Why order is not maintained while reading a text file from Powershell? - powershell

Below is my Powershell script:
$server_file = 'serverlist.txt'
$servers = #{}
Get-Content $server_file | foreach-object -process {$current = $_.split(":"); $servers.add($current[0].trim(), $current[1].trim())}
foreach($server in $servers.keys){
write-host "Deploying $service on $server..." -foregroundcolor green
My serverlist.txt looks like this:
DRAKE : x64
SDT: x64
Vwebservice2012 : x64
Every time I run this script, I get IMPERIUS as my server name. I would like loop through the servers in the order they are written in serverlist.txt.
Am I missing anything in Get-Content call?

Don't store servers in a temporary variable.
The iteration order of hashtables (#{}) is not guaranteed by the .NET framework. Avoid using them if you want to maintain input order.
Simply do:
$server_file = 'serverlist.txt'
Get-Content $server_file | ForEach-Object {
$current = $_.split(":")
$server = $current[0].trim()
$architecture = $current[1].trim()
Write-Host "Deploying $service on $server..." -ForegroundColor Green
Note: Even if it probably won't make much of a difference in this particular case, in general you always should explicitly define the file encoding when you use Get-Content to avoid garbled data. Get-Content does not have sophisticated auto-detection for file encodings, and the default it uses can always be wrong for your input file.


