How to reduce the "unhealthy" delay during pod startup? - kubernetes

I am using kubernetes to start java pods. The pod startup delay vary between 10 seconds and about a minute depending on the load of the node, the time flyway took to migrate the tables, ...
To avoid having kubernetes killing the pods that are starting we set the liveness probe with an initial delay of two minutes.
It saves us from pods being eternally killed because they start too slowly. But in case of scaling up, crash recovery, we loose a couple of seconds / minutes before the freshly started pod join the service.
Is there any way to optimize that ?
A way to tell kubernetes "we are live, you can start using the liveness probe" before the initial delay ?

For starters, this will not happen at all. Liveness probe does not control how pods are joined to the service, as you stated, it will restart container if it fails to satisfy the probe, but it will not make the service await for successfull liveness probe before it is added as a service endpoint. For that you have a separate readiness probe. So this should be a no issue for you (btw. you might want to use both readiness and liveness probes to get optimal process)

I think you need to reduce the work the container is doing.
You mention the database migrations. It may be better to supply them as a one time job to Kubernetes and not trying to run them at every start. Effectively for a certain version of your software you only do them once and each subsequent start still has to do the work of checking if the database schema is already up to date.


Does it make sense to have a longer `initialDelaySeconds` in case of readiness probes?

Based on the documentation initialDelaySeconds gives some delay before the first readiness probe is checking the pod. But the only effect of readiness probe failure is that the pod is marked unready: Does not get traffic from services and also affects the deployment state.
So giving readiness checks some delay is not really effective for the majority of the applications: We want to make the pod early as soon as we can, meaning we need to check if it's ready as soon as possible.
Things to consider:
No reason to set it earlier than the earliest possible startup time.
If you set it late, you are wasting resources (pods not receiving traffic): 1 minute delay for 60 pods is 1 hour.
How much resource does the readiness Probe consume? Does it make external calls (Database, REST, etc - IMHO this should be avoided)?
Can the pod serve the traffic? Are all the necessary connections (DB, REST) established, caches populated? - No reason to accept traffic if the pod cannot connect to the database/backend service.
To summarize:
You want to minimize startup time
You want to minimize readiness calls
Measure it, set it to the earliest possible time a pod can start.
If your pods are failing the readiness regularly causing restarts, increase it.
So giving readiness checks some delay is not really effective for the majority of the applications: We want to make the pod early as soon as we can, meaning we need to check if it's ready as soon as possible.
It depends what application you use. As you can read what readiness probes is:
Sometimes, applications are temporarily unable to serve traffic. For example, an application might need to load large data or configuration files during startup, or depend on external services after startup. In such cases, you don't want to kill the application, but you don't want to send it requests either. Kubernetes provides readiness probes to detect and mitigate these situations. A pod with containers reporting that they are not ready does not receive traffic through Kubernetes Services.
If your application requires loading of large data files or configuration files at startup and it always takes e.g. 30 seconds, it makes no sense to start checking immediately after starting if the application is ready to run, because it will not be ready.
Therefore the initialDelaySeconds option is suitable for this and we can set the checking to start e.g. from 20 seconds instead of immediately
initialDelaySeconds: Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness or readiness probes are initiated. Defaults to 0 seconds. Minimum value is 0.

Openshift asynchronous wait for container to be running

I'm creating multiple pods at the same time in Openshift, and I also want to check the containers inside the pods are working correctly.
Some of these containers can take a while to start-up, and I don't want to wait for one pod to be fully running before starting up the other one.
Are there any Openshift / Kubernetes checks I can do to ensure a container has booted up, while also going ahead with other deployments?
Please configure the Liveness and Readiness Probes
Liveness : Under what circumstances is it appropriate to restart the pod?
Readiness : under what circumstances should we take the pod out of the list of service endpoints so that it no longer responds to
...Some of these containers can take a while to start-up
Liveness probe is not a good option for containers that requires extended startup time, mainly because you have to set a long time to cater for startup; which is irrelevant after that - result to unable to detect problem on time during execution. Instead, you use startup probe to handle and detect problem during startup and handover to liveness probe upon success; or restart container according to its restartPolicy should the startup probe failed.

How do I make Kubernetes evict a pod that has not been ready for a period of time?

