Profile Posts Data From Facebook Graph - facebook

Can I get posts data that are public published from Profile Accounts with Facebook Graph? Thus Not Page Accounts but Profile Accounts.

No, you can only get posts of user profiles if a user authorized your App with the user_posts permission. It does not matter if posts are public, you always need user authorization.


How can I get an instagram business account with Facebook Graph API?

The condition I am using:
Graph API version: 7.0
The problem I have: I can get the Instagram business account of my Facebook developer account,
However, I cannot get the Instagram business account when I login Facebook with another account.
The account has the permissions below:
The Instagram account is connected to its Facebook page.
The Instagram account is a business profile.
The Facebook account that I want to connect to Instagram account has the authorisation more than editor.
I could get this:
/me?fields=name,picture, but not
I tried with this API:
/me/accounts?fields=instagram_business_account{name,username,profile_picture_url},access_token,name,picture{url}', function(response) { }
The response I got:
{ "data": [ ] }
Do I need additional authorisation or something?
Your App is most likely not public and and you need to go through the review process first - with all the permissions you need. Else, it will only work for users with a role in the App.
More information:
Also, the IG account must be a business account, and it must be connected to the Facebook Page:
To get Instagram IDs linked to user's pages you need these permissions (verified and approved for your app): instagram_basic, pages_show_list, pages_read_engagement.
You can read guide here
Everything is correct on that page except extra permission needed to get IG ID: pages_read_engagement

How to mandate all the users in a group to grant permissions to my app [duplicate]

I have a Facebook app which has Facebook login as a product. My requirement is to fetch the comments on my posts in group/page and view the email and name of the user who has commented.
I'm using graph API to fetch the comment from a post with
Further more I can fetch the user from each comment by
although this works when a user has given permission to my app. I'm unable to get the email of the user from the above endpoint.
Also how can I mandate that the users in my Group/Page must give permissions to my app if I'm a group admin/page admin.

How these websites are fetching FB profile id from username

According to latest Facebook graph API we cannot fetch user / profile id from Facebook username as
Then how these websites are fetching user / profile id from usernames.
They are scraping the profile, which is not allowed. If you need to get a User ID, authorize the User with your App and you will get an App Scoped ID. That´s all you need.

How can I query Facebook for the users twitter account?

Which permission would allow me to access the users Contact info on Facebook so that I can get the users Twitter account?
I'm pretty sure this information isn't available through the graph. To check, I used the Graph Explorer, granted every permission possible, and checked the resulting object for /me and that was not there.

Get Facebook User Id of my website visitors w/o auth

Is there any way to get the Facebook User Id of visitors in my website by using the FB API, but without need to ask them to authenticate my Facebook app?
All I need is some facebook-related-identifier, it does not even have to be the User Id, but any kind of identifier that can relate the user to a facebook profile.
If the user does not explicitly authorize you to get some private data from his Facebook account (included his Facebook ID), you can not get them.
I cannot think of a way to get the Facebook ID without the authorization of the user.
Hope that helps.