I have a map which is something like
val m = Map("foo" -> "bar", "faz" -> "baz")
I need to write a custom get method, so that the key can be the key in the map with a number in the end.
So for example:
m.get("foo1") should return "bar"
I am looking for a good scala pattern to solve this problem.
Also I am generating the above map from a for loop using yield, so I can't do something like this
val m = CustomMap("foo" -> "bar")
Any solutions will be appreciated.
First of all, you can generate a map from a for comprehension, and then convert it to CustomMap. You just need to define a
def apply(map: Map[String, String]) = CustomMap(map.toSeq :_*) in CustomMap - then you can do val m = CustomMap( for { ... } yield ... )
Secondly, if it doesn't have to be named get (it probably shouldn't be anyway), you can do this sort of thing with an implicit:
object PimpMyMap {
val pref = ".*?(\\d+)".r
implicit class Pimped[V](val map: Map[String,V]) extends AnyVal {
def getPrefix(key: String): Option[V] = map.get(key).orElse { key match {
case pref(k) => map.get(k)
case _ => None
Now you can write things like:
import PimpMyMap._
val map = Map("foo" -> 1)
val one = map.getPrefix("foo123") // Some(1)
val anotherOne = map.getPrefix("foo") // also Some(1);
You can do this with an implicit class and implicit conversion:
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object MapHelpers {
implicit def optionStringToString(maybeS: Option[String]): String = maybeS.getOrElse("")
implicit class MapWithIntKey(val m: Map[String, String]) extends Map[String, String] {
override def get(key: String): Option[String] = {
val intRegex = """(\d+)""".r
val keyWithoutInt = intRegex
.map(int => {
val idx = key.indexOf(int.toString)
key.slice(0, idx)
def +[V1 >: String](
kv: (String, V1)): scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, V1] = m + kv
def -(key: String): scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, String] = m - key
def iterator: Iterator[(String, String)] = m.iterator
object App {
import MapHelpers._
def testMapImplicit(): Unit = {
val myMap: MapWithIntKey = Map("foo" -> "bar", "faz" -> "baz")
val result: String = myMap.get("foo1")
println("result", result) // bar
Working Scastie
If you have a sure way to get the real key from the fake key, you can do this with Map.withDefault:
class CustomMap[K, +V] private (underlying: Map[K, Option[V]]) {
def get(k: K): Option[V] = underlying(k)
object CustomMap {
def apply[K, V](original: Map[K, V], keyReducer: K => K) = new CustomMap(originalMap.
withDefault(k => originalMap.get(keyReducer(k))
In your case, you can use this with
val stringKeyReducer: String => String = k.reverse.dropWhile(_.isDigit).reverse
to drop the digits at the end of your strings, so
CustomMap(Map("foo" -> "bar"), stringKeyReducer).get("foo1") = Some("bar")
Here is solution which combines both the answers.
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object MapHelpers {
implicit def optionStringToString(maybeS: Option[String]): String = maybeS.getOrElse("")
implicit class MapWithIntKey(val m: Map[String, String]) extends Map[String, String] {
override def get(key: String): Option[String] = {
val prefix = "(.*?)\\d+".r
key match {
case prefix(p) => m.get(p)
case _ => None
def +[V1 >: String](kv: (String, V1)): scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, V1] = m + kv
def -(key: String): scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, String] = m - key
def iterator: Iterator[(String, String)] = m.iterator
object App {
import MapHelpers._
def testMapImplicit(): Unit = {
val myMap: MapWithIntKey = Map("foo" -> "bar", "faz" -> "baz")
println("result - number match ", myMap.get("foo1"))
println("result - exact match ", myMap.get("foo"))
Working Scastie
def merge(bigrams1: Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]],
bigrams2: Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]]): Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]] = {
bigrams2 ++ bigrams1
.map(entry1 => entry1._1 -> (entry1._2 ++ bigrams2.getOrElse(entry1._1, mutable.SortedMap())
.map(entry2 => entry2._1 -> (entry2._2 + entry1._2.getOrElse(entry2._1, 0)))))
At compile time, I get these errors:
Error:(64, 114) diverging implicit expansion for type scala.math.Ordering[T1]
starting with method Tuple9 in object Ordering
bigrams2 ++ bigrams1.map(entry1 => entry1._1 -> (entry1._2 ++ bigrams2.getOrElse(entry1._1, mutable.SortedMap()).map(entry2 => entry2._1 -> (entry2._2 + entry1._2.getOrElse(entry2._1, 0)))))
Error:(64, 114) not enough arguments for method apply: (implicit ord: scala.math.Ordering[A])scala.collection.mutable.SortedMap[A,B] in class SortedMapFactory.
