ADFS SSO Implementation - adfs3.0

Use Case scenario:
We have lot of applications and users can access the applications based on its role application and its individual user permissions.
User should be able to use Single Sign-on

There are two kinds of claims rules in ADFS.
One is the standard "get attribute from AD".
The other kind is an access rule e.g. "if member of group x, allow access". This is on a RP basis.
For these kinds of rules to work the roles (security groups) have to be in AD.
Also there are default claims rules for groups that require these to be in AD.


Looking for a solution to API Identity and Authorization Management

I've become very frustrated with the landscape of API creation and authentication/authorization. I would like to find a solution that doesn't require lots of additional complexity (creating new services myself, standing up and maintaining an instance of Keycloak, and so forth) – ideally a managed service (like Auth0 ... but Auth0 doesn't meet my requirements) – that centralizes the management of users and permissions, and allows me to add attributes to users.
Some context:
Suppose you have an API that has a variety of routes:
GET /customers
GET/POST/DELETE /customers/{id}
GET /customers/{id}/orders
GET/POST/DELETE /customers/{id}/orders
You can imagine that you have a case where you have users that have read-only access, and others that can read, create and delete customers and orders. You can also imagine that you may have the need to programmatically access the API, via a service account or access token (such as with Github PATs).
This could be set up with FastAPI or some other framework, such that when a route is accessed it checks that the user, or the access token – or in essence the credentials being used to access the API – has the necessary permissions.
What would be ideal, then, is to have a system that allows me to create users, and from that system the users can – provided they have the permissions in the identity management system to do so – create machine credentials (again, like with Github PATs, but perhaps something that can generate a JWT for consistency of credentials). Users can be added to groups that provide them with roles, and therefore permissions, or they can be assigned roles directly. Ultimately, it's a system that:
Allows user creation and management
Allows users to be grouped, groups can have roles that cascade to users
Allows users to be assigned to roles directly
Allow users to create credentials for programmatic access
Does not make management of users, roles, and so forth, onerous
Allows services (such as a REST API) using these identities for authentication to get the permissions and other information associated with credentials. In the case of other information, this could be included as claims in a JWT – this would require a system that allows claims to be added programmatically to the ID token/JWT.
In my experience, the closest thing to this is Keycloak. Unfortunately, it is a decent amount of work to maintain a Keycloak instance. Still, Keycloak does not provide number 4 in the list above. Does anyone else have experience addressing this issue? I would like to avoid have to manage users and permissions myself, because I have limited resources and that isn't my area of expertise.
Similar solutions:
Keycloak – hits most of the points, except for allowing users to create machine credentials. I'd like to avoid having to set up and maintain a Keycloak instance. Not sure if I can add attributes (claims or something else) to a machine/service account JWT.
Auth0 – Hits some of these, but doesn't allow me to add attributes to machine/service account JWTs, although it will add permissions to them (but that isn't enough).

Go get access to Users Resources, Policies and Permissions in Keycloak 7.x

I am evaluating Keycloak 7.X to be used in our applications consist of approximately twelve microservices (Spring Boot) and four Angular 6.x applications. I plan to use Keycloak adapters for Angular applications as well as Spring Boot instead of OAuth 2.0 for SpringBoot. My proof of concept must demonstrate the following use cases.
(1) Single Sign-On.
(2) Role-Based access control
(3) Policy and Permission- e.g. a user with role "Supervisor" should be able to access the salary of all employees of the organization. However, he/she could give raise to only those employees who work at the same location of the supervisor. In other words, there will an attribute "location" assoicated with each user. Even if the role of the user is "Supervisor", the permssion must consider the attribute "location" to determine access to the resource.
I am planning to use JWT. The JWT will contain the list of permissions and the individual microservice will determine using the combination of "location" and "permission".
Unfortunately, I am unable to configure the client in Keycloak to assign policies and Permissions nor could I find any example on internet.
To use policies and permissions your applications should implement User-Manager Access 2.0 protocol. Read User-Managed Access documentation page for example flow.
I am planning to use JWT. The JWT will contain the list of permissions and the individual microservice will determine using the combination of "location" and "permission".
If the logic behind access definition is located in microservices then you don't need policies and permissions. You can just define roles (e.g. supervisor) and attributes (e.g. location) on Keycloak side and set them to be included in access token (JWT).

What are best practices for managing and verifying application-level roles in a Google Apps application?

