How to set position of mapbox-gl-draw control? - mapbox-gl-js

I'm using for draw tools, and it by default sets the control position to the top right. Like so:
It seems like it's possible to change the position of the control by setting an option, but I cannot figure out how to do so. I've been looking through the source and the documentation.

you can set the position in the addControl method.
var Draw = new MapboxDraw();
map.addControl(Draw, 'bottom-left');

addControl( control, position )
position(string?), position on the map to which the control will be added.
Valid values are
Defaults to 'top-right'
Example App


Leaflet list marker options

I would need some information on list markers:
how can I change the opacity of the list and also the background color
how can I set the overflow so that if the markers in the list increase, they scroll through the
This is clearly not a leaflet element, to change the transparency of the object that you specified, you most likely need to change these properties in the css, try using DeveloperTools in the browser to find where this object takes the properties (transparency) from and you will know how to change it correctly.
If I understand your question correctly, here is an approximate way to do what you ask in the first part of the question. Show your code what it looks like now.
.className {
background: white;
let marker =[50.0], [40.0]], {opacity: 1}).addTo(map),
marker.className = "className";
no I don't mean the transparency of the single marker but of the list, I send a photo in which the list is circled.
I don't know in which part of the library to act to give properties to this list element.

Update leaflet baselayer properties with GoogleMutant

I have a google layer (baselayer) GoogleMutant and want to update its options. I try to
//update the POI visibility
google.layer.options.styles.forEach(i=>i.stylers[0].visibility = "off")
this updates the layer options but the Points of interest are still on the map. Is there any way to update the options and apply them to the baselayer?
Here is an example with google mutant
There is a button "remove POI", and I want to remove all poi from current layer with leaflet API
Leaflet doesn't work changing settings on the fly. You have to remove the whole object and create a substitute.
Like if you need to change a layer, you have to remove it like:
roadMutant.removeFrom(map); // or
And then create and add the new one:
I created a fiddle to help the change based on yours. It still have bugs and somewhere to grow, but it's a base...

How to get cursor position of McCLIM

I'm trying to add Input Method supportto McCLIM so that it can input CJK in McCLIM, using input method client like fcitx.
To draw fcitx better, I want to get the cursor position of text editing area when it changed.
looks like this:
I found something called cursor-position/stream-cursor-position, but I don't know how to get the cursor/stream currently focus on. I have tried *standard-output*, but it failed.
How could I do this?
I know you're not using libx11, but I'd like just show you how libX11 do this.
Basically this is done by XIM_SET_IC_VALUES in the protocol. The values the spot location within a nested value of preedit attributes.
The spot is simply a X point (x, y). Despite of that, the point is a relative coordinates to the focus window. The focus window is also a part of ic vlaues, with property name XNFocusWindow.
If you don't set focus window, the client window that passed through XCreateIC will be used as the focus window.
XVaNestedList preedit_attr;
preedit_attr = XVaCreateNestedList(0, XNSpotLocation, &nspot, NULL);
XSetICValues(ic, XNPreeditAttributes, preedit_attr, NULL);

Unity editor - How to stop field from turning blue when its edited

I am making a tool in Unity to build your project for muliple platforms when you press a button.
I started with the preferences window for the tool, and came up with an anoying thing. Whenever I change the enum value of the EnumPopup field, the field turns blue in the editor window. Is there a way to disable this?
See how in the 2nd picture the field is not blue, and in the 3rd picture the field has changed to blue? How do I prevent this from happening?
Thanks in advance!
Difficult to help without having the rest of your code.
This is Unity built-in behaviour. I tried a lot of stuff see here to disable / overwrite the built-in coloring of prefix labels but had no luck so far.
A workarround however might be to instead use an independent EditorGUI.LabelField which will not be affected by the EnumPopup together with the EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth:
var LabelRect = new Rect(
// use the current label width
var EnumRect = new Rect(
FILEMANAGEMENT_ENUMFIELD_RECT.width - EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth,
EditorGUI.LabelField(LabelRect, "File relative to");
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = (QuickBuilder.Settings.PathRelation)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(EnumRect, QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation);
As you can see the label is not turned blue while the width keeps being flexible
Instead of setting values via edito scripts directly like
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = you should always try and use the proper SerializedProperty. It handles things like Undo/Redo and also marks the according objects and scenes as dirty.
Is there also a special reason why you use EditorGUI instead of EditorGUILayout? In the latter you don't need to setup Rects.
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("File relative to", GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth));
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = (QuickBuilder.Settings.PathRelation)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation);

No setBounds function for Leaflet imageOverlay

I'm reading an imageOverlay URL from an ArcGIS webserver that uses the leaflet getBound() coordinates as part of the URL (we have large maps that are filtered for the current window 'extent'). Apologies for not including the actual path (I'm working with sensitive client data). Eg:
[bbox] = current imageBounds
When dragging my map the imageOverlay url is updated correctly but my leaflet window is no longer aligned to the imageBound values that were set when first adding the imageOverlay which results in a skewed output (this is my assumption):
The only workaround is to remove the existing imageOverlay and add a new one (which ruins the user experience as the map disappears then reappears each time the window is dragged or zoomed).
Am i approaching this problem incorrectly or would the introduction of a function to update the current imageBounds resolve this? Perhaps not a new function but the expansion of setUrl with additional parameters...?
Many thanks for any feedback...
As #ghybs pointed out, your use case might be better served by using the WMS
interface of your ArcGIS server.
Anyway, you say
The only workaround is to remove the existing imageOverlay and add a new one (which ruins the user experience as the map disappears then reappears each time the window is dragged or zoomed).
Well, that glitch is due to you probably doing something like:
Remove old overlay
Add new overlay
Wait until the image is received from the network
Wait one frame so the new overlay is shown
and instead you should be doing something like:
Add new overlay
Wait until the image is received from the network
Remove old overlay
Wait one frame so the new overlay is shown
The problem is just the async wait and the possible race conditions there, but should be easy to hack together, e.g.:
var activeOverlay = null;
var overlayInRequest = null;
map.on('moveend zoomend', {
// If we are already requesting a new overlay, ignore it.
// This might need some additional debouncing logic to prevent
// lots of concurrent requests
if (overlayInRequest) {'load', showOverlay);
overlayInRequest = L.imageOverlay( computeUrl( map.getBounds() ), myOverlayOptions );
overlayInRequest.on('load', showOverlay);
function showOverlay(ev) {
activeOverlay = overlayInRequest;
overlayInRequest = undefined;
If you use an ImageOverlay but change its url dynamically, with a new image that reflects a new bounding box, then indeed that is the reason for the behaviour you describe: you display an image that has been generated using a new bbox, but positioned in the initial bbox, since the image overlay remains at the same geographical position on the map.
Instead, it sounds to me that you should use a TileLayer.WMS.
It would automatically manage the bounding box update for you. You may need to find the correct options to fit your service provider required URL syntax, though.