Can I avoid using symbols/strings with Inversifyjs? - inversifyjs

I want to be able to simply specify what is needed without adding strings or symbols. This seems to work for declaring the binding:
But I get a run-time error if I don't use #inject and don't know what to put in it when it's being injected:
public constructor(
#inject() weapon: Weapon // compile-time error
) {

When you use an interface (I assume that Weapon is an interface) you need to ensure that the same ID is used when you declare the binding:
And then you declare the injection:
class SomeClass {
public constructor(
#inject(Shuriken) weapon: Weapon; // Use the right ID!
) {
However, using the class removes the benefits of dependency injection. If you want you to use classes you could actually do something more simple:
class SomeClass {
public constructor(
weapon: Shuriken; // Use the class as Type!
) {
The recommended solution is to use strings or symbols as IDs:
const TYPE = { Weapon: "Weapon" };
class SomeClass {
public constructor(
#inject(TYPE.Weapon) weapon: Weapon;
) {


MapStruct equivalent of hint(Dozer)?

In Dozer we are able to mention interfaces in hint during field mapping. How can we achieve the same in MapStruct ?
I could not put the exact code here. But, it is the similar as below.
We have here an Domain class example:
Class A<T extends B> extends C<T>
B is a abstract class.
C is a class which contains a List item which we have to map.
Similar is the structure of the classes and interfaces on DTO side.
So, the mapping is as below in Dozer:
In MapStruct how do we refer the interfaces as given in the hint in Dozer ?
We have:
public class ShopList<T extends Inp> extends Shop<T>\
{ ... };
Inp is a abstract class with no fields in it like:
public abstract class Inp() { };
Shop is a class like:
public class Shop<T extends ShopInp> implements Serializbale
{ private List<T> items = new ArrayList<T>();
//getters and setters for the items };
ShopInp is a public interface with no fields in it like:
public interface ShopInp {} .
We have similar structure of classes on DTO side and Domain side.
Could you please let me know how would the mapper look like for the above scenario ?
In general, If we try mapping the ShopList class, then, how do we ensure that the T extends ShopInp and T extends Inp are also being mapped as a part of ShopList?
So called hints can be used via BeanMapping#resultType. MapStruct can use that to create the instance of the object you are trying to map. However, it will only create mapping for the elements of the abstract class, as it has no other information during compilation time (Dozer uses reflection and can detect the fields of the type during runtime).
Imagine you have this structure
public interface Fruit {
String getName();
String setName(String name);
public Apple implements Fruit {
public Banana implements Fruit {
public abstract class FruitDto {
private String name;
//getters and setters
public AppleDto extends FruitDto {
public BananaDto extends FruitDto {
public class Basket {
private Collection<Fruit> fruits;
public class BasketDto {
private Collection<FruitDto> fruits;
Your mapper can then look like:
public interface BasketMapper {
BasketDto map(Basket basket);
#BeanMapping(resultType = BananaDto.class)
FruitDto map(Fruit fruit);
Using this mapper all fruits in the BasketDto would be of an instance BananaDto (due to the BeanMapping#resultType and mapping would only be created for the elements of the FruitDto

Dagger2: wildcard with Generics

I'm new to Dagger2 and DI in general, but I'm interested to populate a map with injected keys/values. The problem is that it works if I provide the exact types, I can't make it work with wildcards, any solution for that?
public class SimpleIssueModule
public SimpleIssue provideSimpleIssue()
return new SimpleIssue();
public class DaggerFactoryModule
public Factory provideFactory(Map<String, Provider< ? extends Issue>> map)
return new Factory(map);
If you want a map of Provider< ? extends Issue>> map, then you need to use Issue as the type returned in your module. Dagger will not do any casting or guessing on its own.
public Issue provideSimpleIssue() {
return new SimpleIssue();
what to do in case I need a Module that provides a base class (Issue) into a Map and also need a provider of the concrete class (SimpleIssue) and I would like it to be Singleton (same instance returns in both cases)
In this case you provide the #Singleton of SimpleIssue.
public SimpleIssue provideSimpleIssue() {
return new SimpleIssue();
// or you can use constructor injection, dropping the method above...
public class SimpleIssue {
public SimpleIssue(...) {
Then you bind this instance into a Map. There is no need for a scope, since the implementation should declare it (as done above).
public Issue provideSimpleIssue(SimpleIssue issue) {
return issue;
// or alternatively with `#Binds` when using an abstract class / interface
// this leads to actually better performing dagger code
public Issue provideSimpleIssue(SimpleIssue issue);

Prevent Proguard obfuscating child classes with annotation

I have some class with Gson annotations that I need to keep from obfuscation via ProGuard. This bit of code works
public abstract class FacebookIdentifier {
#Expose public String id;
#Expose public String name;
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {* <fields>;
Now I have some classes that extend such classes with no extra field. Example:
class FacebookApplication extends FacebookIdentifier {}
Such a class is obfuscated even though its parent has some annotations that prevent it from being obfuscated. Is there a way to have this class not being obfuscated ?
You would have to specify the extension explicitly:
-keep class com.example.FacebookApplication
However, for JSON, the class names probably don't matter; only the field names. Preserving the fields should be sufficient:
-keepclassmembers class * {* <fields>;
This is assuming that all serialized fields are annotated, which is not strictly required for GSON.

Tapestry IoC constructor and injection

I have the following class:
public class MyClass {
private MyAnotherClass myAnotherClass;
public MyClass() {
//Perform operations on myAnotherClass.
I need to do some things in constructor which require an instance of myAnotherClass. Unfortunately myAnotherClass is injected after code in constructor is ran, which means I am performing operations on null...
I could of course instantiate it the classic way (MyAnotherClass myAnotherClass = new MyAnotherClass()) directly in constructor, but I don't think it is the right thing to do in this situation.
What solutions would you suggest to solve this problem?
Best option:
public class MyClass {
private final MyAnotherClass myAnotherClass;
public MyClass(MyAnotherClass other) {
this.myAnotherClass = other;
// And so forth
T5-IoC will then use constructor injection so there's no need to 'new' up MyClass yourself. See Defining Tapestry IOC Services for more info.
public class MyClass {
private MyAnotherClass myAnotherClass;
public void setupUsingOther() {
// Called last, after fields are injected

GWT RPC serializing

I am trying to send over MyClass through RPC, but am getting :
Type MyClass was not assignable to '' and did not have a custom field serializer.For security purposes, this type will not be serialized.
I have looked at GWT - occasional and tried their solution, but it did not work.
The difference is that MyClass is located in another project.
The project structure is:
-contains MyClass
I have also tried passing an enum through the RPC from MyApiProject, which also failed.
public class MyClass
implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5258129039653904120L;
private String str;
private MyClass()
public MyClass(String str)
this.str = str;
public String getString()
return this.str;
in the RemoteService I have:
mypackage.MyClass getMyClass();
in the RemoteServiceAsync I have:
void getMyClass(AsyncCallback<mypackage.MyClass> callback);
I had to change implements Serializable to implements IsSerializable
This usually pops up when you are using another type inside of your class that is not serializable. Check the properties of your class and make sure they are all serializable, post the code of MyClass here and I can look at it as well.
I believe GWT requires an RPC serializable class to also have a public no-argument constructor.
Try removing
private MyClass()
or set it to
public MyClass()