How to remove extension in eclipse through programmatically - eclipse

I have created an extension point, and i am trying to implement that extension in some other plugin. After certain point of time i need to remove that extension in runtime. So currentlt i am using the below to code(Reflection call)
My Code Here :
IExtensionRegistry reg = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
Field privateStringField = ExtensionRegistry.class.getDeclaredField("masterToken"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Object masterToken = privateStringField.get(reg);
IConfigurationElement[] config = reg.getConfigurationElementsFor("com.temp.rcp.product");
for (IConfigurationElement configElement : config) {
if (configElement.getAttribute("name").equals("Temp")) {
reg.removeExtension(configElement.getDeclaringExtension(), masterToken);
I looked into the code and found a solution, but this is totally not acceptable, because it could/will break, when i update my eclipse target platform, because of the reflection call.
Can anyone of you help me to solve the above issue.


VSCode extension API: simple local Quick Diff

Trying to understand how to implement simple source control management in my language extension.
I need to show a Quick Diff for a single file (my extension doesn't work with folders) compared with some special one.
Let's say i have this TextDocumentContentProvider and QuickDiffProvider:
class MyLangDocumentContentProvider implements vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider
provideTextDocumentContent(uri: vscode.Uri)
return getFileText(uri); // returns text of provided file uri
class MyLangRepository implements vscode.QuickDiffProvider
provideOriginalResource(uri: vscode.Uri)
return getOriginalFileUri(uri); // returns uri of the special file to compare with
Then in activate method of extension i initialize them:
const docProvider = new MyLangDocumentContentProvider();
const gitSCM = vscode.scm.createSourceControl('git', 'Git');
gitSCM.quickDiffProvider = new MyLangRepository();
const workingTree = gitSCM.createResourceGroup('workingTree', 'Changes');
workingTree.resourceStates = [
{ resourceUri: vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.uri }
Then i need to call registerTextDocumentContentProvider with some custom uri scheme. So why do i need custom uri scheme? And what else should i do to track changes of current file relative to the special one?
I was looking at vscode-extension-samples/source-control-sample, but it looks more complicated then my case.
Thanks for any advices!
Though my question was rather sily, let me save here some kind of instruction, how I've done this.
to make QuickDif work you don't need neither ResourceGroups nor TextDocumentContentProvider, this is a separate functionality.
SourceControl (and also its quickDiffProvider) will work if you pass some root directory in constructor (I've got no luck without thoug I don't need it for my purpose).

How to set the background colour of elements according to their visibility modifier in Eclipse?

I'd like to set the background colour of fields and methods (on the first level) according to their visibility modifier in Eclipse.
For example private fields and methods should get a red background, while public fields and methods get a green background:
Is there a way to configure this in Eclipse?
To get this sort of a colored background, you need to use Markers and MarkerAnnotationSpecification. You will find how to use them here:
As for how to find the private, public fields, you need to use the JDT plugin and the AST parser to parse the Java file and find all the information that you want. I am adding a small code snippet to get you started on this.
ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST_LEVEL);
CompilationUnit astRoot = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);
AST ast = astRoot.getAST();
TypeDeclaration javaType = null;
Object type = astRoot.types().get(0);
if (type instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
javaType = ((TypeDeclaration) type);
List<FieldDeclarationInfo> fieldDeclarations = new ArrayList<FieldDeclarationInfo>();
// Get the field info
for (FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration : javaType.getFields()) {
// From this object you can recover all the information that you want about the fields.
Here cmpUnit is the ICompilationUnit of the Java File.

Is there a way to add macro definition to MonoDevelop?

I need a special keyword in my code to be replaced by a consequence of symbols before the build.
For example, I want hello to be replaced by Debug.Log("Hello");
According to this, MonoDevelop didn't have this feature in 2006. Has anything changed?
If no, are there any plugins/external tools implementing it?
I don't think that switching to another IDE will be helpful unless it can use code completion for unity3d.
Please, don't answer that macro definitions are evil.
I understood that my example was too abstract. In fact, I want to replace read("name"); with
var name;
1)Every script should have all needed variables declared + a variable called "self".
2)They should be public.
public static function set_var(target,name:String,value)
var fi=typeof(target).GetField(name);
public static function read(name:String,target):String
return "var rtmp=self.gameObject.GetComponent(\""+name+"\");"+"if(!rtmp)return;"+name+"=rtmp.param;";
5)As far as I know, it wouldn't work in unity C#
6)Probably, set_var can be replaced by assignment
Far better solution:
var component_names = ["hello","thing","foo"];
var component;
for(var name:String in component_names)
component = gameObject.GetComponent(name);
(Requires set_var() from the first one)

How to invoke a Eclipse Clean-Up Profile programmatically?

Is there a way to invoke a specific Clean-Up profile (Source->Clean Up) programmatically?
I would like to invoke it on an iterable of ICompilationUnits.
I looked at the declarations in org.eclise.jdt.ui.
The relevant command ID is and the implementation is org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.actions.AllCleanUpsAction. Unfortunately it is an internal action and the command does not support any parameters.
I can see three possible approaches:
create an AllCleanUpsAction and invoke StructuredSelection(<compilation units>[])). Problem: the action is internal so you might want to create a fragment to access it...
open the package navigator view. Select the proper files corresponding to the compilation units. Execute the command ID via IHandlerService.executeCommand(""). Problem: the package navigator is changed... and you might not have all compilation units in visible in the navigator.
set the current selection in your view to new StructuredSelection(<compilation units>[]). Then execute the command as above. Problem: I'm not sure the command is properly enabled..
You can use RefactoringExecutionStarter.startCleanupRefactoring which takes an array of ICompilationUnits to perform the clean up on as one of its parameters. This method also allows you to specify the ICleanUps that you want to perform and allows you to skip showing the clean up wizard if you want.
Here's an example which removes unnecessary parentheses:
ICleanUp[] cleanUps = new ICleanUp[]{new ExpressionsCleanUp(){
protected boolean isEnabled(String key){
return true;
return false;
return super.isEnabled(key);
ICompilationUnit[] icus = new ICompilationUnit[]{icu};
Shell shell = HandlerUtil.getActiveEditor(event).getSite().getShell();
try {
icus, cleanUps, false, shell, false, ActionMessages.CleanUpAction_actionName);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);

How to filter files when opening using NetBeans?

I'm looking for a way to filter files in an "Open" window. I'm using NetBeans IDE 6.5.
I did some research, and this is what i came up with, but for some reason it's not working.
//global variable
protected static FileFilter myfilter;
//in declaration of variables
//inside main
myfilter = .... (i actually delted this part by accident, i need to filter only .fwd files. can anybody tell me what goes here?)
If I understand it correctly, you want to create your own file chooser and be able to filter just some files (.fwd in your case). I guess this is more general Java question (not only NetBeans) and I suggest reading this tutorial
Anyway, your "myfilter" should look like this:
myfilter = new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File f) {
return f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".fwd")
|| f.isDirectory();
public String getDescription() {
return "FWD Files"; //type any description you want to display
Hope that helps