Will the Ride Request Widget deprecation affect the REST API Uber exposes? - rest

I've recently seen this message:
This product is deprecated and will no longer be supported on May 31st, 2018. If you are starting a new project you should use deep links to m.uber.com. See the migration guide on how to link to the latest Uber rider experience.
Here's a screenshot of this message
Keeping in mind that this widget offers these functionalities(as does the REST API):
Selecting a service (e.g., uberX, UberBlack, etc.)
Specifying pickup and dropoff locations
Viewing time and price estimates
Requesting a ride
Will the Rest API be somehow affected by this change?
Will I be able to further make requests like these ones?
GET /v1.2/estimates/price
GET /v1.2/history
GET /v1.2/places/{place_id}

I'm not an Uber representative, and I really kind of feel that asking support from a vendor is the way to go for a vendor specific thing. However, when I read that message and screenshot they are clearly talking about a widget, not a REST api.


Access to Uber Driver API

I have just submitted an application for access to the Uber Driver API including details of my intended use of the service for the benefit of drivers.
Uber's response was "we will let you know if we think there is a fit".
Does anyone know if this is literally true? Or is there some period of
time after which I assume that my application has been rejected?
Better still, is there a way to find out a rejection status and appeal?
Uber as of now don't provide a way to track the progress of your application to access the Driver API, If your use case is really helpful for the driver and Uber also think that is, along with other parameters like number of current user base etc., they might consider.
You can always checkout the developer support page

Uber API to detect rides

Is it possible to use the Uber API to detect rides that originated from the Uber app?
I'm trying to get a machine learning system to learn when you are using uber.
No, whether a ride originated from the Uber app or from a separate integration is not a field/endpoint in the current Uber API.
Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but something that might be helpful is the /history endpoint. "The User Activity endpoint returns a limited amount of data about a user’s lifetime activity with Uber. The response will include pickup and dropoff times, the city the trips took place in, the distance of past requests, and information about which products were requested."
Documentation: https://developer.uber.com/docs/riders/references/api/v1.2/history-get

using history api of Uber

I am trying to build a process to consume history api of Uber to display details of the users trips on one of my webpage. Has anyone done this?
I see that api definition on the UBER site
However this does not provide how to provide the driver id? How can i get to the history of one particular driver?
All i need is trip details for every driver - assuming the driver id is available.
Any request sample will actually help.
Uber currently does not have API endpoints that provide information about driver activity. This is something we are considering, but at this time we do not have any public plans for a release.
Thanks for your interest in the Uber API. Follow #Uber_API and visit devblog.uber.com for updates and announcements.


Today I have been trying to implement the rest API into my application to look up transaction information from a transaction ID (GET /v1/payments/sale/)
I have implemented everything correctly on my end and set the mode to "live" and I can't seem to get details from a transaction.
Here is the full error code:
{"name":"REQUIRED_SCOPE_MISSING","message":"Access token does not have required scope","information_link":"https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#REQUIRED_SCOPE_MISSING"}
And here is documentation on what I am trying to do: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/#look-up-a-sale
Any help would be appreciated.
There are few things you could do to make sure your configurations are set right.
If the mode is set to live, are you using the live credentials instead of sandbox. You can select the sandbox app and copy the live credentials from there. See bottom part of this image.
Make sure Payments are enabled on live. PayPal has a dashboard page, where you could see all the services that you have enabled to work with Live environment. This prevents accidents on unknowingly using an API on live. You can check the status here
Is the sale that you are looking for created by the same clientId that you are using for making a GET call ? Only the app who creates the sale, can view the sale.
In the mean time, PayPal has created SDKs for many languages to support REST APIs. They are actively developed, and maintained, and could help you mitigate issues in handling tokens, credentials, etc, and allows you to quickly use APIs faster and in a way that could be upgraded easily. Also, few SDKs come packaged with Sample codes, and wiki documentations. Few are still under development, but you can feel free to contribute back to these open source SDKs.
When I had this issue, the problem was that I was making REST requests using the Identity API token. Basically, I was logging users into my website with Paypal then using that token for REST requests when another token from the REST API service should have been used. "
Here is the support ticket from Paypal SDK deveoper Randy who helped answer my question even though I do not use the SDK. Thanks Randy:

New Share, geo-localized statuses and API

Is there a way to get the meta-data of statuses created through the new status update form that is being roll-out to every one since last week (the one where you can attach a location and a place to your post) ?
Right now the only info that gets through the APIs is the status message... which often does not make sense without the shared location :(
There isn't currently a way to access this metadata (location info attached to a post added via the www.facebook.com interface) but where a user checks in from the mobile site or iphone app, this is treated the way it always was on the /checkins connection.
I'm not sure if there are plans to add this metadata to the API, but if it's added it'll either be announced on the roadmap at https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/ or on the blog at https://developers.facebook.com/blog/
I wonder, I wonder.
It could be that FB is rethinking their API strategy considering location data and privacy issues it might cause. Something that Google and others are facing currently. Otherwise it should be very easy addition to their existing API's.