Swift type inference in methods that can throw and cannot - swift

As you may know, Swift can infer types from usage. For example, you can have overloaded methods that differ only in return type and freely use them as long as compiler is able to infer type. For example, with help of additional explicitly typed variable that will hold return value of such method.
I've found some funny moments. Imagine this class:
class MyClass {
enum MyError: Error {
case notImplemented
case someException
func fun1() throws -> Any {
throw MyError.notImplemented
func fun1() -> Int {
return 1
func fun2() throws -> Any {
throw MyError.notImplemented
func fun2() throws -> Int {
if false {
throw MyError.someException
} else {
return 2
Of course, it will work like:
let myClass = MyClass()
// let resul1 = myClass.fun1() // error: ambiguous use of 'fun1()'
let result1: Int = myClass.fun1() // OK
But next you can write something like:
// print(myClass.fun1()) // error: call can throw but is not marked with 'try'
// BUT
print(try? myClass.fun1()) // warning: no calls to throwing functions occur within 'try' expression
so it looks like mutual exclusive statements. Compiler tries to choose right function; with first call it tries to coerce cast from Int to Any, but what it's trying to do with second one?
Moreover, code like
if let result2 = try? myClass.fun2() { // No warnings
will have no warning, so one may assume that compiler is able to choose right overload here (maybe based on fact, that one of the overloads actually returns nothing and only throws).
Am I right with my last assumption? Are warnings for fun1() logical? Do we have some tricks to fool compiler or to help it with type inference?

Obviously you should never, ever write code like this. It's has way too many ways it can bite you, and as you see, it is. But let's see why.
First, try is just a decoration in Swift. It's not for the compiler. It's for you. The compiler works out all the types, and then determines whether a try was necessary. It doesn't use try to figure out the types. You can see this in practice here:
class X {
func x() throws -> X {
return self
let y = try X().x().x()
You only need try one time, even though there are multiple throwing calls in the chain. Imagine how this would work if you'd created overloads on x() based on throws vs non-throws. The answer is "it doesn't matter" because the compiler doesn't care about the try.
Next there's the issue of type inference vs type coercion. This is type inference:
let resul1 = myClass.fun1() // error: ambiguous use of 'fun1()'
Swift will never infer an ambiguous type. This could be Any or it could beInt`, so it gives up.
This is not type inference (the type is known):
let result1: Int = myClass.fun1() // OK
This also has a known, unambiguous type (note no ?):
let x : Any = try myClass.fun1()
But this requires type coercion (much like your print example)
let x : Any = try? myClass.fun1() // Expression implicitly coerced from `Int?` to `Any`
// No calls to throwing function occur within 'try' expression
Why does this call the Int version? try? return an Optional (which is an Any). So Swift has the option here of an expression that returns Int? and coercing that to Any or Any? and coercing that to Any. Swift pretty much always prefers real types to Any (and it properly hates Any?). This is one of the many reasons to avoid Any in your code. It interacts with Optional in bizarre ways. It's arguable that this should be an error instead, but Any is such a squirrelly type that it's very hard to nail down all its corner cases.
So how does this apply to print? The parameter of print is Any, so this is like the let x: Any =... example rather than like the let x =... example.
A few automatic coercions to keep in mind when thinking about these things:
Every T can be trivially coerced to T?
Every T can be explicitly coerced to Any
Every T? can also be explicitly coerce to Any
Any can be trivially coerced to Any? (also Any??, Any???, and Any????, etc)
Any? (Any??, Any???, etc) can be explicitly coerced to Any
Every non-throwing function can be trivially coerced to a throwing version
So overloading purely on "throws" is dangerous
So mixing throws/non-throws conversions with Any/Any? conversions, and throwing try? into the mix (which promotes everything into an optional), you've created a perfect storm of confusion.
Obviously you should never, ever write code like this.

The Swift compiler always tries to call the most specific overloaded function is there are several overloaded implementations.
The behaviour shown in your question is expected, since any type in Swift can be represented as Any, so even if you type annotate the result value as Any, like let result2: Any = try? myClass.fun1(), the compiler will actually call the implementation of fun1 returning an Int and then cast the return value to Any, since that is the more specific overloaded implementation of fun1.
You can get the compiler to call the version returning Any by casting the return value to Any rather than type annotating it.
let result2 = try? myClass.fun1() as Any //nil, since the function throws an error
This behaviour can be even better observed if you add another overloaded version of fun1 to your class, such as
func fun1() throws -> String {
return ""
With fun1 having 3 overloaded versions, the outputs will be the following:
let result1: Int = myClass.fun1() // 1
print(try? myClass.fun1()) //error: ambiguous use of 'fun1()'
let result2: Any = try? myClass.fun1() //error: ambiguous use of 'fun1()'
let stringResult2: String? = try? myClass.fun1() // ""
As you can see, in this example, the compiler simply cannot decide which overloaded version of fun1 to use even if you add the Any type annotation, since the versions returning Int and String are both more specialized versions than the version returning Any, so the version returning Any won't be called, but since both specialized versions would be correct, the compiler cannot decide which one to call.