Unspecified value parameter ord.
bigrams2 ++ bigrams1.map(entry1 => entry1._1 -> (entry1._2 ++ bigrams2.getOrElse(entry1._1, mutable.SortedMap()).map(entry2 => entry2._1 -> (entry2._2 + entry1._2.getOrElse(entry2._1, 0)))))
Specifying the types of the sorted map solves the problem:
def merge(bigrams1: Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]],
bigrams2: Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]]): Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]] = {
bigrams2 ++ bigrams1
.map(entry1 => entry1._1 -> (entry1._2 ++ bigrams2.getOrElse(entry1._1, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]())
.map(entry2 => entry2._1 -> (entry2._2 + entry1._2.getOrElse(entry2._1, 0)))))
Why do these type parameters need to be specified? Why can they not be inferred without problems with the implicit ordering?
Full code:
import java.io.File
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.io.Source
import scala.util.matching.Regex
case class Bigrams(bigrams: Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]]) {
def mergeIn(bigramsIn: Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]]): Bigrams = {
Bigrams(Bigrams.merge(bigrams, bigramsIn))
def extractStatistics(path: String): Bigrams = {
val entry: File = new File(path)
if (entry.exists && entry.isDirectory) {
val bigramsFromDir: Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]] = entry
.filter(file => file.isFile && file.getName.endsWith(".sgm"))
.foldLeft(Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]]())(Bigrams.merge)
val bigramsFromSubDirs: Bigrams = entry
.filter(entry => entry.isDirectory)
.map(entry => extractStatistics(entry.getAbsolutePath))
} else if (entry.exists && entry.isFile) {
} else
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect path")
def getFreqs(word: String): Option[mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]] = {
object Bigrams {
def fromPath(path: String): Bigrams = {
new Bigrams(Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]]()).extractStatistics(path)
def apply(): Bigrams = {
new Bigrams(Map())
val BODY: Regex = "(?s).*<BODY>(.*)</BODY>(?s).*".r
// Return a list with the markup for each article
def readArticles(remainingLines: List[String], acc: List[String]): List[String] = {
if (remainingLines.size == 1) acc
else {
val nextLine = remainingLines.head
if (nextLine.startsWith("<REUTERS ")) readArticles(remainingLines.tail, nextLine +: acc)
else readArticles(remainingLines.tail, (acc.head + "\n" + nextLine) +: acc.tail)
def merge(bigrams1: Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]],
bigrams2: Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]]): Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]] = {
bigrams2 ++ bigrams1
.map(entry1 => entry1._1 -> (entry1._2 ++ bigrams2.getOrElse(entry1._1, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]())
.map(entry2 => entry2._1 -> (entry2._2 + entry1._2.getOrElse(entry2._1, 0)))))
def merge(bigrams1: Bigrams, bigrams2: Bigrams): Bigrams = {
new Bigrams(merge(bigrams1.bigrams, bigrams2.bigrams))
def getBigramsFrom(path: File): Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]] = {
val file = Source.fromFile(path)
val fileLines: List[String] = file.getLines().toList
val articles: List[String] = Bigrams.readArticles(fileLines.tail, List())
val bodies: List[String] = articles.map(extractBody).filter(body => !body.isEmpty)
val sentenceTokens: List[List[String]] = bodies.flatMap(getSentenceTokens)
sentenceTokens.foldLeft(Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]]())((acc, tokens) => addBigramsFrom(tokens, acc))
def getBigrams(tokens: List[String]): List[(String, String)] = {
map(i => {
if (i < tokens.size - 1) (tokens(i), tokens(i + 1))
else null
.filter(_ != null).toList
// Return the body of the markup of one article
def extractBody(article: String): String = {
try {
val body: String = article match {
case Bigrams.BODY(bodyGroup) => bodyGroup
catch {
case _: MatchError => ""
def getSentenceTokens(text: String): List[List[String]] = {
val separatedBySpace: List[String] = text
.replace('\n', ' ')
.replaceAll(" +", " ") // regex
.split(" ")
.map(token => if (token.endsWith(",")) token.init.toString else token)
val splitAt: List[Int] = separatedBySpace.indices
.filter(i => i > 0 && separatedBySpace(i - 1).endsWith(".") || i == 0)
groupBySentenceTokens(separatedBySpace, splitAt, List()).map(sentenceTokens => sentenceTokens.init :+ sentenceTokens.last.substring(0, sentenceTokens.last.length - 1))
def groupBySentenceTokens(tokens: List[String], splitAt: List[Int], sentences: List[List[String]]): List[List[String]] = {
if (splitAt.size <= 1) {
if (splitAt.size == 1) {
sentences :+ tokens.slice(splitAt.head, tokens.size)
} else {
else groupBySentenceTokens(tokens, splitAt.tail, sentences :+ tokens.slice(splitAt.head, splitAt.tail.head))
def addBigramsFrom(tokens: List[String], bigrams: Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]]): Map[String, mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]] = {
var newBigrams = bigrams
val bigramsFromTokens: List[(String, String)] = Bigrams.getBigrams(tokens)
bigramsFromTokens.foreach(bigram => { // TODO: This code uses side effects to get the job done. Try to remove them.
