WARNING: index 'indexer_name': dict=keywords and prefixes and morphology enabled, forcing index_exact_words=1 - sphinx

How to remove below warning?
WARNING: index 'indexer_name': dict=keywords and prefixes and morphology enabled, forcing index_exact_words=1
Please help me. I am new to Sphinx.

Well its telling you don't have index_exact_words=1 in your index config. So its added it anyway.
If you added to index_exact_words=1 the index, wouldnt get the warning :)


Find out how to fix maxClauseCount is set to 1024 error in Gravitee.io

I have many API's registered in Gravitee.io. I tried to add the following:
index.query.bool.max_clause_count: 10240
To the file elasticsearch.yml
But it didn't work, I don't know how to change it in gravitee
If you are trying to change the max clause count of a query setting in Elasticsearch than correct setting is below as explained in Search settings doc

When shrink litedb files then app cannot find index on <collection>._id. How could i fix it?

I use 3.xx version of litedb and want to shrink the file since it always grows its size.
I shrunk it using LiteDbExplorer's "shrink" button, but now app cannot use this db file.
But still it seems good when using viewer litedbexplorer, litedbviewer, litedbstudio.
I can see data well on these viewers.
but when run application then
it shows
message like "LiteDB.LiteException: Index not found on '<collection_name>._id',
at LiteDB.Query.Run(CollectionPage col, indexService indexer)
LiteDB.LiteEngine.<>c__displayClass14_0.b__0(Collectionpage col) ~~~..."
Did I make it broken?
but Index on _id(primary key) and other indexes still exist well.
I check it using "db.collectionname.indexes".
anybody help me through?
It was because of collections' name restriction.
If collection's name is not fit then it cannot manipulate itself, not only its documents.
And also LiteDBExplorer's shrinking function might have some problem.
It does not work always, but LiteDBshell works.
Please use "db.shrink" at shell.
I guess messages like "Invalid format: Collection" at shell can be fixed by changing collection's name.

Sulu: how to properly rename / remove a webspace

it looks that the case to this issue has it's origin in a renamed webspace. We had one for a while, where we changed the key at some point.
What is the correct way in sulu to savely delete or rename a webspace?
Thx a lot!
As pointed out by #Alex in this issue, the solution is something like:
bin/adminconsole doctrine:phpcr:node:remove /cmf/oldwebspacekey
bin/websiteconsole doctrine:phpcr:node:remove /cmf/oldwebspacekey
A backup before running this commands is recommended, but it seems to work rather stable.

Re-add value into EXTRA_OECONF_<name> after it was removed by EXTRA_OECONF_remove_<name>

To configure a component I need to add --enable-feature into EXTRA_OECONF_somename
So I tried to do:
EXTRA_OECONF_append_somename = --enable-feature
But it did not help. After investigation it was found that the one of the third-party recipe contains the following line:
EXTRA_OECONF_remove_somename = --enable-feature
I can't modify the third-party recipe.
Is there a way to add --enable-feature into EXTRA_OECONF_somename
Thank you.
I'm afraid not. The _remove operations are always applied last so there is no way to undo them. I would say that the original recipe shouldn't be using it - _remove is intended for distro policy where you want to say "I don't care how this item got in the value, just remove it".
For preference the original recipe should instead it should be using PACKAGECONFIG to control addition (or not) of this feature.

How to fix warning in wordforms.txt during sphinx index?

I am new to sphinx.
When I am rotate/start the index, it shows.
WARNINGS:invalid mapping(must be exactly 1 destination keyword)(wordforms='Sufenta'>
'Sufentanil Citrate Injection'). Fix your wordforms file 'usr/local/sphinx/var/data/wordforms.txt'.
But after rotating, it gives and then it shows Rotated successfully message also.
Functionality is ok. But I dont know, why every time it shows warning in wordform.txt file
As the warning says, you have a 'wordform' with multiple words on the 'destiniation' side.
Don't do that.
Fix your wordforms file.