Not able to run any command in startup task in windows Node - azure-batch

I have a very simple startup task commandline
"cmd /c echo Hello world from the Batch Hello world sample!"
it keeps on running into error , what am i doing wrong ?
I am using MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServer 2016-Datacenter-smalldisk (latest) image for my windows

It appears that you have quoted the entire CommandLine. Instead, you should quote the command portion only:
cmd.exe /c "echo Hello world from the Batch Hello world sample!"


Silent install of application with PowerShell

I'm working to automate the install of some of our software and was able to do so using a batch file, but was having issues with getting the silent install working in PowerShell.
The batch file which is working properly to install the application is:
#echo off
start /wait Setup.exe -s -l=EN
echo %errorlevel%
I've tried the following code in PowerShell, but the GUI installer will appear when I attempt to run it.
cmd.exe /c "Start /wait c:\temp\application\setup.exe -s -l=EN"
I don't receive any error messages when running the PowerShell script, it just doesn't install the application silently.
Try this:
&{ "c:\temp\application\setup.exe" -s -l=EN }
This should call an external Commandline command from Powershell.
The braces are not always strictly necessary either if you are just running the command and not doing anything with the output the following would likely work
& c:\temp\application\setup.exe -s -l=EN

How do I tell eclipse that an external tool is done executing?

The Eclipse IDE has a feature where one could run external tools. I use it to run batch scripts. Oddly if a batch script runs a powershell command, the powershell command will never exit until I hit enter. This is especially odd since it exits just fine when running in cmd. How should I correct my script so that it runs as expected via the eclipse external tools?
Current script (foo.bat):
#echo off
echo "Hello 1"
REM Configure this to your installation of maven.
SET "CMD=C:\foo.ps1"
REM Reformat args to be Powershell friendly.
SET "ARGS=%ARGS: =' '%"
PowerShell.Exe -Command "%CMD%" '%ARGS%'
echo "Hello 2"
In cmd, I see "Hello 1", the output of %CMD%, and "Hello 2". In Eclipse, I see "Hello 1", the output of %CMD%, and then it hangs in the progress tab forever until I click the Console window and press the enter key.
I tried passing the -NonInteractive flag to Powershell. I tried having my Powershell script echo a newline at the end. Not sure how to get this to "just work".
Found the answer. I needed to add a NUL redirect to the end of my Powershell command. So it looks like this:
#echo off
REM Configure this to your installation of maven.
SET "CMD=C:\foo.ps1"
REM Reformat args to be Powershell friendly.
SET "ARGS=%ARGS: =' '%"
PowerShell.Exe -Command "%CMD%" '%ARGS%' < NUL
Note that I also removed the dubugging code from the script found in my question. If you add that code back in, you'll see that it echos everything now.

keep command line window open when running scheduled task executing batch file

I would like to have the console window kept open when running a scheduled task which executes a batch file. If I run it manually meaning execute the batch file the window stays open but through task scheduler it doesn't open but I can see the task is still running. I put a pause at the end to do this.
#echo off
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq JOESMO.exe" | find /I "JOESMO.exe">nul &&(echo PROCESS
echo %DATE%
echo %TIME%
) || (
cmd /c start "JOESMO.exe" "C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\
Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Projects2013\JOESMO.exe"
I found this suggestion cmd /k myscript.bat but having creating the task in task scheduler for windows server 2008 I am not sure where to apply this. I added /k to the add arguments box in edit action in task.
In the Scheduled Task dialog, just before the name of the batch file it's going to run (it's labeled Program/script. You now have something like:
Change it to
Add the following to the **Add Arguments (optional) entry:
/k "C:\My Batch File Folder\MyScript.bat"
Tested on my system (Win7 64-bit), and it worked perfectly. I'm looking at the open command window it created as I type this text. :-)
Unfortunately Ken's solution didn't work for me on a Windows 2008 R2 Std server, I was able to launch an interactive window by modifying the scheduled tasks setting using schtasks.exe
In a command window I did the following command:
schtasks /Change /TN "My Task" /IT
However that does require you be logged in as the same user context in which the scheduled task is executing. So if your scheduled task is use the localsystem "taskaccount" then you will have to log into the system as the "taskaccount" user.
Oddly enough it worked when I manually run the task but it didn't pop for me when it kicked off at a scheduled time.
Ken's answer didn't worked for me.
Found this way of doing :
in your BAT file (create one if you only have an EXE) :
start C:/Absolute/Path/To/MyScript.exe myScriptArg
works like a charm !
Note: In the scheduled task, you must check "Exec only if user is logged"
Create a shortcut to the Batchfile and put that in the action. Worked for me
I tried all of the above, but they did not work for me. Here is what I did to get this to work:
Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2
ActivePERL v5.10.1
Create DOS BATCH script -- this runs the actual program, ie, myscript.bat
Create PERL script to call the DOS batch script, ie, is a 1-line script: system("e:\scripts\myscript.bat");
Create scheduled task: perl
The DOS command prompt window now always opens up. And more importantly, the task now successfully runs and completes. NOTE: The scheduled task RunAs user is logged in to the server.

Misbehaviour of Applescript: tell application "Terminal" to do script

On MacOS 10.7.5, the following Applescript
tell application "Terminal" to do script "echo foo"
opens a new Terminal window but foo is not printed. Using the command echo is nothing special, I can't get any command executed at all (I found the bug as I tried to have the command cd executed). I found a workaround:
tell application "Terminal"
do script
do script "echo foo" in window 1
end tell
Am I missing something? Or is it the expected behaviour?
I would just use:
do shell script "echo foo"
But, if you want the response of the shell script, you can use:
set shellresponse to do shell script "echo foo"

How to create a file without a Command Prompt window

I'm using WinRAR SFX module to create an installation, and use its presetup option to run some preliminary tests.
Since wscript can only accept vbs file, and not the script itself, I first run "cmd /c echo {...script code...} > setup.vbs", and then I run "wscript setup.vbs". The run of the first cmd command opens a brief command window, and I would really like to avoid this. I thought of using RunDll32 to write this data, but couldn't find any suitable API to use.
Can anyone think of a way to bypass it and create a small file with a small VBScript text without opening a Command Prompt window?
Thanks a lot,
Is the script code already in a file? If so,
You can use the TYPE command to send the script to a file:
TYPE [script_file] > setup.vbs
or COPY the script file:
COPY [script_file] setup.vbs
If the script code is in the body of your cmd, you can use the START command to run the cmd without a window (/b flag):
START /B cmd /c echo {...script code...} > setup.vbs
Rather than use cmd /c echo {...script code...} > setup.vbs as a presetup step, perhaps you could package a VBscript with your install that does your preliminary tests and creates setup.vbs, and then calls setup.vbs for you. You'd have to put this in the setup portion of the WinRAR script.
You can call another VBScript from VBScript like this:
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHShell.Run "wscript d:\setup.vbs, ,True
See this MSDN link for the syntax of the Run command.