is best to minimise the number of calls to glDrawArrays/glDrawElements - I think Apple say 10 should be the max in their recent WWDC presentation. As I understand it to do this you need to put all the vertices into one array if possible, so you only need to make the drawArrays call once.
But I am confused because this surely means you can't use the translate, rotate, scale functions, because it would apply across the whole geometry. Which is fine except doesn't that mean you need to pre-calculate every vertex position yourself, rather than getting open gl to do it?
Also, doesn't it mean you can't use any of the fan/strip settings unless you just have a continuous shape?
These drawbacks make me think I'm not understanding something correctly, so I guess I'm looking for confirmation that I should:
Be trying to make an uber array of all triangles to draw.
Resign myself to the fact I'll have to work out all the vertex positions myself.
Forget about push'ing and pop'ing each thing to draw into it's desired location
Is that what others do?
Vast question, batching is always a matter of compromise.
The ideal structure for performance would be, as you mention, to one single array containing all triangles to draw.
Starting from here, we can start adding constraints :
One additional constraint is that
having vertex indices in 16bits saves
bandwidth and memory, and probably
the fast path for your platform. So
you could consider grouping triangles
in chunks of 65536 vertices.
Then, if you want to switch the
shader/material/glState used to draw
geometry, you have no choice (*) but
to emit one draw call per
shader/material/glState. So grouping
triangles could consider grouping by
Next, if you want to animate things,
you have no choice (*) but to
transmit your transform matrix to GL,
and then issue a draw call. So
grouping triangles could consider
grouping triangles by 'transform
groups', for example, all static
geometry together, animated geometry
that have common transforms can be
grouped too.
In these cases, you'd have to transform the vertices yourself (using CPU) before merging the meshes together.
Regarding triangle strips, you can transform any mesh in strips, even if it has discontinuities in its topology, by introducing degenerate triangles. So this is a technique that always apply.
All in all, reducing draw calls is a game of compromises, some techniques might work well for a 3d model, while others may be more suited for other 3d models. IMHO, the key is to be creative and to carefully benchmark your application to see if your changes actually improve performance on your target platform.
HTH, cheers,
(*) actually there are techniques that allow to reduce the number of draw calls in these cases, such as :
texture atlases to group different textures in a single one, to prevent
switching textures in GL, thus
allowing to limit draw calls
(pseudo) hardware instancing that allow shaders to fetch transforms
from various sources to transform
mesh instances in different ways.