val currentFreqs: mutable.SortedMap[String, Int] = newBigrams.get(bigram._1)
.map((map: mutable.SortedMap[String, Int]) => map)
val incrementedWordFreq = currentFreqs.get(bigram._2)
.map(freq => freq + 1)
val newFreqs = currentFreqs + (bigram._2 -> incrementedWordFreq)
newBigrams = newBigrams - bigram._1 + (bigram._1 -> newFreqs)
The thing is that method Map#getOrElse in 2.13 (or MapLike#getOrElse in 2.12) has signature
def getOrElse[V1 >: V](key: K, default: => V1): V1
i.e. it expects not necessarily default of the same type as V in Map[K, +V] (or MapLike[K, +V, +This <: MapLike[K, V, This] with Map[K, V]]) but possibly of a supertype of V. In your case V is mutable.SortedMap[String, Int] and there are so many its supertypes (you can look at inheritance hierarchy yourself). mutable.SortedMap() can be of any type mutable.SortedMap[A, B] or their super types.
If you replace method getOrElse with having fixed V
implicit class MapOps[K, V](m: Map[K, V]) {
def getOrElse1(key: K, default: => V): V = m.get(key) match {
case Some(v) => v
case None => default
or in 2.12
implicit class MapOps[K, V, +This <: MapLike[K, V, This] with Map[K, V]](m: MapLike[K, V, This]) {
def getOrElse1(key: K, default: => V): V = m.get(key) match {
case Some(v) => v
case None => default
then in your code
... bigrams2.getOrElse1(entry1._1, mutable.SortedMap())
all types will be inferred and it will compile.
So sometimes types should be just specified explicitly when compiler asks.
The ordering of implicit seems to matter when using shapeless.
Look at the example code below where it will not work.
import shapeless._
case class Userz(i: Int, j: String, k: Option[Boolean])
object r {
def func(): Userz = {
val a = Userz(100, "UserA", Some(false))
val b = Userz(400, "UserB", None)
val genA = Generic[Userz].to(a)
val genB = Generic[Userz].to(b)
val genC = genA zip genB
val genD = genC.map(Mergerz)
val User = Generic[Userz].from(genD)
return User
object Mergerz extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseInt = at[(Int, Int)] {a => a._1 + a._2}
implicit def caseString = at[(String, String)] {a => a._1 + a._2}
implicit def caseBoolean = at[(Option[Boolean], Option[Boolean])] {a => Some(a._1.getOrElse(a._2.getOrElse(false)))}
And the code below which will work
import shapeless._
case class Userz(i: Int, j: String, k: Option[Boolean])
object Mergerz extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseInt = at[(Int, Int)] {a => a._1 + a._2}
implicit def caseString = at[(String, String)] {a => a._1 + a._2}
implicit def caseBoolean = at[(Option[Boolean], Option[Boolean])] {a => Some(a._1.getOrElse(a._2.getOrElse(false)))}
object r {
def func(): Userz = {
val a = Userz(100, "UserA", Some(false))
val b = Userz(400, "UserB", None)
val genA = Generic[Userz].to(a)
val genB = Generic[Userz].to(b)
val genC = genA zip genB
val genD = genC.map(Mergerz)
val User = Generic[Userz].from(genD)
return User
My question is, why does the order matters? I already tried importing the implicits which doesn't work.
Because type inference within a file basically works top-to-bottom. When it's typechecking func, it hasn't gotten to caseInt etc and doesn't know they are suitable. Annotating their types should work as well, and is generally recommended for implicits, but it may be problematic when using a library like Shapeless: see Shapeless not finding implicits in test, but can in REPL for an example.