Is there shorthand to specify a specific overload when passing a function as a closure-based argument?

I'm wondering if Swift has a way to let you pass in a specific overload of a function as an argument to a second function that takes a closure with a matching signature, based on type, but without explicitly creating a closure yourself.
Note: This is not a problem I'm trying to solve. It's just a curiosity about the language based on something I ran into when creating an extension to a struct that suddenly broke the compile. It was easily addressed with a closure, like below. It just had me wondering if there was another way to solve it.
Here's code showing what I mean. Let's start with this struct Foo...
struct Foo {
let value: Int
Once defined, we can use it as part of a mapping operation via a closure, like so...
let values = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let foos = values.map{ Foo(value: $0) }
However, since the initializer itself already matches the signature of the closure argument type-wise, you can skip the manually-created closure entirely and pass in the function directly, like so...
let values = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let foos = values.map(Foo.init)
What's interesting to note is Swift's compiler finds that match based only on the type of the argument to init, not it's label, which was required earlier in the closure version.
What I discovered is by defining the following extension somewhere in code-scope view of the values.map(Foo.init) call site...
extension Foo {
init(valueToDouble value: Int) { self.value = value * 2 }
...that call site suddenly gets flagged as ambiguous and it breaks the compile. This is because even though the labels are different, the argument type--Int in this example--is the same and it doesn't know which one to use.
Now again, this is easily solved with a simple closure, like so...
// Original init
let foos = values.map{ Foo(value: $0) }
// or init in the extension
let foos = values.map{ Foo(valueToDouble: $0) }
I'm just wondering if the Swift compiler has some 'magic sauce' that lets me do something like this...
let foos = values.map(Foo.init(valueToDouble:))
...which obviously doesn't work. :)
So is there anything like that, or is the closure-based version the (only) way to go?
Well, nothing "obvious" about it being wrong because what was wrong is I had a typo (now fixed) and the above syntax does in fact work! Thanks, Itai! :)
In Swift, the "base name" of a method is the method name without any arguments:
Foo.init(x:y:z:) → Foo.init
Foo.bar(_:) → Foo.bar
Foo.baz(baz:) → Foo.baz
Foo.quux() → Foo.quux
When referring to a method by name (rather than calling it), Swift will allow you to refer to it by its base name, so long as the usage is not ambiguous:
struct Foo {
func f(intValue: Int) {}
let f = Foo().f
However, when there are multiple methods with the same base name, you can run into situations with ambiguity:
struct Foo {
func f(intValue: Int) {}
func f(stringValue: String) {}
let f = Foo().f // error: ambiguous use of 'f'
When this happens, you can either:
Use explicit typing to help disambiguate the methods, if possible:
let f1: (Int) -> Void = Foo().f
let f2: (String) -> Void = Foo().f
Refer to the method by its fully-qualified name (name with parameter names included):
let f1 = Foo().f(intValue:)
let f2 = Foo().f(stringValue:)
In your case, because both methods have the same type signature, you can't use approach (1) to disambiguate between the calls, and will have to resort to (2).
The issue you ran into is that the parameter name you were using was slightly off:
// ❌ Foo.init(doubleValue:)
// ✅ Foo.init(valueToDouble:)
let foos = values.map(Foo.init(valueToDouble:)) // ✅
This does work, and will work as a shorthand instead of having to call the method directly inside of a closure argument.

