Make atom plugin always toggled - plugins

i create some simple plugin for changing icons, only with styles file and without scripts. How to make the plugin always activated after install? Because at this moment i have to toggle my plugin in menu after every atom reload.

I should just delete "activationCommand" field from package.json.


Notepad++ AutoSave issue

It looks like Notepad++ as of ver. 6.6.7 is now actively blocking the AutoSave (ver. 1.4) plugin.
Notepad++ will remove AutoSave when upgrading and re-loading AutoSave with the Plugin Manager now fails.
Live and die by the ability to make a quick .PHP script change and switch over to the browser window without having to remember to click on the Save file toolbar icon.
Any suggestions or alternatives?
OK, found the solution.
Rather than relying on the Autosave version downloaded by Plugin Manager, go to the link listed -- -- and download v1.40 from there.
The zip file will have 2 versions of the dll (A for ASCII and U for Unicode ?). Copy the AutoSaveU.dll file to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\" and you should be back in business.
Update: After running for a few days with Autosave enabled, found that automatic spell check and the ability to right click on a word or phrase would randomly disappear. Disabling "Auto Save when Notepad++ looses focus" solves that problem. For now, have decided that spell check and right clicking are more important than auto-saving.
I have found the best solution to this, if you install notepad++ and use 'Resource Hacker' (google it) to change the menu (cut it down) and the icon (change to notepad), and install the autosave plugin in notepad++, then you have something that looks almost entirely indistinguishable to classic notepad! And txt files have the notepad logo.
Also you need to go into settings and turn off a bunch of settings, including under editing tab, turn off line numbering, and change colours in 'style configurator'.
The only notable difference is that highlighted text remains black.
Check out this image to see how close it is, you could even cut and rename menu items to look identical but there is no need to be that pedantic.

Sigplus and Aidanews2

I have problem with Aidanews2 and Sigplus gallery plugin.
My problem is that, in article there are sigplus gallery added like {gallery}mygallery{/gallery}. So the aidanews only shows the plain text {gallery}mygallery{/gallery}, but not gallery link.
I have set "Strip Plugins" in aidanews setting to "no", but it still wont work. Any options to get it work?
The problem is that Joomla does not automatically run plugins within a module. The "Strip Plugins" option is supposed to be used to strip out plugin code so it doesn't show up like it is in your case.
In order to make it work, you are going to have to change the the view for the module and have it run any plugins before outputting the content. You can get a pretty good idea of the code you need to add here -

eclipse: turn off automatically reloading of class files

eclipse has a very nice feature. that is when you debug, it reloads changes to your source files when you save the file.
what is the name of this feature?
is it possible to turn it off?
I think you mean Hot Code Replace, you can disable this feature by disabling (uncheck) Build Automatically from the Project menu.

How to programmatically reload a text editor in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, if I change a file programmatically, and it is open in a text editor, it doesn't always reload, not even when refreshing the resource programmatically. How can I forcibly reload the text editor from code so that it show the changed file contents?
In your project explorer or navigator, you can right-click on the file that's currently open and select refresh. This has always worked for me, even when editing files with several programs. Make sure to click the file itself, not parent objects like packages or folders or projects.
Refreshing programmatically? I would look into an Eclipse scripting tool:
I guess there was another one called Monkey, but it doesn't appear to be maintained.
I don't know of any possibility to programmatically reload the file.
Some editors (e.g. GMF editors) look for changes in the underlying files, and refresh themselves, but this is not required at all.
I don't think that a forced reload is an option implemented globally, as in some cases there could be some merging steps involved that can be quite erroneous.
My ideas to solve this:
Have a specific editor that refreshes its content when the used resource changes (this can be timeconsuming);
Or close the editors of the file and reopen them (this is ugly in the eye of the user).
Since the Luna release of eclipse there's no need to reload files with F5/manual Refresh.
Really nice, especially as there was a bug with the F5 key binding.

how to access package explorer element in eclipse plugin

i am making an eclipse plugin which make a ui on right clicking a project in eclipse workspce . the ui contains text fields , package explorer for the current project and directory explorer for current project.
i have successfully made a ui which appears on clicking a menu item on right clicking the project but it seems i can't make any jface or swt ui since they are not visible when we are using eclipse command hadlers .so in order to overcome it i made dialog pages but they have limited dialog like directorty dialog and file dialog and that too for entire window directory..... but i want package explorer and directory explorer for the project i just chose like it happens when u try making a new class in a project the browse buttons just show packages and directory struture w.r.t to current selection
am i doin things wrong or is there a way out please suggest .....
It seems a bit unclear to me, what the 'UI' is about. If you plan to embed the package and directory views inside a dialog next to each other, then I think you have to build similar lists on your own, since they are views with their own event logic. But if you plan to use them via the browse buttons as describes, take a look at this page. It gives a good overview of the available selection dialogs in eclipse.
It is also always a good practice to search for code in eclipse that does nearly the same you want to do.
As an example, take a look at the new class wizard from the jdt.ui plug-in (This is the wizard you mentioned in your question): Press Cmd-Shift-T and begin typing 'newclass' and open NewClassWizardPage from org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards. This works as expected if you imported all jdt plug-ins as (binary) projects.
Take a look at the createControl method and dive into the createXXXControls methods via F3 and try to find out how JDT is doing the job.
As an alternative, open the desired selection dialog class (again with Cmd-Shift-T) and open the call hierarchy of that class...