how to get all the Task in a Workitem in Json form by postman for TFS API - rest

i am currently using TFS API who's link is
currently in my project i want to accees the following workitem 61092 all the task
for that i am using this link in postman GET$expand=all&api-version=1.0
i am getting all the task related to it but not getting all the field such as number of hours in the task,user of the task which i wanted.
and in Postman i am hitting the id by this Link By GET

According to your screenshot, 61092 is a Product Backlog Item. The Rest API URL you use can only get the detailed information of the work item 61092 itself, it cannot get the detailed information about the work items that linked to 61092.
You have to use One-hop Query to get all the tasks related to it and then get the detailed data for each task returned. Refer to this link for details: Get Work Items.

$expand=all has already expand all fields, but it doesn't show the empty fields in response. If you type a value for the field you want to get, you will see it as expect in response.


How to get an asset all details in AEM with API request?

I am using AEM API in my automation. We published a file from workfront to AEM. That file have multiple information:
1. Basic
2. Test1
3. test2
4. etc
When I hit the api:
I am getting very less information under the properties and metadata section. (In short, it does not have Test1, Test2 and other tab information)
Is there any way to fetch all these from aem API's? It will reduce my overhead to validate these details from UI Automation.
First of look checkout the metadata nodes of file for the desired data to be present. I would rather prefer writing a custom servlet in AEM which takes in path parameter as an asset path and gives back the response back in desired format.
I figured it out.
The following API returns all the JCR content in API response:
<baseURL>/content/dam/path to that file.-1.json

Passing parameters for a Action in Acumatica Rest API WebService EndPoint

My Requirement: In Bills and adjustment screen, I want to add subcontracts from the "ADD SUBCONTRACTS" button from gird button.
I am using post Method in postman like this
Post :localhost/AcumaticaXMSI/entity/DefaultExtended/18.200.001/Bill/addSubcontracts
with enitity and paramters
Then the result we get is, Only SC-000002 is inserted into detail.
I want two records to be inserted in detail line and also specified record to be inserted from POSTMAN JSON format
I tried with this json syntax(below) but did not help to add specific subcontract record
Please can anyone suggest me the correct JSON syntax for selecting all subcontracts and also specific subcontract to be passed through parameters in postman action
additional information

How to get 'Layout' for a work item type from DevOps API?

I need to fetch layout info for work items.
I'm familiar with the following API but I always get the same error back from it, reading
"VS403115:You cannot modify form layout information for work item types ... in process ... as these work item types are locked."
While I understand what the error means, I'm just trying to READ the layout data, rather than modify it.
I did double check that the request is a GET, and I tried different versions of the API (4.x, 5.x)
You get this error is because you are trying to get layout for a default process template. This API is using to get the full work item form layout for a process using inherited customization.
If you try to get layout for a inherited process template, you'll get a successful response.
The following link explains this API:

VSO Rest API not returning links

When calling VSO REST api to get one specific workitem$expand=all&api-version=1.0
links that are under tab Links (image below) isn't returned.
How do I get those links (in this case a hyperlink)?
It's caused by the request lack a & char after the work item id 4523.
The correct format should be:

How to get the next page of

I am trying to get the groups and group members in the office 365 by API.
I am able to get the group and group member list by using below API
Here my problem is I need to get the next page of the graph explorer. How could I get the next page of result?
I tried the &$skiptoken but it did not work or maybe I have not used correctly!
Can anyone kindly guide me to get the next page of the result?
Use below example code$top=999&$select=id,displayName
this will give the first 999 result.
$skiptoken is described in the official docs here. To summarize, results that are paged will have a "#odata.nextLink" in the response. This value is the resource you will use to get the rest of the results. You can chain links together over and over, if necessary, until the entire result set is returned.