Hash function for 8 / 16 bit "graphics" on 8 bit processor - hash

For an implementation of coherent noise (similar to Perlin noise), I'm looking for a hash function suitable for graphics.
I don't need it to be in any way cryptographic, and really, I don't even need it to be a super brilliant hash.
I just want to to combine two 16 bit numbers and output an 8 bit hash. As random as possible is good, but also, fast on a AVR processor (8 bit, as used by Arduino) is good.
Currently I'm using an implementation here:
const uint32_t hash(uint32_t a)
a -= (a<<6);
a ^= (a>>17);
a -= (a<<9);
a ^= (a<<4);
a -= (a<<3);
a ^= (a<<10);
a ^= (a>>15);
return a;
But given that I'm truncating all but 8 bits, and I don't need anything spectacular, can I get away with something using fewer instructions?
… I'm inspired in this search by the lib8tion library that's packaged with FastLED. It has specific functions to, for example, multiple two uint8_t numbers to give a uint16_t number in the fewest possible clock cycles.

Check out Pearson hashing:
unsigned char hash(unsigned short a, unsigned short b) {
static const unsigned char t[256] = {...};
return t[t[t[t[a & 0xFF] ^ (b & 0xFF)] ^ (a >> 8)] ^ (b >> 8)];


In DPI-C, How to map data type to reg or wire

I am writing a CRC16 function in C to use in System Verilog.
Requirement as below:
Output of CRC16 has 16 bits
Input of CRC16 has bigger than 72 bits
The difficulty is that I don't know whether DPI-C can support map data type with reg/wire in System Verilog to C or not ?
how many maximum length of reg/wire can support to use DPI-C.
Can anybody help me ?
Stay with compatible types across the language boundaries. For output use shortint For input, use an array of byte in SystemVerilog which maps to array of char in C.
Dpi support has provision for any bit width, converting packed arrays into c-arrays. The question is: what are you going to do with 72-bit data at c side?
But, svBitVecVal for two-state bits and svLogicVecVal for four-stat logics could be used at 'c' side to retrieve values. Look at H.7.6/7 of lrm for more info.
Here is an example from lrm H.10.2 for 4-state data (logic):
typedef struct {int x; int y;} pair;
import "DPI-C" function void f1(input int i1, pair i2, output logic [63:0] o3);
void f1(const int i1, const pair *i2, svLogicVecVal* o3)
int tab[8];
printf("%d\n", i1);
o3[0].aval = i2->x;
o3[0].bval = 0;
o3[1].aval = i2->y;
o3[1].b = 0;

Seed for hash-table non cryptographic hash functions

If one sets the hash table seed during resize or table creation to a random number, will that prevent the DDoS attacks on such hash table or, knowing the hash algorithm, the attacker will still easily get around the seed? What if the algorithm uses the Pearson hash function with randomly generated tables, unknown to the attacker? Does such table hash still need a seed or it is safe enough?
Context: I want to use an on-disk hash table for a key-value database for my toy web server, where the keys may depend on the user input.
There is exist several approaches to protect your hash-subsystem from "adverse selection" attack, most popular of them is named Universal Hashing, where hash-function or it's property randomly selected, at initialization.
In my own approach, I am using same hash function, where each char adding to result with non-linear mixing, dependends of random array of uint32_t[256]. Array is created during system initialization, and in my code, it happening at each start, by reading the /dev/urandom. See my implementation in open source emerSSL program. You're welcome for borrow this entire hash-table implementation, or hash-function only.
Currently, my hash-function from the referred source computes two independent hashes for double hashing search algorithm.
There is "reduced" hash-function form the source, to demonstrate idea of non-linear mixing with S-block array"
uint32_t S_block[0x100]; // Substitute block, random contains
#define NLF(h, c) (S_block[(unsigned char)(c + h)] ^ c)
#define ROL(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32 - (n))))
int32_t hash(const char *key) {
uint32_t h = 0x1F351F35; // Barker code * 2
char c;
for(int i = 0; c = key[i]; i++) {
h = ROL(h, 5);
h += NLF(h, c);
return h;

