How to find the pod name given a container ID - kubernetes

Is there a way to find the pod name for a given Docker container ID?
I can do it the other way round "kubectl describe pods" but then I have to run it on all the pods.

Yes, you can get the pod name given a container ID using the following kubectl request:
kubectl get pod -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(#.status.containerStatuses[].containerID=="docker://<container_id>")]}{}{end}' -n <namespace>
where <container_id> is the long docker container ID and <namespace> is namespace which we can skip if our pod is in default namespace.
For example:
kubectl get pod -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(#.status.containerStatuses[].containerID=="docker://686bc30be6e870023dcf611f7a7808516e041c892a236e565ba2bd3e0569ff7a")]}{}{end}'


How to delete all the Terminated pods of a kubernetes cluster?

I know how to delete a specific pod:
kubectl -n <namespace> delete pod <pod-name>
Is there a way to delete all the Terminated pods once?
What does terminated pod mean? If you wish to delete finished pods of any jobs in the namespace then you can remove them with a single command:
kubectl -n <namespace> delete pods --field-selector=status.phase==Succeeded
Another approach in Kubernetes 1.23 onwards is to use Job's TTL controller feature:
ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 100
In your case Terminated status means your pods are in a failed state. To remove them just change the status.phase to Failed state (
You can pipe 2 commands:
kubectl -n <namespace> get pods --field-selector=status.phase==Succeeded -o --no-headers | kubectl -n <namespace> delete pods
I don't think there is an 'exec' option to kubectl get (like the CLI tool 'find' for instance).
If the command fits your needs, you can always convert it to an alias or shell function

Pod is not found when trying to delete, however, can be patched

I have a pod that I can see on GKE. But if I try to delete them, I got the error:
kubectl delete pod my-pod --namespace=kube-system --context=cluster-1
Error from server (NotFound): pods "my-pod" not found
However, if I try to patch it, the operation was completed successfully:
kubectl patch deployment my-pod --namespace kube-system -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"secrets-update\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}" --context=cluster-1
deployment.apps/my-pod patched
Same namespace, same context, same pod. Why kubectl fails to delete the pod?
kubectl patch deployment my-pod --namespace kube-system -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"secrets-update\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}" --context=cluster-1
You are patching the deployment here, not the pod.
Additionally, your pod will not be called "my-pod" but would be called the name of your deployment plus a hash (random set of letters and numbers), something like "my-pod-ace3g"
To see the pods in the namespace use
kubectl get pods -n {namespace}
Since you've put the deployment in the "kube-system" namespace, you would use
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
Side note: Generally don't use the kube-system namespace unless your deployment is related to the cluster functionality. There's a namespace called default you can use to test things

What is the command to know the Kubernetes Pod running status?

I am trying to create the containers, when i am trying to build it, it is going into failed state so how can i see the kube pod status in running status and would like to know the root cause of it. Why is it not getting success
Get the logs for the pod
kubectl logs -f <pod_name> -n <namespace>
Get the list of events and other information for the pod
kubectl describe po <pod_name> -n <namespace>

Check Limits and requests for a pod with kubectl

can anyone help me with the command to view limits and requests of a pod or containers in a pod? I have tried
Kubectl describe pod ,
kubectl get pod --output=yaml ,
kubectl describe node - shows the current limits but not the configured limits. I want to see the configured limits and requests in the yaml.
-Try following command :
kubectl get pods <podname> -o jsonpath='{range .spec.containers[*]}{"Container Name: "}{.name}{"\n"}{"Requests:"}{.resources.requests}{"\n"}{"Limits:"}{.resources.limits}{"\n"}{end}'
kubectl get pods frontend -o jsonpath='{range .spec.containers[*]}{"Container Name: "}{.name}{"\n"}{"Requests:"}{.resources.requests}{"\n"}{"Limits:"}{.resources.limits}{"\n"}{end}'
Container Name: app
Container Name: log-aggregator

How do you cleanly list all the containers in a kubernetes pod?