The following code succeeds, but is there a better way of doing the same thing? Perhaps something specific to case classes? In the following code, for each field of type String in my simple case class, the code goes through my list of instances of that case class and finds the length of the longest string of that field.
case class CrmContractorRow(
id: Long,
bankCharges: String,
overTime: String,
name$id: Long,
mgmtFee: String,
contractDetails$id: Long,
email: String,
copyOfVisa: String)
object Go {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val a = CrmContractorRow(1,"1","1",4444,"1",1,"1","1")
val b = CrmContractorRow(22,"22","22",22,"55555",22,"nine long","22")
val c = CrmContractorRow(333,"333","333",333,"333",333,"333","333")
val rows = List(a,b,c)
c.getClass.getDeclaredFields.filter(p => p.getType == classOf[String]).foreach{f =>
println(f.getName + ": " + rows.map(row => f.get(row).asInstanceOf[String]).maxBy(_.length))
bankCharges: 3
overTime: 3
mgmtFee: 5
email: 9
copyOfVisa: 3
If you want to do this kind of thing with Shapeless, I'd strongly suggest defining a custom type class that handles the complicated part and allows you to keep that stuff separate from the rest of your logic.
In this case it sounds like the tricky part of what you're specifically trying to do is getting the mapping from field names to string lengths for all of the String members of a case class. Here's a type class that does that:
import shapeless._, shapeless.labelled.FieldType
trait StringFieldLengths[A] { def apply(a: A): Map[String, Int] }
object StringFieldLengths extends LowPriorityStringFieldLengths {
implicit val hnilInstance: StringFieldLengths[HNil] =
new StringFieldLengths[HNil] {
def apply(a: HNil): Map[String, Int] = Map.empty
implicit def caseClassInstance[A, R <: HList](implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
sfl: StringFieldLengths[R]
): StringFieldLengths[A] = new StringFieldLengths[A] {
def apply(a: A): Map[String, Int] = sfl(gen.to(a))
implicit def hconsStringInstance[K <: Symbol, T <: HList](implicit
sfl: StringFieldLengths[T],
key: Witness.Aux[K]
): StringFieldLengths[FieldType[K, String] :: T] =
new StringFieldLengths[FieldType[K, String] :: T] {
def apply(a: FieldType[K, String] :: T): Map[String, Int] =
sfl(a.tail).updated(key.value.name, a.head.length)
sealed class LowPriorityStringFieldLengths {
implicit def hconsInstance[K, V, T <: HList](implicit
sfl: StringFieldLengths[T]
): StringFieldLengths[FieldType[K, V] :: T] =
new StringFieldLengths[FieldType[K, V] :: T] {
def apply(a: FieldType[K, V] :: T): Map[String, Int] = sfl(a.tail)
This looks complex, but once you start working with Shapeless a bit you learn to write this kind of thing in your sleep.
Now you can write the logic of your operation in a relatively straightforward way:
def maxStringLengths[A: StringFieldLengths](as: List[A]): Map[String, Int] =
Map.empty[String, Int]
) {
case (x, y) => x.foldLeft(y) {
case (acc, (k, v)) =>
acc.updated(k, acc.get(k).fold(v)(accV => math.max(accV, v)))
And then (given rows as defined in the question):
scala> maxStringLengths(rows).foreach(println)
This will work for absolutely any case class.
If this is a one-off thing, you might as well use runtime reflection, or you could use the Poly1 approach in Giovanni Caporaletti's answer—it's less generic and it mixes up the different parts of the solution in a way I don't prefer, but it should work just fine. If this is something you're doing a lot of, though, I'd suggest the approach I've given here.
