What is the "namespace string" of a document in Cloud FireStore (for purposes of calculating the doc's storage size)? - google-cloud-firestore

[EDIT: Thanks to #JRLtechwriting, the Storage Size Calculations doc mentioned below has been updated so it no longer mentions namespaces-- Firestore does not (yet?) support them-- and includes more complete examples. After these improvements, my question may not come up again!]
I'm trying to write a general function to calculate the storage size of a Cloud Firestore document, but I'm already stuck on calculating the size of the document's name because I don't know exactly what they mean by a document's "namespace" in the Storage Size Calculations guide:
The size of a document name is the sum of:
The namespace string size (if not in the default namespace)
The full string size of the document name (integer IDs are 8 bytes each)
16 additional bytes
It also says that the namespace is stored as a string. So, for this hypothetical CFS doc...
var alovelaceDocumentRef = db.collection('users').doc('alovelace');
...which, per the Cloud Firestore Data Model docs, can also be referenced like this...
var alovelaceDocumentRef = db.doc('users/alovelace');
...would the namespace string be 'users'? Or maybe 'users/'? Unfortunately, all of the examples in the Storage Size Calculations guide assume the default namespace (for which the size is 0).
I feel like I should be able to experimentally find the answer to my question, but the only way I can think of to do so is to:
Create a document in a non-default namespace
Track its size in a variable "docSize" using the information in the
Storage Size Calculations guide) as I incrementally add data to it
When I get an error message that I have exceeded the maximum
document size (1,048,576 bytes, according to the Quotas and Limits
guide), subtract docSize from 1,048,576 to get the size of the namespace
But this approach seems labor-intensive, and probably prone to inaccuracies arising from other limitations of my understanding/knowledge, so I'm hoping one of you more-knowledgeable folks can help. Thanks!

Firestore does not support different namespaces (see this SO answer) so all documents will be in the default namespace. The namespace string size will always be 0.
I help maintain the Firestore docs so I updated the page.


KubeFlow, handling large dynamic arrays and ParallelFor with current size limitations

I've been struggling to find a good solution for this manner for the past day and would like to hear your thoughts.
I have a pipeline which receives a large & dynamic JSON array (containing only stringified objects),
I need to be able to create a ContainerOp for each entry in that array (using dsl.ParallelFor).
This works fine for small inputs.
Right now the array comes in as a file http url due to pipeline input arguements size limitations of argo and Kubernetes (or that is what I understood from the current open issues), but - when I try to read the file from one Op to use as input for the ParallelFor I encounter the output size limitation.
What would be a good & reusable solution for such a scenario?
the array comes in as a file http url due to pipeline input arguements size limitations of argo and Kubernetes
Usually the external data is first imported into the pipeline (downloaded and output). Then the components use inputPath and outputPath to pass big data pieces as files.
The size limitation only applies for the data that you consume as value instead of file using inputValue.
The loops consume the data by value, so the size limit applies to them.
What you can do is make this data smaller. For example if your data is a JSON list of big objects [{obj1}, {obj2}, ... , {objN}], you can transform it to list of indexes [1, 2, ... , N], pass that list to the loop and then inside the loop you can have a component that uses the index and the data to select a single piece to work on N ->{objN}.

Can we change data type of dimension post ingestion in Druid

We are doing POC on Druid to check whether it fits our use cases. Though we are able to ingest data but not sure on following:
How druid supports schemaless input: Let's say input dimension are on end user discretion. Then there is no defined schema here. Thus onus lies on application to identify new dimension, identify data type and ingest. Any way to achieve this?
How druid support data type changes: Lets say in course (say after ingesting 100GBs of data), there is need to change data type of dimension from string to long or long to string (or other). What are receommended way to do it without hampering ongoing ingestion?
I looked over docs but could not get a substantial overview for both use cases.
For question 1 I'd ingest everything as string and figure it out later. It should be possible to query string columns in druid as numbers
Getting the possible behaviours explained in: https://github.com/apache/incubator-druid/issues/4888
Consider values are zeros, do not try to parse string values. Seems this is the current behaviour.
Try to parse string values, and consider values are zero if they are not parseable, or null, or multiple-value
One current inconsistency is that with expression-based column selectors (anything that goes through Parser/Expr) the behavior is (2). See IdentifierExpr + how it handles strings that are treated as numbers. But with direct column selectors the behavior is (1). In particular this means that e.g. a longSum aggregator behaves differently if it's "fieldName" : "x" vs. "expression" : "x" even though you might think they should behave the same.
You can follow the entire discussion here: https://github.com/apache/incubator-druid/issues/4888
For question 2 it think it is necessary a reindex of the data
- http://druid.io/docs/latest/ingestion/update-existing-data.html
- http://druid.io/docs/latest/ingestion/schema-changes.html
I hope this helps
1) In such cases, you don't need to specify any dimension columns in druid ingestion spec and druid will treat all columns which are not timestamp as a dimension.
More detail about such approach can be found here:
Druid Schema less Ingestion
2) For 2nd question, you can make changes to schema and druid will create new segments with new data type while your old segments will still use old data type.
In cases if you want to keep all your segments with new data type then you can reindex all the segments. Please checkout this link for further description about reindexing all segments. http://druid.io/docs/latest/ingestion/update-existing-data.html
Additional info on schema changes can be found here:

