Reftex-toc prevent vsplit on goto - emacs

I am currently using spacemacs with auctex. When I use reftex-toc and goto an item then it performs a vsplit and shows the content in the right window. How do I prevent this splitting behaviour? I would like it to open in the current buffer from which the command was issued.
It is related to reftex-toc.el.
I added this hook to maximize the newly opened window:
(add-hook 'reftex-toc-mode-hook 'spacemacs/toggle-maximize-buffer)
but it is a suboptimal solution, as it influences other splits I might have made.

What you describe could be related to the way you select an item.
In normal Emacs (not Spacemacs), I see that SPC is bound to reftex-toc-view-line which behaves just how you describe it. But RET is bound to reftex-toc-goto-line-and-hide which seems to do what you want.
Maybe you just need to find out where that function is on your keymap.


Emacs Comint History: Search Rather Than Navigate One By One

I would like to, after switching to the buffer where I usually run commands, navigate the history by searching it, rather than navigate one-command-at-a-time at the end of the buffer (e.g. C-p).
Basically I would like to "Reverse I-search" the command history at the end of the buffer, rather than search the buffer.
Did anyone code a working solution? Note that I noticed there is a Command History buffer available, but here it is just a bunch of text and it is not grouped well enough I think to use.
As in a terminal, you can use M-r to search backward. It works in comint-mode, but it also work elsewhere, like in M-x (M-xM-rpatternRET).
Yes, with Icicles.
In Icicle mode, command icicle-comint-search is bound to C-c ` in shell buffers. It gives you the behavior you are looking for. It is described here.
It uses only stuff that is in the currently visible history as candidates, however. If you want to access stuff from your history from previous sessions then use command comint-input-ring, bound to C-c TAB, instead. (This is explained in the same doc.)

Buffer menu to select a set of filenames in Emacs

I have a directory "a" with a set of templates, for instance
$ ls a
b bcc cc ccdd
I would like to implement a keyboard shortcut in Emacs that will show a buffer with the template names, similar to dired or buffer-menu and then be able to select a template name by using arrow keys or mouse. Then insert the selected template into the current buffer at point.
How can this be done?
To augment Chris' answer with a little code, here is a small wrapper around ido-insert-file:
(require 'ido)
(defvar so/template-directory "/tmp/templates"
"Directory where template files are stored")
(defun so/insert-template ()
(let ((default-directory so/template-directory))
This allows you to run (or bind a key to) so/insert-template no matter what directory you are currently in. Obviously set so/template-directory to your preferred directory.
insert-file, bound to C-x i by default, can insert a file into your buffer at point, but it doesn't give you a nice menu. Both helm and ido enhance this behaviour.
helm does not come with Emacs, but it can be installed via MELPA. When helm-mode is active, insert-file uses Helm's narrowing features. Once you're in the a directory, the up and down keys may be used to select a file, and Enter will insert it.
ido is shipped with Emacs. When ido-mode is active, C-x i is rebound to ido-insert-file. Once you're in the a directory, the left and right keys may be used to select a file, and Enter will insert it.
Both tools are excellent, both can be used in many other situations, and both offer effective filtering and navigation. Try one or both and use whichever you prefer.
Everything #Chris said about Helm and Ido is true also for Icicles, and with better "narrowing" features and on-the-fly sorting in different orders.
There is nothing extra to do --- just load Icicles and turn on Icicle minor mode. Whenever you use standard command insert-file (bound to C-x i) you get the behavior you requested for free. This behavior is in fact available for all completion in Emacs. In Icicle mode, standard commands become menus you can use the arrow keys on, etc.
In addition, your question title asks to be able to "select a set" of files. You can do that easily in Icicles, but not otherwise. IOW, selection is also multi-selection.
(However, I suspect that your question is mistitled, since the text describes something different, and I doubt that you want to insert a set of files. You probably meant that you want to select one file name from a set of file names. Consider retitling the question, if so.)

