Append the changes in list of files to csv - powershell

Problem Statement: -
I want to extract the filenames with their timestamp to a csv or excel file from an UNC path in windows. The content of folder location may change and hence I want to capture the day when the filename was added to the output file. The output file should only append the changes that happened from last time. For example, if more files got added to the location those should be captured but if some got deleted they should be as it is in the output file.
Expected Output: -
Code Created so far: -
Get-ChildItem -Path \\UNC_Path\DEV\REQUEST\SCD\ARCHIVE\*.txt |
Select-Object -Property Name,LastWriteTime |
Export-Csv -Append -Path \\UNC_Path\DEV\REQUEST\SCD\ARCHIVE\Output.csv -Encoding ascii -NoTypeInformation
This gives an output like below: -
Can someone guide me to append only the changes and add date column when particular row was captured. I am a newbie to both powershell and stackoverflow. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Powershell - Extract first line from CSV files and export the results

Thanks in advance for the help.
I have a folder with multiple CSV files. I’d like to be able to extract the first line of each of the files and store the results in a separate CSV file. The newly created CSV file will have the first column as the file name and the second column to be the first line of the file.
The output should look something like this (as an exported CSV File):
There are other files that should be ignored. I’d like the code to loop through all CSV files which match the name pattern. I’m able to locate the files using the below code:
$targetDir ="C:\CSV_Testing\"
Get-ChildItem -Path $targetDir -Recurse -Filter "em*"
I’m also able to read the first line of one file with the below code:
Get-Content C: \CSV_Testing\testing.csv | Select -First 1
I guess I just need someone to help with looping through the files and exporting the results. Is anyone able to assist?
You basically need a loop, to enumerate each file, for this you can use ForEach-Object, then to construct the output you need to instantiate new objects, for that [pscustomobject] is the easiest choice, then Export-Csv will convert those objects into CSV.
$targetDir = "C:\CSV_Testing"
Get-ChildItem -Path $targetDir -Recurse -Filter "em*.csv" | ForEach-Object {
FileName = $_.Name
FirstLine = $_ | Get-Content -TotalCount 1
} | Export-Csv path\to\theResult.csv -NoTypeInformation
I have assumed the files actually have the .Csv extension hence changed your filter to -Filter "em*.csv", if that's not the case you could use the filter as you currently have it.

Get-Content Measure-Object Command : Additional rows are added to the actual row count

This is my first post here - my apologies in advance if I didn't follow a certain etiquette for posting. I'm a newbie to powershell, but I'm hoping someone can help me figure something out.
I'm using the following powershell script to tell me the total count of rows in a CSV file, minus the header. This generated into a text file.
$x = (Get-Content -Path "C:\mysql\out_data\18*.csv" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
$logfile = "C:\temp\MyLog.txt"
$files = get-childitem "C:\mysql\out_data\18*.csv"
foreach($file in $files)
"File: $($ Count: $x" | out-file $logfile -Append
I am doing this for 10 individual files. But there is just ONE file that keeps adding exactly 807 more rows to the actual count. For example, for the code above, the actual row count (minus the header) in the file is 25,083. But my script above generates 25,890 as the count. I've tried running this for different iterations of the same type of file (same data, different days), but it keeps adding exactly 807 to the row count.
Even when running only (Get-Content -Path "C:\mysql\out_data\18*.csv" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines, I still see the wrong record count in the powershell window.
I'm suspicious that there may be a problem specifically with the csv file itself? I'm coming to that conclusion since 9 out of 10 files generate the correct row count. Thank you advance for your time.
To measure the items in a csv you should use Import-Csv rather than Get-Content. This way you don't have to worry about headers or empty lines.
(Import-Csv -Path $csvfile | Measure-Object).Count
It's definitely possible there's a problem with that csv file. Also, note that if the csv has cells that include linebreaks that will confuse Get-Content so also try Import-CSV
I'd start with this
$PathToQuestionableFile = "c:\somefile.csv"
$TestContents = Get-Content -Path $PathToQuestionableFile
Write-Host "`n-------`nUsing Get-Content:"
$TestCsv = Import-CSV -Path $PathToQuestionableFile
Write-Host "`n-------`nUsing Import-CSV:"
$TestCsv[0..10] | Format-Table
That will let you see what Get-Content is pulling so you can narrow down where the problem is.
If it is in the file itself and using Import-CSV doesn't fix it I'd try using Notepad++ to check both the encoding and the line endings
encoding is a drop down menu, compare to the other csv files
line endings can be seen with (View > Show Symbol > Show All Characters). They should be consistent across the file, and should be one of these
CR (typically if it came from a mac)
LF (typically if it came from *nix or the internet)
CRLF (typically if it came from windows)

