Github page not showing the contents of my index.html - github

My code works fine locally. However, when I tried it on a GitHub page url, the content don't show only the background colors show. How can I fix this?

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked;
the content must be served over HTTPS.
This is error from chrome's web console, you can filter the console in DevTool to only show errors and then you will find it appears as the first error, since most of your vendors libs depends on $/jquery, you can either:
a) Download a minified jquery and place it in your js folder
b) Request it from a CDN that serves static assets using https instead of http. Personally prefer UNPKG -
Some web security readings you might find useful: what is mixed content.

From the GitHub Pages doc:
You should follow bellow steps:
1. On GitHub, navigate to your GitHub Pages site's repository.
2. Repository settings buttonUnder your repository name, click Settings.
3. select-gh-pages-or-master-as-sourceUse the Select source drop-down menu to select master or gh-pages as your GitHub Pages publishing source.
4. click-save-next-to-source-selectionClick Save.


Jekyll deployed in github shows raw text of index.html file

I am trying to deploy the Jekyll website using the forked repo from theme. On my local system, all works fine. I have followed through all the instructions given in and all appears to be ok. Even Github build status also indicates that the site is up and running at However, when I access from firefox, The following line is displayed:-
--- layout: home # Index page ---
This is the exact content of the index.html located at the root of the project. I have renamed the index.html to and deployed it again to GitHub. But still, the problem persists.
Next, I copied the content of _layouts/home.html to index.html again pushed it to GitHub. This time, it only displayed the text of Front Matter.
From the message I received on the firefox, it appears that GitHub is not building Jekyll site properly. I have deployed my site on the master branch in the remote.
I have gone through other blog source files which use the same theme at I am not able to figure out if any major changes I made to any configuration files.
Can someone help me to resolve this issue?
I got the issue solved by doing the following:-
The theme I am using uses GitHub action and hence I have to configure it under GitHub/username/ --> Actions --> General --> Scroll down the page to select "Workflow Permissions" and "Read and write permissions".
Deploy your modified site to Github.
Go to again settings GitHub/username/ --> Check if the workflow is completed successfully. If not, then rerun the process.
Go to settings -- > Pages --> Select gh-pages as a branch and /root as a directory.
Wait for a few min and your site should be up and running.
I also found that there was an issue with the browser cache which was not allowing a new page to load from the server. Therefore, I opened the site in private mode.
Hope it helps others.
change setting to deploy source = github actions

getting 404 github error when trying to make public page

I keep getting this error. I followed the instructions exactly.
404 There isn't a GitHub Pages site here. If you're trying to publish
one, read the full documentation to learn how to set up GitHub Pages
for your repository, organization, or user account.
I am trying to upload a simple index.html page and keep getting this error
for reference here is the page
I downloaded the desktop client.
For testing, try and push an file, as seen in "Creating your site"
In the root of the publishing source, create a new file called that contains the content you want to display on the main page of your site.
Check the settings associating to your repository, to verify its publication source (which should be master for a user GitHub pages site)

How can I upload a website with

I know we are allowed a domain, but how can I upload my website there?
I have made a website with HTML/CSS/Jquery/Bootstrap... in the WebStorm IDE by Jetbrains, but I am unable to upload this to github properly? How can I upload my website properly? The website has external images and everything else too. How does this work? img of files
You "upload" it in a git repository on github. It's all detailed on
On GitHub, you need to make a new branch called gh-pages. This will make a page for your project if you navigate to
You'll have to go to the Settings of that Repository to activate your Project's Page. GitHub will also confirm the Project's webpage address.
This is what it looks like documents the process for using the domain
EDIT: You don't need to make a new branch! You'll still need to go to Settings and setup GitHub pages from there.

why jekyll tag not working on github give 404 erro but it works on localhost

I use this tutorial for create tags on jekyll its work correctly on localhost when I click on a tag link it take me to the /tags/tag_name page but when I push it to the github this directory (/tags/tag_name page) give me 404 error! how can i fix this problem?
If you site lives at, you need to set baseurl: /mysite in _config.yml, and call you pages like this :
It seems that github disables custom plugins for security reasons, thus, the .rb file that this tutorial uses will not work. There does seem to be a workaround, however, which involves compiling your Jekyll source code to the _site directory before pushing to github server. See this post

disfunctional jekyll theme for GitHub project page blog --> gh-pages

When I use a dedicated GitHub page to host this blog the theme works, see here.
However, what I want to do is create this blog as a "Project Page", i.e. a subpage of an organization, in this way.
I've been following the tutorial on how to create a gh-pages branch, provided by GitHub themselves.
In conjunction with the "Host on GitHub in 3 Minutes" tutorial from Jekyll.
I can get it up and running with the basic out-of-the-box theme, but I want to use the "twitter theme", but when I followed the command to install it, i.e. rake theme:install git="" and then pushed to the gh-pages branch, it just completely stripped away all the formatting and now there is no theme at all, see here.
Why did that happen? How can I fix it?
As usual it's a baseurl problem. In _config.yml : set
baseurl: /Description-Logicians-of-EIS
or BASE_PATH if you use Jekyll Bootstrap
If you open up the console in your browser (ctrl + J), you can see the CSS fails to load with a 404.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
That's probably a good starting point. Where are your css files stored?
Spoiler Alert!
When I visit your repository, the directory pointed to in your header is missing. Instead I find Bootstrap in an entirely different directory.