What are best practices for maintaining roles (e.g., a user-provisioning role) in a Web application that uses OAuth 2.0 authentication against a Google App domain? These are roles that are tied to a specific Web application, rather than to the domain as a whole.
Is role management at the application level typically done using the application's backend database, once the OAuth Web flow authorization has been completed? I was thinking of using a Google App group to stand in for each role and then verify membership in the group using the Directory API before allowing an action to be carried out. Is this a suitable approach? This requires either a service account with a group-membership privilege or the assigning of such a privilege to each user in the domain with that role, which are steps that would be nice to avoid.
Is there an API to read information about Google App's native domain-level roles for this? Should custom properties on the user's profile be used? If the latter, is there a straightforward way for a domain admin to set these up when provisioning a new user in the domain, or will a separate UI need to be built out? I've noticed that in the user profile information there is a isDelegatedAdmin field, but that field is a boolean, and I have not found anything with more granular information on the roles delegated to the user account.

SAML: group memberships

I was told that it is possible to give information about group membership during a SAML authentication request. We have to connect to an application that does use SAML (we are at the end that is creating the SAML answer XML). Authenticating a user works fine but I can't find a way to specify a "member of" or similar attribute.
Can you explain to me how to pass group memberships in SAML during authentication or have an example ?
I know there is a possibility to take care of authorization in SAML at a socalled Policy Decision Point. But this would mean that a SAML flow would happen for each or some (if batched) entities we want to check authorization for.
Let me give you an example what we are trying to do. This example is made up but shows the problem we want to solve.
Let's assume you have a hard drive with lots of directories and files on it. We use SAML to authenticate the person that tries to access that drive. Members of the group "admin" are allowed to read and write and members of group "user" are only given read permission.
Because of this we want to send the group memberships of a user when he or she authenticates. Because otherwise it would mean that the application has to check for every file if the user is in the necessary group. If it was clear from the beginning (after authentication took place) that someone is a member of a specific group the application can cache that in memory.
As with most things in SAML, this depends on the identity provider as well as the application.
Many identity providers have access control to allow or deny specific users or groups to access an application. Sign-on is then denied by the IdP after authentication based on the ID of the application (from the SAML request) and access control configured in the IdP. If you just want to control who has access to the application, then this is all you need, and most, if not all, identity providers should have you covered.
Sometimes you also want different users or groups to have different permissions inside the application, or you want memberships in certain groups on the IdP to be mapped to membership in groups inside the app's own user and group database (or other application-specific group-like concepts). There is no standard for this, but some identity providers allow the definition of attribute mapping rules based on group membership. For example, in ADFS, you can create a claim rule that sets a specific SAML attribute to a specific value if and only if the user is a member of a specific group in AD. You would then set up such a rule and set a SAML attribute that your application understands to a value it understands.
Alternatively, if an application supports configuration of multiple IdPs, then you can configure one app / IdP mapping per group, and for each group add an attribute mapping rule with a hard-coded group name in an attribute that your application understands.

How to setup initial user/role enabling SAML SSO

We are a service provider. Suppose in our application, we originally have our own user/role management. Different users with different roles are allowed to use different features. So that when a user login we need to know which roles this user has, and prepare appropriate UI. We have administrator role, users with this role can assign roles to other users.
We are thinking of enabling SAML SSO for our application, now the problem is how do we setup roles for each user.
Solution 1, we relies on IdP to provide role information for each login user, the role information may come along with Assertion, but this may not work for all the IdPs.
Solution 2, we only retrieve user from the IdP, and manage the roles in our own application. For example, when we get an Assertion, we retrieve the username(or email address), and match with a record in our DB, if it doesn't exist we automatically create one for this new user. Then we rely on users with administrator role to assign correct role for this new user.
Now the questions is where is the first administrator coming from? Our customer gets our application, and turns on SAML SSO, now there is no users in the DB yet, then how can we resolve such bootstrapping issue? Is there any kinds of standard way? We have come up with different options but not sure which is better and what are the concerns for each options.
Option 1, have a default built-in administrator user. There is a regular native login page that built-in users can login without going through IdP(there is an option to turn it on/off if SAML SSO is enabled)
Option 2, during SAML SSO setup, ask for the administrator user name, so that we automatically create this user in our DB with administrator role. Then when this user login through IdP we could match him in our DB.
What are the other options?
For your first question about who should handle the roles. As I understand every customer has your One of your service provider software. And it connects to a central IDP that you own. If this is the case, it feels like its to complex letting the administrators handle roles on your IDP. I would go for number two.
About question number two. I have been in the same situation I can not remember that I have seen a obvious standard solution for this.
What we did was option 2. It works fine but it adds some complexity to the install procedure. We choose it because we would not have a native login page.
I thing maybe I would be better to go with option 1.
You can get the roles from the different directories of your IDP using your authorization layer. It removes the constraints on SAML and gives the same results as your solution 1.