I have readiness probes configured on several pods (which are members of deployment-managed replica sets). They work as expected -- readiness is required as part of the deployment's rollout strategy, and if a healthy pod becomes NotReady, the associated Service will remove it from the pool of endpoints until it becomes Ready again.
Furthermore, I have external health checking (using Sensu) that alerts me when a pod becomes NotReady.
Sometimes, a pod will report NotReady for an extended period of time, showing no sign of recovery. I would like to configure things such that, if a pod stays in NotReady for an extended period of time, it gets evicted from the node and rescheduled elsewhere. I'll settle for a mechanism that simply kills the container (leading it to be restarted in the same pod), but what I really want is for the pod to be evicted and rescheduled.
I can't seem to find anything that does this. Does it exist? Most of my searching turns up things about evicting pods from NotReady nodes, which is not what I'm looking for at all.
If this doesn't exist, why? Is there some other mechanism I should be using to accomplish something equivalent?
EDIT: I should have specified that I also have liveness probes configured and working the way I want. In the scenario I’m talking about, the pods are “alive.” My liveness probe is configured to detect more severe failures and restart accordingly and is working as desired.
I’m really looking for the ability to evict based on a pod being live but not ready for an extended period of time.
I guess what I really want is the ability to configure an arbitrary number of probes, each with different expectations it checks for, and each with different actions it will take if a certain failure threshold is reached. As it is now, liveness failures have only one method of recourse (restart the container), and readiness failures also have just one (just wait). I want to be able to configure any action.
As of Kubernetes v1.15, you might want to use a combination of readiness probe and liveness probe to achieve the outcome that you want . See configure liveness and readiness probes.
A new feature to start the liveness probe after the pod is ready is likely to be introduced in v1.16. There will be a new probe called startupProbe that can handle this in a more intuitive manner.
You can configure HTTP liveness probe or TCP liveness probe with periodSeconds depends on the type of the container images.
initialDelaySeconds: 3
periodSeconds: 5 [ This field specifies that kubelet should perform liveness probe every 3 seconds. ]
You may try to use for that purpose Prometheus metrics and create an alert like here. Based on that you can configure a webhook in alertmanager, which will react properly ( action: kill POD ) and the Pod will be then recreated by the scheduler.

Openshift Health Checks

For Openshift Health checks (Liveness and readiness probes), does the liveness check run after the container is ready. So should the Readiness initial delay be less than the Liveness initial delay.
Please advise.
The delay specified for both readiness and liveness check is from the start of the deployment. The start of the delay for the liveness check is not dependent on the pod first being ready. Once they start, both run for the life of the pod.
You need to evaluate what you set the delays to based on the role of each check and how you implement the checks.
A readiness probe checks if an application is ready to service requests. It is used initially to determine if the pod has started up correctly and becomes ready, but also subsequently, to determine if the pod IP should be removed from the set of endpoints for any period, with it possibly being added back later if the check is set to pass again, with the application again being ready to handle requests.
A liveness probe checks if an application is still working. It is used to check if your application running in a pod is still running and that it is also working correctly. If the probe keeps failing, the pod will be shutdown, with a new pod started up to replace it.
So having the delay for the liveness check be larger than that for the readiness check is quite reasonable, especially if during the initial startup phase the liveness check would fail. You don't want the pod to be killed off when startup time can be quite long.
You may also want to look at the period and success/failure thresholds.
Overall it is hard to give a set rule as it depends on your application.

Configure Kubernetes StatefulSet to start pods first restart failed containers after start?

Basic info
Hi, I'm encountering a problem with Kubernetes StatefulSets. I'm trying to spin up a set with 3 replicas.
These replicas/pods each have a container which pings a container in the other pods based on their network-id.
The container requires a response from all the pods. If it does not get a response the container will fail. In my situation I need 3 pods/replicas for my setup to work.
Problem description
What happens is the following. Kubernetes starts 2 pods rather fast. However since I need 3 pods for a fully functional cluster the first 2 pods keep crashing as the 3rd is not up yet.
For some reason Kubernetes opts to keep restarting both pods instead of adding the 3rd pod so my cluster will function.
I've seen my setup run properly after about 15 minutes because Kubernetes added the 3rd pod by then.
So, my question.
Does anyone know a way to delay restarting failed containers until the desired amount of pods/replicas have been booted?
I've since found out the cause of this.
StatefulSets launch pods in a specific order. If one of the pods fails to launch it does not launch the next one.
You can add a podManagementPolicy: "Parallel" to launch the pods without waiting for previous pods to be Running.
See this documentation
I think a better way to deal with your problem is to leverage liveness probe, as described in the document, rather than delay the restart time (not configurable in the YAML).
Your pods respond to the liveness probe right after they are started to let Kubernetes know they are alive, which prevents them from being restarted. Meanwhile, your pods keep ping others until they are all up. Only when all your pods are started will serve the external requests. This is similar to creating a Zookeeper ensemble.