If you want to use shapeless to get the string fields of a case class and avoid reflection you can do something like this:
import shapeless._
import labelled._
trait lowerPriorityfilterStrings extends Poly2 {
implicit def default[A] = at[Vector[(String, String)], A] { case (acc, _) => acc }
object filterStrings extends lowerPriorityfilterStrings {
implicit def caseString[K <: Symbol](implicit w: Witness.Aux[K]) = at[Vector[(String, String)], FieldType[K, String]] {
case (acc, x) => acc :+ (w.value.name -> x)
val gen = LabelledGeneric[CrmContractorRow]
val a = CrmContractorRow(1,"1","1",4444,"1",1,"1","1")
val b = CrmContractorRow(22,"22","22",22,"55555",22,"nine long","22")
val c = CrmContractorRow(333,"333","333",333,"333",333,"333","333")
val rows = List(a,b,c)
val result = rows
// get for each element a Vector of (fieldName -> stringField) pairs for the string fields
.map(r => gen.to(r).foldLeft(Vector[(String, String)]())(filterStrings))
// get the maximum for each "column"
.reduceLeft((best, row) => best.zip(row).map {
case (kv1#(_, v1), (_, v2)) if v1.length > v2.length => kv1
case (_, kv2) => kv2
result foreach { case (k, v) => println(s"$k: $v") }
You probably want to use Scala reflection:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val rm = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val instanceMirrors = rows map rm.reflect
typeOf[CrmContractorRow].members collect {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor && m.returnType =:= typeOf[String] =>
val maxValue = instanceMirrors map (_.reflectField(m).get.asInstanceOf[String]) maxBy (_.length)
println(s"${m.name}: $maxValue")
So that you can avoid issues with cases like:
case class CrmContractorRow(id: Long, bankCharges: String, overTime: String, name$id: Long, mgmtFee: String, contractDetails$id: Long, email: String, copyOfVisa: String) {
val unwantedVal = "jdjd"
I have refactored your code to something more reuseable:
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
case class CrmContractorRow(
id: Long,
bankCharges: String,
overTime: String,
name$id: Long,
mgmtFee: String,
contractDetails$id: Long,
email: String,
copyOfVisa: String)
object Go{
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val a = CrmContractorRow(1,"1","1",4444,"1",1,"1","1")
val b = CrmContractorRow(22,"22","22",22,"55555",22,"nine long","22")
val c = CrmContractorRow(333,"333","333",333,"333",333,"333","333")
val rows = List(a,b,c)
val initEmptyColumns = List.fill(a.productArity)(List())
def aggregateColumns[Tin:ClassTag,Tagg](rows: Iterable[Product], aggregate: Iterable[Tin] => Tagg) = {
val columnsWithMatchingType = (0 until rows.head.productArity).filter {
index => rows.head.productElement(index) match {case t: Tin => true; case _ => false}
def columnIterable(col: Int) = rows.map(_.productElement(col)).asInstanceOf[Iterable[Tin]]
columnsWithMatchingType.map(index => (index,aggregate(columnIterable(index))))
def extractCaseClassFieldNames[T: scala.reflect.ClassTag] = {
val agg = aggregateColumns[String,String] (rows,_.maxBy(_.length))
val fieldNames = extractCaseClassFieldNames[CrmContractorRow]
agg.map{case (index,value) => fieldNames(index) + ": "+ value}.foreach(println)
Using shapeless would get rid of the .asInstanceOf, but the essence would be the same. The main problem with the given code was that it was not re-usable since the aggregation logic was mixed with the reflection logic to get the field names.
Are these two partial functions equivalent?
val f0: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
case 10 => "ten"
case n: Int => s"$n"
val f1 = new PartialFunction[Int, String] {
override def isDefinedAt(x: Int): Boolean = true
override def apply(v: Int): String = if (v == 10) "ten" else s"$v"
val pf = new PartialFunction[Int, String] {
def isDefinedAt(x: Int) = x == 10
def apply(v: Int) = if (isDefinedAt(v)) "ten" else "undefined"
def fun(n: Int)(pf: PartialFunction[Int, String]) = pf.apply(n)
Is it truly PF now?
I think you need 2 partial (value) functions to use the PartialFunction the way it is designed to be: one for the value 10, and the other for the other Ints:
val f0:PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case 10 => "ten" }
val fDef:PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case n => s"$n" }
And how to apply them:
val t1 = (9 to 11) collect f0
t1 shouldBe(Array("ten"))
val t2 = (9 to 11) map (f0 orElse fDef)
t2 shouldBe(Array("9", "ten", "11"))
I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight on a problem I'm having. I've made a gist with some code and explanation of my problem: https://gist.github.com/tbrown1979/9993f07c8f4fa2786c83
Basically I'm trying to make something that will allow me to convert List[String] to a case class. I've made a Reader that will allow me to do so, but I've run into the issue where a Reader defined for a case class can't contain a reader for a separate case class.
Looking at the 'non-working example' below - I encounter an issue where, when reading, I don't know how many items to pull out of the list. With Bar, which holds a Test, I would need to pull 2 elements out (because Test has two parameters). Is there a way for me to know the amount of fields a case class has just from its type? Is there a better way to do this?
Here is an example of how to use the Reader. I've included a non-working example as well.
