How to port BlitzBasic 3D to BlitzMax IDE - porting

Can someone help me on porting a game written in BlitzBasic to BlitzMax IDE. I tried running the .bb file into MaxIDE but it says "process failure with". Also where can i find more information regarding this?

You must rename the .bb files to .bmx. Though a superset, BlitzBasic is a completely different language than BlitzMax.

You can use the BlitzMax IDE Community Edition project which has the feature to import .bb files then convert them to .bmx files.
In regard to the 3D commands part and as Spark Fountain as mentioned, it is not supported by default, but you can use MiniB3D or OpenB3DMax.
BlitzMax IDE Community Edition

BlitzMax introduces several new features such as classes, real object orientation, inheritance and many more. Anyways, most of the BlitzBasic syntax elements remain or can at least be re-used.
To port your BlitzBasic programs to BlitzMax, I suggest you learn and understand the basic language elements. You can also use the following guide as a starting point.
comments start with ' or REM instead of ;
arrays are defined with Local array[10] instead of Dim array(10)
3D commands are not supported but you could use i. e. MiniB3D


How can I have 2 verions of Gensim for summarization in one Jupyter notebook?

I want to have 2 versions of Gensim for using summarization and keyword function from old Gensim.
How can I setup this senario?
In general, a single Jupyter notebook is backed by a single Python interpreter/environment, and popular packages at their 'official' installation paths can only be installed once.
There are a few hackish workarounds suggested in answers like:
Installing multiple versions of a package with pip
However, each workaround presents operational problems.
One approach is to install the older package to a non-standard path (directory) that's still found by Python importing logic (controlled by PYTHONPATH). For example, put/move the older copy of Gensim to a gensim_old package directory. But: this is only likely to work well with very sime ( packages.
With any signficant library (like Gensim) which cross-imports a lot of things from its own utility modules, using the standard paths, lots of things are likely to break unless you dig into all involved individual files to change their import paths. That's kind of kludgey & hard-to-maintain. (Though, to the extent you're just using one old version, say gensim-3.8.3 for the removed summarization feature, perhaps it'd be worth fighting through this process once, then keeping the changes around.)
Another approach is to create a totally-separate Python environment with the alternate version, and only use that other environment from the notebook by a system-call – via either something in Python-code like, or the notebook-cell ! or !! magic-escapes to run a shell command. That is, you give up the ability to run individual interactive lines of Python in that alt environment - but could still send it batches of data, and either capture the console output or observe its output files to continue processing in your notebook.
I'd expect this to be a better option – cleaner & more-maintainable – provided that either the old-version-functionality (summarization) or new-version-functionality (whatever else) can be condensed into one (or a few) single-step scripts.
Another option would be to try to completely copy the gensim.summarization source code files to some new location inside your own project – performing whatever (few, minor) edits are necessary to ensure it works from the alternate location.
One of the reasons that functionality was removed was that its approach to things like tokenization was not consistent/integrated with other Gensim practices – which actually means it's likely to be a little easier to keep it working (given its use of its own idiosyncratic approaches) separately.
Personally I'd rank these three options desirability as:
(best) Section off the summarization tasks to be run via subprocess executions in a separate Python environment, which has only the older package installed.
(maybe ok) Copy the 10 .py files that implement the gensim.summarization' to your own local module. Edit lightly as necessary to ensure they still work. (That should mainly be updating import` lines, but might reuire a few other adaptations to other Python 3.x/Gensim 4.x changes.)
(probably too messy) Install the whole old package to a non-standard directory, edit lots of files to ensure anything you're using still works.
Finally, note that the main reason the feature was removed is that it did not offer very impressive or adaptable results. While I've seen some people say it's worked OK for their applications, I've never seen even so much as a demo where its practices/algorithm – which can only extract some subset of important sentences, never paraphrase – gave impressive results.
So unless you already know that its approach works well for your needs, don't get your hopes up! Good luck.