Weird optional type behaviour in swift forEach

This code works fine. It iterates my array of one Int! and prints its magnitude.
import Foundation
let x : Int! = 1
[x].forEach {i in
Presumably, i in the loop body is an Int or an Int!, and indeed if I ask Xcode for "quick help" on forEach it reports:
func forEach(_ body: (Int) throws -> Void) rethrows
However, if perform two statements in my forEach body, instead it fails to compile, complaining that I need to unwrap i which now has the optional type Int?.
import Foundation
let x : Int! = 1
[x].forEach {i in
Compile error:
Value of optional type 'Int?' must be unwrapped to refer to member 'magnitude' of wrapped base type 'Int'
And if I ask for "quick help" now I get:
func forEach(_ body: (Int?) throws -> Void) rethrows
How on earth does the number of statements I place in my loop body manage to affect the type of the loop variable?
Basically, you've elicited an edge case of an edge case. You've combined two things that are the work of the devil:
Implicitly unwrapped Optionals
Implicit type inference of closures, along with the fact that
Implicit type inference of closures works differently when the closure consists of one line (this is where the "How on earth does the number of statements" comes in)
You should try to avoid both of those; your code will be cleaner and will compile a lot faster. Indeed, implicit type inference of anything other than a single literal, like a string, Int, or Double, is a huge drag on compilation times.
I won't pretend to imitate the compiler's reasoning; I'll just show you an actual solution (other than just not using an IUO in the first place):
[x].forEach {(i:Int) in
Our Int type is legal because we take advantage of the single "get out of jail free" card saying that an implicitly unwrapped Optional can be used directly where the unwrapped type itself is expected. And by explicitly stating the type, we clear up the compiler's doubts.
(I say "directly" because implicit unwrappedness of an Optional is not propagated thru passing and assignment. That is why in your second example you discovered Int?, not Int, being passed into the closure.)

Swift not finding the correct type

I am trying to use SwiftHamcrest
I have a function
func equalToArray<T, S>(_ vector:Array<S>) -> Matcher<T> {
let v: Matcher<T> = Hamcrest.hasCount(16)
return v
This gives an error
Error:(16, 31) 'hasCount' produces 'Matcher<T>', not the expected contextual result type 'Matcher<T>'
SwiftHamcrest has two hasCount functions
public func hasCount<T: Collection>(_ matcher: Matcher<T.IndexDistance>) -> Matcher<T>
public func hasCount<T: Collection>(_ expectedCount: T.IndexDistance) -> Matcher<T>
Why is my code complaining isn't it returning the same type that is needed.
As a note and possibly a different question I had to add the Hamcrest. before the hasCount method call as otherwise it tried to match to the first function
What am I missing with types?
Your method equalToArray<T, S> does not know that T is a collection, so the result from the generic hasCount(...) methods above will not be assignable to v in your method (since these results returns Matcher<T> instances constrained to T:s that are Collection:s). I.e., v is of a type Matcher<T> for a non-constrained T, meaning, in the eyes of the compiler, there is e.g. no T.IndexDistance for the T of v:s type.
If you add a Collection type constraint to the T of your method, the assignment from hasCount(...) result to v should compile:
func equalToArray<T: Collection, S>(_ vector: Array<S>) -> Matcher<T> {
let v: Matcher<T> = Hamcrest.hasCount(16)
return v
In a perfect world, the compiler could've given us a more telling error message, say along the lines of
Error:(16, 31) 'hasCount' produces 'Matcher<T>' where 'T: Collection',
not the expected contextual result type 'Matcher<T>'
Now, I don't know what you're intending to test here, but as #Hamish points out, you might actually want to return a Matcher<[S]> and drop the T placeholder. E.g. using the count property of the supplied vector parameter as argument to hasCount(...)?
func equalToArray<S>(_ vector: Array<S>) -> Matcher<[S]> {
return hasCount(vector.count)
Not having used Hamcrest myself, I might be mistaken, but based on a quick skim over the SwiftHamcrest docs, I believe equalToArray(_:) defined as above would construct a matcher for "vector equality" (w.r.t. semantics of the function name) based only on the count of two vectors, in which case the following assert would be a success
let arr1 = ["foo", "bar"]
let arr2 = ["bar", "baz"]
assertThat(arr1, equalToArray(arr2)) // success! ...
But this is just a byline, as you haven't shown us the context where you intend to apply your equalToArray(_:) method/matcher; maybe you're only showing us a minimal example, whereas the actual body of you custom matcher is more true to the method's name.