Filtering data from CSV file with PowerShell

I have huge csv file where first line contains headers of the data. Because the file size I can't open it with excel or similar. I need to filter rows what I only need. I would want to create new csv file which contains only data where Header3 = "TextHere". Everything else is filtered away.
I have tried in PowerShell Get-Content Select-String | Out-File 'newfile.csv' but it lost header row and also messed up with the data putting data in to wrong fields. There is included empty fields in the data and I believe that is messing it. When I tried Get-Content -First or -Last data seemed to be in order.
I have no experience handling big data files or powershell before. Also other options besides PowerShell is also possible if it is free to use as "non-commercial use"
try like this (modify your delimiter if necessary):
import-csv "c:\temp\yourfile.csv" -delimiter ";" | where Header3 -eq "TextHere" | export-csv "c:\temp\result.csv" -delimiter ";" -notype

how to autofit columns of csv from powershell

I have powershell script which connects to database & exports result in csv file.
However there is one column of date which size needs to be manually increased after opening csv file.
Do we have some command/property which will make columns AutoFit?
export-csv $OutFile -NoTypeInformation
I can't export excel instead CSV, cause I don't have excell installed on my machine.
This is what I have tried latest.
$objTable | Select Store,RegNo,Date,#{L="Amount";E={($_.Amount).PadLeft(50," ")}},TranCount
$objTable | export-csv $OutFile -NoTypeInformation
But even after adding PadLeft() output is same, Date column is short in width (showing ###, need to increase value manually)
When you say you need to increase one of your column sizes all the comments were right about how everything is formatted based on the object content. If you really need the cells to be a certain length you need to change the data before it is exported. Using the string methods .PadLeft() and .PadRight() I think you will get what you need.
Take this example using output from Get-ChildItem which uses a calculated property to pad the "column" so that all the data takes up at least 20 characters.
$path = "C:\temp"
$results = Get-ChildItem $path
$results | Select LastWriteTime,#{L="Name";E={($_.Name).PadLeft(20," ")}} | Export-CSV C:\temp\file.csv -NoTypeInformation
If that was then exported the output file would look like this (Notice the whitespace):
"2/23/2015 7:33:55 PM"," folder1"
"2/23/2015 7:48:02 PM"," folder2"
"2/23/2015 7:48:02 PM"," Folder3"
"1/8/2015 10:37:45 PM"," logoutput"

Using PowerShell to get a count from a csv file and export to csv

I have a csv file with name,id,age. I have imported it properly and am looking for a count of all names that are null(empty).
I have this so far:
#(Import-Csv C:\Mine\Desktop\f1.txt | Where-Object {$ -eq ""}).Count
This prints out the correct number of empty names into the prompt, but if I export it, nothing shows up in the txt file.
#(Import-Csv C:\Mine\Desktop\f1.txt | Where-Object {$ -eq ""}).Count | Export-Csv C:\Mine\Desktop\tests.txt -notype
So it shows the correct number in the command prompt, but when I try to export it, it creates the .txt but it is empty. Any help would be appreciated. Also, if I wanted to know how many null entries their are in the entire CSV (from name,id,age). Would the best way be to do this line
Where-Object {$ -eq ""} but change $ every time? Or is there a shorter version?
The problem is that you are taking an integer (the count of entries with blank names) and trying to export a CSV. Export-CSV expects you to have an object, or array of objects with properties that it can convert to a table in CSV format, with property names as the header row, and values below that for each object.
What you want is to just output that value to a file, so try replacing Export-CSV with Set-Content (and remove the -notype) to set the content of the file you specify to the number delivered by your command.