How to hash with ed25519-donna

I apologize for asking somewhat of a programming question, but I want to be sure I'm properly using this library cryptographically.
I have managed to implement ed25519-donna except for hashing the data for a signature.
As far as I can tell, this is the function that hashes data:
void ed25519_hash(uint8_t *hash, const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen);
but I can't figure out what *hash is. I'm fairly certain that *in and inlen are the data to be hashed and its length.
Is it something specific to SHA512?
How can one hash with ed25519-donna?
Program hangs
I've compiled with ed25519-donna-master/ed25519.o and the OpenSSL flags -lssl -lcrypto. The key generation, signing, and verification functions work as expected.
It's running without error, but the application hangs on these lines, and the cores are not running at 100%, so I don't think it's busy processing:
extern "C"
#include "ed25519-donna-master/ed25519.h"
#include "ed25519-donna-master/ed25519-hash.h"
#include <openssl/rand.h>
unsigned char* hash;
const unsigned char* in = convertStringToUnsignedCharStar( myString );
std::cout << in << std::endl;
std::cout << "this is the last portion output and 'in' outputs correctly" << std::endl;
ed25519_hash(hash, in, sizeof(in) );
std::cout << hash << std::endl;
std::cout << "this is never output" << std::endl;
How can this code be modified so that ed25519_hash can function? It works the same way regardless of whether hash and in are unsigned char* or uint8_t*s.
For uint8_t*, I used this code:
uint8_t* hash;
const uint8_t* in = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(myString.c_str());
“…but I can't figure out what *hash is.”
That uint8_t *hash is the buffer (unsigned char*) that will contain the resulting hash after you called the function.
So, you're looking at a function that expects 3 parameters (also known as arguments):
an uint8_t * buffer to hold the resulting hash,
the input data to be hashed,
the length of the input data to be hashed.
“Is it something specific to SHA512?”
Nope, it's regular C source. But I think you’re a bit confused by the documentation. It states…
If you are not compiling against OpenSSL, you will need a hash function.
To use a custom hash function, use -DED25519_CUSTOMHASH
when compiling ed25519.c and put your custom hash implementation
in ed25519-hash-custom.h. The hash must have a 512bit digest and
void ed25519_hash(uint8_t *hash, const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen);
So, unless you are not compiling against OpenSSL and implementing your own hash function, you won't be needing this function. Looking at your code, you are compiling against OpenSSL, which means you're playing with the wrong function.
“How can one hash with ed25519-donna?”
By using the provided functionality the library offers.
Your question makes me wonder if you scrolled down to the “Usage” part of the readme, because it completely answers your question and tells you what functions to use.
For your convenience, let me point you to the part of the documentation you need to follow and where you find the functions you need to hash, sign, verify etc. using ed25519-donna:
To use the code, link against ed25519.o -mbits and:
#include "ed25519.h"
Add -lssl -lcrypto when using OpenSSL (Some systems don't
need -lcrypto? It might be trial and error).
To generate a private key, simply generate 32 bytes from a secure cryptographic source:
ed25519_secret_key sk;
randombytes(sk, sizeof(ed25519_secret_key));
To generate a public key:
ed25519_public_key pk;
ed25519_publickey(sk, pk);
To sign a message:
ed25519_signature sig;
ed25519_sign(message, message_len, sk, pk, signature);
To verify a signature:
int valid = ed25519_sign_open(message, message_len, pk, signature) == 0;
To batch verify signatures:
const unsigned char *mp[num] = {message1, message2..}
size_t ml[num] = {message_len1, message_len2..}
const unsigned char *pkp[num] = {pk1, pk2..}
const unsigned char *sigp[num] = {signature1, signature2..}
int valid[num]
/* valid[i] will be set to 1 if the individual signature was valid, 0 otherwise */
int all_valid = ed25519_sign_open_batch(mp, ml, pkp, sigp, num, valid) == 0;
As you see, it's all in there… just follow the documentation.

Purpose of avalanching

I was researching different hash functions and came across SuperFastHash. This hashing function used a technique called "avalanching" which was defined like this:
/* Force "avalanching" of final 127 bits */
hash ^= hash << 3;
hash += hash >> 5;
hash ^= hash << 4;
hash += hash >> 17;
hash ^= hash << 25;
hash += hash >> 6;
What is the purpose of avalanching? Why are theese specific bit shift steps used (3, 5, 4..)?
Avalanching is just a term to define the "difussion" of small changes on input to the final result, for criptographic hashes where non-reversability is a really crucial having similar inputs provide really different results is a desirable feature to avoid an approximation attack crack a single hash.
See more info about this at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avalanche_effect
I can not see why it uses that steps but it is using AND and XOR with the own shifted result to increase the diffusion, probably other values will perform similar but that will need a deeper analysis

I'm using ELF Hash to write a specially tweaked version of hash map. Wanting to produce collisions

Can any one give an example of 2 strings, consisting of alphabetical characters only, that will produce the same hash value with ELFHash?
I need these to test my codes. But it doesn't seem like easy to produce. And to my surprise there there are a lot of example codes of various hash function on the internet but none of them provides examples of collided strings.
Below is the ELF Hash, in case you need it.
unsigned int ELFHash(const std::string& str)
unsigned int hash = 0;
unsigned int x = 0;
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
hash = (hash << 4) + str[i];
if((x = hash & 0xF0000000L) != 0)
hash ^= (x >> 24);
hash &= ~x;
return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
You can find collisions using a brute force method (e.g. compute all possible strings with length lower than 5).
Some example of collisions (that I got in that way):
hash = 23114:
hash = 4543841:
hash = 5301994: