How can I read a bunch of TIFF files faster in Matlab? - matlab

I have to read in hundreds of TIFF files, perform some mathematical operation, and output a few things. This is being done for thousands of instances. And the biggest bottleneck is imread. Using PixelRegion, I read in only parts of the file, but it is still very slow.
Currently, the reading part is here.
Can you suggest how I can speed it up?
for m = 1:length(pfile)
if ~exist(pfile{m}, 'file')
pConus = imread(pfile{m}, 'PixelRegion',{[min(r1),max(r1)],[min(c1),max(c1)]});
pEvent(:,m) = pConus(tselect);

General Speedup
The pixel region does not appear to change at each iteration. I'm not entirely sure if Matlab will optimize the min and max calls (though I'm pretty sure it won't). If you don't change them at each iteration, move them outside the for loop and calculate them once.
The following solution assumes you have access to the parallel computing toolbox. I tested it with 10,840 tiffs, each image was 1000x1000 originally, but I only read in a 300x300 section of them. I am not sure how many big pConus(tselect) is, so I just stored the whole 300x300 image.
P.S. Sorry about the formatting. It refuses to format it as a block of code.
Results based on my 2.3 GHz i7 w/ 16GB of ram
for: 130s
parfor: 26s + time to start pool
% Setup
n = 12000;
% Would be faster to preallocate this, but negligeble compared to the
% time it takes imread to complete.
fileNames = {};
for i = 1:n
name = sprintf('in_%i.tiff', i);
% I do the exist check here, assuming that the file won't be touched in
% until the program advances a files lines.
if exist(name, 'file')
fileNames{end+1} = name;
rows = [200, 499];
cols = [200, 499];
pics = cell(1, length(fileNames));
parfor i = 1:length(fileNames)
% I don't know why using the temp variable is faster, but it is
temp = imread(fileNames{i}, 'PixelRegion', {rows, cols});
pics{i} = temp;


Good use of memory

If i create a cell with 1000 matrices ( size of each matrix 800*1280), clearing each matrix after using it will speed up calculations ?
for i=1:1000
image2=A{2}; % I will use image and image2 with other functions
The real use of the cell will be like :
parfor i=1:1000
A{i}=function_that_creates_image(800,1280); % image with size 800*1280 px
for i=1:number_of_images % number_of_images=1000 in this case
% image1 and image 2 will be used then in the next lines
%next lines of code
I noticed that calculating components of A in a parfor loop is faster than calculating each component for each loop inside the for
If you want to use less memory and speed up calculations, it's wiser to avoid using cells. Luckily, it's very easy in your case, since all your matrices are the same size, so you could use an ND-array.
A = zeros(800,1280,1000);
for k = 1:size(A,3)
A(:,:,k) = function_that_creates_image(800,1280);
image = A(:,:,1);
image2 = A(:,:,2); % I will use image and image2 with other functions
If you want to further process each image, I would save them to a file within the parfor, so you will have 1000 .mat files at the end of the first loop:
parfor k = 1:number_of_images
A = function_that_creates_image(800,1280);
save(['images_dir\image' num2str(k) '.mat'],'A');
then you can load them as needed for processing using load:
for k = 1:number_of_images-1
image1 = load(['images_dir\image' num2str(k) '.mat']);
image2 = load(['images_dir\image' num2str(k+1) '.mat'];
% do what you want with those images...
This way you only keep 2 images in memory each time, and on the next iteration they a replaced by the next images.
If you fit everything in memory (you need at least 16GB to hold data and do some work on parts of it, to work on the full beast at the same time you should be having 32GB), clearing these won't change anything at all. If you don't, I would assume/hope Matlab and Windows are smart enough to optimize which chunk is held in memory and which is put on the disk, so again deleting won't help. But you might not want to rely on that.
What you can do is to have A{i} = 'path-to-file';, then load it in memory just for the time when needed. Why do you even need to first load all the images and then do work on them one by one? It would be much better for memory to simply have image1 = rand(...);, image2 = rand(...); in the loop itself, and reuse these image1 and image2. No need to even have this A.
In general, tall arrays are your memory friendly solution you should be using if you want to have tons of data at the same time.

Looping through a list of elements from the workspace in Matlab [duplicate]

I have 200 time points. For each time point, there is an image, the size of which is 40*40 double, corresponds to this time point. For example, image 1 corresponds to time point 1; image k corresponds to time point k (k = 1,2,...,200).
The time points are T = 1:200, with the images named as Image_T, thus Image_1, Image_2 etc.
I want to put all these 200 images together. The final size is 40*40*200 double. The final image looks like fMRI image (fmri_szX = 40, fmri_szY = 40 and fmri_szT = 200). How to achieve that?
Dynamic variables
Note that whilst this is possible, it's considered to be bad programming (see for instance here, or this blog by Loren and even the Mathworks in their documentation tell you not to do this). It would be much better to load your images directly into either a 3D array or a cell structure, avoiding dynamic variable names. I just posted this for completeness; if you ever happen to have to use this solution, you should change to a (cell-) array immediately.
The gist of the linked articles as to why eval is such a bad idea, is that MATLAB can no longer predict what the outcome of the operation will be. For instance A=3*(2:4) is recognised by MATLAB to output a double-array. If you eval stuff, MATLAB can no longer do this. MATLAB is an interpreted language, i.e. each line of code is read then ran, without compiling the entire code beforehand. This means that each time MATLAB encounters eval, it has to stop, evaluate the expression, then check the output, store that, and continue. Most of the speed-engines employed by MATLAB (JIT/MAGMA etc) can't work without predicting the outcome of statements, and will therefore shut down during the eval evaluation, rendering your code very slow.
Also there's a security aspect to the usage of eval. Consider the following:
var1 = 1;
var2 = 2;
var3 = 3;
varnames = {'var1', 'var2; disp(''GOTCHA''); %', 'var3'};
accumvar = [];
for k = 1:numel(varnames)
vname = varnames{k};
disp(['Reading from variable named ' vname]); eval(['accumvar(end+1) = ' vname ';']);
Now accumvar will contain the desired variable names. But if you don't set accumvar as output, you might as well not use a disp, but e.g. eval('rm -rf ~/*') which would format your entire disk without even telling you it's doing so.
Loop approach
for ii = 200:-1:1
str = sprintf('Image_%d',ii);
A(:, :, :, ii) = eval(str);
This creates your matrix. Note that I let the for loop run backwards, so as to initialise A in its largest size.
Semi-vectorised approach
str = strsplit(sprintf('image_%d ',1:200),' '); % Create all your names
str(end) = []; % Delete the last entry (empty)
%Problem: eval cannot handle cells, loop anyway:
for ii = 200:-1:1
A(:, :, :, ii) = eval(str{ii});
eval does not support arrays, so you cannot directly plug the cellarray strin.
Dynamic file names
Despite having a similar title as above, this implies having your file names structured, so in the file browser, and not MATLAB. I'm assuming .jpg files here, but you can add every supported image extension. Also, be sure to have all images in a single folder and no additional images with that extension, or you have to modify the dir() call to include only the desired images.
filenames = dir('*.jpg');
for ii = length(filenames):-1:1
A(:,:,:,ii) = imread(filenames{ii});
Images are usually read as m*n*3 files, where m*n is your image size in pixels and the 3 stems from the fact that they're read as RGB by imread. Therefore A is now a 4D matrix, structured as m*n*3*T, where the last index corresponds to the time of the image, and the first three are your image in RGB format.
Since you do not specify how you obtain your 40*40 double, I have left the 4D matrix. Could be you read them and then switch to using a uint16 interpretation of RGB, which is a single number, which would result in a m*n*1*T variable, which you can reduce to a 3D variable by calling A = squeeze(A(:,:,1,:));

Saving time and memory using parfor?

Consider prova.mat in MATLAB obtained in the following way
for w=1:100
for p=1:9
eval(['baseA.A' num2str(w) '= baseA_;'])
save(sprintf('prova.mat'),'-v7.3', 'baseA')
To have an idea of the actual dimensions in my data, the 1x9 cell in A1 is composed by the following 9 arrays: 904x5, 913x5, 1722x5, 4136x5, 9180x5, 3174x5, 5970x5, 4455x5, 340068x5. The other Aj's have a similar composition.
Consider the following code
clear all
load prova
parfor w=1:100
indA=sprintf('A%d', w);
for p=1:9
Boot=[Boot; C];
If I run the parfor loop with 4 local workers in my Macbook Pro it takes 1.2 sec. Replacing parfor with for it takes 0.01 sec.
With my actual data, the difference of time is 31 sec versus 7 sec [the creation of the matrix C is also more complicated].
If have understood correctly the problem is that the computer has to send baseAto each local worker and this takes time and memory.
Could you suggest a solution that is able to make parfor more convenient than for? I thought that saving all cells in baseA was a way to save time by loading once at the beginning, but maybe I'm wrong.
General information
A lot of functions have implicit multi-threading built-in, making a parfor loop not more efficient, when using these functions, than a serial for loop, since all cores are already being used. parfor will actually be a detriment in this case, since it has the allocation overhead, whilst being as parallel as the function you are trying to use.
When not using one of the implicitly multithreaded functions parfor is basically recommended in two cases: lots of iterations in your loop (i.e., like 1e10), or if each iteration takes a very long time (e.g., eig(magic(1e4))). In the second case you might want to consider using spmd (slower than parfor in my experience). The reason parfor is slower than a for loop for short ranges or fast iterations is the overhead needed to manage all workers correctly, as opposed to just doing the calculation.
Check this question for information on splitting data between separate workers.
Consider the following example to see the behaviour of for as opposed to that of parfor. First open the parallel pool if you've not already done so:
gcp; % Opens a parallel pool using your current settings
Then execute a couple of large loops:
n = 1000; % Iteration number
EigenValues = cell(n,1); % Prepare to store the data
Time = zeros(n,1);
for ii = 1:n
EigenValues{ii,1} = eig(magic(1e3)); % Might want to lower the magic if it takes too long
Time(ii,1) = toc; % Collect time after each iteration
figure; % Create a plot of results
title 'Time per iteration'
ylabel 'Time [s]'
xlabel 'Iteration number[-]';
Then do the same with parfor instead of for. You will notice that the average time per iteration goes up (0.27s to 0.39s for my case). Do realise however that the parfor used all available workers, thus the total time (sum(Time)) has to be divided by the number of cores in your computer. So for my case the total time went down from around 270s to 49s, since I have an octacore processor.
So, whilst the time to do each separate iteration goes up using parfor with respect to using for, the total time goes down considerably.
This picture shows the results of the test as I just ran it on my home PC. I used n=1000 and eig(500); my computer has an I5-750 2.66GHz processor with four cores and runs MATLAB R2012a. As you can see the average of the parallel test hovers around 0.29s with a lot of spread, whilst the serial code is quite steady around 0.24s. The total time, however, went down from 234s to 72s, which is a speed up of 3.25 times. The reason that this is not exactly 4 is the memory overhead, as expressed in the extra time each iteration takes. The memory overhead is due to MATLAB having to check what each core is doing and making sure that each loop iteration is performed only once and that the data is put into the correct storage location.
Slice broadcasted data into a cell array
The following approach works for data which is looped by group. It does not matter what the grouping variable is, as long as it is determined before the loop. The speed advantage is huge.
A simplified example of such data is the following, with the first column containing a grouping variable:
ngroups = 1000;
nrows = 1e6;
data = [randi(ngroups,[nrows,1]), randn(nrows,1)];
ans =
620 -0.10696
586 -1.1771
625 2.2021
858 0.86064
78 1.7456
Now, suppose for simplicity that I am interested in the sum() by group of the values in the second column. I can loop by group, index the elements of interest and sum them up. I will perform this task with a for loop, a plain parfor and a parfor with sliced data, and will compare the timings.
Keep in mind that this is a toy example and I am not interested in alternative solutions like bsxfun(), this is not the point of the analysis.
Borrowing the same type of plot from Adriaan, I first confirm the same findings about plain parfor vs for. Second, both methods are completely outperformed by the parfor on sliced data which takes a bit more than 2 seconds to complete on a dataset with 10 million rows (the slicing operation is included in the timing). The plain parfor takes 24s to complete and the for almost twice that amount of time (I am on Win7 64, R2016a and i5-3570 with 4 cores).
The main point of slicing the data before starting the parfor is to avoid:
the overhead from the whole data being broadcast to the workers,
indexing operations into ever growing datasets.
The code
ngroups = 1000;
nrows = 1e7;
data = [randi(ngroups,[nrows,1]), randn(nrows,1)];
% Simple for
[out,t] = deal(NaN(ngroups,1));
overall = tic;
for ii = 1:ngroups
idx = data(:,1) == ii;
out(ii) = sum(data(idx,2));
t(ii) = toc;
s.OverallFor = toc(overall);
s.TimeFor = t;
s.OutFor = out;
% Parfor
try parpool(4); catch, end
[out,t] = deal(NaN(ngroups,1));
overall = tic;
parfor ii = 1:ngroups
idx = data(:,1) == ii;
out(ii) = sum(data(idx,2));
t(ii) = toc;
s.OverallParfor = toc(overall);
s.TimeParfor = t;
s.OutParfor = out;
% Sliced parfor
[out,t] = deal(NaN(ngroups,1));
overall = tic;
c = cache2cell(data,data(:,1));
s.TimeDataSlicing = toc(overall);
parfor ii = 1:ngroups
out(ii) = sum(c{ii}(:,2));
t(ii) = toc;
s.OverallParforSliced = toc(overall);
s.TimeParforSliced = t;
s.OutParforSliced = out;
x = 1:ngroups;
h = plot(x, s.TimeFor,'xb',x,s.TimeParfor,'+r',x,s.TimeParforSliced,'.g');
title 'Time per iteration'
ylabel 'Time [s]'
xlabel 'Iteration number[-]';
legend({sprintf('for : %5.2fs',s.OverallFor),...
sprintf('parfor : %5.2fs',s.OverallParfor),...
sprintf('parfor_sliced: %5.2fs',s.OverallParforSliced)},...
'interpreter', 'none','fontname','courier')
You can find cache2cell() on my github repo.
Simple for on sliced data
You might wonder what happens if we run the simple for on the sliced data? For this simple toy example, if we take away the indexing operation by slicing the data, we remove the only bottleneck of the code, and the for will actually be slighlty faster than the parfor.
However, this is a toy example where the cost of the inner loop is completely taken by the indexing operation. Hence, for the parfor to be worthwhile, the inner loop should be more complex and/or spread out.
Saving memory with sliced parfor
Now, assuming that your inner loop is more complex and the simple for loop is slower, let's look at how much memory we save by avoiding broadcasted data in a parfor with 4 workers and a dataset with 50 million rows (for about 760 MB in RAM).
As you can see, almost 3 GB of additional memory are sent to the workers. The slice operation needs some memory to be completed, but still much less than the broadcasting operation and can in principle overwrite the initial dataset, hence bearing negligible RAM cost once completed. Finally, the parfor on the sliced data will only use a small fraction of memory, i.e. that amount that corresponds to slices being used.
Sliced into a cell
The raw data is sliced by group and each section is stored into a cell. Since a cell array is an array of references we basically partitioned the contiguous data in memory into independent blocks.
While our sample data looked like this
ans =
620 -0.10696
586 -1.1771
625 2.2021
858 0.86064
78 1.7456
out sliced c looks like
ans =
[ 969x2 double]
[ 970x2 double]
[ 949x2 double]
[ 986x2 double]
[1013x2 double]
where c{1} is
ans =
1 0.58205
1 0.80183
1 -0.73783
1 0.79723
1 1.0414

Guide to Optimizing MATLAB Code

I have noticed many individual questions on SO but no one good guide to MATLAB optimization.
Common Questions:
Optimize this code for me
How do I vectorize this?
I don't think that these questions will stop, but I'm hoping that the ideas presented here will them something centralized to refer to.
Optimizing Matlab code is kind of a black-art, there is always a better way to do it. And sometimes it is straight-up impossible to vectorize your code.
So my question is: when vectorization is impossible or extremely complicated, what are some of your tips and tricks to optimize MATLAB code? Also if you have any common vectorization tricks I wouldn't mind seeing them either.
All of these tests are performed on a machine that is shared with others, so it is not a perfectly clean environment. Between each test I clear the workspace to free up memory.
Please don't pay attention to the individual numbers, just look at the differences between the before and after optimisation times.
Note: The tic and toc calls I have placed in the code are to show where I am measuring the time taken.
The simple act of pre-allocating arrays in Matlab can give a huge speed advantage.
for i = 1:100000
my_array(i) = 5 * i;
This takes 47 seconds
length = 100000;
my_array = zeros(1, length);
for i = 1:length
my_array(i) = 5 * i;
This takes 0.1018 seconds
47 seconds to 0.1 seconds for a single line of code added is an amazing improvement. Obviously in this simple example you could vectorize it to my_array = 5 * 1:100000 (which took 0.000423 seconds) but I am trying to represent the more complicated times when vectorization isn't an option.
I recently found that the zeros function (and others of the same nature) are not as fast at pre-allocating as simply setting the last value to 0:
length = 100000;
my_array(length) = 0;
for i = 1:length
my_array(i) = 5 * i;
This takes 0.0991 seconds
Now obviously this tiny difference doesn't prove much but you'll have to believe me over a large file with many of these optimisations the difference becomes a lot more apparent.
Why does this work?
The pre-allocation methods allocate a chunk of memory for you to work with. This memory is contiguous and can be pre-fetched, just like an Array in C++ or Java. However if you do not pre-allocate then MATLAB will have to dynamically find more and more memory for you to use. As I understand it, this behaves differently to a Java ArrayList and is more like a LinkedList where different chunks of the array are split all over the place in memory.
Not only is this slower when you write data to it (47 seconds!) but it is also slower every time you access it from then on. In fact, if you absolutely CAN'T pre-allocate then it is still useful to copy your matrix to a new pre-allocated one before you start using it.
What if I don't know how much space to allocate?
This is a common question and there are a few different solutions:
Overestimation - It is better to grossly overestimate the size of your matrix and allocate too much space, than it is to under-allocate space.
Deal with it and fix later - I have seen this a lot where the developer has put up with the slow population time, and then copied the matrix into a new pre-allocated space. Usually this is saved as a .mat file or similar so that it could be read quickly at a later date.
How do I pre-allocate a complicated structure?
Pre-allocating space for simple data-types is easy, as we have already seen, but what if it is a very complex data type such as a struct of structs?
I could never work out to explicitly pre-allocate these (I am hoping someone can suggest a better method) so I came up with this simple hack:
length = 100000;
% Reverse the for-loop to start from the last element
for i = 1:length
complicated_structure = read_from_file(i);
This takes 1.5 minutes
length = 100000;
% Reverse the for-loop to start from the last element
for i = length:-1:1
complicated_structure = read_from_file(i);
% Flip the array back to the right way
complicated_structure = fliplr(complicated_structure);
This takes 6 seconds
This is obviously not perfect pre-allocation, and it takes a little while to flip the array afterwards, but the time improvements speak for themselves. I'm hoping someone has a better way to do this, but this is a pretty good hack in the mean time.
Data Structures
In terms of memory usage, an Array of Structs is orders of magnitude worse than a Struct of Arrays:
% Array of Structs
a(1).a = 1;
a(1).b = 2;
a(2).a = 3;
a(2).b = 4;
Uses 624 Bytes
% Struct of Arrays
a.a(1) = 1;
a.b(1) = 2;
a.a(2) = 3;
a.b(2) = 4;
Uses 384 Bytes
As you can see, even in this simple/small example the Array of Structs uses a lot more memory than the Struct of Arrays. Also the Struct of Arrays is in a more useful format if you want to plot the data.
Each Struct has a large header, and as you can see an array of structs repeats this header multiple times where the struct of arrays only has the one header and therefore uses less space. This difference is more obvious with larger arrays.
File Reads
The less number of freads (or any system call for that matter) you have in your code, the better.
for i = 1:100
fread(fid, 1, '*int32');
The previous code is a lot slower than the following:
fread(fid, 100, '*int32');
You might think that's obvious, but the same principle can be applied to more complicated cases:
for i = 1:100
val1(i) = fread(fid, 1, '*float32');
val2(i) = fread(fid, 1, '*float32');
This problem is no longer simple because in memory the floats are represented like this:
val1 val2 val1 val2 etc.
However you can use the skip value of fread to achieve the same optimizations as before:
% Get the current position in the file
initial_position = ftell(fid);
% Read 100 float32 values, and skip 4 bytes after each one
val1 = fread(fid, 100, '*float32', 4);
% Set the file position back to the start (plus the size of the initial float32)
fseek(fid, position + 4, 'bof');
% Read 100 float32 values, and skip 4 bytes after each one
val2 = fread(fid, 100, '*float32', 4);
So this file read was accomplished using two freads instead of 200, a massive improvement.
Function Calls
I recently worked on some code that used many function calls, all of which were located in separate files. So lets say there were 100 separate files, all calling each other. By "inlining" this code into one function I saw a 20% improvement in execution speed from 9 seconds.
Obviously you would not do this at the expense of re-usability, but in my case the functions were automatically generated and not reused at all. But we can still learn from this and avoid excessive function calls where they are not really needed.
External MEX functions incur an overhead for being called. Therefore one call to a large MEX function is a lot more efficient than many calls to smaller MEX functions.
Plotting Many Disconnected Lines
When plotting disconnected data such as a set of vertical lines, the traditional way to do this in Matlab is to iterate multiple calls to line or plot using hold on. However if you have a large number of individual lines to plot, this becomes very slow.
The technique I have found uses the fact that you can introduce NaN values into data to plot and it will cause a break in the data.
The below contrived example converts a set of x_values, y1_values, and y2_values (where the line is from [x, y1] to [x, y2]) to a format appropriate for a single call to plot.
For example:
% Where x is 1:1000, draw vertical lines from 5 to 10.
x_values = 1:1000;
y1_values = ones(1, 1000) * 5;
y2_values = ones(1, 1000) * 10;
% Set x_plot_values to [1, 1, NaN, 2, 2, NaN, ...];
x_plot_values = zeros(1, length(x_values) * 3);
x_plot_values(1:3:end) = x_values;
x_plot_values(2:3:end) = x_values;
x_plot_values(3:3:end) = NaN;
% Set y_plot_values to [5, 10, NaN, 5, 10, NaN, ...];
y_plot_values = zeros(1, length(x_values) * 3);
y_plot_values(1:3:end) = y1_values;
y_plot_values(2:3:end) = y2_values;
y_plot_values(3:3:end) = NaN;
figure; plot(x_plot_values, y_plot_values);
I have used this method to print thousands of tiny lines and the performance improvements were immense. Not only in the initial plot, but the performance of subsequent manipulations such as zoom or pan operations improved as well.

Recursive loop optimization

Is there a way to rewrite my code to make it faster?
for i = 2:length(ECG)
u(i) = max([a*abs(ECG(i)) b*u(i-1)]);
My problem is the length of ECG.
You should pre-allocate u like this
>> u = zeros(size(ECG));
or possibly like this
>> u = NaN(size(ECG));
or maybe even like this
>> u = -Inf(size(ECG));
depending on what behaviour you want.
When you pre-allocate a vector, MATLAB knows how big the vector is going to be and reserves an appropriately sized block of memory.
If you don't pre-allocate, then MATLAB has no way of knowing how large the final vector is going to be. Initially it will allocate a short block of memory. If you run out of space in that block, then it has to find a bigger block of memory somewhere, and copy all the old values into the new memory block. This happens every time you run out of space in the allocated block (which may not be every time you grow the array, because the MATLAB runtime is probably smart enough to ask for a bit more memory than it needs, but it is still more than necessary). All this unnecessary reallocating and copying is what takes a long time.
There are several several ways to optimize this for loop, but, surprisingly memory pre-allocation is not the part that saves the most time. By far. You're using max to find the largest element of a 1-by-2 vector. On each iteration you build this vector. However, all you're doing is comparing two scalars. Using the two argument form of max and passing it two scalar is MUCH faster: 75+ times faster on my machine for large ECG vectors!
% Set the parameters and create a vector with million elements
a = 2;
b = 3;
n = 1e6;
ECG = randn(1,n);
ECG2 = a*abs(ECG); % This can be done outside the loop if you have the memory
u(1,n) = 0; % Fast zero allocation
for i = 2:length(ECG)
u(i) = max(ECG2(i),b*u(i-1)); % Compare two scalars
For the single input form of max (not including creation of random ECG data):
Elapsed time is 1.314308 seconds.
For my code above:
Elapsed time is 0.017174 seconds.
FYI, the code above assumes u(1) = 0. If that's not true, then u(1) should be set to it's value after preallocation.