Firestore Geopoint in an Arrays

I am working with an interesting scenario that I am not sure can work, or will work well. With my current project I am trying to find an efficient way of working with geopoints in firestore. The straight forward approach where a document can contain a geopoints field is pretty self explanatory and easy to query. However, I am having to work with a varying amount of geopoints for a single document (Article). The reason for this is because a specific piece of content may need to be available in more than one geographic area.
For example, An article may need to be available only in NYC, Denver and Seattle. Using a geopoint for each location and searching by radius, in general, is a pretty standard task if I only wanted the article to be available in Seattle, but now it needs to be available in two more places.
The solution as I see it currently is to use an array and fill it with geopoints. The structure would look something like this:
articleText (String),
sortTime (Timestamp),
tags (Array)
- ['tagA','tagB','tagC','tagD'],
availableLocations (Array)
- [(Geopoint), (Geopoint), (Geopoint), (Geopoint)]
Then performing a query to get all content within 10 miles of a specific Geopoint starting at a specific postTime.
What I don't know is if putting the geopoints in an array works well or should be avoided in favor or another data structure.
I have considered replicating an article document for each geopoint, but that does not scale very well if more than a handful of locations needs defining. I've also considered creating a "reference" collection where each point is a document that contains the documentID of an article, but this leads to reading each reference document then reading the actual document. Essentially two document reads for 1 piece of content, which can get expensive based on the Firestore pricing model, and may slow things down unnecessarily.
Am I approaching this in an acceptable way? And are there other methods that can work more efficiently?

Updating Redundant data/denormalized data in NoSQL(Aerospike)

My question is that I am having a problem where I need to update the data which is been denormalized due to being in NoSQL because a single update in one data needs to be updated in all other redundant data.
For eg: Consider an e-commerce database where there is one table "Products" which contains all the details about a product , let's say name,imageName, LogoImage
Now in this case the LogoImage of various "Products" table entry can be same, and now I need to update the LogoImage, so I need to update in all the fields which contains the given LogoImage. which seems like a very poor solution
So is there any better way to do that?
P.S.: If we seperate logo and Products into 2 different table , so when I need to get 1000 products at a time , I need to get the related logos by implementing a client level join type thing, which is also not a good solution.
You're suggesting using the database as your CDN and storing the binary image in it? That's not a great approach, in my opinion. You should be storing that image in an actual CDN like Amazon Cloudfront, or a simple one like Amazon S3, or your own webserver as a file. Whichever, the point is that you should be referring to it by URI. In Aerospike you would store the metadata about that image, not the image itself.
Next, you can have two sets - prod for products and prodimg for product images. The various products store a list of IDs referring to the product image set. The product image set has metadata about each image as a separate record { uri, name, title, width, length, ... } . If anything changes about this image, you just update the one record with the metadata for that image in prodimg. No need to change anything about the products.
And you don't really need JOIN functionality in this case. Your application can get the prod record first, and use the bin (images) that has all the IDs of the images for the product (each referring to a key of a record in prodimg). You can then issue either a few get operations (reads) or a single batch-read for all of them if there are many. The latencies for Aerospike are such that this will return faster and scale better than an equivalent JOIN in an RDBMS. A batch-read is a multi-node, multi-core, multi-threaded operation. A cluster of 3 multi-core nodes has plenty of parallel computing power.
Again, if you "need 1000 products at a time" use batch-read. In the Java client that's an AerospikeClient.get() with a list of Key objects. In the Python client that's an aerospike.Client.get_many. Every Aerospike client has batch-read functionality.

How to break up large document into smaller answer units on Retrieve and Rank?

I am still very new to Retrieve and Rank, and Document Conversion services, so I have been playing around with that lately.
I encountered a problem where when I upload a large document (100+ pages) - Retrieve and Rank would help me automatically break it up into answer units, which is great and helpful.
However, some questions only require ONE small line in the big chunks of answer units, is there a way that I can manually break further down the answer units that Retrieve and Rank service has provided me?
I heard that you can do it through JavaScript, but is there a way to do it through the UI?
I am contemplating to manually break up the huge doc into multiple smaller documents, but that could potentially lead to 100s of them - which is probably the last option that I'd resort to.
Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated!
Thank you all!
First off, one clarification:
Retrieve and Rank does not break up your documents into answer units. That is something that the Document Conversion Service does when your conversion target is ANSWER_UNITS.
Regarding your question:
I don't fully understand exactly what you're trying to do, but if the answer units that are produced by default don't meet your requirements, you can customize different steps of the conversion process to adjust the produced answer units. Take a look at the documentation here.
Specifically, you want to make sure that the heading levels (for Word, PDF or HTML, depending on your document type) are defined in a way that
they detect the start of each answer unit. Then, make sure that the heading levels that you defined (h1, h2, h3, etc.) are included in the selector_tags list within the answer_units section.
Once your custom Document Conversion Service configuration produces the answer units you are looking for, you will be ready to send them to Retrieve and Rank to be indexed.