I am looking to list all the containers in a pod in a script that gather's logs after running a test. kubectl describe pods -l k8s-app=kube-dns returns a lot of info, but I am just looking for a return like:
I don't see a simple way to format the describe output. Is there another command? (and I guess worst case there is always parsing the output of describe).
kubectl get pods POD_NAME_HERE -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'
This gets the JSON object representing the pod. It then uses kubectl's JSONpath to extract the name of each container from the pod.
You can use get and choose one of the supported output template with the --output (-o) flag.
Take jsonpath for example,
kubectl get pods -l k8s-app=kube-dns -o jsonpath={.items[*].spec.containers[*].name} gives you etcd kube2sky skydns.
Other supported output output templates are go-template, go-template-file, jsonpath-file. See for how to use jsonpath template. See for how to use go template.
Update: Check this doc for other example commands to list container images:
Quick hack to avoid constructing the JSONpath query for a single pod:
$ kubectl logs mypod-123
a container name must be specified for pod mypod-123, choose one of: [etcd kubesky skydns]
I put some ideas together into the following:
Simple line:
kubectl get po -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"pod: "}{}{"\n"}{range .spec.containers[*]}{"\tname: "}{.name}{"\n\timage: "}{.image}{"\n"}{end}'
Split (for readability):
kubectl get po -o jsonpath='
{range .items[*]}
{"pod: "}
{"\n"}{range .spec.containers[*]}
{"\tname: "}
{"\n\timage: "}
How to list BOTH init and non-init containers for all pods
kubectl get pod -o=",INIT-CONTAINERS:.spec.initContainers[*].name,CONTAINERS:.spec.containers[*].name"
Output looks like this:
helm-install-traefik-sjts9 <none> helm
metrics-server-86cbb8457f-dkpqm <none> metrics-server
local-path-provisioner-5ff76fc89d-vjs6l <none> local-path-provisioner
coredns-6488c6fcc6-zp9gv <none> coredns
svclb-traefik-f5wwh <none> lb-port-80,lb-port-443
traefik-6f9cbd9bd4-pcbmz <none> traefik
dc-postgresql-0 init-chmod-data dc-postgresql
backend-5c4bf48d6f-7c8c6 wait-for-db backend
if you want a clear output of which containers are from each Pod
kubectl get po -l k8s-app=kube-dns \,CONTAINERS:.spec.containers[*].name
To get the output in the separate lines:
kubectl get pods POD_NAME_HERE -o jsonpath='{range .spec.containers[*]}{.name}{"\n"}{end}'
If you use json as output format of kubectl get you get plenty details of a pod. With json processors like jq it is easy to select or filter for certain parts you are interested in.
To list the containers of a pod the jq query looks like this:
kubectl get --all-namespaces --selector k8s-app=kube-dns --output json pods \
| jq --raw-output '.items[].spec.containers[].name'
If you want to see all details regarding one specific container try something like this:
kubectl get --all-namespaces --selector k8s-app=kube-dns --output json pods \
| jq '.items[].spec.containers[] | select(.name=="etcd")'
Use below command:
kubectl get pods,Containers:.spec.containers[*].name,Image:.spec.containers[*].image
To see verbose information along with configmaps of all containers in a particular pod, use this command:
kubectl describe pod/<pod name> -n <namespace name>
Use below command to see all the information of a particular pod
kubectl get pod <pod name> -n <namespace name> -o yaml
For overall details about the pod try following command to get the container details as well
kubectl describe pod <podname>
I use this to display image versions on the pods.
kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"\n"}{}{":\t"}{range .spec.containers[*]}{.image}{end}{end}' && printf '\n'
It's just a small modification of script from here, with adding new line to start next console command on the new line, removed commas at the end of each line and listing only my pods, without service pods (e.g. --all-namespaces option is removed).
There are enough answers here but sometimes you want to see a deployment object pods' containers and initContainers. To do that;
1- Retrieve the deployment name
kubectl get deployment
2- Retrieve containers' names
kubectl get deployment <deployment-name> -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[*].name}'
3- Retrieve initContainers' names
kubectl get deployment <deployment-name> -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.initContainers[*].name}'
Easiest way to know the containers in a pod:
kubectl logs -c -n