////Working Example////
case class Foo(a: Int, s: String)
object Foo {
implicit val FooReader : Reader[Foo] =
Reader[Int :: String :: HNil].map(Generic[Foo].from _)
val read: ValidationNel[String, Foo] = Reader.read[Foo](List("12","text"))
println(read)//Success(Foo(12, "text"))
////Non-working Example////
case class Test(a: Int, b: String)
object Test {
implicit val TestReader: Reader[Test] =
Reader[Int :: String :: HNil].map(Generic[Test].from _)
case class Bar(c: Test)
object Bar {
implicit val BarReader: Reader[Bar] =
Reader[Test :: HNil].map(Generic[Bar].from _)
val barRead = Reader.read[Bar](List("21", "someString"))
println(barRead) //Failure(NonEmptyList("Invalid String: List()", "Exepected empty, but contained value"))
Something like this works for me (modification of this)
object ShapelessStringToTypeConverters {
import cats._, implicits._, data.ValidatedNel
import mouse._, string._, option._
import shapeless._, labelled._
private type Result[A] = ValidatedNel[ParseFailure, A]
case class ParseFailure(error: String)
trait Convert[V] {
def parse(input: String): Result[V]
object Convert {
def to[V](input: String)(implicit C: Convert[V]): Result[V] =
def instance[V](body: String => Result[V]): Convert[V] = new Convert[V] {
def parse(input: String): Result[V] = body(input)
implicit def booleans: Convert[Boolean] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not a Boolean ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def ints: Convert[Int] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not an Int ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def longs: Convert[Long] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not an Long ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def doubles: Convert[Double] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not an Double ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def strings: Convert[String] = Convert.instance(s => s.validNel)
sealed trait SchemaMap[A] {
def readFrom(input: Map[String, String]): ValidatedNel[ParseFailure, A]
object SchemaMap {
def of[A](implicit s: SchemaMap[A]): SchemaMap[A] = s
private def instance[A](body: Map[String, String] => Result[A]): SchemaMap[A] = new SchemaMap[A] {
def readFrom(input: Map[String, String]): Result[A] =
implicit val noOp: SchemaMap[HNil] =
SchemaMap.instance(_ => HNil.validNel)
implicit def parsing[K <: Symbol, V: Convert, T <: HList](implicit key: Witness.Aux[K], next: SchemaMap[T]): SchemaMap[FieldType[K, V] :: T] =
SchemaMap.instance { input =>
val fieldName = key.value.name
val parsedField = input
.cata(entry => Convert.to[V](entry), ParseFailure(s"$fieldName is missing").invalidNel)
.map(f => field[K](f))
(parsedField, next.readFrom(input)).mapN(_ :: _)
implicit def classes[A, R <: HList](implicit repr: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R], schema: SchemaMap[R]): SchemaMap[A] =
SchemaMap.instance { input =>
schema.readFrom(input).map(x => repr.from(x))
sealed trait SchemaList[A] {
def readFrom(input: List[String]): ValidatedNel[ParseFailure, A]
object SchemaList {
def of[A](implicit s: SchemaList[A]): SchemaList[A] = s
private def instance[A](body: List[String] => Result[A]): SchemaList[A] = new SchemaList[A] {
def readFrom(input: List[String]): Result[A] = body(input)
implicit val noOp: SchemaList[HNil] =
SchemaList.instance(_ => HNil.validNel)
implicit def parsing[K <: Symbol, V: Convert, T <: HList](implicit key: Witness.Aux[K], next: SchemaList[T]): SchemaList[FieldType[K, V] :: T] =
SchemaList.instance { input =>
val fieldName = key.value.name
val parsedField = input
.cata(entry => Convert.to[V](entry), ParseFailure(s"$fieldName is missing").invalidNel)
.map(f => field[K](f))
(parsedField, next.readFrom(input.tail)).mapN(_ :: _)
implicit def classes[A, R <: HList](implicit repr: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R], schema: SchemaList[R]): SchemaList[A] =
SchemaList.instance { input =>
schema.readFrom(input).map(x => repr.from(x))
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int, c: Boolean)
def m: Map[String, String] = Map("a" -> "hello", "c" -> "true", "b" -> "100")
def e: Map[String, String] = Map("c" -> "true", "b" -> "a100")
val result = SchemaMap.of[Foo].readFrom(m)
val lst = List("145164983", "0.01862523", "16.11681596", "21:38:57", "bid")
case class Trade0(tid: Long, price: Double, amount: Double, time: String, tpe: String)
val result2 = SchemaList.of[Trade0].readFrom(lst)