T, Optional<T> vs. Void, Optional<Void>

// this declaration / definition of variable is OK, as expected
var i = Optional<Int>.None
var j:Int?
// for the next line of code compiler produce a nice warning
// Variable 'v1' inferred to have type 'Optional<Void>' (aka 'Optional<()>'), which may be unexpected
var v1 = Optional<Void>.None
// but the next sentence doesn't produce any warning
var v2:Void?
// nonoptional version produce the warning 'the same way'
// Variable 'v3' inferred to have type '()', which may be unexpected
var v3 = Void()
// but the compiler feels fine with the next
var v4: Void = Void()
What is the difference? Why is Swift compiler always happy if the type is anything else than 'Void' ?
The key word in the warning is "inferred." Swift doesn't like inferring Void because it's usually not what you meant. But if you explicitly ask for it (: Void) then that's fine, and how you would quiet the warning if it's what you mean.
It's important to recognize which types are inferred and which are explicit. To infer is to "deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements." It is not a synonym for "guess" or "choose." If the type is ambiguous, then the compiler will generate an error. The type must always be well-defined. The question is whether it is explicitly defined, or defined via inference based on explicit information.
This statement has a type inference:
let x = Foo()
The type of Foo() is explicitly known, but the type of x is inferred based on the type of the entire expression (Foo). It's well defined and completely unambiguous, but it's inferred.
This statement has no type inference:
let x: Foo = Foo()
But also, there are no type inferences here:
var x: Foo? = nil
x = Foo()
The type of x (Foo?) in the second line is explicit because it was explicitly defined in the line above.
That's why some of your examples generate warnings (when there is a Void inference) and others do not (when there is only explicit use of Void). Why do we care about inferred Void? Because it can happen by accident very easily, and is almost never useful. For example:
func foo() {}
let x = foo()
This is legal Swift, but it generates an "inferred to have type '()'" warning. This is a very easy error to make. You'd like a warning at least if you try to assign the result of something that doesn't return a result.
So how is it possible that we assign the result of something that doesn't return a result? It's because every function returns a result. We just are allowed to omit that information if the return is Void. It's important to remember that Void does not mean "no type" or "nothing." It is just a typealias for (), which is a tuple of zero elements. It is just as valid a type as Int.
The full form of the above code is:
func foo() -> () { return () }
let x = foo()
This returns the same warning, because it's the same thing. We're allowed to drop the -> () and the return (), but they exist, and so we could assign () to x if we wanted to. But it's incredibly unlikely that we'd want to. We almost certainly made a mistake and the compiler warns us about that. If for some reason we want this behavior, that's fine. It's legal Swift. We just have to be explicit about the type rather than rely on type inference, and the warning will go away:
let x: Void = foo()
Swift is being very consistent in generating warnings in your examples, and you really do want those warnings. It's not arbitrary at all.
EDIT: You added different example:
var v = Optional<Void>()
This generates the error: ambiguous use of 'init()'. That's because the compiler isn't certain whether you mean Optional.init() which would be .None, or Optional.init(_ some: ()), which would be .Some(()). Ambiguous types are forbidden, so you get a hard error.
In Swift any value will implicitly convert with it's equivalent 1-tuple. For example, 1 and (1) are different types. The first is an Int and the second is a tuple containing an Int. But Swift will silently convert between these for you (this is why you sometimes see parentheses pop up in surprising places in error messages). So foo() and foo(()) are the same thing. In almost every possible case, that doesn't matter. But in this one case, where the type really is (), that matters and makes things ambiguous.
var i = Optional<Int>()
This unambiguously refers to Optional.init() and returns nil.
The compiler is warning you about the "dummy" type Void, which is actually an alias for an empty tuple (), and which doesn't have too many usages.
If you don't clearly specify that you want your variable to be of type Void, and let the compiler infer the type, it will warn you about this, as it might be you didn't wanted to do this in the first place.
For example:
func doSomething() -> Void {
let a = doSomething()
will give you a warning as anyway there's only one possible value doSomething() can return - an empty tuple.
On the other hand,
let a: Void = doSomething()
will not generate a warning as you explicitly tell the compiler that you want a Void variable.

What does $T0 mean in Swift?

When programming in Swift, sometimes I see error messages containing $T0, $T1, $T2, etc. It seems like they have something to do with closures.
This code works fine:
let test = { (argument: Int) in
println("Argument is \(argument)")
Xcode's autocomplete tells me that the type of test is (Int) -> (), so the return type appears to be inferred.
But if I add a return statement to the closure:
let test = { (argument: Int) in
println("Argument is \(argument)")
I get an error saying:
error: cannot convert the expression's type '(Int) -> (Int) -> $T0' to type '(Int) -> (Int) -> $T0'
What does $T0 mean?
$T0 refers to an anonymous, or unknown type, generally speaking, if you see it, it means that the type inference failed and you can eliminate the problem by being more specific about typing.
In the specific case you refer to, the issue is that the compiler currently has problems resolving types for closures, particularly when they have return statements and no explicit type. To get your example to work (maybe you want a return in the middle of a block) you can be explicit about the return type:
let test = { (argument: Int) -> Void in
println("Argument is \(argument)")
(Note: apparently Swift 1.2 fixes several major classes of similar bugs)