How to open a code block using emacs org-mode in a specific window

When working with org-mode I would like to edit a code block in a specific window.
While org-mode does allow some customization with respect to which window a code block will open in, it is quite limited. The four options currently available for the org-src-window-setup variable include current-window, other-window, other-frame, and reorganize-frame. However, these do not accomplish my goal.
I would like to either be able to specify a specific window and/or use windmove-right, for instance, from the windmove package. At the moment, I can only specify one of the four options above. Also, other-window, does not actually go to the other window. Instead it opens a vertical split and creates a new window. At least in my setup.
Is there a way to alter what options the org-src-window-setup variable accepts? Or perhaps there is another solution?
You are looking for:
C-c '
which opens a new window for code editing. You insert the code in your file by saving the buffer
C-x C-s
or by closing the code buffer with
C-c '
For code block there is a shortcut (yasnipet)
<s [tab]
More: orgmode documentation

Return to previous mode in Emacs

Is there a key binding to quit a mode and return to the previous mode in emacs?
For example suppose I entered line number mode using the following command:
Alt+x linum-mode
How can I quickly disable this mode and return to the mode which I was in before (not using the same command again)?
Why wouldn't you want to use the same command again?
It doesn't get much simpler than that.
Edit: You can repeat M-p in that sequence to step back further in the command history, and you can search the command history with M-xC-r.
Also, when you disable a minor mode you're not "returning to the mode you were in before"; you're just disabling one (of many) minor modes which are all active at the same time.
Tangentially, the concept of "returning to the mode you were in before" could apply to major modes (as there's only ever one active major mode in a given buffer), but strictly speaking there's no notion of 'disabling' a major mode -- only of 'enabling' the one you wish to change to -- so to 'toggle' between two major modes, you would need to call them alternately.
Just repeat the same command: M-x linum-mode. Such minor-mode commands are toggles: on/off.
C-x z calls repeat - repeat last command.
Repeatedly calling a minor-mode enables/disables it.
One more way to do it is with smex: the last command
that you called with M-x kinda sticks around.
So you can enable linum-mode with smex, do a bunch of editing
with usual shortcuts and then disable linum-mode with
M-x RET.
A solution might follow the path kill-ring-save works: store the modes being active as current-modes-listing in a previous-modes-ring.
The code needed therefor exists basically inside describe-mode, see upward from "Enabled minor modes" - respective for the major mode.
Then a hook should check if this-command has "-mode" in it's name. If yes, check, if current modes-listing equals car of previous-modes-ring. If not, add new setting.
Finally write a command which sets current modes according to selected listing from previous-modes-ring.

emacs magit diff highlighting

I'm just getting started with magit.
I really like it, except that the diff viewer is really annoying to me. The chunk highlighting makes no sense because as I scroll around the cursor moves with the screen, highlighting new regions. There is also no other syntax highlighting in the magit diff mode. Does anybody know how to disable the chunk highlighting and get better diff colours other than white on gray?
This is an issue with Magit in combination with Emacs standard theme "wombat".
To work around this, do
M-x customize
Search for magit-item-highlight, click Show All Attributes, uncheck Inherit, then Save and Apply (or maybe only apply).
You lose the highlighting of the current hunk of the diff, but you can tell that still from the hunk's heading anyway, so it was somewhat redundant. Otherwise it resolves the issue nicely.
The zone highlighted correspond to the stash that would be staged when you hit "s".
Inside the hunk, the diff should be colored. You could test the development version (see, and if this doesn't solve your issue, add comment in about your configuration and exact problem.
There should be a customize group magit which allows you to customize all the different faces for the diff viewer.
In other words, you can run
M-x customize-group RET magit-faces RET
to see a list of all the faces used by Magit. The ones relevant to the diff viewer are, of course, the ones starting with Magit Diff.
Simply customize away and select Apply and Save. Alternatively, you can just use the Customize interface to see what faces are available, and then set them directly using set-face-foreground, set-face-background, and so on in your init-file.
If you're running the latest 1.0 version, you can also navigate to any of the diff chunks, hit the 'e' key to get an ediff presentation of the differences.
If you don't want to try M-x customize for some reason, simply place the following snippet in your init.el
(defun disable-magit-highlight-in-buffer ()
(face-remap-add-relative 'magit-item-highlight '()))
(add-hook 'magit-status-mode-hook 'disable-magit-highlight-in-buffer)