VS Code Extention for Adabas Natural

I need help or refernece about this.
I am working on MF language called Natural it is used in ADABAS MF. The tools we have right now to program are premitve. I like to know if there is somting similar to this language as an extention in VS CODE for formating, linting etc. I know there is somting for COBOL (older language) but i can't find nothing.
Natual code look like this:
02 SALARY (1)
* Hello World in NATURAL
WRITE 'Hello World!'
First of all, it’s been years since I worked with Natural/ADABAS. If you’re working on the mainframe then I believe you are confined to the environment running in the TP monitor (CICS or Com-plete). The natural editor stores the source and compiles the IL into a special table in ADABAS know as the FUSER (a really hope all this is still applicable). The runtime (either batch or online) loads programs from this table and executes them.
I would do some online research and/or call the local sales office and ask to speak to a software systems engineer to get the most recent data.
No, there is no Visual Studio extension, but the modern way of manipulating and testing Natural code is called Natural ONE which is an Eclipse based IDE and gives you code formatting (from the green screen program editor there is a STRUCT command for this, btw), interface to VCS and much, much more.

ctags or similar tagging system for a kernel source tree

ctags is a simple source code tagging system, also integrated in vi (and its flavours nvi, vim, etc.). AFAIK, it builds a plain text file where all the elements (functions, macros, ...) of the source code are indexed. But this file may become too large and unmanageable when the source code tree is extremely huge: this is the case of a kernel (Linux, *BSD, or similar).
Is still ctags or exuberant-ctags suitable for a complex source tree like a kernel?
If not, what tools (with the same integration in vi as ctags) can replace it? This may become subjective, so if possible provide a list of suggested tools: any comments, and references to a guide with the keyboard shortcuts in vi, are welcome.
Supported languages should be at least C, C++, assembly. The tool should be usable through CLI. I would principally like to jump to the definition of functions, macros, struct and similar objects (with ctags, pressing Ctrl+] with the cursor over the item name), to their manpages if possible, and back to the code.
The only alternative tool I know so far is GNU global, with a pretty complex vi integration, which seems to be possible only through Perl (and I can't find the equivalent of Ctrl+]).
The answer to your first point is a resounding yes.
You can use ctags to generate a tags file for different subtrees, thus keeping the size of the generated file to a minimum. At this point, you need to have a mechanism in place for searching for these multiple tags files. Vim provides this, of course.
I have given some advice here, so you may want to check that out.
Of course, I use exuberant-ctags there, so keep that in mind.

How does a disassembler work and how is it different from a decompiler?

I'm looking into installing a disassembler (or decompiler) on my Linux Mint 17.3 OS and I wanted to know what the difference is between a disassembler and a decompiler. I have a rough idea of what they are (the names are fairly self-explanatory), but they are still a bit confusing.
I've read that a disassembler turns a program into assembly language, which I don't know, so it seems kind of useless to me. I've also read that a decompiler turns a 'binary file' into its source code. What exactly is a binary file?
Apparently, decompilers cannot decompile to C, only Python and other similar languages. So how can I turn a program into its original C source code?
A disassembler is a pretty straightforward application that transfers machine code into assembly language statements - This activity is the reverse operation that an assembler program does and is straightforward because there is a strict one-to-one relationship between machine code and assembly. A disassembler aims at a specific CPU. The original assembler that was used to create the executable is only of minor relevance.
A decompiler aims at recreating a compiled high-level language program from machine code into its original format - Thus trying the reverse operation of a C or Forth (popular languages for which de-compilers exist) compiler. Because there are so many high-level languages and thus so many ways in how original high-level language constructs could be expressed in machine code (even a lot of different strategies for the same language and construct, even in the same compiler, and even different strategies depending on the compiler mode and situation), this operation is much more complex and very dependent on the original compiler (and maybe even the command line that was used, it's chosen optimization level and also the used version).
Even if all that fits, most of the work of a decompiler is educated guessing and will most probably never reach a point where it can reconstruct the original program in its source code form 100% - It will rather end up with a version of source code that could have been the original program.

In eclipse How to access identifiers used in C program using AST

How to access identifiers used in C program using AST.
I am new to eclipse plugin development and trying to customize eclipse plug-in to ensure that the variable name, function name, structure or whatever the programmer declares should not contain some specific set of words.
Please let me know some good CDT AST guide with examples. Thank you!
Over two weeks with zero responses. Looks like you are not going to get an answer.
I don't know how to help with CDT.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit with is C Front End parses C, builds ASTs and full C symbol table for a variety of dialects of C. Given this, it is rather easy to enumerate the C symbol table entries, and run an arbitrary predicate on names to see if they violate your conventions.