Copy-item using invoke-async in Powershell

This article shows how to use Invoke-Async in PowerShell: https://sqljana.wordpress.com/2018/03/16/powershell-sql-server-run-in-parallel-collect-sql-results-with-print-output-from-across-your-sql-farm-fast/
I wish to run in parallel the copy-item cmdlet in PowerShell because the alternative is to use FileSystemObject via Excel and copy one file at a time out of a total of millions of files.
I have cobbled together the following:
<Brief description>
For examples type:
Get-Help .\<filename>.ps1 -examples
Copys files from one path to another
e.g. C:\path\to\list\of\files\to\copy.txt
.PARAMETER NumCopyThreads
default is 8 (but can be 100 if you want to stress the machine to maximum!)
.\CopyFilesToBackup -filelist C:\path\to\list\of\files\to\copy.txt
[String] $FileList = "C:\temp\copytest.csv",
[int] $NumCopyThreads = 8
$filesToCopy = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[fileToCopy]"
$csv = Import-Csv $FileList
foreach($item in $csv)
$file = New-Object fileToCopy
$file.SrcFileName = $item.SrcFileName
$file.DestFileName = $item.DestFileName
$sb = [scriptblock] {
Copy-item -Path $file.SrcFileName -Destination $file.DestFileName
$results = Invoke-Async -Set $filesToCopy -SetParam file -ScriptBlock $sb -Verbose -Measure:$true -ThreadCount 8
$results | Format-Table
Class fileToCopy {
[String]$SrcFileName = ""
[String]$DestFileName = ""
the csv input for which looks like this:
C:\Temp\dummy-data\101438\101438-0154723869.zip,\\backupserver\Project Archives\101438\0154723869.zip
C:\Temp\dummy-data\101438\101438-0165498273.xlsx,\\backupserver\Project Archives\101438\0165498273.xlsx
What am I missing to get this working, because when I run .\CopyFiles.ps1 -FileList C:\Temp\test.csv nothing happens. The files exist in the source path, but the file objects aren't being pulled from the -Set collection. (Unless I have misunderstood how the collection is used?)
No, I can't use robocopy to do this because there are millions of files which resolve to different paths depending upon their original location.
I have no explanation for your symptom based on the code in your question (see bottom section), but I suggest basing your solution on the (now) standard Start-ThreadJob cmdlet (comes with PowerShell Core; in Windows PowerShell, install it with Install-Module ThreadJob -Scope CurrentUser, for instance[1]):
Such a solution is more efficient than use of the third-party Invoke-Async function, which as of this writing is flawed in that it waits for jobs to finish in a tight loop, which creates unnecessary processing overhead.
Start-ThreadJob jobs are a lightweight, thread-based alternative to the process-based Start-Job background jobs, yet they integrate with the standard job-management cmdlets, such as Wait-Job and Receive-Job.
Here's a self-contained example based on your code that demonstrates its use:
Note: Whether you use Start-ThreadJob or Invoke-Async, you won't be able to explicit reference custom classes such as [fileToCopy] in the script block that runs in separate threads (runspaces; see bottom section), so the solution below simply uses [pscustomobject] instances with the properties of interest for simplicity and brevity.
# Create sample CSV file with 10 rows.
$FileList = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "tmp.$PID.csv"
'# | Set-Content $FileList
# How many threads at most to run concurrently.
$NumCopyThreads = 8
Write-Host 'Creating jobs...'
$dtStart = [datetime]::UtcNow
# Import the CSV data and transform it to [pscustomobject] instances
# with only .SrcFileName and .DestFileName properties - they take
# the place of your original [fileToCopy] instances.
$jobs = Import-Csv $FileList | Select-Object SrcFileName, DestFileName |
ForEach-Object {
# Start the thread job for the file pair at hand.
Start-ThreadJob -ThrottleLimit $NumCopyThreads -ArgumentList $_ {
$simulatedRuntimeMs = 2000 # How long each job (thread) should run for.
# Delay output for a random period.
$randomSleepPeriodMs = Get-Random -Minimum 100 -Maximum $simulatedRuntimeMs
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $randomSleepPeriodMs
# Produce output.
"Copied $($f.SrcFileName) to $($f.DestFileName)"
# Wait for the remainder of the simulated runtime.
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds ($simulatedRuntimeMs - $randomSleepPeriodMs)
Write-Host "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) jobs to complete..."
# Synchronously wait for all jobs (threads) to finish and output their results
# *as they become available*, then remove the jobs.
# NOTE: Output will typically NOT be in input order.
Receive-Job -Job $jobs -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
Write-Host "Total time lapsed: $([datetime]::UtcNow - $dtStart)"
# Clean up the temp. file
Remove-Item $FileList
The above yields something like:
Creating jobs...
Waiting for 10 jobs to complete...
Copied c:\tmp\b to \\server\share\b
Copied c:\tmp\g to \\server\share\g
Copied c:\tmp\d to \\server\share\d
Copied c:\tmp\f to \\server\share\f
Copied c:\tmp\e to \\server\share\e
Copied c:\tmp\h to \\server\share\h
Copied c:\tmp\c to \\server\share\c
Copied c:\tmp\a to \\server\share\a
Copied c:\tmp\j to \\server\share\j
Copied c:\tmp\i to \\server\share\i
Total time lapsed: 00:00:05.1961541
Note that the output received does not reflect the input order, and that the overall runtime is roughly 2 times the per-thread runtime of 2 seconds (plus overhead), because 2 "batches" have to be run due to the input count being 10, whereas only 8 threads were made available.
If you upped the thread count to 10 or more (50 is the default), the overall runtime would drop to 2 seconds plus overhead, because all jobs then run concurrently.
Caveat: The above numbers stem from running in PowerShell Core, version on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (64-bit; Version 1903), using version 2.0.1 of the ThreadJob module.
Inexplicably, the same code is much slower in Windows PowerShell, v5.1.18362.145.
However, for performance and memory consumption it is better to use batching (chunking) in your case, i.e, to process multiple file pairs per thread.
The following solution demonstrates this approach; tweak $chunkSize to find a batch size that works for you.
# Create sample CSV file with 10 rows.
$FileList = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "tmp.$PID.csv"
'# | Set-Content $FileList
# How many threads at most to run concurrently.
$NumCopyThreads = 8
# How many files to process per thread
$chunkSize = 3
# The script block to run in each thread, which now receives a
# $chunkSize-sized *array* of file pairs.
$jobScriptBlock = {
param([pscustomobject[]] $filePairs)
$simulatedRuntimeMs = 2000 # How long each job (thread) should run for.
# Delay output for a random period.
$randomSleepPeriodMs = Get-Random -Minimum 100 -Maximum $simulatedRuntimeMs
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $randomSleepPeriodMs
# Produce output for each pair.
foreach ($filePair in $filePairs) {
"Copied $($filePair.SrcFileName) to $($filePair.DestFileName)"
# Wait for the remainder of the simulated runtime.
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds ($simulatedRuntimeMs - $randomSleepPeriodMs)
Write-Host 'Creating jobs...'
$dtStart = [datetime]::UtcNow
$jobs = & {
# Process the input objects in chunks.
$i = 0
$chunk = [pscustomobject[]]::new($chunkSize)
Import-Csv $FileList | Select-Object SrcFileName, DestFileName | ForEach-Object {
$chunk[$i % $chunkSize] = $_
if (++$i % $chunkSize -ne 0) { return }
# Note the need to wrap $chunk in a single-element helper array (, $chunk)
# to ensure that it is passed *as a whole* to the script block.
Start-ThreadJob -ThrottleLimit $NumCopyThreads -ArgumentList (, $chunk) -ScriptBlock $jobScriptBlock
$chunk = [pscustomobject[]]::new($chunkSize) # we must create a new array
# Process any remaining objects.
# Note: $chunk -ne $null returns those elements in $chunk, if any, that are non-null
if ($remainingChunk = $chunk -ne $null) {
Start-ThreadJob -ThrottleLimit $NumCopyThreads -ArgumentList (, $remainingChunk) -ScriptBlock $jobScriptBlock
Write-Host "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) jobs to complete..."
# Synchronously wait for all jobs (threads) to finish and output their results
# *as they become available*, then remove the jobs.
# NOTE: Output will typically NOT be in input order.
Receive-Job -Job $jobs -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
Write-Host "Total time lapsed: $([datetime]::UtcNow - $dtStart)"
# Clean up the temp. file
Remove-Item $FileList
While the output is effectively the same, note how only 4 jobs were created this time, each of which processed (up to) $chunkSize (3) file pairs.
As for what you tried:
The screen shot you show suggests that the problem is that your custom class, [fileToCopy], isn't visible to the script block run by Invoke-Async.
Since Invoke-Async invokes the script block via the PowerShell SDK in separate runspaces that know nothing about the caller's state, it is to be expected that these runspaces don't know your class (this equally applies to Start-ThreadJob).
However, it is unclear why that is a problem in your code, because your script block doesn't make an explicit reference to you class: your script-block parameter $file is not type-constrained (it is implicitly [object]-typed).
Therefore, simply accessing the properties of your custom-class instance inside the script block should work, and indeed does in my tests on Windows PowerShell v5.1.18362.145 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (64-bit; Version 1903).
However, if your real script-block code were to explicitly reference custom class [fileToCopy] - such as by defining the parameter as param([fileToToCopy] $file) - you would see the symptom.
[1] In Windows PowerShell v3 and v4, which do not come with the PowerShellGet module, Install-Module isn't available by default. However, the module can be installed on demand, as described in Installing PowerShellGet.

Output of Get-content as variable?

I am attempting to run a foreach loop on a get-content and convertfrom-json cmd. Now im aware this potentially has issues being multiple value results in the variable, im wondering how i can continue to pass this info to the rest of the script.
$testconv = Get-device * |select ID
$testid = $testconv.id
$conv = foreach ($id in $testid)
get-content "\\HDC-PRTG-03\System Information Database\Services\Device$id.Services" | Convertfrom-json
$rpccheck =$conv.message
$snmpcheck = $conv.message
$svcname = $conv.data.displayname
if($RPCon = $rpccheck |select-string -pattern RPC -AllMatches){
write-host RPC Not enabled
write-host No RPC Enabled - Moving to Services List
Now when i run that with out the $conv= making it a variable it returns
kind : Services
recievetime : 29-01-2018 14:43:32
error : 106
Message : SNMP Channels Not Available.
Which is what i expect. However when i define it a variable with $conv= it just starts to say it cannot find the file paths which i find an odd error to throw but hey ho.
Do any of you smart guys have any pointers for how i can keep these fromjson objects in memory so i can continue to run foreach loops against them. The ultiumate function of this script is to query a local .services file for what services are running on the device and then create sensors to monitor them within our PRTG installation. Therefore i need to be able to ref the deviceID and apply things to it.
I suspect i may be using too many foreach loops in the whole script but frankly i am 100% out of my depth
any guidance hugely hugely appreciated
If i understand correctly you should have json files for all device ID's. If a file with the name of a particular device is missing you will get the 'File not found' error.
As for the code, you can try this:
$testconv = Get-Device * | select ID
$testid = $testconv.id
$oldErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
foreach ($id in $testid) {
try {
$conv = Get-Content -Path "\\HDC-PRTG-03\System Information Database\Services\Device$id.Services" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$rpccheck = $conv.message # These look the same to me...
$snmpcheck = $conv.message # These look the same to me...
$svcname = $conv.data.displayname
$svcstate = $conv.data.properties.state
$Matches = ($rpccheck | Select-String -Pattern "RPC*" -AllMatches)
if ($Matches.Matches.Count) {
Write-Host "RPC Not enabled"
else {
Write-Host "No RPC Enabled - Moving to Services List "
catch {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
$ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorAction
Instead of the try{}..catch{} you could also first test if a file with that name is present using Test-Path directly before doing the Get-Content.

Test-Path PowerShell Issue

I am trying to search several servers to see if a specific Registry key exists.
It looks like the code below is working, but as I start to add the final part of the key, it stops "finding" stuff. I can start to add a*, then ab* as the last key, but as soon as I get to the third character or even the full string that I know is there, it comes back False saying it did not find it.
$servers = Get-Content c:\input.txt | `
Select-Object #{l='ComputerName';e={$_}},#{l='KeyExist';e={Test-Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\services\*abcdefg*" }}
$servers | Format-Table -AutoSize
Your problem is that you run Test-Path against the local computer for each remote server name. Unfortunately Test-Path doesn't support querying remote registries.
You could use WMI:
$RegProv = [wmiclass]"\\$servername\root\default:StdRegProv"
if($RegProv.EnumKey(2147483650,"System\CurrentControlSet\services").sNames -like 'abc*'){
# key starting with abc exists
Wrap it in your calculated property like this:
#{Name='KeyExists';Expression={[bool](([wmiclass]"\\$_\root\default:StdRegProv").EnumKey(2147483650,"System\CurrentControlSet\services").sNames -like 'abc*')}}
You can check the remote registry like this :
So for each server it will get the registry value and it will store the value in the arraylist and will display the final result.
Presently in your code, you are basically checking locally only.
#####Get Registry Value ####
$main = "LocalMachine"
$path= "registry key path"
$servers = Get-Content c:\input.txt #-- Get all the servers
$arr=New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($Server in $servers)
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($main, $Server)
$regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey($path)
$Value = $regkey.GetValue($key)
Note: Change the placeholders accordingly

IF Statement to Verify VLAN Exists in PowerCLI Script

I am writing a PowerCLI script to automate the creation of VMs based on the data within a CSV file and I would like to know how to format an IF statement to check if the VLANs specified already exist to avoid cluttering up the screen with errors.
The section of the script dealing with the VLAN creation in its current format:
New-VM -Name $_.Name -VMHost ($esx | Get-Random) -NumCPU $_.NumCPU -Location $Folder
$list = Get-Cluster $_.Cluster | Get-VMHost
foreach ($esxhost in $list)
{ Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $switch -VMHost $esxhost |
New-VirtualPortgroup -Name "VLAN $($_.VLAN)" -VLANID $($_.VLAN)
Write-Host "Wait - propagating VLAN $($_.VLAN) to all hosts" -foreground yellow
Start-Sleep 10
I would like to determine a way to have the script do something like:
IF $_.VLAN exists
Write-host "$_.VLAN already present, proceeding to next step"
ELSE DO{ Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $switch -VMHost $esxhost |
New-VirtualPortgroup -Name "VLAN $($_.VLAN)" -VLANID $($_.VLAN)
I don't have much experience in writing these so I was hoping for some assistance on how to
Check whether the VLAN already exists in vSphere on the switch
How to format the IF/ELSE statement properly to avoid cluttering up the PowerCLI window with errors when the script is run
Thank you for any assistance you may provide
EDIT to work for vlan rather than vswitch
You could use get-virtualportgroup for this and check if the names returned contain your vlanid. This won't work for distributed switches as that's a different set of cmdlets.
$host = 'YourHost'
$vlanid = 'YourVlanId'
if ((Get-VirtualPortGroup -host $host).VLanId -contains $vlanid )
Write-Output 'vlan present'
Write-Output 'vlan missing'
#your code to create vlan here

Expressions are only allowed as the first element of a pipeline

I'm new at writing in powershell but this is what I'm trying to accomplish.
I want to compare the dates of the two excel files to determine if one is newer than the other.
I want to convert a file from csv to xls on a computer that doesn't have excel. Only if the statement above is true, the initial xls file was copied already.
I want to copy the newly converted xls file to another location
If the file is already open it will fail to copy so I want to send out an email alert on success or failure of this operation.
Here is the script that I'm having issues with. The error is "Expressions are only allowed as the first element of a pipeline." I know it's to do with the email operation but I'm at a loss as to how to write this out manually with all those variables included. There are probably more errors but I'm not seeing them now. Thanks for any help, I appreciate it!
$CSV = "C:filename.csv"
$LocalXLS = "C:\filename.xls"
$RemoteXLS = "D:\filename.xls"
$LocalDate = (Get-Item $LocalXLS).LASTWRITETIME
$RemoteDate = (Get-Item $RemoteXLS).LASTWRITETIME
$convert = "D:\CSV Converter\csvcnv.exe"
if ($LocalDate -eq $RemoteDate) {break}
else {
& $convert $CSV $LocalXLS
$FromAddress = "email#address.com"
$ToAddress = "email#address.com"
$MessageSubject = "vague subject"
$SendingServer = "mail.mail.com"
$SMTPMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $FromAddress, $ToAddress, $MessageSubject, $MessageBody
$SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient $SendingServer
$SendEmailSuccess = $MessageBody = "The copy completed successfully!" | New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient mail.mail.com $SMTPMessage
$RenamedXLS = {$_.BaseName+(Get-Date -f yyyy-MM-dd)+$_.Extension}
Rename-Item -path $RemoteXLS -newname $RenamedXLS -force -erroraction silentlycontinue
If (!$error)
{ $SendEmailSuccess | copy-item $LocalXLS -destination $RemoteXLS -force }
{$MessageBody = "The copy failed, please make sure the file is closed." | $SMTPClient.Send($SMTPMessage)}
You get this error when you are trying to execute an independent block of code from within a pipeline chain.
Just as a different example, imagine this code using jQuery:
Each dot (.) will chain the array into the next function. In the above function this breaks with console because it's not meant to have any values piped in. If we want to break from our chaining to execute some code (perhaps on objects in the chain - we can do so with each like this:
$("div").not(".main").each(function() {console.log(this)})
The solution is powershell is identical. If you want to run a script against each item in your chain individually, you can use ForEach-Object or it's alias (%).
Imagine you have the following function in Powershell:
$settings | ?{$_.Key -eq 'Environment' } | $_.Value = "Prod"
The last line cannot be executed because it is a script, but we can fix that with ForEach like this:
$settings | ?{$_.Key -eq 'Environment' } | %{ $_.Value = "Prod" }
This error basically happens when you use an expression on the receiving side of the pipeline when it cannot receive the objects from the pipeline.
You would get the error if you do something like this:
$a="test" | $a
or even this:
"test" | $a
I don't know why are trying to pipe everywhere. I would recommend you to learn basics about Powershell pipelining. You are approaching it wrong. Also, I think you can refer to the link below to see how to send mail, should be straight forward without the complications that you have added with the pipes : http://www.searchmarked.com/windows/how-to-send-an-email-using-a-windows-powershell-script.php